Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 241 How could Ian be able to act?

The next morning, the three Gith messengers arrived on time outside the pyramid where Ian lived, preparing to visit the Westeros minister who was the only one who could shake the queen's will.

"Grazdan, I thought about it all night yesterday, and I always feel that the more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes." After Reg saw Grazdan in Yunkai, he immediately pulled him aside.

Although the two people are in the wrong factions and have inconsistent interests, in the game between the three major city-states and the people of Westeros, Reg believes that Grazdan's idea still has certain reference value.

"Think about it, since the queen rejected Earl Darry's request for troops, why did they let us review their troops yesterday?" Reg continued, "If she planned to see off the guests from the beginning, there was no need to do so. Such a superfluous thing, right?”

"Haha." Grazdan couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? This question is serious, and let me tell you, I doubt it now."

"I'm laughing at you for discovering this problem now," Grazdan spread his hands. "I know what you are suspecting. I have suspected it for a long time, and I verified it after leaving Lord Darry's study yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Reg asked confused.

"Queen Daenerys and Lord Darry did have a quarrel yesterday, a public quarrel that many people saw," Grazdan explained, "and the time was when we were watching the Astapor army training in the Punishment Square.

At that time, Earl Darry was already approaching the Punishment Square, but he was called back to the pyramid by an edict from the Queen on the way. Then the Earl and the Queen had a quarrel.

The Queen was angry that Earl Darry had made such an important decision without consulting her in advance, which made her feel that she was not respected, so she rudely vetoed the Earl's decision. "

"Didn't Lord Darry discuss this with the little queen before?" Reg asked in surprise.

"As far as I know, most things don't happen. The whip of the Unsullied is in his hand, and the nobles of Astapor are also conquered by his charm. In short, as the Hand of the Queen, he almost manages it alone. everything.”

"So why does he care what the queen thinks?"

"Yes, I was confused at first, but soon I found the answer from the sailors who came to Slaver's Bay with them. The surname Darry."

Reg didn't make a sound, just waiting quietly for Grazdan to continue.

"Earl Darry's father's generation had a total of five brothers. Three of them died in a battle for Queen Daenerys' eldest brother, and the fourth fled with Queen Daenerys and her second brother. Essos, taking care of them until their death. Lord Darry's father was executed by the current king on the Iron Throne not long ago for secretly supporting the Targaryen family.

There are four brothers in the Earl's generation. Two of his brothers died in battle to defect to the Targaryen family, and the younger brother was exterminated by the usurper. Now you will still wonder why Earl Darry is so powerful when he is in control. Have you remained loyal to that little queen? "

"No," Reg sneered and shook his head, "If you were born in a family like this, if you cut his throat, what will flow out will probably not be blood, but loyalty."

"But..." Reg said immediately, "You know too much about this, right? It's as if you saw it with your own eyes."

"Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I got the news from people who saw it with my own eyes." Grazdan showed a proud smile, "I only spent a small amount of gold, and the maid next to the queen became a my eyes."

"So you don't think Queen Daenerys and Lord Darry's quarrel was an act?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Grazdan changed to a firm tone this time, "At that time, Queen Daenerys was speaking in front of Lord Daeron Grafson, Minister of the Sea, Celia, the Minister of Finance, and the Captain of the Kingsguard. Lord Darry reprimanded Lord Darry in front of Keyes, Commander of the Imperial Guards 'Black Falcon' Dorian and other important ministers.

We all know how much impact this kind of public rebuke from the king has on a courtier. If this was a show, the experienced Earl Darry would not have chosen such a method that would seriously damage his prestige. In contrast, it is more believable that the young and ignorant queen unintentionally made such a move in anger. "

"Your Excellencies, Earl Darry invites you." Just when Reg was about to say something more, an Unsullied One came in front of them.

So, they stopped talking, followed the Unsullied into the pyramid, and then all the way to Ian's study.

Completely different from yesterday's mess, Ian's study has returned to a solemn atmosphere at this moment. The broken ornaments have been replaced with new ones, and the smell of alcohol in the room has turned into a smell of natural spices.

"Welcome, my friends." Ian stood up to greet the three envoys after they entered. "Actually, I should be the one to find you. Regarding the cancellation of the alliance, I should apologize to you in person."

The most obvious change was that of Lord Darry himself. He had swept away his drunken dejection and turned back into the young man the envoys had seen before, humble, polite, and majestic.

It's like nothing happened yesterday.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome," Reg said first. He was worried that the idiot Mazdahan would mention yesterday's drunkenness of Ian. "The cancellation of the alliance was not your fault. You just chose to follow the king's order."

And anyway, after New Gith's purpose was exposed, Reg has become the leader of the three messengers, so there is nothing wrong with him leading the conversation.

"What I'm really sorry about is that we caused you trouble. Khal Drogo came after us, but now we can't be at the forefront of fighting them. If the Dothraki are in Skakharzaban If there is a mass killing in the river basin, my conscience and sense of honor will be condemned for life." Ian said with his head lowered.

"Perhaps there is still room for maneuver in this matter." Reg said quickly.

"Swing? Oh no, you may not know that Her Majesty the Queen is very determined. She said she would not agree to this action, and she would never agree." Ian said with a smile,

"You don't know Targaryen. People often say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods will flip a coin to determine whether he is mad or great. But whether it is a mad Targaryen or a great Targaryen, they Paranoia is in his blood."

"Absolutely impossible?" Reg confirmed to Ian.

"Nothing is so absolute. It's just that I can't think of a way to convince her yet."

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