Elena, the Queen of Thorns, stepped forward. It was also her first time seeing Robb. The young man in front of her was a little more mature than she thought. He exuded a unique temperament that made people want to surrender.

This feeling may have something to do with the dragon next to him.

"This...is this a giant dragon? Gods above, this kind of creature actually exists!"

Even though I have heard the legend of the dragon countless times, when Bahamut first appeared in people's sight, the shock was still unparalleled.

Queen of Thorns Elena looked at Bahamut and Robb who were growing up healthily, and made up her mind that this time the entire Tyrell family's bet would be placed on this giant dragon and the young man.

Even if the Hightowers wanted to marry into King's Landing and become more powerful than Robb, there would be no way to stop this idea.

No matter how many people you have, we have a giant dragon!

At that time, Aegon I only had a few thousand men at his disposal, but with the help of three giant dragons, he set out from Dragonstone to conquer the entire continent!

Although we only have one giant dragon now, we still have tens of thousands of people!

Recreating the glorious achievements of Aegon I is definitely not a problem!

Elena, Queen of Thorns, has no problem with her idea, and so do the minor nobles in the audience who are attached to the Tyrell and Redwyne families.

Riding a dragon down to the Reach and defeating Hightower was such a legendary experience that most nobles chose to be loyal to Robb.

Robb saw that the atmosphere of the banquet was getting warmer and knew that this was the perfect opportunity to win over people. He smiled and said, "This dragon is called Bahamut. He was born not long ago, only a little over two months old. It's me." The spoils of defeating Euron Greyjoy."

Little Rose Margaery looked at Bahamut with admiration: "Can he grow so big after being born for only two months?"

"I used some special incubation methods, and it grew very quickly."

Under Robb's instructions, Bahamut spread his wings and soared around the banquet hall, showing the majesty and majesty of the dragon.

This caused the nobles present to exclaim in surprise, and many soldiers guarding the banquet couldn't help but look up.

That's a giant dragon!

Queen of Thorns Elena looked at Robb commanding Bahamut casually, and felt even more incredible about Robb's magic: "How did you control it? Legend has it that only the blood of the Targaryen family can control the dragon."

Robb corrected: "The Targaryens are the family that ran away with the dragon before the destruction of Valyria. Not only them, but the people of Valyria can also control the dragon. The Valyrian people use Magic dragon control, as long as I know the method, I can certainly do it.”

Robb's explanation is very reasonable. Most people in Westeros have heard of these common sense and rumors, but Robb now proves that it is true.

Of course, no one will ask about the specific method of controlling the dragon.

After all, only people with low intelligence and emotional intelligence to a certain extent would ask others for their nuclear weapons launch codes.

Earl Redwin also came to congratulate him: "Your Majesty, your appearance this time probably frightened Hightower's gang to the point of peeing in their pants. I had thought that the little nobles who were attached to them could win back a lot." "

Caitlin and Arya also breathed a sigh of relief. This time the matter was almost disturbed by the Hightower family, but fortunately Robb arrived in time.

Robb smiled, picked up the wine glass, and had a drink with the nobles of the River Bend: "Everyone's support and help for me, I and the Stark family will never forget. Everything else I want to say is in this glass of wine. ”

Robb drank the wine in his glass as he spoke. The little nobles in the audience cheered and drank with Robb.

Earl Redwin and the other knowledgeable old alcoholic nobles were stunned for a moment.

'Everything I want to say is in this glass of wine...'

I didn't expect that Robb, at such a young age, could actually say such a simple and honest toast. It's not like he said it without ten years of experience at the wine table.

They silently memorized this sentence and planned to show it off when they were drinking in the future. It would definitely shock others!

"Long live the King in the North!"

"Long live the King of the Riverlands!"

"Long live the Keepers of the Reach!"

The nobles present shouted long live and cheered for Robb's arrival today.

After drinking the wine, Robb generously hugged his fiancee's waist, smiled and said to the nobles present: "I'm leaving first."

Then Robb glanced at the little rose in his arms: "It's time to go home, Miss Margaery Tyrell."

Little Rose looked at Robb. This man came riding on a dragon today. He drove away his enemies in a few words and subdued most of the nobles in the Reach with just a few moves.

This courage made Little Rose look at Robb with love in her eyes.

Look at the noble ladies around. When they look at me, they are full of jealousy and resentment. They are jealous of themselves and hate themselves for robbing their husbands.

When they looked at Robb's back, they were filled with admiration and love.

Little Rose is too familiar with the eyes of those women. It is estimated that these women will remember today's scene for a lifetime, and then fantasize over and over again that the heroine of the story is not themselves, but them.

'Oh, it's this feeling of being admired and jealous, this is the feeling Mrs. Stark brings...'

Little Rose enjoys this feeling extremely, that's who she is.

And all of this was brought about by Robb's power and magnanimity.

Little Rose looked at Robb. Everything about this man was fascinating, especially the power he brought to her.

She shyly buried her head in Robb's arms, and Little Rose made a clear voice like a lark: "It's not Miss Margaery Tyrell anymore, it's not Miss Margaery Stark anymore."

Robb laughed, and Bahamut, who understood Robb's meaning, flew obediently to Robb's feet, folded his wings, and lowered his body.

Robb hugged the little rose and rode away on the dragon that had not yet grown up.

A group of nobles were left to stop and watch. As they watched the young people leave, their hearts were filled with emotion and envy.

Ouch! ! !

At this moment, a wolf howl came from below.

Catelyn and Arya looked at the source of the sound, which was Gray Wind who was left behind by Robb.

Bahamut hasn't grown up yet. Although Robb can use gravity magic to reduce the burden, the space on its back is limited. With two people, Gray Wind naturally has no room.

‘I haven’t gone up yet! ’ Gray Wind let out a sad wolf howl.


While flying and stopping on the road, Robb and Little Rose soon spent a relatively happy time and deepened their understanding of each other.

Little Rose is a smart person and knows what Robb wants and is interested in. In addition, Robb's previous performance was too satisfying for her vanity, so she caters to Robb's preferences in every way.

The relationship between the two also heated up quickly.

Finally, before arriving at Harrenhal, the two got to know each other's strengths and weaknesses in a nearby castle.

Little Rose wanted to have a baby as soon as possible, so her demands in this regard were greater than Robb's.

She was a little unskilled at first, and Robb beat her to the point where she was helpless.

However, after gaining actual combat experience, Little Rose became more and more courageous in the subsequent battles, and even turned against the guests.

Even the King in the North, the King of Elden in his previous life, Robb was a little overwhelmed in the end. After all, the ground cannot be tilled.

But the old cow will die from exhaustion.

In the end, Robb inevitably ended up leaning against the wall.

When he finally saw Harrenhal, Robb breathed a sigh of relief. This tiring journey was finally over.

Caitlin and Arya have not yet arrived at Harrenhal. The Duke of Mace and the heir of Rose House remain in Highgarden. Other than that, they all come to Harrenhal in Lord Redwine's fleet to attend the wedding.

Robb thought about it in his mind. Although the trip to Highgarden was not very long, it was very rewarding.

Some of the Reach nobles who originally favored the Hightower family were drawn to their side.

He also managed to create an enemy - the Hightower family.

For Robb, having enemies is very necessary, because he has many nobles and soldiers under his command, all waiting to share their wealth and gain military exploits.

Where would Robb get his loot if he had no enemies?

Edmure and Sansa, as members of Robb's family, heard that Little Rose had arrived and came out to meet her: "Queen, welcome to Harrenhal."

Little Rose quickly said: "I'm not the queen yet, and the wedding hasn't been held yet."

"Haha, these are all trivial matters. Don't worry, your wedding was arranged by me. It will definitely be the most luxurious event in the entire Westeros continent."

Edmure and Sansa, who are in charge of logistics, know the importance of this wedding. It is more like a political meeting than a wedding.

It is necessary to show the momentum of the North and the Reach and the atmosphere of a great country, so as to enhance the morale of the people and soldiers.

"Let me take you to see Harrenhal, which will be the center of Westeros from now on."

Robb took Little Rose and took her on a brief tour of the restored Harrenhal.

At this time, Harrenhal is no longer as dilapidated and weird as before, but instead presents a more majestic and spectacular sight than the original version.

The dilapidated building was repaired, and the appearance blackened by dragon flames was repaired to white.

The enclosure area of ​​Harrenhal is huge. The stables alone can accommodate thousands of horses. The enclosed godswood forest covers an area of ​​20 acres, and a river flows slowly through it.

The kitchen is located in a circular stone building with a hemispherical roof. The entire building was a kitchen, as big as the Great Hall of Winterfell.

It is more of a city than a fortress.

Five huge and towering white towers are the landmark of this castle.

The two towers are connected to each other and are located in the middle of Harrenhal. Three white towers are arranged in a triangle, guarding the two middle towers.

In the middle area of ​​several towers, there are luxurious residences, but not many people currently live there.

At the outermost edge, the thick and steep walls of Harrenhal stood like a cliff. From the ground, the trebuchets in the battlements on the top of the walls were as small as bugs.

Standing on the top of the central tower, Little Rose exclaimed: "This is simply a castle for giants to live in!"

She overlooked the entire city and all the mountains. The breeze blew and ruffled her long hair.

She looked back at Robb with a charming look:

“It really excites me to be here.”

Thanks to [Liudao Yuxuan] [The Sow in Your Backyard] and [Drunk Fuhu] for the reward.

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