Under the guidance of sixteen Astapor cavalry at the front and rear, the carriage that Ian and Daenerys rode entered the Pride Square. Even from the most critical point of view, the good Lords of Astapor seemed This time, Ian and the others were given enough pomp and circumstance.

Yesterday, after the ship entered the port, Ian ordered and agreed to the request of the sailors who had been holding back the ship for more than two months (actually not much) to disembark, allowing them to freely spread the word about the arrival of the Dragon Queen of the Sunset Land. News of Astapor's purchase of the Unsullied.

The news spread and fermented all night. Early this morning, the great benevolent Lord Krazny Mo Nacroz sent an envoy to find Ian, and verified the news that Ian and the others were indeed coming for the Unsullied. After that, an invitation was sent to them to go to Pride Plaza to see the goods.

Unlike the arrogance shown by these slave traders when Daenerys came to Astapor from Qarth in the original work, Ian showed his financial resources to the envoys from the beginning, and thus received a big reward. Treat customers the way they should.

Looking out from the carriage, Ian looked at the cavalry as escorts.

The cavalry are stout, with mostly amber skin. They wear yellow silk capes on their shoulders, with many shining copper plates sewn on the capes. They didn't wear any armor, and they were all wearing fancy embroidered linen shirts. They also don't wear helmets, as they wear their hair in strange shapes with horns, wings, blades and grasping hands.

Ian doesn't want to comment on the customs of the Gith people, but as a cavalryman, if he uses waste to describe these things, Ian will be worried that it will taint the word waste.

Soon, Ian and his carriage arrived at the center of Pride Square.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the great philanthropist Krazny Mo Nacroz, who had already stepped down from the high platform in advance, greeted Ian and the others.

The slave trader smelled as if he had just taken a bath in black strawberry water, and his red and black forked beard glistened with oil. Through the thin sea-blue silk, Ian saw a pair of breasts that would make Daenerys feel ashamed, even though the other person was a man.

Krazny wore a toka robe with gold tassels, which was buckled on one shoulder. He held the robe in place with his left hand as he walked, and held a short leather whip in his right hand.

Under Krazny's order, two slaves walked out from behind him and lay down in front of the carriage, one high and one low, to serve as steps for the distinguished guests in the car.

However, the moment the carriage curtain opened, the first thing that appeared was not Queen Daenerys or her prime minister, but a black silhouette that flashed past.

The black shadow jumped out, first passing over the cavalry team beside the carriage, causing the horses under their crotches to be frightened, and the entire team became a mess. Then he flew past Krazny, and the wind brought by the dragon wings instantly messed up the slave owner's funny forked beard.

Finally, when the black shadow stopped at the top of Ian's carriage, Krazny and the others saw clearly that it was the legendary dragon that had been extinct for more than a hundred years, which caused them to exclaim.

Two-month-old Ion's wingspan has reached one meter at the moment. Although he looks smaller than the average raptor, he still looks like he has an innate majesty.

The next moment, Ian stepped out of the carriage, unceremoniously stepped on the slave sent by Krazny to the ground, and then drove away the two slaves. Afterwards, Daenerys stepped out of the carriage, and Ian directly reached out and hugged her down.

"Before you is Daenerys I Targaryen Stormborn, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the Last of Valyria Dragon King." Luo Er acted as a roll call official.

The last Dragon King of Valyria is the new title that Ian found for Daenerys, replacing the original 'Mother of Dragons'.

"Her Queen's Hand," Roll continued, "Lord Ian Darry, Apostle of the Red God, Dragoncaller."

"This is Lord Krazny Mo Nacroz. He will provide His Majesty with an army of Unsullied to restore the country." The little translator next to Krazny first told Krazny what Rohr had said. He translated it once and then introduced it.

The girl spoke the common language well. She was less than ten years old, with a flat round face, dark skin and golden eyes unique to the Nath people. She speaks to Ian rather than Daenerys, and as a translator, her ability to read people's emotions is adequate.

Ian recognized that this little black girl was Missandei. In the TV series, she also arranged a relationship scene with the Unsullied commander Gray Worm, but that was an arrangement in the TV series after the characters' ages were deliberately raised. Otherwise it would be too much punishment.

"Tell these barbarians of Westeros to come with us to the high platform," Krazny said to Missandei, his High Valyrian speech distorted by Gist's characteristic thick guttural voice, mixed with Slave trader slang.

"The great Krazny invites all distinguished guests to come to the high platform to inspect our Unsullied Ones." The little translator immediately sent out the invitation.

Then Ian and Daenerys followed Krazny towards the high platform.

Passing through the red brick fountain in the center of the square, a pungent smell of sulfur entered Ian's nostrils, and it was very difficult for him to resist a sneeze that would affect his image. At the same time, Ian secretly vowed that he would tear down this unfortunate fountain when he came back.

"Tell them to look at these soldiers, I bet even these barbarians can see how good this batch of mine is."

"Lord Krazny asked, aren't they outstanding?" the little translator said quickly.

Ian looked at the Pride Square below, where a thousand slave warriors were standing. They were arranged in ten rows in front of the fountain and the majestic bronze harpy statue, with a hundred people in each row. Emotionless eyes stared straight ahead.

"They're like a ton of bricks," Daenerys whispered next to Ian. "What kind of army could be trained like that?"

"The little queen praised the Unsullied to his vassals." The little translator immediately whispered to the slave owner.

"This Westerosi sow isn't blind yet."

"This doesn't mean anything. Your Majesty, give me a thousand male prostitutes and I can make them stand neatly." Ian then said to Daenerys.

"But that Andal knight refuted the queen's opinion, he said" the little translator hesitated.

"what did he say?"

"He said that if you give him a thousand male prostitutes, he can make them stand neatly." The little translator finally translated Ian's words truthfully.

Krazny almost lost his breath and turned his nose when he heard this. After selling Unsullied for so many years, this was the first time he heard someone compare male prostitutes with Unsullied.

"Tell that ignorant barbarian! Tell him how outstanding the Unsullied are!" Krazny couldn't even pretend to be superficial. "The whole world knows how accomplished the Unsullied are in spears, shields and daggers. best of all!"

After hearing this, the little translator began to introduce it faithfully.

Ian didn't listen carefully. He already knew what the Unsullied were through the original work, but he didn't interrupt the little translator because Daenerys was listening with great interest.

"The Unsullied are trained according to the methods of the Gujith Empire Legion. They are castrated when they are very young. The entire training lasts for ten years. During this period, they will master the use of three types of spears." The little translator continued to tell.

Ian suddenly asked: "Which three?"

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