Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 265 The disastrous defeat of Lyanna

King's Landing

"You warned me that the Reach and the Tyrells had ulterior motives, but in fact? They brought me victory! A great victory! A hearty victory!" Robert Baratheon He took a large wine glass and poured it into his mouth. The red wine spilled all over his beard and clothes.

After a while, Robert passed out drunk at the table.

He claimed that he was drinking today to celebrate Randyll Tarly's victory, but Lyanna knew that the fat man was drunk every day.

Seeing Robert passed out drunk, Lyanna suddenly felt a little tired.

This guy treats himself the same as he treats Cersei in the original work. Only in the beginning, he was very interested and would come to him every night to make a human.

But as time went on, Robert's true nature began to show. He would drink and drink every day, and go out to find prostitutes whenever he could find them.

This undoubtedly verifies the suspicion of some readers. The reason why Robert has been obsessed with Lyanna his whole life is just because he failed to get her. Now that he has got her (even if it is just a substitute), his passion has begun to be visible to the naked eye. The speed fades.

The worst part is that Lyanna doesn't know whether it's because she is a player, but she has never been able to conceive a child.

If he could really give Robert a son under the current circumstances, he might be able to barely ensure that his promised position as queen would not be shaken so soon, but if not.

The current situation is hard to say.

They were dealt a blow by the players behind the Tyrell family, oh no, two, three, maybe more.

Because of her status as 'Lyanna's replacement', she and Sir Lorraine of the Kingsguard are now almost as players, so they will inevitably encounter the disadvantage of being in the dark when facing other players.

The first resistance they encountered came from Highgarden.

After Duke Mace Tyrell, the 'Inflatable Fish Lord', received an almost humiliating rejection from King Robert at the previous throne room meeting, Lyanna once thought that their plan had been achieved.

In the ensuing war, even if the Reach does not fall out with the Iron Throne, it will definitely be ineffective.

But what they didn't expect was that shortly after the meeting, the Duke of Mace found Robert and reached a reconciliation with the help of Duke Renly, and assured Robert that the knights of the Reach would serve as the vanguard in the war.

Robert simply cannot refuse such a reconciliation offer. You have humiliated others, and they take the initiative to come to you for reconciliation, and are willing to be the first to fight for you. How can you refuse this?

So Robert broke his promise to Lyanna on the spot to let her brother Ser Lorraine lead the vanguard, and appointed the Duke of Mace's second son, Garland the Brave, as the vanguard officer.

Lyanna could only do the next best thing and asked Robert to split his troops into two groups, letting his brother Ser Lorraine lead an army to march along the Golden Road to attack the hinterland of the West.

Robert readily agreed, and after the order was passed to Stannis, Stannis called the generals for a meeting. Although they unanimously agreed to the plan, they ultimately handed over the command of this partial army. Randyll Tarly.

Lyanna was furious, but there was nothing she could do.

Originally, they were able to quickly reach their current position only by relying on their own strength. The power in their own hands was insufficient. When facing opponents of the magnitude of Garland Tyrell and Randyll Tully, As long as they cannot get Robert's support, they are not qualified to compete at all.

And just when Lyanna thought that she was out of luck and could only accept the compromise result of Garland being appointed as Stannis's right-wing commander, her brother Lorraan's intelligence network deployed in King's Landing accidentally discovered that the Tyrell family and Blue Changes in the forces under Li's command.

Only then did Lyanna become completely sure that there was a player behind the Tyrell family, and that the player was the one behind the Riverbend's two attempts to prevent Lorraine from obtaining the position where he could easily gain military merit.

The interaction between the Tyrell family and Renly made Lorraine directly doubt whether they wanted to take action against Robert.

Robert was Lyanna's biggest supporter. She could not allow anyone to harm Robert, so the brother and sister kept people watching the abnormal characters they discovered. It wasn't until a week later that they determined that Renly and the Tyrells wanted to arrange an accident for Robert.

So Lorraine strengthened Robert's protection, and at the same time deployed manpower to be ready to thwart the Tyrell family's conspiracy.

Unexpectedly, the other party gave up the plan immediately, and instead asked Renly to question Kingsguard Lorraan's recent abnormal situation in the Royal Council.

Fortunately, Robert has a big heart. After listening to Renly's question, I just laughed and let it go. I did not change my decision to appoint Lorraine as the commander of the right wing of Stannis's army.

Only then did Lyanna realize that their brother and sister had been tricked by each other again. Perhaps their actions were not for regicide at all, but simply to destroy Robert's trust in her brother and sister.

After this turmoil, the royalist army finally set off.

If things continue like this, it might not be so bad.

The Lannister family's army is well-equipped and large in number. Garland Tyrell's vanguard may not be able to achieve significant results. As long as the main forces of both sides can fight, her brother Lorraine can still achieve considerable feats.

But just a month and a half after the army set out, news from the front line came back to King's Landing. Randyll Tarly, who was supposed to appear in Cave City, actually led his army to appear in the Riverlands. The Noble Heart destroyed history in one fell swoop. Dever Lannister's thirty thousand troops are marching towards Harrenhal.

And quickly captured Acorn Hall, like a nail inserted between Kevan Lannister who was stationed at Harrenhal, Jaime Lannister who besieged Riverrun, and the Golden Tooth City in the West.

After receiving the news of Randyll's victory, Stannis immediately asked Vanguard Officer Garlan Tyrell to lead an army of 30,000 people to bypass Harrenhal and rush to Acorn Hall to join him.

At this point, if there is no miracle, the defeat of the Lannister family has been determined. Randyll Tarly has taken the biggest share of merit. After joining Garland, if he can annihilate Jaime's army, then his merit will be even greater. high.

Where's Lorraine? He is still in the outer city of Harrenhal, and he is not the main commander. For someone like him, his merits are enough to seal an ordinary earl's castle at most. If Robert is kind, he might be able to seal a large castle.

It is already a fantasy to get Casterly Rock City. It is impossible for the people of the Reach to agree, and even less so for the upright Lord Commander Stannis Baratheon.

And if he couldn't get Casterly Rock City, he would probably not be able to keep his position as queen.

He and his brother suffered a disastrous defeat in the game with the player behind the Tyrell family.

What's the point of staying in King's Landing like this? Lyanna suddenly thought, what was the point of letting Lorraan stay in Robert's army? Even if he got the castle afterwards, could he really let Luo Lan go to a certain castle in the Western Territory and seal it? How about being killed by the player behind the Tyrell family?

Or should we just flee to the north and join the other two allies? They have captured the Great Wall and defeated Eddard Stark's army in the first confrontation, and the development situation is good.

But for two bereaved dogs, can such things as allies be trusted? Luo Lan is his biological brother in reality. Of course he is worthy of trust, but the two people in the north were just temporarily found before the game. Can they be reliable?

Maybe the situation hadn't reached a desperate situation yet. Lyanna didn't know what she thought of, and a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in her eyes.


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