With the help of Gray Wind, the Lannister army in the riverlands was quickly wiped out.

His centurion came to report: "Your Majesty, we fought four battles and completely wiped out the enemy. Now the Riverlands can rest assured."

Robb nodded calmly: "Jon Snow has returned to Winterfell. Let him gather the soldiers for training to prevent unexpected situations.

Lord Stevron Frey is currently stationed in Luanhe City, but Moat Cailin also needs more attention and is ready to respond to Jon at any time. "

The purpose of Robb's doing this is to prevent Aunt Lysa from having any accidents and being confused by Littlefinger or, like other timelines, being killed by Littlefinger to seize power.

If the knights at the bottom of the valley were to plunder the Riverlands while he was out fighting, Robb would suffer a lot.

He ordered his two confidants to take precautions so that Robb could go on the expedition with peace of mind.

Another battle report was also sent: "Your Majesty, Commander Little Jon is besieging Fire City, and the Knights of Flowers are besieging Crake Hall. It is expected that these two cities will be captured within a week."

Robb got on his horse and ordered: "Let them march according to the plan. Tell the Knight of Flowers that I have gone to support his father, and tell him to attack Casterly Rock with peace of mind."

"Wolfrider, turn into Highgarden!"

"Long live!"


Tywin's team is still advancing slowly on the Rose Avenue. The Reach is indeed very rich. They are plundering and consuming it along the way, and there is still a lot of supplies left.

In the military camp, Tywin's men are reporting on the current battle situation:

"Lord Tywin, we found a team in the north. There are about ten thousand people, under the banner of the direwolf, but not the symbol of the Stark family."

Tywin held the golden wine glass indifferently: "It seems that this army is the winter wolf army they just formed. Hmph, it's a ridiculous name. The only way out for winter wolves is to starve to death."

Although Tywin said he was disdainful, he still cheered up and drew strokes on the map based on the intelligence of his men.

In the previous battle, Tywin suffered a loss due to Robb's attacks in the east and west, resulting in the loss of his son.

Now is a brand new game, and Tywin naturally doesn't dare to relax.

"Now we have an absolute advantage." Tywin said confidently, "I gave up the West, gave up Casterly Rock, and threw them out as bait, and this boy who hasn't even grown his hair was really fooled."

Tywin said this calmly, but "Sir Rabbit" Kevan, who was in the same military camp, knew that Tywin was probably bleeding from his heart at this time.

'He's scared,' Kevan thought to himself, 'just like me at that time. He didn't dare to fight Robb head-on, so he went to fight Highgarden. Although this is the right thing to do, Tywin would never do this in the past. He would only use cruel methods to tear his enemies into pieces. ’

The Westerlands and Casterly Rock are extremely important to Tywin. The old lion is a cruel, stubborn and rigid person.

Such people attach great importance to the honor of their family.

The fact that Casterly Rock was occupied was enough to keep Tywin awake for five days and five nights.

But for the sake of the overall situation and to avoid Robb's sharp edge, Tywin could only do this.

Tywin continued: "Now he has bitten my bait and diverted 20,000 people to attack Casterly Rock. Now our troops have an absolute advantage on the battlefield in the Reach.

After taking Highgarden, they immediately cut off the supply of the Reach to the North. By then, they themselves will be in chaos. The winter in the North is no joke. "

Although Kevan felt that Tywin was a little short of breath when facing Robb, Tywin's strategy was never wrong.

Same this time.

Coupled with those strange drawings that the alchemists got out of nowhere, which are said to have the effect of reversing the battlefield, Kevan feels that he can win this battle!

"The progress over Hightower is going very well, so we have to stop their reinforcements. Kevan, you can lead some people to stop that legion. Is there no problem?"

Kevan nodded and said, "There will definitely be no problem."

Tywin looked at his brother and said seriously, word for word: "Don't let the situation happen again. You have to use the blood of your enemies to wash away the shame on Lannister."

Kevan knew that Tywin was talking about being scared away by Robb, and Tywin believed that this incident also brought shame to the Lannister family.

Although Tywin's tone and tone did not change, Kevan still felt a chill on his back. He knew that this was an opportunity and a warning.

"I will definitely use blood to wash away all shame!" Kevan said seriously.



"What the hell is that?"

The Duke of Metz looked at the huge creations being pushed out from Hightower's army, and hesitantly asked the people next to him.

The attendants on the left and right also hesitated and said: "Okay... It seems to be a catapult, but why is it so big?"

"They're getting ready to launch!"

When people face unknown things, they will instinctively panic for a while. The Duke of Metz felt nervous when he saw that the other party seemed to be busy loading stones.

"Such a long distance, more than 150 meters, right?! Do they want to launch catapults from that place? What a joke!"

"It seems to be more than 150 meters, close to 200 meters, sir."

"That's not what I'm talking about!" the Duke of Metz complained, "Where's our catapult? Why don't you bring it up?"

"Your Majesty the Duke...the other party is not within our shooting range. We occupy the city wall, and the shooting range is only about a hundred meters."


While he was talking, the opponent's catapult started to operate, and a huge stone was thrown into the air and hit the direction of the High Court.


The boulder landed in front of the city gate of High Garden. It looked like it was still thirty-four meters away from the city gate, let alone hitting the defenders on the city wall.

The Duke of Metz laughed, trying to make up for his panic: "Hahaha! It turns out it's just a beautiful vase, but it's actually of no use!"

The defenders looked horrified: "Sir... sir, look at this stone!"

The Duke of Metz was puzzled: "What's wrong? It's just an ordinary stone!"

The defender stammered: "This stone is twice the size of the stone we threw!"

What catapult can project larger rocks than this thing beyond the range of its own catapult? !


Another boulder flew over.

This time the accuracy and range of the boulder have been greatly improved, and it flew directly towards the city wall!

The Duke of Metz's eyes widened for a moment. He saw a small stone flying towards him, but two seconds later, the small stone turned into a boulder three times bigger than himself!

If this was hit, the Duke of Metz would die on the spot!


The Duke of Metz did not react, but the attendants around him acted in time, hugging the fat body of the Duke of Metz and knocking him down with great effort.

The huge boulder hit the city wall hard, the sand and stones rolled, dust flew everywhere, and a gap was opened in the solid white city wall.

For the entire city wall of High Garden, this small gap was not worth mentioning at all, but for the soldiers who faced this gap that was several times larger than themselves, the sight before them was a bit shocking.

The Duke of Metz got up from the ground in embarrassment, dumbfounded: "This... this!"

Not far away, the catapults of Hightower's army stopped attacking. It seemed that the two stones fired just now were just a test method, and they would rest temporarily after completing their purpose.

The Duke of Metz breathed a sigh of relief: "Quick! Leave quickly, or let this thing smash me to death and I'll be finished!"

The Duke of Metz dragged his fat body and began to walk towards the interior of the High Court.

"grown ups……"

The attendant's horrified voice stopped the Duke of Metz. Following the direction pointed by the attendant's trembling arm, the Duke of Metz looked in the direction of Hightower's army.

In the misty gray-white fog of the morning, one giant beast after another was slowly pushed out, stopping next to the catapult that almost killed the Duke of Metz just now.

The soldiers moved rhythmically, and the giant catapults adjusted their directions and angles. Soldiers driving small wooden carts on the side brought hundreds of kilograms of boulders and shouted slogans to load the boulders.

Next to the boulder, clay pots were piled on cart after cart, with the crest of House Lannister carved on them.

The soldiers of the Hightower family carefully placed the pottery pot on the catapult, as cautiously as if they were holding their father's ashes.

"What's in that clay pot?"

The Duke of Metz felt that his eyelids were beating wildly, and those catapults loaded with huge rocks really felt oppressive to him.

But looking at the looks of those soldiers, it was obvious that there was something even more terrifying inside that clay pot!

The inherent sense of crisis in human beings eroded the Duke of Metz's whole body. It seemed that the contents of the clay pot were enough to plunge him and the entire High Garden into destruction.


One boulder after another flew over.

There are more and more rocks on the city wall, and the soldiers are also affected. Faced with the huge and high-speed flying boulders, ordinary people have no ability to resist.

Although the accuracy of the boulder is not high, no one wants to be the person who is killed by the lottery!

The most critical problem is that he can only be beaten, but he cannot fight back!

Our side occupies the advantage of the high ground on the city wall, but the range of the catapult is still not as good as the opponent's!

This is the most frustrating and most demoralizing place.

"Let them smash it!"

The Duke of Metz roared: "Even if they attack for a year, the wall of my High Court will not collapse! Withdraw first, and then hold on when the other party sends people to attack the city!"

"Sir, look quickly!"

Just when the Duke of Metz was about to give a speech and encourage his teammates, the horrified voices of the attendants came again.

The Duke of Metz was impatient: "Are you tired of always giving me bad news? Don't you have good news?!"


The Duke of Metz responded with the sound of a clay pot breaking.

The tiles fell apart and flew around, flying out together with the contents of the clay pot!


A green flame burst out of the clay pot!


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