Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 239 Meeting the Queen

Daenerys sat high on the throne, wearing a purple embroidered robe, a silver belt, and a three-headed dragon crown made of gold, ivory, and agate.

"You are here to meet Daenerys I Targaryen of Stormborn, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the last of Valyria. Dragon King." Missandei, the little translator, stood next to Daenerys and shouted loudly.

"No title as Queen of Astapor," Grazdan of Yunkai whispered to his two colleagues.

"She really seems to have no interest in Slaver's Bay as rumored." Reg nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty, these three adults are envoys from New Gis, Yunkai and Meereen. They are here at the invitation of Lord Darry." After the roll call for Daenerys, Missandei introduced her to the queen. received three seekers.

What made the three Gith messengers feel even more slighted was that the roll-call slave didn't even introduce their names, and just used the word "messenger" to casually pass them by.

"Earl Darry's guests are my guests. Are you satisfied with Astapor's reception?" Daenerys asked generously.

"Your Majesty," even a man as arrogant as Mazdahan zo Lorak used the honorific title corresponding to his title to Daenerys at this moment, "I want to know."

"Your Majesty," Reg interrupted Mazdahan and said first, "I'm afraid you don't know something. Count Darry invited us to Astapor to discuss a military operation."

Of course Reg knew that Daenerys was pretending to be stupid, but this kind of thing could not be exposed directly. Pretending to be stupid was the right of the king.

If Mazdahan is allowed to say any questioning words, things will definitely be messed up.

That's right, Reg, the messenger of New Gith, didn't want to mess things up. He also came with the mission of "letting Ian go to Lazarin to fight against the Horse King".

Although the Horse King's attack on Slaver's Bay will not directly pose a threat to New Gis, the Horse King's invasion will make the entire trade environment in Slaver's Bay extremely bad.

What's worse is that if Meereen and Yunkai are severely damaged, the Gith's voice in the entire world will be greatly reduced, causing the new Gith to struggle with Volantis and Qear Sri Lanka has fallen into an irreversible disadvantage in trade competition.

Therefore, the governor of New Gith not only planned to send troops, but also prepared to send not only the two iron legions requested by Ian, but four, to ensure that Ian could win.

It's just that because Meereen's need for defense is more urgent this time, New Ghis is ready to take this opportunity to blackmail Meereen severely.

The previous indifferent gestures made by Rhaegar, as well as the hint that the new Gith released intentionally or unintentionally did not intend to send troops, were to force the envoys of Meereen and Yunkai to beg him in order to propose more harsh trade terms to them. At the same time, his attitude can also raise the price offered by Ian to 'hire' the New Gith Iron Legion as much as possible.

It can be said that New Gis should have been the biggest gainer from this negotiation.

But, before we even started talking, this damn Western bitch said we were seeing guests off?

This is unacceptable to New Ghis.

"Yes, I have heard about it." Unexpectedly, after being pointed out, Daenerys stopped pretending to be stupid and admitted directly.

"So, what about Earl Darry? We need to negotiate with him in person." Reg continued.

Next to Reg, Mazdahan was a little angry because he was suddenly robbed of the right to speak, but seeing that Reg was making progress in the conversation, he still chose to endure it. Grazdan of Yunkai looked at Reg with a playful expression. It was obvious that he guessed the true position of New Gith from Reg's eagerness at this moment.

"There will be no negotiation," Daenerys shook her head regretfully, "I rejected Lord Darry's request to use troops."

"What?" Several envoys looked at each other, obviously not expecting to get such an answer.

"Yes, I admit it." Oops, I forgot the words. Daenerys raised her eyebrows.

"Her Majesty the Queen admits that Lord Darry has sufficient reasons to use troops. After all, we brought Khal Drogo. Lord Darry believes that we have an obligation not to involve this matter in Slaver's Bay." Missandei, the little translator, immediately started to help. Daenerys said.

Since Daenerys's acting talent is really not very high, and she often deserts when Ian is telling the script, Ian gave a copy of all Daenerys' lines to the little translator Missandei, so that she could remember it. Help Daenerys fix things when she goes wrong.

Ian had to admit that being professional was just different. Not only did Missandei memorize the script given to her by Ian in just one night, but she also corrected (crossed out) several of her Valyrian grammatical errors.

"Earl Darry is a noble knight, and we admire him greatly." Grazdan of Yunkai quickly praised.

"Yes, Count Darry is a noble knight," Daenerys took over again, "but he is just a knight. A knight can act based on a sense of honor, but a king needs to consider more. .”

"I wonder what concerns your Majesty has?" Reg asked quickly.

"My concerns are well known to you. We do not have enough troops to fight a field battle with the Dothraki. Even if we win by chance, we will lose too many men.

This will leave me without enough power to take back my father's throne. We decided to stay in Astapor for two more years to obtain more soldiers, not to consume them. I will not let my soldiers shed a drop of blood in Slaver's Bay. "

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I cannot agree with your point of view," Reg patiently waited until Daenerys finished speaking before retorting, "I think the reason why Lord Darry proposed this Gith military alliance was not just for the purpose of For reasons of honor."

"How do you say this?" Daenerys looked around involuntarily.

Reg's words went beyond the scope of the question and answer in Ian's script, but Ian was not here to give her a hint. She might need to adapt accordingly.

I can do it, I am the heir of the dragon, Daenerys whispered in her heart.

"Defending the entire Slaver's Bay is also defending Astapor itself. If you don't solve the problem of Horse King Drogo, you will never be able to safely train in Slaver's Bay for two years. The Dothraki will destroy the farmland on the Worm River and massacre Your slaves will seal the siege of Astapor, and your soldiers will still bleed in Slaver's Bay, and there may be even more."

What he said made sense, but Ian said that no matter what the other party said, I had to reject him in the end.

"Perhaps you should listen to Earl Darry's advice more?" Reg looked at Daenerys's confusion and hesitation, "He should tell him in detail the reasons why he wants to fight this war."

"It is always easier to defend a city than to fight in the field, Your Majesty." Missandei whispered in Daenerys's ear. She had been following the good master Krazny to sell the Unsullied for many years, so she still had some common sense.

"Lord Darry has told me all his reasons," Daenerys got the hint and instantly became more confident, "and my decision is still no."

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