Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 223 Throne Hall Conference

The throne room is a sea of ​​armor, swords and bright cloaks.

More than half of the great nobles in the King's Territory, Stormland and Southern Territory gathered at the back of the hall and stood under the high windows.

Robert Baratheon sat high above everyone, in the Iron Throne covered with swords and thorns. He wore the long-lost antler helmet and a suit of armor specially customized for a man of his stature. Silver plate armor.

He laughed loudly at the courtiers around him, just as high-spirited as when he killed Rhaegar on the banks of the Trident.

Varys next to him was wearing a lavender brocade robe, answering his various questions in a low voice, while the Archbishop on the other side of him couldn't get into the conversation, just shook his head, and the crystal crown on his head emitted seven rainbows. Light.

The first to enter was Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone, the second brother of King Robert. He was born with broad shoulders, strong limbs, a tight face, and his skin was as hard as iron after being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time.

This is a proven commander who has proven his military prowess many times in the Usurper's War and the pacification of Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. He is also the commander of the royal army that Robert will appoint today. Although Robert was not happy in every way.

Just half a month ago, Robert received a letter from the North. Eddard Stark informed him of the bad news. The wildlings north of the Great Wall were united under the leadership of a guy who called himself the King Beyond the Wall. got up.

They received assistance from unknown sources and formed a well-equipped forward force. These people passed through the unknown secret passages under the Great Wall and went around to the rear of the Night Watch.

When Eddard Stark received the news, the three castles on the Wall, the Shadow Tower, Black Castle and Eastwatch, had all fallen. Finally, the Umber family of Hearth City sent crows to Winterfell to ask for help, claiming that there were as many as ten wildlings. Wan, are marching from north to south.

This forced Eddard Stark, who had already brought the army to Cailin Bay, to consider bringing troops back to reinforce him, and wrote a letter asking Robert for forgiveness.

Robert could not refuse Ed Stark on the issue of defending the North, so he could only agree to his request. The problem that followed was that Robert had to re-choose the commander-in-chief of the royal army.

His foster father Jon Arryn has been poisoned by the Lannister couple, and the valley has not yet responded to the royal family's call.

His close friend Eddard Stark was held back by the wildlings and unable to go south, so he sent only a few nobles and their people to serve the king.

Hoster Tully, Duke of Riverrun, an old ally who had revolted with him that year, was aggravated because the army in the Riverlands was raided by the main force of the Westerland led by Jaime Lannister a month ago and was almost destroyed. He was already bedridden. .

At this moment, Robert didn't have many choices to make when it came to commanding the army. There were only three people with this ability and reputation at the same time.

The second brother, Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone, and Randyll Tarly, Lord of Hornhill, the first general in the South, came to King's Landing alone when Dorne did not send troops to serve the king, hoping to help his sister Elia. Prince Oberyn Martell of Martell's Revenge.

Beyond that, not even the living legend Barristan the Fearless of the Kingsguard is enough to hold up the task.

Even if Robert no longer liked his younger brother, he had no reason to go beyond him and instead choose his commander from the latter two.

"Your Majesty, the king's army has been assembled." Stannis knelt down in front of the Iron Throne and saluted. His expression was always so serious that it made people wonder if he had forgotten how to smile.

"Brother, the Stormlands fight for you." Robert's third brother, Renly Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End, stood beside Stannis at the same level as him, not lagging behind according to his age. Stannis steps. Behind Er Lu, there were well-known knights from the King's Territory and the Storm Land.

Renly did not address the king as his majesty like his second brother, but directly addressed him as a brother, with a smile on his face. It can be seen from Robert's expression that he likes Renly far more than Stannis.

But after all, war cannot be decided based on preference alone. Renly cannot be the commander-in-chief, no matter how likable he is.

"Stannis Baratheon," Robert also called his second brother by his first name, "I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the royal army. You will lead my army to the west to suppress the rebellion."

"I swear to break through Casterly Rock and bring the Lannister family's treason to King's Landing to face legal trial!" Stannis swore immediately.

Then the throne room erupted in applause, and the nobles chanted Stannis's name. No one liked him, but that was procedure.

Then the roll call official announced the entrance of Mace Tyrell, Duke of Highgarden. It is said that he was tall and tall back then, but now he is a little fatter, but he is still handsome. His two sons, Ser Loras the Knight of Flowers, and his brother Garlan the Valiant followed closely behind, all three of them wearing green velvet robes trimmed with sable fur.

Garland and Loras are the second and third sons of the Duke of Mace respectively. Their eldest brother, Willas Tyrell, is staying in Highgarden because his knees are disabled. The culprit who caused Willas's disability is standing at this moment. Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne was in the hall, so much so that the two brothers cast an unfriendly look at him after entering.

"The Riverlands fight for you, Your Majesty." Duke Mace Tyrell naturally could not do other actions like his two sons. He walked straight to the Iron Throne and saluted Robert.

Behind the Tyrell family were several great nobles from the south, Paxter Redwine, Lord of the Arbor, Lord Matus Rowan in a snow-white coat, and Lord Randyll Tarly, who was lanky and bald. , Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown.

The Reach is the second largest among the Seven Kingdoms after the North, and due to its rich products and dense population, their actual strength ranks first among the Seven Kingdoms.

As far as the several earls currently standing in front of the Iron Throne are concerned, the number of troops each of them can recruit is close to that of a certain duke in other kingdoms.

Mace Tyrell naturally has a big purpose in bringing this lineup to King's Landing this time.

"You are welcome to come from afar, my lords. The royal family will never forget your loyalty and bravery." Robert said a rare scene.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Duke Mace Tyrell replied with a smile. "In addition to answering your Majesty's call to serve the royal family, I really have something to ask for when I come here."

"What are your requests? But it doesn't matter. I will definitely grant it." Robert said grandly. This is not a question that needs to be thought about. It will be difficult for anyone who wants to fight for you with an army of 100,000 to make a request. Don't agree to him.

Seeing Robert so happy, Mace Tyrell's face lit up with joy.

"I have a daughter, Margaret, who is waiting to be born, and she is really the jewel in my family. Margaret heard about your majesty's great achievements, and was fascinated by your wisdom, courage and chivalry. She fell in love at his convenience from afar. I sincerely request your majesty. Bring her to King's Landing today, join hands in marriage, and unite the two families to create glory for generations." Mace Tyrell immediately proposed.

For a moment, Robert frowned deeply. He really didn't expect that the Tyrell family actually wanted to take advantage of this moment to propose a marriage. He turned his head to the side and said nothing.

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