Game of the World Tree

Chapter 631: Sealing System (5000 words)

The dark brown dirt road was trampled firmly by people. Looking ahead, the road twisted and twisted, splitting the endless forest in half.

The trees on both sides are lush and lush, but if you look closely, you will find that as the distance increases, the colors of the trees and bushes will gradually change to golden yellow and orange-red, as if the seasons are transitioning.

On the road, a rudimentary open-top carriage was driving fast, with seven fully-armed elves sitting on the carriage.

It was Xu Ge and Facing the Wind.

No, I can't be called Xu Ge anymore.

It should be called Ye Ye.

They have officially set off and left the city of heaven, and are now walking on the main road opened by players outside the city of heaven.

Ye Ye sat on the side of the carriage, listening to the melodious tune in the background music, looking at the receding forest scenery outside the car, and said excitedly:

"Big Brother Hurricane, I thought I was going to walk, but I didn't expect you to have a carriage?! It's so fast!"

"Hey, it's just hired. It's not that simple to raise a carriage in "Even Kingdom", especially this kind of dragon scale horse. This is a monster that drinks black dragon blood and mutates. It's very troublesome to feed. Only the Mengmeng Committee The station only has it!”

Sitting on the side of Ye Ye, facing the wind, explained.


Ye Ye was amazed, he glanced at the dragon scale horse with envy, and asked curiously:

"Big Brother Hurricane, don't you have any monsters?"

Facing the wind, hey hey smile:

"How is it possible that the old fritters from "Elf Kingdom" don't have monsters? Actually, we all have monster mounts, but it's inconvenient in the ruins, and if the monsters die in battle, they can't be resurrected. So for safety's sake, Instead of taking them with them, they stayed in Atlantis."


"It's the main city of the All-Stars."

The carriage was moving fast, and the two were constantly talking.

On the other side of the carriage, Zhao Linqian, whose game ID was "Nana", was also surrounded by two other female players in the team, chatting happily.

As for the other two male players, one was driving ahead, and the other closed his eyes and rested on the other side of Ye Ye.

Facing the hurricane, I glanced at the girl Dui'er across from the carriage, then leaned into Ye Ye's ear again, patted his back, and said enviously:

"Tsk tsk... Coconut, I didn't see it! Bringing your girlfriend into the game is enough!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Ye, who just took out the water bottle he was carrying, took a sip, his cheeks were slightly red, and he stammered and explained:

"No, it's not... I've said it several times, we just know each other in reality, what kind of girlfriend is..."

"It's the couple's name, isn't it?"

"Cough, it's just that we want to treat each other..."

"Hey, why do I feel like you're actually spreading dog food in a fancy way?"

"Big Brother Wind!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The elf warrior laughed while teasing the newcomer, and Ye Ye blushed.

The voices of the two provoked strange glances from the female players on the opposite side. Fortunately, their voices were relatively low when they were discussing, and the few people on the opposite side could not hear them clearly.

The carriage continued to drive, and the hunter player driving in front suddenly said:

"Attention, it's going out of bounds."

Out of bounds?

Ye Ye was slightly taken aback.

He looked forward and saw a standing stone pillar about a hundred meters ahead. The stone pillar was carved with exquisite patterns, which were very similar to the decorative patterns on the Temple of Life he had seen.

With the stone pillars as the boundary, the forest in the distance is in sharp contrast with the forest nearby. Many of the trees in the forest have lost most of their leaves, a bleak scene.

"Coconut, here, put this on."

Just as Ye Ye looked strangely at the forest ahead, the shooter player on the side handed over a thick coat.

The coat appears to be made of some kind of animal fur, which keeps it warm.

At the same time, Nana, who was sitting on the other side of the carriage, also obtained a similar piece of clothing.

"wear clothes?"

Ye Ye was taken aback.

"Hey, if you're not afraid of the cold, you don't have to wear it. Anyway, we are full-level black iron and have high cold resistance, so we're not too afraid."

The other half of the elf warrior laughed.

Afraid of the cold?

Feeling the acceptable temperature around, yeah, it's a little weird.

And at this moment, the whole carriage trembled slightly...

For a moment, Ye Ye felt as if he had passed through an invisible film, and the cold air poured in from all around him, making him shiver from head to toe.


He sneezed with Nana, who was sitting across from him.

The two took a nosedive and glanced at each other, then quickly took the coat and put it on, causing a burst of laughter from the other players.

"what's the situation?"

Putting on the coat, Ye Ye felt a lot warmer, he frowned and looked around.

And when his eyes turned to the road behind him, his eyes widened instantly.

When I saw the place I passed by, the scenery changed completely.

The original lush forest disappeared, replaced by a withered and desolate forest.

And in a farther place, the World Tree, which can be seen instinctively, goes straight into the sky and has a majestic and luxuriant shore has also changed greatly. Although it is also extremely tall, it has actually shrunk a lot, and there are no leaves. Shrinking and decaying giant dead wood...

"This... what's going on?!"

The two cute newcomers were dumbfounded.

"Don't get excited, it's just that we are out of the barrier."

"In the setting of "Even Kingdom", the recovery of the goddess Eve is hidden and cannot be known by other forces, especially the true gods, so the goddess has transferred the body and the city of heaven to a different space."

"We are accustomed to calling this different space the resurrection point enchantment, um... This is because every time we are resurrected after death, we all appear in it."

"Only our players and elf believers can enter the barrier, while other NPCs, even monsters, cannot enter or leave at will."

"Because the body of the goddess is there, the temperature difference in the enchantment is not big throughout the year, but it is different when you leave the enchantment. Now that the Saigos continent has just entered winter, it is still quite cold."

"By the way, the withered World Tree you see now is actually a fake, it's just a disguise."

The female mage player on the carriage explained.

"So it is!"

Ye Ye was stunned.

He looked at the forest behind him, which was clearly a winter scene, and was amazed:


At this time, facing the wind, it seems to have remembered something, and said to the two new players:

"By the way, Coconut, and Nana, I'll share with you the map of the core area of ​​the Elf Forest and the surrounding ruins, please accept it."

Yaye:  …

"Hey, why do you call her Nana, call me Coconut!"

He groaned.

"Don't tell me you want me to call someone 氰子?"

In the face of the wind, he also complained.

Yaye:  …

Nana:  …


The girl rolled her eyes.

Then, she glanced at the small map in the upper right corner of her field of vision and asked suspiciously:

"As for the map, we seem to have it?"

The elf warrior smiled:

"That is the map that comes with the system. It only records various official coordinates, but our players actually have more detailed maps. Hey, this is also an additional novice gift we gave you. We recorded this version. The map, which is common to all-stars, is very detailed."

"The core area is actually inside the enchantment. However, I can only share so much with you. The self-made system map is very expensive in "Elf Kingdom", especially in the farther places, the farther, the more complete, the more expensive !"

Facing the hurricane, while talking, I sent a sharing request to the two.

Looking at the prompt box that appeared in the field of vision, Ye Ye and Nana looked at each other and chose to accept it.

After they chose to agree, the small map in the upper right corner suddenly flashed for a while, and various signs and logos of different shapes appeared on it.

Of course, it is limited to the core area of ​​the Elf Forest and the surrounding of the ruins.

"What's all this extra?"

Ye Ye asked curiously.

"There are more, there are teahouses, hotels, post stations, some villages opened by NPCs and players or players alone, and even some small strongholds built by guilds themselves."

Facing the wind, he said.

After speaking, he took out the jug and took a sip of ale to moisten his throat, and continued to teach the two of them:

"These are all small places, and many of them were created by the players themselves. Now there are more and more players, but the map of the Elf Forest is very large, so... in addition to the seven major cities, there are also many People started to establish strongholds in other areas."

"Especially some small guilds. They don't have the strength of big guilds and can't get the qualification to build a city. They simply find a place in the forest of elves to build a simple settlement."

"In addition, on both sides of the road in the forest, there are also some guilds or players building some independent service buildings, such as inns, inns, taverns, etc. This is because the players in the wild have needs, Also, the price of land in the city is too expensive.”

"Of course, none of the above are officially recorded buildings, so they are not displayed on the system map. Only those villages built by NPCs that enshrine the goddess statues are marked on the map and are officially protected."

"Fortunately, the system of "Elf Kingdom" allows us to change our map settings, and it can also be shared, so players simply add these unrecorded locations on the basis of the system map, And it has been continuously improved and updated, so there are now more and more rich and detailed private maps."

"It's almost an industry in games."

In the face of the gust of wind, it is very happy to speak saliva.

The two cute newcomers listened very seriously and looked surprised.

"That's great! Isn't this game too much freedom?!"

Nina exclaimed.

"you do not say!"

The elf warrior smiled heartily.

He hiccupped, and continued smugly in the two cute and shiny curious eyes:

"However, the areas built by these players themselves also have a lot of risks..."

"That is, remote places have the probability of being attacked by monsters, and because they are not officially protected, they do not have enough self-defense in most cases, so things like robbery and robbery often occur, such as never in the main city. The theft that occurs is often found in these small strongholds.”

"There was a more serious incident a few days ago. A loose person with full silver level took advantage of the absence of the main force of a small guild that had built a stronghold in the wild, and secretly took over the entire family's nest..."

"Because I didn't kill anyone, I didn't get a red name, but the little guild's family all went well."

Facing the wind, I said with a little emotion, and stretched out a finger:

"It is said that... the lost things are converted into contribution degrees and are worth more than one million!"

"More than one million? This is too miserable, isn't it? No one cares?"

Nina widened her eyes.

Facing the wind, let's smile:

"Hey, this is a game! You can think that this is the Jianghu in the martial arts! In the Jianghu, strength is the most respected, if you want to go out independently when you don't have enough strength, you have to be prepared for losses."

"Look, several big guilds also have strongholds in the wild, but would anyone dare to attack? No! Even the hotels and taverns they opened on the side of the road, no one dared to move! Otherwise... just wait for the chase! "

"Interesting, really interesting."

Listening to the narration of the elf warrior, Ye Ye felt wonderful.

In the face of the wind bar, he took out the jug and poured wine into his mouth again.

It's just that after two drops, it's gone.

He frowned, put away the jug, and then passed the opponent's jug from the waist of the driving hunter player, took a sip, and secretly put it back, getting a blank eye from the other party.

The elf warrior laughed dryly, pretending he didn't see it, then cleared his throat and continued to say to the two cute newcomers:

"So...the best way is to get official recognition!"

"Either just move to the main city honestly, or find a way to get a goddess statue recognized by the church! As long as there is a goddess statue, it is equivalent to setting up a temple, which means that it is officially protected, and the coordinates will also appear. on the system map."

"Of course, it is too difficult to obtain a goddess statue recognized by the church. Except for some senior priest players who have established meritorious deeds, it is almost impossible for anyone to pass the application. So... high-end priest players are quite popular in the game. , especially after the church reformed a while ago!"

"Of course, there is a tricky way, that is to be loyal to the Great Guild! Doesn't the Great Guild have a main city! As long as you pay allegiance to the nearest Great Guild and regularly hand in a portion of the income, you will be able to obtain the Great Guild's protection."

"This is the mainstream practice now. Although it can't completely eliminate the risk, it can be reduced to a very low level, because the big guilds will have their own guards, such as the Knights Templar and the Silver Hand of the Azeroth Guild Alliance. The Knights, the Goddess of Glory Knights of Long Live the Goddess, the Iris Knights of the Heart of Nature, the Vanguard Guard of the Calamity Knights, etc..."

"Speaking of which, the relationship between the various small guild strongholds in the wild and the big guild is a bit like the feudal system on the Blue Star. Some independent individual buildings are loyal to the nearby small guild strongholds, and the small guild is attached to the nearby big guild. It's exactly the same, and I just need to give some titles, haha!"

In the face of the wind, he is a very talkative person, and he speaks quite happily.

Ye Ye and Nana are also eagerly absorbing all kinds of common sense and knowledge of "Even Kingdom".

"Wonderful, really wonderful, this is really a free world!"

Nina said excitedly.

"Yeah! A wonderful world of swords and magic!"

The elf warrior nodded in agreement.

Ye Ye is also looking longing.

Many things the other party said were actually rarely mentioned in various videos.

The degree of freedom in "Elf Kingdom" is too high, and the things are too rich. There are many details. If you don't enter the game, you don't know it at all.

He listened to the description of Facing the Gale, and checked it carefully against the updated minimap. Soon, he was attracted by a special sign.

It was a mark of a hoe and mound, painted a striking gold.

"What's that golden hoe mark? Why isn't there a note?"

Ye Ye asked curiously.

"That, that is our destination, the location of the Titan Ruins, my map hasn't been updated in the past few days, and I haven't had time to add notes."

The elf warrior replied.

Ye Ye nodded and looked at the sign of the ruins again.

However, when he saw the coordinates of the ruins, he was taken aback:

"More than 400 kilometers?!"

Seeing the boy's confused expression, he quickly explained in the face of the wind:

"Don't get excited... Don't get excited... Although that is the real location of the ruins, after the ruins were opened, several teleportation formations appeared in the Elf Forest leading directly there, and one of them was located near the City of Heavenly Chosen."

"Look, it's that little hoe, down there."

"That should have been established by the Titans. It is very secretive. If it wasn't for the goddess' oracle, it would be hard to find out."

"Our goal is also there. The distance is actually getting farther and farther. If the carriage is about to arrive in about an hour, we can chat during this time, or connect to the system network to watch videos or something."

Yaye:  …

One hour……

That's not too close!

Although there is an acceleration of thinking, if converted to reality, it can be regarded as a quarter of an hour's journey!

Even through various game videos, Ye Ye has deeply realized the truth of "Elf Kingdom" in time and on the road, but at this moment, he can't help but sigh:

This game... is too hardcore!


The carriage continued to drive.

And the two cute newcomers also chatted with the big guys.

Before you know it, an hour has passed.

Accompanied by the neighing of a dragon-scaled horse, the somewhat low voice of the hunter player came from the front of the carriage:

"We have arrived."

Hearing his words, the two cute new players quickly raised their heads and looked forward curiously.

I saw that the carriage came to a remote woodland. On the ground in front, there was a magic circle that shimmered with light. There were many players around the magic circle. From time to time, I saw people entering it and disappeared under a ray of light.

And near the circle, there is a wooden post that seems to have been built not long ago.

"That is the post station of the Mengmeng Committee. They can be built at the teleportation point so quickly. They are the only ones in the whole server."

Facing the wind, he said.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the dozens of unicorns and high-headed horses tied up in the stables, and said with a low smile:

"Hey, it seems that the Knights Templars of Azeroth have the same goal as us, just don't know if they will meet them in the ruins, tsk tsk... Stopped so many mounts directly, it's really rich, the Mengmeng Committee The post station charges are not low, and renting a carriage makes my flesh hurt."


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