In the early morning sea fog, the guards of Astapor saw the appearance of an unexpected ship from a distance.

Unlike the merchant ships that often entered and exited the port, the terrifying sloop that appeared outside the port was clearly a warship. It has pitch black sails and a dark red hull. On the bow is a black iron virgin statue with slender thighs, narrow waist, and high chest. The eyes are made of mother-of-pearl, but there is no mouth. It looks very scary.

There is a strange emblem printed on the sail - a black iron crown held up by two crows, with a black pupil and red eye underneath.

If Ian had not temporarily given up control of the Falcon by controlling Koru to Meereen, then he would have been able to recognize the ship at a glance - the Serenity, which was hovering over Astapor at this moment. All the crew members were named after their tongues were pulled out, and their owner was the famous "Crow's Eye" Euron Greyjoy.

The arrival of the warship quickly aroused the vigilance of the port guards, but it did not panic them.

After all, the port is the weak point of Astapor's city defense. While Ian ordered a large number of new large towers to be built for the port defense line and deployed a large number of ballistae and trebuchets on them, he also deployed a thousand and fifty troops in the port. A force of a hundred men was on guard.

Not to mention a mere warship, even if an entire fleet were to attack, they would never be able to capture the port before reinforcements from the city arrived.

"Have the soldiers on the tower aim at the ship," the Unsullied officer in charge of port guard ordered, "and send a small boat to inquire about the purpose."

After a while, a wooden boat carried a customs official and four Unsullied to the bottom of the Serenity. After obtaining the other party's consent, the customs official boarded the terrifying battleship.

"We need to know why you are here, sir." After the customs officials boarded the ship, they first found a man who looked like a steward.

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored him at all. He just pointed behind him without saying a word.

"We need to know why you are here, sir." The customs official repeated again, enduring the anger of being ignored.

Unexpectedly, his inquiry this time was met with a murderous glare, which frightened the Giese official and made him weak in the legs.

He staggered back two steps, preparing to disembark and leave. He didn't want to stay on this dangerous ship for a second longer. Since the other party refused to explain his purpose, he should treat it as an enemy and eliminate it.

In just a moment, Officer Giese had already thought about how to report the arrogance of this enemy ship to the chief guard at the port.

I'm going to make them pay! The customs officer swore secretly in his heart, but just as he was walking under the ship, he found that he suddenly bumped into someone. Unsteady on his feet, he fell straight onto the deck.

Who the hell doesn’t have eyes? The customs officer wanted to curse, but the environment in the enemy camp did not allow him to do so.

I'm going to make you pay the price! He could only swear again in his heart and raised his head.

Then he met an eye with bright blue pupils. There seemed to be a smile in that eye, but it made him shudder.

After shaking his head violently, Officer Giese finally noticed the man's full appearance after he recovered. He was pale-skinned, handsome, with black hair and blue lips, and his left eye was covered by an eyepatch.

"The person you just tried to question is a mute." The man with blue eyes waited for the customs official to stand up before speaking.

"Really?" The customs officer felt a little better after his hurt pride. He looked back at the mute just now, and then looked at the man in front of him again, "Who are you?"

"I am the captain of this ship, Euron Greyjoy, from the great Greyjoy family," Euron took the initiative to explain without waiting for the customs officer to ask questions again, "I came for Queen Daenerys. Come."

"There are a total of eleven large tribes of the Lazarin people, as well as countless small tribes. Their populations are distributed on the north and south banks of the eastern section of the Skahzaban River and in the Giskali Mountains. The north bank is close to Dothraki Hai has long faced the plunder of the horsemen, but due to its favorable environment, its population is still relatively dense.

The south bank is close to the red wasteland, and the environment is much harsher than that of the north bank. The folk customs there are also more fierce. Even the Dothraki rarely cross the Skakhar Zaban River to rob the land on the south bank. plunder. "Ian looked at the map on the table and introduced it.

This map is based on the old map of the Raza region drawn by the people of Meereen, with the help of hunters he found from Raza who are familiar with the terrain, and with his previous detailed reconnaissance of the Raza area through falcons. And the newly drawn map.

This map records in detail every river, every mountain, every tribe's settlement, etc. in this area. In addition, the manual attached to the map also records the customs of different tribes, main grain storage areas, The water source you depend on; which terrain is more suitable for your own troop deployment for fighting, which terrain must be avoided; which direction it is safer to pull the supply line from; which dangerous terrain must be controlled in advance, etc.

It can be said that this map is the most important result of Ian's labor in the past few months besides the army construction itself, and the content in the manual is still being filled in. In order to complete these pre-war preparations, Ian spent a lot of money to recruit a total of 500 leading parties in Lazar - these people included all walks of life, from hunters and businessmen to bureaucrats and priests.

Fortunately, the Lazarin people did not form a unified political power. Not only did they endure the plunder of the centaurs for a long time, but there were also constant conflicts between their own tribes. For them, the concepts of country and nation were almost nonexistent.

"My idea is," Ian continued, "we should send another representative to the Finley tribe, and it is best to successfully win over them, so that we can take the Kaisai Pass without any bloodshed." He said, pointing to He found a path in the middle of the mountains on the map.

The Kaiser Pass is located between the mountains at the end of the Ghiscari Mountains. It is an important passage between Meereen and the Raza region. Although its terrain is not as dangerous as the Blood Gate in the Valley or the Sword Gate in the Great Celestial Empire, it is It can be regarded as terrain that Ian is not willing to touch head-on.

Ian's new army for street fighting and mountain forest warfare has not yet been trained. The troops he has at the moment are mainly composed of super long spear phalanx, crossbowmen, and crossbow vehicles. Such an army is definitely not suitable for fighting in mountainous areas.

The people guarding the Kaisai Pass are the Fenli tribe from the Southern Lazar Mountains. This tribe has a population of about 60,000. The characteristics of the mountain people determine that they are far more proficient in fighting than other Lazarin tribes living in the plains.

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