Robb looked down upon the lords, exuding the aura of a king. The lords present subconsciously lowered their heads and dared not look at Robb.

Even Sir Baelor, who had stirred up the storm just now, was shocked by Robb's exaggerated appearance, and his aura dropped.

Robb sneered slightly, tapped his toes lightly, and landed on the ground from Bahamut's back.

Bahamut felt his body sink. In fact, he was not big enough now, about the same size as Grey Wind, and could not accomplish the feat of taking a man and a wolf south.

But it didn't matter that he had no strength, Robb knew gravity magic.

So even with Robb and Grey Wind, Bahamut was much lighter when flying than when he flew himself.

"Today is my happy day, why is the scene a little wrong?"

Robb asked deliberately. Since he received the letter from Catelyn, he arranged this drama of riding a dragon down the river bay, of course, the purpose was to deter those nobles who wanted to make trouble.

Judging from the expressions of the nobles Robb had just observed, he came at the right time, otherwise the situation would have gotten out of control.

Seeing that no one was talking, Arya relied on the fact that she was still a child and a noble princess, pretending to be innocent:

"Brother, that person said you are a tyrant, and wanted to lead his men to fight against you and your lord..."

Arya said what happened just now in a few words.

The nobles who had just fanned the flames were suddenly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. How could they still look like they were shouting and disobeying just now?

They were originally conspiring with Sir Baelor Hightower, and the Hightower family was their leader, so they all looked at Sir Baelor.

The scene became weird again.

No one spoke, and they didn't dare to raise their heads to offend Robb's majesty, so they all lowered their heads and looked at Sir Hightower with squinted eyes.

Seeing everyone staring at him with strange eyes, Sir Baelor Hightower cursed in his heart: Why are you all looking at me? Do you want me to bear all the pressure from Robb alone? !

But he was already on the fire, and he could only speak with difficulty: "Robb... Your Majesty, this matter..."

Arya jumped out again to sabotage, and this time he finally said what he hadn't said just now: "Why do you call my brother Your Majesty? Don't you recognize that bastard Joffrey as the king? Now you call my brother Your Majesty, what exactly does it mean!"

Robb's eyes were like lightning, and the king's majesty made Sir Baelor a little breathless.

Sir Baelor wanted to say: That's right, we are going to marry the Lannister family, you are just a fake king, I have the rights of a guest, now I want to leave, who dares to stop me? !

But these words were like a fishbone stuck in the throat, and he couldn't say it.

Maybe it was the shock of seeing Robb riding his dragon south that made him a little confused, maybe it was the roar of Grey Wind that made him a little scared, maybe it was the dragon, maybe it was Robb's anger without power, the courage to fight out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood...

Whatever the reason, he couldn't make himself tough.

"I...I..." Sir Baelor hesitated and dared not speak. The Hightower family had lost its honor in front of the Stark family.

Seeing that Sir Baelor had made a fool of himself, Robb waved his hand, indicating that the other party didn't need to speak.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Baelor breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Robb subconsciously. After saying that, he wanted to slap himself in the face. What did he say!

Rob looked around and said with a smile: "Today is a happy day. I don't think the atmosphere needs to be so depressing. Everyone, keep playing music and keep dancing."

The musicians were completely shocked by Robb's momentum. Most of them were originally bards. They were very interested in such strange stories. At this time, they were all compiling the music score of "Rob riding his dragon south to pick up the queen" in their hearts.

Robb spoke, and they obeyed.

The nobles looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

In front of the dragon, everything they had just imagined and thought about was meaningless.

The Reach once united with the Westerlands to form an army of tens of thousands during Aegon's conquest three hundred years ago, but it was burned directly by Aegon's three dragons, and the 'Gardener' family, the guardian of the Reach at that time, disappeared directly in history.

Later, Aegon came to Highgarden, and the Tyrell family, as the steward, opened the door and surrendered, which led to the later pattern of the Reach.

Until now, when the battle of 'Raging Fire' is mentioned, there are still lingering fears.

The dragon's deterrence to them is really too great.

Even if Bahamut, who is under Robb's seat now, is still young, it will be enough to sweep the continent as long as he takes some time to grow up!

Seeing that everyone was a little stiff, Robb sighed slightly.

"It seems that you still want me to solve this matter thoroughly. In this case, I will reluctantly deal with these small matters during my ceremony to receive the queen. However, today is a good day, and I will not let blood be stained here."

Everyone listened to Robb's words, first breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt something was wrong: What do you mean by no blood today? Who does this majesty want to kill? !

Robb slowly walked to the position of the Queen of Thorns, with respect for the old man, he took the Queen of Thorns' hand: "Then please ask Lady Elena to decide the first thing. You are old and wise, and you know people's hearts. You must have seen clearly just now which families are accomplices of the Hightower family, intending to slander me and provoke war in the River Reach."

The Queen of Thorns looked at Robb, and then looked at the little nobles with different expressions on their faces.

Many minor nobles have looked at her with pleading eyes, as if asking her to show some mercy and not to reveal the names of their families.

At this moment, the Queen of Thorns realized that this was an opportunity for Robb to establish his authority and win over the hearts of the people.

Some neutral nobles were instigated by Sir Baelor Hightower and said a few words for the atmosphere. Lady Elena can choose to turn a blind eye and not reveal their names now.

Will those neutral minor nobles still be grateful to the Tyrell family, especially the Queen of Thorns?

After learning the intention, the Queen of Thorns just casually named a few vassal families of the Hightower family and the family that had just shouted the most fiercely.

Every time a name was read out, the faces of those nobles became grayer. They didn't know what kind of anger they would have to endure.

They only knew that Robb, who had a dragon, had the strength to realize that anger!

Those families who did it but were spared by the Queen of Thorns were grateful in their hearts and signaled to Lady Elena with their eyes that this favor would definitely be repaid.

Robb nodded, indicating that he knew everything.

In fact, it was just a simple process of eliminating dissidents and winning over forces. Lady Elena has been operating in the River Bay for so many years, and she must know more about these intertwined forces than herself.

Those nobles can be won over, those nobles are enemies, and those nobles have ulterior motives.

Lady Elena must have known all of these, and what Robb wants is this list.

Looking at the nobles who were named, Robb looked at them coldly: "You slandered and spread rumors about a king, insulted the reputation of me and my fiancée, I once again declare you dead in the name of the king."


"You can't do this, we have guest rights!"

"You are not our king, I can't accept it!"

Robb's words caused an uproar, and the faces of those nobles changed instantly, blushing and arguing, wanting to live.

"Of course you have guest rights, I just said that today is a good day, and the wedding is not easy to be stained with blood..."

A glimmer of hope rose in the hearts of those nobles. From what Robb said, could it be that he was going to pardon himself and others again?

Robb continued, "So you should commit suicide when you return, and send the bodies to the Tyrell family for identification."


Despair appeared on the faces of those nobles again.

"You should be thankful that I only want you to commit suicide, and your family is not involved. This shows that I am not a tyrant as you say." Robb reminded.

"The wedding at Harrenhal will be in ten days. If I do not receive the news of this gift from you at Harrenhal, I will regard your family as an enemy."

"I swear here in the name of the King of the North: Any family that I regard as an enemy will be crushed by my army, all family members will die by the sword, all illegitimate children will become slaves, and the name of the family will disappear forever in history."

"As for whether I can do it, you can try not to present a gift for my wedding, and then you will know."

Robb stood on the platform, surrounded by members of the Tyrell and Stark families, opposite the dragon Bahamut, and the nobles of the Reach in the middle were wrapped in it.

In this depressing atmosphere, Robb's suffocating speech and his upright momentum made everyone present not doubt his oath.

Beside him were noble nobles, and opposite him were legendary creatures like dragons.

Will what he said not become a reality?

Will what he thought not become a reality?

Is there anyone who can object to what he is going to do?

Those little nobles who were named were completely desperate at this time, because Sir Baelor did not and dared not stand up to speak.

Everyone present was shocked, and they were originally hostile to the Hightower family, so they would not speak for them at this time.

They had no right to speak at this time, and they felt infinite regret in their hearts: Why were they so stupid to offend the King of the North?

These people left the banquet in disgrace. They wanted to go back and discuss what happened today with other family members.

They might commit suicide to save their family.

They might also follow the Hightower family with all the family's troops to King's Landing.

Or maybe they didn't want to die, but were killed and handed over by people in the family.

There are many choices, but in Robb's eyes, no matter which choice, it is the same.

In Robb's eyes, their death sentence date is today, which is a fact that will not be changed.

After solving the problems of these little nobles, Robb looked at Baelor Hightower and the Bishop who were standing together.

"Then, it's your turn..."

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