Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 235 Messenger of Gith (Part 1)

"Sir, the envoy from Yunkai has arrived." Yada, the water dancer, reported to Ian after pushing open the door of his new study room.

"Envoy from Yunkai?" Judging from the distance from several cities to Astapor, it is reasonable for the envoy from Yunkai to arrive first. It is estimated that the envoys from Meereen and New Ghis will also arrive in the next few days, "he called what name?"

"Grazdan mo Eraz, he is a wise lord of Yunkai. His tokar has golden tassels."

"This kind of tassel means that his status is not low. Yunkai still takes his proposal seriously." Ian nodded, "Please wait for him first. I will see him at dinner."

"Yes, sir." Yada accepted the order and left.

"Grazdan Mo Eraz." Ian whispered the name.

There is another one named Grazdan, which is not surprising, because this is the name of the ‘great man’ Grazdan, the founder of the Gith Empire. One in every three upper-class nobles of Gith can be found named Grazdan.

The Yunkai sage of Grazdan Mo Eraz is probably the one with the most roles in the original Yunkai people. In the TV series version, he is also one of the few. Yunkishites appear.

Yes, this is the guy who begged Daenerys with 50,000 gold marks when she captured Astapor and started marching towards Yunkai, asking her to take the money and get out, and then had his robes burned by the dragon. .

For this person, Ian plans to conduct a round of testing first to see if there is any possibility of wooing him in the future.

As for why we chose to win over him, it starts with his name - his middle name is 'Mo'.

Although the orthodox ancient Gith language has been lost, and the Gith people throughout Slaver's Bay speak Valyrian as their native language, they still retain their traditional naming habits.

The middle names of Guise's names, 'Zo' and 'Mo', are used similarly to 'De' in French, 'Dan' in Spanish or 'Von' in German, which are symbols of nobility. . The difference between these two words is that the former represents higher aristocracy, while the latter represents lower aristocracy.

The middle name a gith can take is determined by their surname, a rule that dates back hundreds or even thousands of years and is not affected by status today.

This leads to the fact that sometimes someone has put on a toka robe with golden tassels, but still can only use the middle name of a lesser nobleman, 'Mo', while someone's toka robe is not even qualified to be decorated with tassels, but has a noble The middle name is 'Zuo'.

This situation is more common in the two smaller cities of Astapor and Yunkai (it basically never happened in Meereen until Daenerys took Meereen and chose two lesser nobles as her important ministers) , here there are often lesser nobles who get rich and then join the ranks of giant slave owners, such as the good master Krazny Mo Nakroz who previously owned the largest number of Unsullied in Astapor, and

This time Grazdan Mo Eraz came as the envoy of Yunkai.

Just as the current lord of Astapor, Fermor Mo Nakroz, likes to change the middle name of the Nakroz family to 'Zor' through Ian's war of conquest, Ian believes that this envoy of Yunkai Perhaps there will be interest in this in the future as well.

Of course, that is in the future. As far as the initial stage is concerned, Ian only plans to do simple tests and does not intend to reveal his intentions to any messenger.

Then Ian came to the drawing room and met the upstart wise master of Yunkai.

Grazdan mo Eraz looked lean and wiry, his hair combed up to form a unicorn's horn that protruded from his forehead, and his tokar was fringed with golden Myr lace.

"Welcome to Astapor, my friend." Ian gave him a warm hug, "I am looking forward to your arrival day and night."

"I am flattered by your enthusiasm." Grazdan Mo Eraz smiled politely, showing his large and white teeth. "I would be honored if I could become your friend."

"Please sit down first," Ian made a gesture of invitation, "I have prepared a rich dinner for you."

Then the two of them sat down at the dining table.

Dinner consisted of traditional Slaver Bay delicacies such as dog brain jelly, dog fetus, roast duck with coating, honey dormouse, large barracuda and stewed red octopus soup. Saffron, cinnamon, cloves, pepper and other expensive spices were used in the cooking. for processing.

The drink is golden wine from Qingting Island in the south of Westeros. There is also local red wine in Slaver's Bay, but due to the poor quality of the grape itself, it tastes sour and astringent, so it is not suitable for the table.

During the dinner, Grazdan tried to talk to Ian many times, but he was blocked by Ian with wine. Interestingly, Grazdan was also very cooperative in drinking.

It wasn't until Grazdan and Ian were drunk for who knows how long that they drank and started calling him brothers that Ian started to talk to him.

"Brother, please explain to me this time, what is Yunkai's attitude towards my proposal?" Ian asked, putting his arm on Grazdan's shoulder.

"No, no, no," Grazdan waved his hands, "I can't say, I can't say. I'm just here to watch the show this time. What you want to borrow are the soldiers of Xingis, and what you are going to is the territory of the Lazarin people. That The first thing the Horse King you lured will destroy when he arrives is the land of Meereen."

"Brother," he seemed not to realize what he was saying, "this nonsense has nothing to do with us in Yunkai! The great sages have said that I am here to watch the show this time. If you can successfully convince New Ghis and Meereen and gain their support, we will provide a token grant of fifty thousand gold marks to ensure that you don’t hold a grudge and go to us.”

Another fifty thousand gold marks. Do you in Yunkai have this tradition or something? Ian cursed.

"But they are just worrying too much," Grazdan said immediately, "Will you lead troops to attack Yunkai?"

"How is this possible?" Ian also looked drunk. "Our target is in Westeros. Why the hell am I attacking Yunkai when I have nothing to do?"

"But the other wise masters of Yunkai. I repeat, they are other wise masters. I have never doubted you, brother!" Grazdan burped. "They are worried that your army is too large, and they are still worried about the size of your army." I’m worried about your fifth-class slaves, especially the latter, how did you come up with such a thing?”

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"After this news spread, it has had a bad influence among our slaves. The slaves in Astapor have hope of rising, but they don't. This influence is very bad!

In recent days, slave riots in Yunkai have become more frequent than ever before, and there are more escaped slaves than before. Great sages, let me ask you clearly, what exactly do you want to do by formulating such a system? "

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