Game of the World Tree

Chapter 766 Faith and Fetters

The black dragon roared and the artillery fire roared.

Ye Ye followed in the footsteps of his teammates, and under the hoarse command of the battlefield commander Li Mu, he broke out the warrior's cross slashing skills, and chopped down another demon that rushed up.

Then, he breathed a sigh of relief, quickly backed away, and the second wave of players who had prepared skills stepped forward and threw out the skills again.

In this way, players are intertwined with each other and cooperate with each other.

Wave after wave, they formed a solid wall of flesh and blood on the open plain to resist the invasion of demons.

On the real city wall behind them, with the roar of the magic crystal cannon and the projectile of the trebuchet, the arrows of the remote players were like rain, and the magic of the mage players was like a rainbow.

Covered by artillery fire, magic and arrows, the demons fell like wheat, but more demons rushed forward like an endless tide, stepping on the former's corpses and equipment to fight with the players.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and heavier, and the figure of the black dragon Merrell keeps flashing in the clouds, fighting against the demon monarch.

On the ground, the battle between the player-dominated coalition and the demon army also reached the highest level.

It has been half a month since the second major battle.

The 100,000-strong cavalry unit was exhausted on the fifth day after the battle.

Even the teams that came to support from various forces suffered great casualties.

In addition to the elf troops specially protected by the players and the Heroic Spirit Legion who are not afraid of death, the reinforcements of the Dark Alliance, the soldiers of the dwarf kingdom, the mercenaries and knights of the Maple Moon Freelancer have already suffered more than half of the battle damage...

The air force, centered on dragons and zeppelins, also suffered heavy losses in the confrontation with the winged demons. Nearly one-third of the dragons remained on the battlefield forever, and more than 80% of the players lost their flight forever. Warcraft partner.

However, this cruel price did not obliterate the players' will to fight.

On the contrary, it inspired the blood in their souls.

Difficult task?

Do not.

They... just want to finish!

Even if they don't sleep, no matter how much they pay, they will fight until the moment of victory!

No one goes to the forum to complain about Sima's dog plan anymore.

Even after the disastrous defeat in the first battle, the posts on the official website forums that were planning to scold the dog-blood sprayers gradually became deserted.

Instead, there are a lot of cheering posts, as well as recording posts where players share their fighting mood.

All posts have a similar will.

That is to encourage each other and fight...

At this moment, the players are on the verge of this war mission.

They don't believe that the human flesh city wall composed of millions of people can't stop these monsters from the abyss.

They don't believe in the five-year preparation in the game, and they can't let them unite and defeat the invading demons!

Half a month's time, converted into a blue star, also has three days.

Even if the commander-in-chief Li Mu specifically chose the date for the National Day holiday, for most players, it is time to take a break after fighting for many days.

However, there are nearly a million players in the entire server, and more than 80% are still insisting.

Many guild executives are already persuading the most ruthless players to rest and pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

However, almost no one left.

Players unanimously chose to stay on the battlefield. They were really tired and could not stand it. They quietly retreated to the back of the team and took a nap in the game. After the nap, they would immediately rejoin the battle!

Fight, fight, and die.

And after the resurrection, they did not hesitate to join the team of close-quarters combat again to fight with the demons...

The unswerving efforts and unshakable faith made the reinforcements of the various forces who came to support them move.

After this battle, I don't know how many stories of the Elf Chosen will be circulated in the world of Seggs, and how many songs about this tragic battle will be sung in the mouths of bards...

The earth had already been dyed dark red with blood, and the destroyed armor of the demons was all over the battlefield.

But this time, there are very few people who specifically pick up these abyss equipment.

Rewards don't matter anymore.

Equipment doesn't matter anymore.

Even your level doesn't matter.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's heart, and that is to block these demons in front of them!

The common goal and high fighting spirit make the cohesion of the players stronger and stronger...

The continuous fighting and fighting day after day have made the players more united...

They are like a sharp sword that has been beaten by flames. Under the baptism of war, they become sharper and stronger, and after a thousand trials and tribulations... they finally transformed.

And the friendship and fetters between them also deepened and sublimated as the battle continued.

The former enemies smiled and succumbed to their grudges and fought side by side on the battlefield.

The former opponents crossed their shoulders, worked hard for each other, and went forward one after the other.

This unprecedented battle has smoothed out the conflicts between different guilds and wiped out the grievances between different players.

At this moment, they are comrades-in-arms with the same goal, they are all warriors to protect their homeland!

The majestic battle song echoed in the ears, and the players' chests were dyed with fire.

If many people wanted to be heroes before the war started, then at this moment, they have already done it.

Unite as a city, keep moving forward...

In the eyes of the people of Maple Moon, and in the hearts of the elves who supported them in the rear, each of them is a fearless hero!

And this hero has a resounding name——

Elf...the Chosen One!

The giant sword in Ye Ye's hand has been dyed dark brown by the blood of demons and monsters, and the armor on his body has long been cracked.

The coagulation of blood on his face made him look a little grim.

He roared, swung his great sword, fought, fought...

The commander-in-chief Li Mu's voice was already hoarse, and the passionate background music changed one after another. Even the brightly colored guild flag was tattered and mutilated under the baptism of the war.

However, they still fluttered tenaciously, dancing in the wind.

Finally, accompanied by a loud dragon roar, the demon monarch in the dark cloud heard a painful groan.

The dark clouds shrouded the battlefield rolled, the terrifying figure slowly receded, and a low horn sound came from behind the boundless demon army...

Immediately afterwards, the tide-like demon army stagnated for a while, and then in a messy commotion, there were armors and corpses on the ground, and they slowly retreated.

Abyss, retreat.

The golden sunlight penetrated the dark clouds and poured over the battlefield.

The players panted heavily, looked at the gradually receding demons, looked at each other, and saw the excitement and joy in the eyes of their comrades...

The next moment, cheers sounded on the battlefield, one after another.

Players dropped their weapons, hugged each other, or just slumped to the ground...

However, no one continued to pursue the retreating demon.

Everyone, are tired.

The cheers gradually subsided, and the players' mood gradually returned to calm.

They barely got up from the ground, silently cleaning the battlefield and picking up equipment.

It's just that, compared to the previous sweeps like locusts and huskies after the war, the players at this moment seem to be more stable and quieter.

On the one hand, it is because the high-intensity battle has made them physically and mentally exhausted, and they have no interest in tossing; on the other hand, it is also the tragic war that makes it difficult for them to cheer completely...

After half a month of battle, it is not just players and players who have forged friendships.

Many people also met and interacted with dwarves, elves, humans and even dragons who fought together in battles.

After the players died, it was just another start.

But these reinforcements from all directions, these NPCs who have long been regarded as friends and comrades by the players, have fallen into eternal sleep...

Ye Ye also sat down on the ground.

He took the water bag handed by Nana, raised his head and drank it, greedily adding water.

The golden sunlight piercing the clouds filled the battlefield, casting a dreamy glow on the blood-stained world.

The battle song of the background music has become soothing and majestic, and even the long cry of the dragons in the sky has become distant and vicissitudes.

That is they are mourning their fallen companions with their voices...

The once immature teenager has grown into an experienced warrior, Ye Ye squinted his eyes and looked intoxicatedly at the intoxicating sunset in the sky.

Above the sky, the rays of light are like a dream.

The earth polluted by the power of the abyss looks a little more vast and thick.

Elvish priests walked the battlefield and prayed before the fallen soldiers.

That murmured prayer, ethereal, sad, and gone with the wind.

I am used to the roar of fighting and the roar of cannons. The quiet battlefield at this moment brings a different kind of silence, and the faint sounds of dragons and prayers bring some indescribable vicissitudes. with ethereal.

It was an epic feeling that cannot be described in words.

At this moment, the exhausted players looked at this vast world and gradually became insane.

However, this relaxing time did not last long.

The players rested for a while, then stood up from the ground again and began to check the operation of the magic crystal cannon and various long-range weapons, or repair the city wall and rebuild the obstacles to resist the advance of the devil.

They know that the demon army has not been truly defeated, but only temporarily retreated.

They know that this battlefield is not over yet, and the bloody battle will continue.

But, with the first victory, there is the second, the third...

Everyone believes that as long as everyone unites as one and perseveres, the war will surely be won.


The maple moon is in the south of the Free Territory, and in the north of the fallen Saier Town.

Black clouds covered the sky, and ferocious winged demons flew all over the sky.

Roaring, roaring, one after another.

Above the ground, the demon tents dotted all over form an endless camp, surrounded by abyss nests of black sarcomas and hideous blood vessels.

This is the frontline camp of the demon army.

Demons like ant colonies are active in the camp, bringing in felled trees and constantly building siege equipment.

In the very center of the camp, next to several mother nests that produce abyss worms, stands a towering castle.

It used to be a baron's castle in Maple Moon Free Territory. After being captured by demons, it became the residence of the demon monarch of the Abyss Legion.

At this moment, in the castle.

The demon monarch Astaros, who was defeated in the hands of the black dragon Merel, was kneeling on the ground, shivering.

Behind him, there are four terrifying beings kneeling and worshipping, all of which are actually abyss myths.

In front of them, a deep door of light floated in mid-air, the door was filled with gray-black mist, and the mist condensed into a giant, hideous face.

The giant face looked at the abyss myths such as Astaros coldly, and the voice was majestic and heavy, and no emotion could be heard:

"So, Astaros... What you want to tell me is that you have been given millions of demon legions and fought for half a month, but haven't they broken through the elves' defenses?"

Astaros' expression changed slightly, his expression fearful.

He lowered his head and explained fearfully:

"Your Majesty Heller... I didn't expect the believers of the Goddess of Life to be so difficult..."

"I thought that the goddess of life was not there. We just need to hold back the black dragon king and a few mythical dragons. With the help of the demon army, we can sweep everything, but...however..."

Astaros stammered and trembled.

And the giant face condensed by the black mist sneered:

"However, didn't you expect that you haven't broken through for half a month?"

Astaros lowered his head even lower.

Glancing coldly at the Abyss Mythology present, the giant face shook his head slightly:

"Forget it, I never counted on you bastards..."

After speaking, He dispersed his incarnation, leaving only a distant and deep reverberation resounding in the castle:

"Leviathan is ready, and will open the second invading plane channel..."

"By then, if you still can't break through the elves' defenses, wait for my wrath!"

The door of light disappeared, the castle returned to silence, and the terrifying pressure gradually dissipated.

The abyss myths shivered coldly.

They looked at each other, and they were a little scared when they saw each other's eyes.

Astaros breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes flickered, and his voice was inexplicable:

"The second plane channel..."


In the west of the Elf Forest, the seaside city of Milovia.

Since the beginning of the war, the Chosen One and the Frost Elves have fought bravely, and the city has been deserted a lot.

However, as the largest gathering place for the Frost Elves, even if it is deserted, it is relative, at least much stronger than the City of Heaven's Choice, which is empty of thousands of people.

On the pier of Milovia, it is still bustling and lively, with large and small ships moored.

Most of them were after the war started, and the Invermur River was completely blocked, thus changing the route, and the merchant ships that sailed from the southern kingdom of Ayres to trade with the Elf Forest.

Gando stood on the dock, helping the frost elf warriors to maintain order.

As a gold professional, he wanted to join the war again after the outbreak of the war, but was rejected by the church again.

At any rate, he finally obtained consent to become the maintainer of order in the port.

Obviously, he just wanted to contribute his own strength after the war broke out...

News from the front line kept coming, and the battle seemed to intensify.

However, the beautiful seaside city remains peaceful and tranquil.

Gando knew that this was all the hard work of the Chosen Ones.

It was only yesterday that he got the news that the Chosen Ones had freely led a victory in Maple Moon.

After the news spread, Milovia last night revelled until midnight, and Gando drank several glasses of wine excitedly.

"Everyone is working hard... I can't fall behind..."

He sighed slightly.

After thinking about it, Gando decided to apply to the church to fight again after inspecting the cargo ship. If it really doesn't work, just kill it first and then play it, and go directly to Maple Moon to find the Chosen Legion.

However, just as he was thinking about going to battle, there was a sudden exclamation behind him:

"Look! What is that?"

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