Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 286 Thinking while being beaten

It was definitely a confusing day for Meereen.

After the guards on the city wall saw dozens of trebuchets inexplicably appearing outside the city through the early morning light and sounded the alarm bell in the sentry tower, the generals of Meereen and New Ghis received the news one after another. , the combined forces of Astapor and Yunkai have arrived at Meereen City.

Ian transported a total of 32 trebuchets to the outside of the city of Meereen last night. These siege weapons were all made by Ian when he was in Yunkai. Although the main purpose at that time was to show the player Daznak a kind of self. Preparing to attack Yunkai. But the trees had already begun to be cut down, so Ian simply ordered the craftsmen to rush to build it quickly.

Shortly after Ian's army set off for Meereen, the craftsmen who had completed the construction of siege weapons loaded these weapons onto Yunkai's fleet and some large merchant ships that Ian commandeered in Yunkai port, and overtook Iraq by sea. Well, almost arrived at Meereen City with Ian.

Because Ian had previously asked Grazdan to write a letter to Meereen expressing his willingness to maintain the alliance, Meereen did not send a fleet to block Yunkai's fleet, which allowed Ian to successfully unload these weapons.

32 trebuchets were deployed by Ian at the southeast and southwest corners of the Meereen city wall. This position was not only located in the blind spot of the trebuchets on the city wall, but also facilitated shooting from both sides, completing intensive fire coverage in an instant. .

To the north of Meereen City is the camp of Meereen's mercenaries and the New Gith Iron Legion. Inside, soldiers are hurriedly gathering. After Ian broke off the contact with Kolu, he transformed into several falcons again and attacked Meereen. Lin launched a comprehensive surveillance.

North Meereen, Alliance camp

"Noble Lord Hizdahr zo Loraq, did you come to me in such a hurry to find out what's going on?" Eres zo Emde, the commander-in-chief of the Xingis Expeditionary Force, saw Xi Zedong. Zdara walked into his tent and asked hurriedly,

"Ian's army is crossing the road east of Meereen and approaching our camp in the north of the city. And I also heard that he has deployed a large number of trebuchets in the south of the city. Who can tell me what is going on? Dai Earl Rei had clearly held all the blame for all crimes on the wise master of Yunkai, so why did he suddenly change his mind and decide to go to war with us?" Ereth Zo Emde quickly threw out a series of question.

"These three letters contain the answers you want." Holy Lord Hizdahr said in a heavy tone as he placed the three letters on the table.

New Ghis Commander Eres quickly picked it up and read it quickly.

The general content of the first report sent by the Meereen City Guard was that a group of mercenary killers wearing bronze harpy masks had recently caused a bloody storm in the city of Meereen.

They attacked the Daznak Arena, killing all the guards and slave warriors of the arena. At the same time, they also attacked the residence of the "Bloody Flower" Chamber of Commerce from Volantis, and also massacred everyone inside. Because of their close relationship with these two forces, a large number of members of the Parr family died in this action.

"The Bronze Mask of the Harpy? Isn't this the decoration of the legendary 'Sons of the Harpy'? Who are these people? And what does it have to do with Earl Darry's behavior?" Commander Xingis asked in confusion.

"The activity base of these 'sons of the harpy' is located in the Bronze Gate Inn in the North City, and their identity" Holy Lord Hizdahr was a little helpless, "is with the commander of the Meereen City Guard, Grazdan Zor. "When Parr mobilized an army to suppress this group of mysterious killers, these people revealed their identities and pointed the finger directly at the Parr family."

"Look at the second letter, the answer you want is there." Hizdahr reminded.

Commander Xingis did not dare to delay and quickly opened the second letter. However, as soon as he read two lines of words, he felt sweat starting to form on his forehead.

It turns out that the entire letter was all evidence pointing to the conspiracy between the Parr family, Daznak and the Volantis to deal with Ian. Now that this evidence has been made public, it means that the faces of both parties have been torn apart.

"How could this happen?" Commander Xingis was a little flustered for a moment.

"Obviously, we guessed wrong last time. Lord Darry chose to continue to maintain the alliance with us not because he decided to forbear, but because he really didn't know that Meereen was also involved in this matter at the time, and now he knows ," Hizdahr pointed to the third letter on the table, "Then he proved to us that he is still a vigorous young man."

The commander of New Gith nervously opened the third letter on the table.

This letter was written by Ian. The wording was fierce and showed a great degree of sadness and anger towards Meereen's betrayal. He demanded that Meereen hand over all the masterminds of the Parr family and pay him a sum. An extremely large amount of compensation, otherwise he will capture Meereen and let everyone know the fate of the traitor.

"Pay attention to the last sentence," Hizdahr looked at Commander Xingis's face. After making sure that he had almost finished reading, he reminded us, "He gave us no time to think about it. He told us to think about it while being beaten. , if you think about it well, take down all the flags on the city wall and in the army to express surrender. At the same time, he reminded us that the beating will not last too long, so we have the same time to consider."

"How arrogant!" New Gith Commander Eres felt humiliated, "Then I really want to see how much he is capable of!"

"Commander-in-Chief, the people of Astapor have sent you a letter." Suddenly, a new Ghis sergeant came outside the camp.

"Can I?" Eres asked, but actually he had already walked to the door.

"Of course." Hizdahr could only say smoothly.

Eres quickly finished the letter, opened it in a hurry and read it.

"Lord Darry's letter?" Hizdahr asked quickly, looking at the changing expression on Eres's face.


"What did you write?"

"He was complaining to me," Eres said with a look on his face, "He detailed how much effort he put into the formation of the Alliance of Gith, and then he denounced Meereen's betrayal. He now expresses that he is disappointed. , very confused."

"that's it?"

"What do you mean that's all?"

"He didn't say he wanted you to help him punish the traitors or anything?"

"Yes, I have to help him punish the traitor!" Eres suddenly realized,

"No, what did you say? That traitor was referring to us!"

"What about us? Lord Darry said clearly that it was Meereen who betrayed him! What does the bad things you did in Meereen have to do with me?" Eres said sternly.

"Are you crazy?"

"Not only am I not crazy, I am very sane! Not only am I not a traitor, but neither are you, Hizdahr! Almost everything is done by the Parr family, and it is impossible for Earl Darry to find anything related to us. There are relevant clues. Now the only people who know that we are involved in that plan are the father and son of the Parr family. And if we help Earl Darry get rid of these two traitors in advance. Betrayal or something, wouldn't it be with Don’t we have anything to do with you?”

Meereen East, Ghiscari Way

Three consecutive heavy trumpet sounds spread out from the central army, and the marching legions of Ian's army raised their legion flags high, which was a sign that they were ready to obey orders.

The three trumpet blasts were the signal formulated by Ian for the entire army to obey the order.

In his officer's manual, Ian applied a system of command that Ian adapted from the Book of Holding Qi.

Regarding the point team, Ian uses a combination code that consists of a trumpet, a trumpet, and a drum that are struck/blowed in sequence. In the same set of instructions, the interval between each sound is 5 seconds.

When the central army strikes the chimney and the drum once, the First Unsullied Legion should receive the next order. When the First Unsullied Legion receives the signal and knows that it is on standby, it should raise the four legion flags. Raise it high to indicate readiness.

If the central army makes one sound of trumpets and two sounds of drums, it means that the Second Unsullied Legion should receive the order at this time.

By analogy, starting with the sound of a trumpet and followed by the sound of drums is an order to the Unsullied Legions of different numbers.

When the Chinese army sends out a signal to start the two trumpets, it is giving an order to the slave iron army.

For example: two jingles and one drum are the first iron legion, and two jingles and two drums are the second iron legion.

On this basis, Ian plans to give them all numbers according to the Iron Legion after gathering the command of the New Gith Legion.

When the Chinese army sends out a signal to start the three trumpets, it is giving an order to the cavalry.

Three bells and one drum are the first cavalry regiment, and three bells and one drum are the second cavalry regiment.

Of course, because the cavalry's combat range can easily deviate from the distance where the Chinese army can use the golden drum flag to convey messages, cavalry generals often have greater command flexibility, and Ian is more stringent in the selection of cavalry commanders.

The beginning of Sanzheng is the entire current code. As for the auxiliary legions and mercenary cavalry he trained in Astapor, Ian temporarily assigned them to the various Unsullied Legions and Iron Legions, allowing them to directly accept a legion commander. The command of the army has become the support and supplementary combat power of the legion.

When faced with the need to command two or more legions at the same time, Ian's solution was to reintroduce trumpets.

For example: one trumpet and one drum, one trumpet and two drums are at the same time for the First Legion of the Unsullied and the Second Legion of the Unsullied.

One trumpet, one drum, one trumpet, two drums, one trumpet, and three drums were the first, second, and third Unsullied Legions listening to orders at the same time.

One Zeng and Two Trumpets serve as orders for the entire Unsullied Legion.

The same goes for the Iron Legion and the Cavalry.

When two different armies need to be commanded at the same time, the sound of the trumpet cannot be omitted.

For example, one chimney and one drum, one trumpet, two chimes and one drum, that is, the First Unsullied Legion and the First Iron Legion obey orders.

When a legion receives an order signal and raises a legion flag dedicated to feedback information, the Chinese army pauses for 20 seconds and then begins to transmit a second set of codes for issuing specific instructions.

In Ian's officer's manual, this set of codes uses the order of drums, trumpets, and horns to distinguish them from the orders of the point team.

Specific action commands include advance, stop, turn, charge, disperse, gather, volley, etc. The combination of drums and horns expresses the action itself, while the trumpet expresses the direction of the action.

Number one is north, number two is northeast, and so on clockwise.

However, considering the actual situation that the training time is insufficient, in order to simplify the complexity of the code, Ian has not used the code that uses the sound of the horn to indicate the direction for the time being for training, because Ian has an advantage that no general in history has had - the dragon.

Of course, the half-year-old dragon cannot be used to breathe fire and break formations, but when it is placed in the sky, it can form an extremely clear 'dragon mark'.

When Ian lets his dragon fly in the sky, the generals who receive the order only need to observe the relative direction of themselves and the dragon to know the direction of their next action most intuitively. Even based on the location of the dragon, they can even decide whether they want to You can directly know the distance of action without receiving another 'stop' command. The operation is as convenient as clicking on the map with the mouse when playing a game.

However, this can only be a temporary solution. After all, it is impossible for Ian to personally visit the battlefield and command every battle in the future. But in the future, after my army has more sufficient training time, it will definitely make up for the missed subjects.

Even more, cymbals and cymbals can be introduced in the future to further refine the instructions. The cymbal has a smaller bowl, a louder pronunciation, and a longer reverberation. The cymbal has a larger bowl, a richer pronunciation, and a shorter reverberation. These two instruments were also frequently used in ancient military command.

As for the method of conveying orders through the sound of drums or the percussive rhythm of metal instruments, Ian has no plans to try it yet.

After all, just his current set of very simple password combinations. The officers who were able to memorize them and master them skillfully during the drill in just three months accounted for less than one-third of the officers in Ian's officer training camp.

Of course, for those who failed the training, Ian would be useless for the time being.

Half of them were relatively good, and Ian agreed to let them train for another period. After all, this small Slaver's Bay really didn't have that many people to use it. As for the remaining half, Ian directly changed them back. Big head soldier.

In addition, Ian standardized the military formations when receiving different action orders.

Of course, this military formation is not the complicated formations in various formation diagrams. Even the five basic formations that Li Jing believes an army needs to master are square, round, curved, straight, and sharp. Ian didn't have time to let him know. All armies except the Unsullied have been trained.

What he now lets the slaves master are only some of the most basic things, and what he regulates are only four forms of the phalanx, with the main reference being the Spanish phalanx.

For example: 1. Marching formation, this formation is used for regular marching of infantry and marching when the enemy is not in contact with the battlefield (out of combat). When moving in formation, each person occupies 3*7 feet (96*224 cm).

2. Resistance line formation. When the infantry needs to engage the enemy, it should shrink into this formation. At this time, each person occupies 3*3 feet (96*96 cm).

3. Assault formation. When the infantry launches a charge, the formation is further tightened. At this time, everyone is separated by one foot.

4. Defensive formation. When the infantry faced the cavalry charge, the formation tightened again, becoming elbow to elbow and shoulder to shoulder.

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