Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 278 Moving like thunder

"Build siege equipment?" Ojeris was very surprised. "Without ten days and a half, they couldn't build equipment that could attack Yunkai. And it would take some time to capture Yunkai. If Ian's Food and grass can last for so long, they should have left long ago, why are they waiting in Yunkai?"

The key basis for their judgment that Ian did not have much food reserves was that Ian chose to wait for supplies in Yunkai instead of heading directly to Meereen, but how could they have thought that Ian had already seen through them on the day they arrived in Yunkai? plan of?

"What if, I mean what if, those ships Grazdo sent to Ian really had food and grass in them?" Daznak came up with a very absurd, but the only way to explain Ian's behavior. possibility.

"I said that's impossible! Unless he can create food out of thin air!" Georis felt that his ability to do things was being questioned, and he was inevitably a little annoyed. "But..." he murmured immediately, "could it be them? Through the ceremony of the red-robed woman, let the King of Light conjure it up for them?"

Daznak:? ? ?

Damn? Can the King of Light still take on this business?

After the two were silent for a moment, they threw away this strange idea.

"Can you find out what happened to the ships sent out by General Grazdor?" Daznak asked. Georis was in charge of most things in Yunkai.

"In order to prevent General Grazdo from having a chance to make amends afterwards, I have thoroughly investigated the chambers of commerce and dock warehouses of the Arc family and their allies. I am very sure that they do not have much food in storage, so I did not pay too much attention to them anchored in the port. of those ships.”

"In other words, the ships were not loaded with food?"

"Absolutely not."

"So is it possible that they forced it together from their own pyramid?"

"How is that possible? You have to say that they forcibly ransacked half of the city to make up for it. There are only a few hundred people in a wise master's pyramid. They will store enough to feed an army of nearly 20,000 people and more than 6,000 horses. Food and fodder for the moon?" Georis said for a moment, "Speaking of which, after Grazdo came back from Ian, didn't you follow him? Didn't you see his ship loading cargo?"

"Originally, I would wait," Daznak seemed to realize something, "So the red-robed woman went out to... And after the banquet in Meereen and Grazdan's return to Yunkai, he formed mercenaries Group and happened to go to visit the great sage Yazan in a sudden and hurried manner at this time."

"They are all attracting your attention, trying to move your changelings elsewhere, and then create opportunities for Grazdor to smuggle food out of Yunkai for him?" Georis understood Daznak instantly. the meaning of.

"Yes, and since Ian is planning in Meereen and Yunkai at the same time, it means that he may have noticed our trap, and is sure that Meereen has also joined the alliance against him."

"Then let's go now." Georis immediately panicked. His first reaction was to run away, whether it was to Meereen or directly to the safer Volantis. In short, Yunkai could no longer stay. But when he saw the look in his ally Daznak's eyes, he swallowed his words temporarily.

"Let's stop Grazdo's ship from heading to Ian's camp now and summon your fastest ship! Those merchant ships of the Arke family are not fast ships and are full of cargo. We can catch up with them. "

"This is tantamount to direct war."

"Since Ian already knows our trump card, if we don't take the initiative to start a war, should we wait for him to get the food and attack Yunkai?"

"I said it's impossible for Grazto to get food!" Georis emphasized again.

"Then do we want to bet? Bet that there is no food on his ship? No, we can't afford to bet. Once Ian gets the food, the offensive and defensive positions will change. At that time, he can freely choose to capture Yunkai first or withdraw directly to Asth. Tharbo. Either way, we will soon be engulfed in a protracted war by Khal Drogo arriving in Slaver's Bay."

"Ian's attack on Yunkai will take time to build siege equipment. During this time, we can notify the coalition forces in Meereen to march towards Yunkai."

"Then what? A wild fight with Ian here? If we can defeat Ian here, what's the point of all this planning? If we can't force him into the wetlands on the banks of the Tamakaha River, but fight here If so, as soon as the hoofbeats of his cavalry ring out, the other slave soldiers in our coalition, except for the New Gith Iron Legion, will collapse in an instant!"

"I'm going to gather people right now." Georis saw this and said no more, "But there are quite a few small rivers leading to Ian's camp from Yunkai. You have to make sure that Grazdo's boat goes there first. Which one is it?"

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Pyramid of Yazan.

Daznak's transformed little sparrow hid on the flower bed outside the window. He looked at Grazdan and Yazan. After confirming that they had no intention of ending their movement, Daznak was about to cut off the connection with the sparrow. , re-transformed into a falcon and went to look for Grazdo Zo Alc's grain ship on the river north of Yunkai.

But suddenly he saw a crow fly through the window, fly into the room, and land directly in front of Grazdan.

Later, Grazdan took a letter from the crow.

It is not the tradition of the Gith to use crows to send messages, and it flew here at this time. Daznak almost immediately realized that this was a letter sent by Ian, and the crow itself even belonged to Ian. Shapeshifters.

Thinking of this, Daznak moved naturally and came to the middle of a group of sparrows.

Yazan's flower bed is full of birds. It is impossible for Ian to find him hiding here.

In this way, he stared at Grazdan who was reading Ian's letter with his peripheral vision, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​cutting off contact with this sparrow.

He originally wanted to cut off the contact with the bird in Meereen, re-transform into one in Yunkai, and then send it to find the grain ship, but when he thought that Ian already knew that there was a problem in Meereen, then the other party would probably try to Something happened in Meereen.

If he cuts off the connection with Meereen, then if he wants to regain control of the situation in Meereen, he will have to send birds from Yunkai to Meereen again, which will be too troublesome.

Therefore, Daznak decided to let the falcon that had previously tracked the red-robed woman that was hovering outside Ian's camp fly north along the river to find the Alk family's grain ship.

After that, he turned his attention to Grazdan again.

"Lord Yazan!" After reading Ian's letter, Grazdan came to Yazan and whispered a few words in his ear.

Because Ian's crow hadn't left yet, Daznak didn't dare to get close enough to eavesdrop, so he could only wait silently.

After talking to Yazan, Grazdan and Yazan quickly put on their clothes and left the room together.

Daznak did not dare to act immediately. He waited until Ian's crow flew away. After making sure that the crow flew away, he controlled the sparrow to leave the flower bed and go to the bottom of the pyramid.

At this time, he discovered that Grazdan had actually assembled nearly 300 guards from the Great Pyramid of Yazan, and Grazdan's own guards and even the mercenary group were also gathering here.

Do you want to seize the door? Daznak thought.

Sweetheart Home Inn

"Grazdan is already gathering his and Yazan's troops. Let the people who monitor Grazdan and Yazan take direct action to annihilate them. Since they can no longer be used as bait to lure Ian to attack the city, let's purify them first. This city," Daznak said to Georis.

"Well," Georis did not refuse and directly ordered his subordinates, "Go and notify General Rabbit."

Pyramid of Yazan.

I don’t know if it was because they were prepared in advance, but the manpower of Grazdan and Yazan was assembled very quickly. In just half an hour, nearly 500 people were gathered, and with the help of the wise masters of the Yazan faction, I started to get notifications, and their team is still growing.

At the same time, what made Daznak feel uneasy was that the thousand-man city defense force originally commanded by General Rabbit and capable of suppressing Grazdan was actually on standby three streets away from Yazan and the others, without any action. action.

Sweetheart Home Inn

"Master." Georis's tiger-robed warrior walked into his room, "We can't contact General Rabbit. Just now, General Grazdo requested to convene a council of wise masters, and General Rabbit attended the meeting. Our people don’t have permission to enter that pyramid.”

"Without the rabbit, his army can't move?"

"The slave commander told us that since the target they want to attack is Yazan, the great sage of Yunkai, they must get an order from General Rabbit before they can act." The tiger-robed warrior explained.

"What? Damn it! When will their meeting last?" Georis was furious.

"Does this need to be said? Grazdan has already surrendered to Ian. The meeting convened by him does not need to be thought about to delay time for Grazdan and the others to seize the city gate, right?"

"Which gate will they take? The southeast gate? Or the east gate? Both gates face Ian's camp, but they are also the most heavily defended. If there are hundreds of them,"

"No! They are walking north!" Daznak was a little confused. "They started to take action. Grazdan divided these people into three groups, and they were all walking north."

"There's no door to the north of Yunkai? The north is the port."

"Their target is the port area! This is our location!" Daznak suddenly broke his voice, "I know what the ritual that the red-robed woman performed was for. She saw us! In the flames, she Sees us! She found our location through the fire of R'hllor!"

"We have to leave immediately!" Georis stood up quickly, but because he was too panicked, he couldn't stand still and staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"It will only be more dangerous to go out like this! It's hard to say whether Grazdan and the others are just a cover. In fact, Ian has sent much more powerful killers to ambush near this inn, waiting for us to go out."

"Then what do we do now?"

"Just wait here, don't go anywhere, and immediately mobilize your bloody hands to defend this inn. At the same time, send people to break into the Council of Wise Lords and ask General Rabbit to send people to suppress the rebels in the city!"

"Most of the Bloody Hands have been sent out to pursue the Alker family's grain transport ship. With so many hundred people left, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop Yazan's offensive." Georis shook his head.

"Then transfer the Second Son Group over! Hasn't Titan's illegitimate son Mero been bribed by you a long time ago? Give him more money! Let him protect us! I have found the location of the Alker family's grain transport ship. We will definitely catch up before arriving at Ian's camp! As long as Ian doesn't get this batch of food, we can get back the initiative no matter what!"

river course

Daznak looked at the several pot-bellied merchant ships moving slowly on the river below, and felt a little relieved.

Judging from the draft status of these ships, there is no doubt that each ship is fully loaded. It is obvious that Grazdo really found a way to get enough food for Ian.

If I had not been decisive enough at that time and decided to intercept this batch of food even if the war started in advance, the consequences would have been truly unimaginable.

Um? Why is it cloudy? Daznak Falcon suddenly found that the whole side of him had darkened, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

It was clear that the sun was shining brightly just now, and the mountains and rivers below were still under the sunlight.

Suddenly, an extremely ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Daznak Falcon tilted his wings slightly and looked above his head.

What caught his eyes was a dense mass of scales covering the dragon's belly, like a midnight ocean, with vibrant dark red waves and whirlpools on it.

In extreme panic, Daznak desperately wanted to cut through the falcon's transmutation connection.

But it was too late. The moment he tried to look up, a flame as dark as night as its scales was sprayed onto its body.

Daznak's falcon was melted almost instantly, along with his soul that remained in the falcon.

After taking care of the target, Ian Black Dragon immediately turned around and flew back to the camp. As for the boats carrying sand below, he didn't take a second look.

Sweetheart Home Inn

"Ah!" Daznak, who was talking about tactical arrangements with Georis, suddenly covered his head, fell to the ground, and let out a heart-rending scream, "Ah! Ah!"

"What's wrong with you? Daznak? What happened?" Georis, who had just been persuaded by Daznak and felt a little more at ease, couldn't help but panic again when he saw his allies suddenly become like this. "What the hell are you doing?" What's wrong?"

Daznak was unable to answer Georis's question. The huge pain from his soul made him curl up on the ground, writhing in pain.

"Damn it!" Georis slammed the table. Seeing Daznak's miserable condition, he couldn't tell what happened, but at this moment, he suddenly lost the courage to continue to fight against Ian.

"Get our ship ready to sail," he ordered to the tiger-robed warrior, and then he glanced at the allies on the ground, because he didn't know whether abandoning allies would be considered a backstab, and he added, "Take him too Bring it with you.”

After walking out of the room, Georis met Mero, the second son captain who had just been summoned by him.

"Ask your people to escort us to the dock to board the ship. I will not give you any less of what you deserve." Georis patted Mero on the shoulder, and then wanted to bypass him and leave directly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Mero suddenly pierced his heart with a dagger.

"Lord Ian Darry sends his regards."

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