Unlike the first time Robb sent troops from Winterfell, this time he sent troops to the West. Robb was not in a hurry to lead the troops personally.

The Riverlands were previously besieged by Jaime and Tywin and his son, and the battle could fall into an uncontrollable rout if not careful. Therefore, Robb rushed thousands of miles to help, running day and night, using 300 wolf cavalry to fight against Jaime's 3,000 cavalry, and won a great victory. Only after a complete victory did the battle turn around.

Now that Robb is the attacker, the pattern of war is about to change.

Play steadily, use the right combination, and win by surprise.

Sansa, the Minister of Calculation, and Edmure, the Minister of Logistics, worked day and night to make a clear calculation of the supplies snatched from the West and the grain and grass supported by the Reach.

Edmure's right-hand man, the Lightning Lord Beric Dondarrion, is responsible for transporting supplies for the army.

This is an important part of Robb's military system reform, which separates logistics from the army and only allows soldiers in the legion to carry a small amount of rations.

This will not only strengthen the control of the army, but also increase the team's mobility.

Greatjon and Rickard Karstark reported to Robb in the hall: "Your Majesty, the recruitment of the Winter Wolf Army has been completed. It is still an establishment of 10,000 people and a thousand cavalry."

Robb looked at the map in his hand and was thinking about the marching route: "Let the Minister of Propaganda, Earl Mallister, lead people to preach to the new army, cultivate their Winter Wolf Army spirit, and also explain our military merit system clearly."

"Mrs. Meiji, the Minister of Military Justice, should also take the people with her and let them understand the meaning of military orders. They are no longer serving their lords, but fighting for the empire and themselves!"

Greatjon and Rickard Karstark looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the appointment of the Winter Wolves Legion Commander..."

Robb is also thinking about this problem. Now that the next batch of officers of his Wolf Cavalry have not been trained, it seems that he still has to do it himself.

"The position of legion commander is temporarily held by Earl Blackfish. As for the deputy legion commander, the young men from the Lakewood and Mallister families will be appointed."

After Robb's Wolf Cavalry got rid of the five centurions, it immediately expanded in size. Many factions in the Riverlands, such as the Minister of Rebellion, Tytos Lakewood, and members of Jason Mallister's family were promoted. Centurion's position.

The Blood Wolf Army is an army named after Robb, and its main officers are nobles from the north.

Now the positions in the Winter Wolf Army will naturally be allocated to the Riverlands.

After reading the map, Robb said: "Let Little Jon lead the Blood Wolf Army and station it between Fairy City and Cliff City, ready to attack Keche City and Feastfire City at any time."

"The 10,000 men from High Court will set out from the Esplanade to attack the Yangji Hall first."

"Once these two areas are lost, Casterly Rock City will be isolated and helpless. When Tywin wants to rush to help Casterly Rock City, he must start from the Golden Road. I will stop him here."

Robb had a general strategy in place, but didn't send his troops out immediately.

Instead, he sent out all his Wolf Guards and Earl Blackfish's spies to collect intelligence throughout Westeros.

War is a game full of fog. Whoever can clear up more fog and master more information will have a greater chance of winning.


The camp where the Winter Wolf Army is stationed.

At this time, the soldiers of the Winter Wolf Army were arranged neatly, with the spears in their hands standing like a forest, giving off a cold glow under the sunlight.

The flags were flying and the north wind was howling, but their eyes and eyes were still sharp, their bodies were upright, and they showed no sign of slackness or sluggishness.

Seeing the high energy of the Winter Wolf Army, Robb nodded approvingly: "Yes, they are all elite soldiers."

As the acting army commander, Earl Blackfish was also very happy.

There are few men who can refuse the feeling of having thousands of elite soldiers under their command. When they think that with a single call of arms, the soldiers will kill each other and leave their armor behind, their blood will almost burst.

"Your Majesty, most of these soldiers have followed you in the north and south and have experienced several battles. Those who have not died in one battlefield are all veterans, let alone people like them."

Robb also explained Earl Blackfish's training skills. The command system and system of the Winter Wolf Army and the Blood Wolf Army must be consistent, otherwise the soldiers will be prone to confusion in the future.

Blackfish listened and took notes. He had also experienced several battles with Robb and knew all about them, but he still strived for excellence.

Robb warned: "On the one hand, our purpose this time is to occupy all the areas in the West. On the other hand, we still need to kill this old guy Tywin and his most elite Western troops."

"There are almost no decent defense forces in the West now. It will be very simple for the Blood Wolf Army and Highgarden's army to capture the city. When the time comes to besiege Casterly Rock City, Tywin will have no choice but to come to the rescue."

"Your Winter Wolf Army must cooperate with me to intercept Tywin and achieve great success in one fell swoop!"

Earl Heiyu's heart surged when he heard this: "I will definitely live up to His Majesty's trust!"


After taking care of business, Robb returned to the Dragon Garden under the King's Tower.

Here, Bahamut and Gray Wind are practicing wrestling.

The dragon's growth rate is very fast, especially since Bahamut was blessed by Robb's prayer, it is far faster than ordinary dragons.

Not long ago, Bahamut was still about the same size as Gray Wind, but now it can be clearly seen that it is already larger than Gray Wind.

Gray Wind could no longer throw Bahamut away with just strength like he did when wrestling before. Instead, he had to be careful not to be caught by Bahamut and rely on his dexterity to tangle with Bahamut.

But after all, Bahamut has a pair of wings. Even if he is not flying, he can burst out with extremely strong sprint speed in an instant. He quickly catches Gray Wind, and then uses powerful force to attack it just like Gray Wind did before. It was thrown away directly.


After Gray Feng fell to the ground, he screamed, feeling a little lonely.

It had only been less than half a year, but I couldn't beat this newcomer. I'm afraid the days to come would be even more difficult.

Bahamut was so proud that he happened to see Robb coming. He thought that he had just won a big victory, so he would take this opportunity to challenge Robb and see the difference in strength.


Facing the dragon flying at full speed, Robb held his hands empty, summoned a large thunder gun, and hit Bahamut on the head.


The powerful impact force directly stopped Bahamut's dragon carriage, and he fell to the ground in confusion.

"If you want to fight me, let's wait for another ten million years."

Robb said with a smile, thinking of the incomplete Dragon King he had challenged. It had been mourning in the cracks of time and space for countless years, and was finally killed by him.

The little Bahamut in front of him still has a long way to go if he wants to grow into such a dragon king.

Bahamut rolled his eyes, unable to bear such a cruel fact, and pretended to faint.

Robb came to the somewhat injured Gray Wind and touched Gray Wind's head comfortingly, but he was thinking about the borderland.

Back then, with the help of the power of Elden's Ring, Radagan was able to cultivate his red wolves into giant magical creatures, and maybe Gray Wind could do the same.

Robb looked at Gray Wind and felt that this was quite possible.

Now that the magical elements in the entire world are recovering, Gray Wind himself is also a magical creature, a direwolf. He can imitate the way he cultivated Bahamut and cultivate Gray Wind well.

"What kind of prayer or magic?"

Robb began to think. He had previously thought of a way that would definitely lead to successful transformation, which was to infect Gray Wind with scarlet corruption and become a corrupt direwolf. However, this was too unnatural, so it was better to keep Gray Wind in his current state.

"Considering Gray Wind's own situation, the ice attribute spells and beast sacrifice spells may keep Gray Wind in a magical environment. Coupled with the power of my magic ring, it can promote Gray Wind's changes."

Thinking of this, Robb patted Gray Wind on the head: "You will stay with me from now on. I will always use magic to nourish your body. Maybe you can grow into a big guy in the future."

Gray Wind had a sense of human nature, and he let out a grateful 'Ooo~' before returning to his lively nature, running back and forth around Robb.

When Bahamut saw Gray Feng's silly look, he almost laughed out loud: "It's still silly and fun, just wait and enjoy it."

Just do what you say, Robb has always been a very creative and innovative person.

Taking out the staff made of Valyrian steel from the study, Robb took a wolf and a dragon to a relatively open area in the Dragon Garden.

【Samir Ice Storm】

Robb tapped the ground gently with his staff, and a storm of cold air immediately formed around him. This was a magic storm that was enough to challenge the fire giants, and the magic element in it was quite abundant.

"Go in." Robb glanced at Gray Wind.


Gray Wind tilted his head and looked at Robb with innocent eyes.


Come on in, it's finally your turn!

Seeing Gray Wind still standing there motionless, pretending to be crazy and trying to muddle through, Bahamut was the first one to be unable to bear it.

The dragon's greedy and cunning nature comes into play: if you get caught in the rain, don't even think about someone else's umbrella hitting your head!


Gray Wind was thrust into the cold storm by Bahamut's dragon claw, and the cold breath suddenly spread all over his body. He could not withstand such a powerful force.

"It's okay, I'll restore it to you!"

Robb's mental energy consumption is now reduced and his recovery speed is accelerated.

So it's not a problem at all to cast a recovery miracle while giving Gray Wind a trial.

After thinking about it, Robb remembered that the spell of Beast Sacrifice was also very suitable, so after casting the healing prayer of the Golden Tree, he cast [Beast Vitality] and [Beast Strength].

This was originally a prayer for his own release, but Robb was delighted to find that it was also effective for Gray Wind.

Gray Wind also felt the surging power, and the damage caused by the ice storm was recovering.

The process of constant tearing and recovery makes it both painful and fascinating.

Robb was very satisfied: "Good, let's increase our efforts."


Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Bahamut on the side opened his mouth and made a weird sound, as if he was laughing wildly.

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