Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 231 Staying up all night directing the script

After completing the interrogation of all the maids, Duncan waited outside Daenerys' door until evening before Ian came out.

"Sir, the talkative maid has been found." Duncan pulled Ian to a corner where no one was around and reported in a low voice, "She is."

"You don't have to tell me who she is," Ian interrupted Duncan, shaking his head.

"Should we execute her directly?" Duncan guessed.

"No need." Ian shook his head again.

Zizhi Tongjian once told a story that once Qin Shihuang went to Liangshan Palace, he saw Prime Minister Li Si's accompanying carriages and horses from a distance on the mountain, and he was very disapproving. Some of Qin Shihuang's eunuchs and close ministers told Li Si about this, and Li Si immediately reduced his number of horses and chariots.

Qin Shihuang was very angry when he found out. He immediately knew that the eunuch around him had leaked what he said, so he arrested all the eunuchs and ministers around him at the time and tortured him. He didn't get the results of the trial, so he simply gave them all up.

Li Si's act of "immediately reducing the number of chariots and horses" was an absolute fool's errand.

The overabundance of chariots and horses and entourage is mostly a matter of style. As Prime Minister Li Si, Qin Shihuang would not go to great lengths just for such a trivial matter. But immediately reducing the number of vehicles and horses would be tantamount to self-defeating and spying on the big boss.

Which leader can tolerate being monitored by his subordinates?

Although Qin Shihuang did not deal with Li Si directly in the end, Li Si lost the informant who was placed next to the big leader, which was also a serious loss for him.

The situation Ian faced was different from this story, but not too different.

Ian has already confused the matter of fifth-class slavery, but what would Daenerys think if the maid who was reporting to her was suddenly raped at this time?

So this maid cannot be killed, so what should we do with her?

The best way is to turn her into your own eyeliner.

"After executing her, there will still be other talkative maids around Daenerys, but the next one may not be so easy to catch. Since we have already caught this one, why not just use her?" Ian began to explain. ,

"Find a way to make her our mouthpiece, and from now on she will only say what we want her to say. Doesn't Daenerys like to get information from the outside world from her? Then let her tell Daenerys more about us in the future How do the slaves under the rule live happily, and how do the slaves under the rule of other city-states live in dire straits?" He paused, "Isn't this difficult to do?"

"Yes, that maid is not very courageous. I tried her best as soon as I started interrogating her. There is no problem in getting her to cooperate under coercion and inducement." Duncan assured.

"Then let's do it," Ian patted Duncan on the shoulder, "By the way, tell the others to prepare dinner for two people."

"Are you going to stay here to dine?"

"Yes, next I have to perform a big play for the envoys from the city-states of Gith in Slaver's Bay. Although this play is not more complicated than the play we performed in Pentos, considering that Daenerys is a novice actor, this time She has taken on too many roles, so I decided from today on to stay at her place and give her good guidance on the script."

After giving orders to Duncan, Ian returned to Daenerys' room.

"Why did it take so long for the servants to prepare dinner?" Daenerys sat at the dining table. She had changed into a dress at this moment.

"There was someone waiting for me at the door just now. I just did some work." Ian pulled out the chair and sat down in front of her.

"I almost forgot," Daenerys then remembered that Ian seemed to have been very busy since arriving in Astapor. "Are you very busy? If you really have other things."

"I have promised to stay with you these days, and I will definitely do it." Ian interrupted the girl.

Daenerys suddenly smiled.

Ah! Duplicitous woman!

"By the way, where were we talking about before?" Daenerys no longer dwelled on the question just now, and immediately changed the topic to 'business'.

"Our wedding." Ian no longer avoided the topic.

"Yes, it seems to be this." Daenerys was reminded and nodded in realization, while secretly glancing at Ian.

"There are no monks in Slaver's Bay," Ian continued.

"Eh?" Daenerys blinked first. After she figured out what this sentence meant, her face began to fall at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Any marriage that is not presided over by a monk is illegal." The old scumbag Ian had already made a plan and said confidently.

"But, didn't you convert to the Red God?" Daenerys suddenly remembered the 'Apostle of the Red God' in Ian's title.

"Well, Your Majesty, you are a devout believer of the Seven Gods."

"I'm not," Daenerys argued quietly.

"You must be, if you still want to be the queen of Westeros." Ian changed his tone as a teacher, "Your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror had three dragons, and he conquered all but Dorne. All of Westeros, but he still abandoned the gods of ancient Valyria and converted to the Seven Gods. If you want to rule a land, you can't go against the majority of the people in this land."

"Is this why you wear those tokar robes of the Gith people?" Daenerys asked immediately. As Ian previously commented, she is very politically savvy.

Every time what Ian taught her, she could apply it to other cases and quickly find its application. This made Ian only dare to teach her those macro and positive things.

As for the specific political methods, as well as the dozens of political models that Ian himself summarized through ancient history, he did not dare to teach her at all, for fear that she would not be able to deceive her after she became shrewd.

"Yes, if we want to conquer Slaver's Bay, we must first show respect for their culture." Ian nodded.

"So we can have a traditional Gith wedding first, and wait until we get to Westeros to have a wedding of the Faith of the Seven Gods! I am your queen, and my attitude towards Gith culture is also very important, right?" Dan Nelis immediately narrowed her eyes and showed a successful smile.

"???" Ian was stunned for a moment, good guy, the question you asked about Toka's robe turned out to be waiting for me here?

It's over. She has been taught to be smart and has learned how to dig holes. Ian pinched his eyebrows.

"But, have you ever thought about how vigilant it would be to other slave city-states if we both showed love for Gith culture?"

"Huh?" Daenerys was stunned for a moment, this question was out of scope again.

"We now have more than 10,000 Unsullied in Astapor, 2,000 centaur cavalry, and 10,000 slaves of the Gith Legion in training. The latter is still expanding. If you are the ruler of Yunkai or Meereen Sir, would you be highly wary of a neighbor with an army of this size?" Ian quickly took back the initiative in the conversation.

"But they know that our destination is Westeros and we are leaving." Daenerys thought for a while and said, "How could they doubt us?"

"Our goal is Westeros. This is very important, right? If we can't convince them of this, they will definitely be on the highest alert against us."

Daenerys nodded.

"But if the queen of this army holds a githified wedding in Astapor, what will our neighbors think? Will they really still believe that we have no interest in Slaver's Bay?"


"So, not only are you not allowed to show any favorability towards Gith culture, you also need to..." Ian paused, "Cooperate with me to put on a play for the Gith envoys who will be coming to Astapor soon.

I promise you, we will get married after Meereen is taken. "

Ps: After being reminded by readers, this book decided to use the setting that the world of ice and fire has two more hours in a day and more days in a month than the earth. This means that Daenerys is almost an adult when she is the age of the earth. This is only the setting. Book setting (manual funny).

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