Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 282 The Great Battle in Westeros

Long Lake in the North

When was the last time I ran away in such a mess?

Tyrion couldn't remember it, but if he thought about it, it seemed like it never had been.

Even when he was exiled to the Great Wall by Robert because of his brother and sister's troubles, he at least still owned a horse. After being kidnapped by these barbarians, his treatment was even better. Not only did he get a thick fur coat , and drink wine.

But this time, Tyrion glanced at the end of the forest from a distance, and after finding that there were no pursuers, he reluctantly hid under a huge oak tree, gasping for air.

For gnomes, long-distance running is always an unpopular sport, and it becomes even more unpopular if they are chased by enemies.

Fortunately, it seemed that Roose Bolton's cavalry did not notice him.

Tyrion staggered to the edge of a stream, leaned over and picked up some water with both hands, and then sipped it.

Although this place is located south of the Great Wall, it is not much south. The ice water entered his throat, making Tyrion shiver.

Where to go next? Back under the tree, Tyrion began to think.

From here to Castle Black, there are the defeated wildling armies of his own, yes, his own. At least that's what the new King Beyond the Wall said. If there were not nearly a thousand northern cavalry chasing them, they would gather the two teams. Defeating the army may be a good choice.

We can't go north, Tyrion thought silently.

Even though his two nephews are still in Castle Black, if he goes to Castle Black now, he will definitely die.

But where can I go? How could I, a dwarf, get out of this huge northern border?

Fortunately, that guy is a shapeshifter. Maybe he can find me through his eagle, but... so what if he finds me? If nothing else, he might not be able to protect himself now.

Even if Malvin (player A) did not die in the battle and escaped back to Castle Black, he may not be able to get the support of the remaining savages.

After all, the savages elected Malvern as king because of his promise to lead the savages south to occupy the north, and this disastrous defeat would destroy all his prestige. All the prestige he had accumulated through consecutive battles and victories.

Because this time, the elites he had carefully selected over the past few months and armed with equipment from the Lannister family, together with 20,000 other free folk, were completely annihilated by Eddard Stark.

To be honest, Tyrion still doesn't know how this battle failed. After all, Malvern has demonstrated his ability as a shapechanger more than once. In every previous battle, he also successfully succeeded in changing the shape before the battle. Understand all the enemy's movements and make the most appropriate tactical deployment.

Whether it was the weak Night's Watch or the coalition forces from Last Hearth and Cahor City that first came to try to eliminate the savages, they were all defeated by Malvern. If it weren't for the lack of cavalry, he even nearly annihilated the Umber family's army and captured the 'Crow Eater' Morse Umber.

But this time, just when Malvern laid his pockets, led the main force of the North led by Ed Stark into the trap he set, and successfully launched an ambush on the opponent, just when he was about to win, Roose Bolton The northern cavalry commanded by the earl appeared at the rear of the savage army without any warning.

Tyrion didn't know how Malvern made such a mistake, and he had no way of knowing, because at that time Malwen was commanding the most elite right wing of the army to attack the left wing of the Northern Alliance army led by Rickard Karstark. After tearing apart the opponent's formation, it pierced Ed Stark's center like a dagger.

Eddard's central army was attacked on both sides. It would have been a great victory if Roose Bolton had not appeared.

But as Tyrion once said, these wildlings have no courage to fight in front of the cavalry.

When the horn of the northern cavalry charge sounded, Tyrion found that the army around him began to waver. And when the enemy troops began to attack and rushed more than a hundred steps in front of the formation, these savages who had no formation in the first place instantly became a mess. They pushed each other and rushed to escape.

In fact, the terrain that Malvern specially selected as an ambush point is not suitable for cavalry operations. There are three continuous undulating highlands, surrounded by woods and a large number of natural boulders.

If the people holding here were not wildlings but a regular southern standing army, or if they had more crossbows, Tyrion firmly believed that Bolton's cavalry would not even be able to charge to the second high ground, and their charge would be interrupted. and was surrounded by infantry and dragged into a fight.

But now, Tyrion can only watch the wildlings collapse.

What? Why didn't I try to encourage them?

That's of course because I ran earlier than them. I had already run away before I saw the flag of the Skinned Man appear on the horizon.

After all, these savages are unwilling to accept a dwarf as their commander. Tyrion is just a guest watching the battle. He has no prestige among the savages, and naturally he does not expect to inspire these savages.

Fortunately, for the same reason, when the enemy suddenly appeared, no one noticed that there was a dwarf missing from the team.

In this way, Roose Bolton's cavalry penetrated the wildling center from behind with a single charge, forcing them to flee to both sides into the woods.

Then Luce's cavalry quickly changed direction and rushed towards the elite savages where Malvern was.

Tyrion, who had fled to a high ground on the edge of the battlefield, happened to witness this scene. Malvin's legion, armed with Lannister armor, miraculously did not collapse.

After they gave up the assault on Aide's center, they quickly formed a dense formation and began to prepare to resist the cavalry attack.

Tyrion didn't know how Malwen brainwashed the wildlings to maintain their morale.

Unfortunately, with both the left wing and the center army completely collapsed, their persistence was in vain.

After the reinforcements arrived, Rickard Karstark regrouped the defeated left wing of the Northern Alliance Army, and once again outflanked Malvern from the flank. He and Eddard Stark's central army formed a A chopping board, one on the left and one on the right, firmly sucked Malvern's legion.

The cavalry led by Roose Bolton first launched an attack towards the oblique angle at the back of Malvern's formation, and then quickly pulled back. Then he launched the next impact, hitting it seven times like a hammer, and finally annihilated Malvern's elite army.

Let's go south, Tyrion decided after thinking for a long time.

With all of Malvern's elite troops gone, Ed Stark must send his troops north to conquer the Great Wall next. His two nephews may not end well if they fall into the hands of others.

But thankfully, he's Eddard Stark.

Harrenhal in the Riverlands

"Bastard! Are you really taking action?" Renly Baratheon roared loudly and burst into the tent of Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers.

"What happened? Make you so excited?" Loras was a little confused.

"Didn't I warn you not to take advantage of my brother?" Renly grabbed Loras' collar and growled angrily, "How dare you? How dare you commit regicide? Come?"

"Regicide?" Loras' pupils shrank, "What on earth is going on?"

"You want to say you don't know?" Renly's hands were trembling. "Didn't you do this?"

"Let go first, my good lord, you are dragging me so hard that I can hardly breathe." Loras grabbed Renly's wrist, but did not use any force. "First tell me what happened, okay?"

"My brother Robert fell down the steps of the Red Keep after being drunk and died on the spot! Do you dare to say that it was not you who did this?" Renly said, but still let go of Loras.

"I swore to you that after you warned me last time, we gave up our plan to attack the king. You should believe me."

"I really want to believe you, but can you guarantee that this was not done by someone in your family? Will your brother Willas or your grandmother Olenna care about your opinion?"

"They won't care about me, but they will undoubtedly care about your opinion, Renly!" Loras reminded. "We want you to be king, so how could we go against your instructions? The point is, how could we? Picking such a stupid time to do this?

Stannis is in control of the country's military. He has just won a battle and his reputation is at its peak. If we oppose him at this time, I can't even guarantee how many nobles in the Reach will side with us! Wouldn't killing the king at this time be equivalent to giving him the crown? "

"Sir Loras, the commander-in-chief summoned the main generals to the hall to hold an emergency military meeting." Suddenly, a guard outside the door reported.

"Tell the messenger I'll be there when I'm ready," Loras shouted outside the account.

"It's over, Stannis has also received the news." Renly murmured in a low voice, with a hint of despair in his tone. "He wanted to call all the great nobles together first, and then while announcing Robert's death, ask everyone present to tell him Oath of allegiance. He is the first heir to the throne and the commander-in-chief of the royal army. The nobles have no reason to reject his request."

According to the tradition of Westeros, the loyalty of nobles has some flexibility, but not much.

For example, when there is a conflict between the lord and the king, the nobles can choose to side with the lord or the king. If they are defeated later, they only need to surrender to the other party and re-swear allegiance to the other party. Generally, they can be pardoned, but this kind of surrender Can only be done once.

And if there is a fight between two kings, there is no such fault tolerance. Unless the king on one side dies, they can re-swear allegiance to the other side, and there is only a chance of being pardoned. If the king surrendered before he died, it would be a great stain and bring shame to the family forever.

At this moment, Lord Elton Ismond of Greenstone Castle, Countess Sheila Errol of Hay Hall, Lord Gurian Swann of Stonehelm City, Lord Selwyn Tarth of Duskhall, and other people from the Stormlands... Almost all the great nobles, as well as Lord Matus Rowan of Goldentree City in the Reach, Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown, and Allister Florent, Lord of Brightwater, Stannis's wife's maiden family. The great nobles of the land are all in Harrenhal.

If all these people swore fealty to Stannis, the probability of Renly successfully seizing the throne would be greatly reduced.

"We have to stop them from going to Stannis's hall!" Renly said immediately. In just a moment, he had completely forgotten that he was here to prosecute his eldest brother Robert.

"How to stop it?" Loras asked irritably, his mind was also blank.

If his brother Vilas or his grandmother were here, they should be able to figure it out, and that gentleman could definitely do it, but he himself. The Knight of Flowers had to admit that he was better with the sword than with his brain.

"If you didn't kill Robert, who would it be? Was it Stannis?" Renly suddenly thought of something.

"Stannis? If anyone can associate the name Stannis with murder, then he must be crazy. If there are only two people in the world who would not do such a thing, then one of them is Eddard. ·Stark, the other is Stannis Baratheon!"

"Then how did Robert die?"

"Who knows? Maybe he was really drunk and fell down? With his virtue, I really think this is something he can do."

"Sir, Sir." Suddenly, the curtain of the tent was opened, and a soldier from the river bay broke in.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" Loras was very fast. Almost as soon as the soldier broke in, he had already put his sword at the other's throat.

"Big. Something bad is going on, ser." the soldier stammered. He glanced at Renly next to him. "There are rumors all over Harrenhal that the Tyrell family is trying to support His Highness Renly. King, therefore designed to murder His Majesty the King."

"What?" Renly and Loras said in unison.

"And the Commander-in-Chief has sent people to arrest you two." The soldier added eagerly.

"Damn it! Let's leave immediately." Loras opened the tent and glanced outside. "Their people haven't arrived yet, and it's still too late to leave now."

"Stannis will investigate this matter impartially and thoroughly. As long as the matter has nothing to do with us, this crime will not be pinned on us. And if we just leave like this," Renly hesitated.

"If we leave like this, we will find my second brother Garland near the Red Fork River. He is leading a force of 30,000 elite troops to support Lord Randyll Tarly. As long as we obtain Lord Randyll's With support, we can get tens of thousands of the most elite cavalry in the entire kingdom. In this way, no matter who we face, we will still be able to fight. But if we are captured by Stannis like this, even if he will eventually clear us He will also immediately ask us to swear allegiance to him."

After hearing this, Renly finally stopped hesitating and started to escape with Loras.

They didn't encounter any arrests until they left the castle, which made the two of them secretly happy but also a little confused.

Of course, what they didn't notice was that the soldier who reported to them just now was no longer in their team.

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