Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 275 Prologue to Counterattack

"Suppose you came to me today to discuss ways to get you into the army to do military service. What will you do after you go back?"

"Try to form a mercenary group?" Grazdan suddenly remembered Ian's initial suggestion, "Then I can join your army in the name of commanding this mercenary group and gain military exploits."

"Yes, you did it openly for this reason after returning to Yunkai. Because your motive for doing so was public, they would not suspect that you had learned the truth from me."

"So you were already there?" Grazdan then realized that Ian had already thought of this step when he first met him.

"Then I will rely on this mercenary force to open a door to Yunkai for you?" he asked hurriedly.

"No, although your recruitment of mercenaries will not make them realize that you have discovered the truth, because of your status as a 'bait', they will definitely focus on your mercenaries. You will never be able to find any An opportunity to break through Yunkai's internal defenses."

"Then what's the point of forming this mercenary army?"

"The meaning is to let them focus on you and your mercenaries."

Yunkai Sweetheart Home Inn

"Do you still have time to read at this time?" Daznak walked into Georis' room and poured himself a glass of Volantis amber wine.

"This wine is good." Daznak raised his glass gently.

"Many people call the wine of Volantis horse urine. I thought it was true for a time." Georis closed the book in his hand and raised his head. "It wasn't until I tasted the wine of your Slaver's Bay that I suddenly thought Found out," he poured himself a drink, "this stuff isn't that bad after all."

"Speaking of which, is it really okay for you to come to Yunkai just like this if you don't stay in Meereen?" Georis continued to ask.

"My NPCs and my eagles are watching over there in Meereen, and the real confrontation won't happen in Meereen, so I came to Yunkai in advance."

"Are you still worried about this?"

"What we are dealing with is the alliance of the strongest players currently known. Although Ian's army has fallen into our trap, what about the woman in red robe? Will she have any backup plans?

And there is no news about Darren Grafson who stayed in Astapor. What is he doing behind the scenes? These are only three players known to this league. Do they have a fourth player? So I must come to Yunkai to sit in person and judge whether to carry out this plan. "

"Hey, hey, we are already prepared to this point. Is it possible that you haven't made up your mind yet?" Georis' tone instantly became dissatisfied.

"Even if we eliminate Ian and his elite this time, the most we can do is compress the power of their alliance back to the same level as ours. We are just the pullers in this war, and we will not be the main ones in the end. It won't fall on us." Daznak shook his head, "If the situation shows signs of unfavorability."

"Be more resourceful and less decisive. You won't accomplish much by doing this."

"Haha," Daznak sneered twice, "your base is in Volantis. Even if our plan fails, you will not lose anything, and maybe you can still make money through slaves and food. For one thing, my base is in Meereen. If this plan fails, not only will I lose everything, but Ian will hunt me to the ends of the earth."

"You can come to Volantis and help me, and together we can make Volantis great again." Georis made a joke.

"In contrast, I prefer to make Meereen great again." Daznak spread his hands.

Then both of them laughed tacitly.

"Relax, man," Georis stood up. "At this point, Ian is actually in a desperate situation and cannot solve the food problem. Even if he knows about our trap, he has to step in."

"I just got a new piece of news," Daznak said without continuing the topic. "Last night Grazdan stayed in Ian's camp until very late before returning to the city, and this morning it was just dawn. , he successively met with the two mercenary captains, Mero, the illegitimate son of the Titans, and Prenda Na Gison of the Stormcrows."

"Mero reported to me as soon as he met Grazdan. He had already been bribed by me. Mero said that Grazdan came to him to form a mercenary group. Grazdan wanted to He helped provide some connections.”

"Mello reports to you?" Daznak's face froze, "Didn't I tell you not to personally contact anyone in Yunkai? That Ian dares to call himself a dragon caller, and his level of skinchanger is definitely not high. Low."

"The person who came into contact with Mero was just one of my captains. On the surface, that captain had nothing to do with me." Georis defended.

"Isn't he the captain who bought more grain from Graz?"

"Of course not. It is a Qarth-registered ship under my command and has nothing to do with the merchant guild that purchases grain."

"Phew," Daznak breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, you just said that Grazdan was going to form a mercenary group?" He frowned slightly.

"Yes, it is said that Ian Darry gave him an idea to build his own mercenaries, and then command these mercenaries to cooperate with Ian's army. In the end, Ian will find a way to get as many mercenaries as possible The merits of the war will be put on his head." Georis paused, seeming to remember that the other party had just arrived in Yunkai today, so he explained,

"Yesterday morning when Grazdan and Grazdo went out of the city to meet Ian, Ian drew a big pie for Grazdan and said that he could help him get enough military exploits to change the middle name of the Eraz family. Then in the evening Grazdan Dan couldn't wait to find Ian."

"So, they didn't discover our plan at all?"

"It seems like this. Ian's spies went to the port of Yunkai yesterday to investigate the transaction between my captain and General Grazdor. They withdrew after confirming that the transaction was true. Obviously, Yi Well, I used my shape-shifting ability to track Grazdo, and after discovering the transaction, I sent someone to verify it. Everything is as you expected."

"Then what? The generalissimo didn't reveal any flaws, did he?"

"Well, only the Grand Marshal and Rabbit in the whole Yunkai know about this plan, and I told them very clearly that Ian has the witchcraft to control animals, and they will not talk nonsense." Georis' tone Pretty sure.

"But... I still feel that Ian has ulterior motives in asking Grazdan to form a mercenary group at this time." Daznak thought for a while and said, "It's a very uneasy feeling."

"Are you a greenseer?"

"Impossible? Greenseers need to reach the master level before they can learn it." Daznak rolled his eyes, "Where can I get so many resources?"

"Then your feeling is not a warning." Georis shrugged, "I still think it is enough to monitor Grazdan normally. If you take too many actions, it will easily alert the snake. Especially, if your feeling is right, Ian has already If you have any doubts, Grazdan’s formation of a mercenary group may be a test for him.”

"You are right this time," Daznak nodded and said after thinking for a while, "Like this, let him organize it, and at the same time arrange for some mercenaries you brought from other places to sign up with Grazdan. Finally, I will keep an eye on Grazdan myself."

"Do you have that many birds?"

"One in Meereen, one in Ian's military camp, and one here in Grazdan. This is my limit for the time being, eh?" As he said that, Daznak suddenly paused, "How did you get to Ian from Grazdol?" Went to the military camp?"

"Are you sure it's Grazdo? Not Grazdan?"

"It's the one whose butt shakes when he walks." Daznak confirmed to him.

"He should have gone to deal with the issue of supplying food to Ian's army. Our original plan was to have Rabbit ask him about his reselling of food yesterday, but something happened yesterday.

Grazdo made up a story about Ian insulting the generalissimo. The angry generalissimo left the scene and he was able to escape. Then Rabbit and the others thought that it wouldn't be too late to expose Grazdo when Ian and the others officially asked for food, which would be more natural in Ian's eyes. "

"But the problem is, since Grazdo doesn't have any food in his hands, how can he dare to go to Ian's place?"

"I don't know about that." Georis frowned. Because he was worried that Ian's birds or spies would find out that he was related to the wise masters of Yunkai, Georis could only go through several procedures to communicate with the rabbits. The general and the others are in contact, but they cannot control the facts about many things, such as the details of General Rabbit's operation on the issue of Grazdo.

"How about you," said Georis, "come down and get closer to hear what they are saying?"

"You really want to gain a mentally retarded ally?" Daznak rolled his eyes, "Then there's a big dragon standing next to you. Is it because I'm afraid that I won't be discovered when I fly over?"

"What about us now?"

"Let's wait until Grazdo comes back. I hope he can find out how much food Ian has left."

Camp outside the city

"Earl Darry, please save me." General Grazdo Zo Arc just walked into Ian's military tent and knelt on the ground with a plop. "The man who suddenly appeared in my room last night That letter was given to me by you, right? You said you were willing to save me?"

"Get up and speak, General," Ian stepped forward and helped the butt-shaking General up, "You are not my slave, how can you kneel down like this?"

The butt-shaking general's face instantly turned a little more ugly, but he could only stand up tremblingly, and then forced out a smile.

"Your Majesty Earl, regarding what you said you could save me."

"Save you? You ruined my big thing, General Grazdo," Ian's voice suddenly became harsh, "Do you know how many times your actions have delayed my military planes? If you were mine, I would kill you now. you!"

Before General Shake His Butt could stand still, he was suddenly scolded by Ian. He was frightened and instantly knelt down again, paralyzing on the ground.

"My lord," General Shake-Butt stammered, "but that's not what you said in your letter. You said you were willing to save me."

"Yes, I said that."

In the eyes of the general who shakes his butt, the young man in front of him, who is not yet as old as his own son, is a perfect interpretation of what it means to fall out of love faster than turning the page in a book. One second he is ready to cut your neck with a knife the next. The angry face turned into a nonchalant smile at this moment.

"Do you know why?" Ian then asked

"No, I don't know."

"Because after investigating, I found that this matter was not your fault."

"Ah no. Ah, ah?" General Shake-Butt felt that he didn't react at all. He secretly resold Yunkai's grain reserves and was unable to provide supplies to Ian's army. How could it not be his fault?

"Before I tell you everything, let me ask you a few questions first," Ian smiled. "First, is there any conflict between you and General Fazaha Zo Faza (Rabbit)?"

"What does this have to do with this?"

"If you want me to save you, you must first trust me and tell me everything. Otherwise, even if I save you this time, there is no guarantee that you will be plotted by someone again."

"No, mean" General Shake-Butt's eyes suddenly widened, "that bastard Fazaha has something to do with this matter?"

"You are begging me for help now, so please put your position first, okay?"

"Yes, yes, it's your lord," the butt-shaking general nodded quickly, "Fazaha, he and I do have deep conflicts, because both of us are candidates for the next generalissimo. And between us We've always been neck-and-neck, so we've been competing for most of our lives."

Are you on par with him at your level? Ian was skeptical.

Although Ian has not been in contact with Fazahar, just because that guy is the only collaborator selected by Volantis players among the sages below the Grand Marshal of Yunkai, it can be expected that he must have some knowledge at least. Two brushes.

"Hey," General Shake-Butt seemed to notice Ian's suspicion, so he added an explanation, "His ability is much stronger than mine, but the power of the Faza family is much lower than that of our Alk family. family, so until that incident, my chances of winning had always been higher than that of Fazaha.”

"Which thing?"

"Another mistake I made," Grazdo shook his butt unnaturally and lowered his head as he said, "That's when I offended the Generalissimo, so the Generalissimo has been looking for opportunities to deal with me."

"So." General Shake-Butt hugged Ian's leg again, "You must save me. If what I did this time is exposed, the Generalissimo can follow the wartime laws and bypass the wise master. The Parliament sentences me to death!”

"You make it sound like the Grand Marshal won't be able to kill you if he goes through the process of the Council of Wise Lords?"

"That's right, apart from our Arke family and our allies in the Wise Master Council, Lord Yazan, who has always been at odds with the Generalissimo, will definitely vote against it! It has always been the case before, what does the Generalissimo support? Lord Yazan He and his cronies were opposed to something, so the generalissimo tried to put me on trial twice, but failed."

Then how dare you go against the wind and commit a crime? Ian didn't even know what to say.

This kind of extremely greedy and stupid person actually became the most favorable candidate for the next Grand Marshal. Well, the current Grand Marshal may not be much better than him. I can only say that people like Slaver's Bay only look at blood and not ability. The city is really lucky, if a conqueror came, they would have already sent it.

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