"We also want to go to Tyrosh. We are not children anymore. You have to let us go out and see more!"

The two little ones who came to see Robb were, of course, Arya and Bran.

As spring passed and autumn passed, the two little ones also grew up a lot. During Robb's absence, the two of them and Bahamut were the three strongest combat forces in the Star City!

After learning the previous skills, Robb taught them many abilities. Now the two of them just lack a little practical experience.

Arya waved the dagger in her hand: "No one is my opponent now, I can definitely guarantee my safety!"

Bran was also floating in the air: "Take me with you, brother, look, I am no longer a burden, and I feel that there are many other powers awakening in my body. Go out and take a look, it must be right. I’m good for it!”

Robb knew what power Bran was talking about. It was the power of the old gods, gods with weirwood as their carrier.

Bran seems to be the chosen greenseer, and this power should not be underestimated.

Legend has it that in ancient times, a thousand green seers sacrificed a thousand lives and activated powerful black magic to directly interrupt the Arm of Dorne, the continental shelf between the continent of Essos and the continent of Westeros.

This resulted in the complete separation of the two continents.

But even so, the green seers were unable to stop the invasion from the continent of Essos. When they were retreating continuously, they wanted to repeat the feat of black magic.

So the black magic continued to be used in the current Carin Bay-Neck Lake area.

It was only half the success this time, causing this area to become a swamp. This is also the historical reason why Carlin Bay has become a natural and dangerous place in the north.

It can be said that Bran's own magical talent is not weak to begin with, and with the new magic taught by Robb, he has great potential in the future.

Robb thought about it and felt that it was really not a problem for the two of them to keep working together behind closed doors. If they wanted to grow up, they still had to see the world.

So he nodded in agreement.

Then he added a warning: "We are not playing house. Since you want to join the army, you must obey military orders. Without my order, you cannot act on your own."

Arya and Bran are very excited, this is their first time going out with the army!

The two repeatedly promised: "We will never act without authorization!"

"Very good, pack up, we're ready to go!"


If you want to go to another continent, you naturally need to take a boat from the port.

White Harbor, where the Mandalay family is located, is the richest city in the North. It was originally the territory of the Gray Stark family, but because this relative and the Skinners launched a rebellion together, they were annihilated by the Stark family.

As for why the Skinners were not wiped out, Robb didn't quite understand.

Maybe it's because that generation of Stark ancestors hated traitors more than enemies.

At this time, the Mandalay family fled all the way to the North. Because of their military exploits and good business skills, the Stark family sealed White Harbor to the Mandalay family.

Since then, the Manderly family has been loyal to the Stark family, because a piece of bread in exile is more valuable than a golden dragon in times of prosperity.

Robb took his brothers, sisters, and a thousand wolf riders to White Harbor.

Bahamut is now big enough to carry three people together even if Robb doesn't use gravity magic.

The huge black-gold wings slowly stopped flapping under the castle of White Harbor. Bahamut smelled the salty sea breeze and found it quite interesting.

The dragon made a lot of noise, and the residents and fishermen of White Harbor were shocked by this shocking scene.

"That's the legendary Majesty Robb, the giant dragon!! My Gods, what did I see? There really is such a creature!"

"It is said that His Majesty Robb is about to unify the entire continent of Westeros. This is really the pride of us northerners!"

"Having a dragon is actually nothing. His Majesty Robb was already invincible before there was a dragon!"

"I really hope he can like my daughter..."

At the gate of White Harbor, Caitlin and the Mandalay family had been waiting for a long time.

Previously, Robb was worried that Caitlin would make some risqué moves driven by family affection, so he transferred Caitlin out of Star City and sent her to White Harbor to deal with matters with Tyrosh.

Hearing the buzz around her, Caitlin didn't show anything on her face, but she was very happy in her heart.

What parent wouldn't be happy when they hear that their child has achieved success and is admired and admired by others?

Seeing Robb getting off Bahamut, Caitlin went up to him and said, "Earl Mandalay is too fat. He can't walk out of the castle to see you."

Catelyn explained, then looked to Arya and Bran, looking at Robb questioningly.

Arya and Bran shrank their heads, a little afraid that their mother would not allow them to go out.

Robb didn't explain too much: "They are not young anymore. There are still many things to face in the future. I need the help of my relatives around me. I can't let them play house all the time."

Catelyn knew she couldn't argue with Robb's decision, so she could only sigh.

Just like she had hoped that Robb could return to the north and become a stable duke, Robb would not listen to her.

The four came to the hall of White Harbor.

Earl Manderly sat in his seat panting with a huge belly. When he saw Robb coming, he stood up with difficulty and saluted with the help of his attendants.

"Your Majesty, it is our honor for you to come to White Harbor... My son did not meet expectations and let you down. I am extremely sorry for this."

Sir Wendel Manderly, who was standing beside his father with a bandage on his face, looked ashamed.

The wound on his body was left when he had a conflict with the Tyroshis.

Robb waved his hand, signaling Earl Manderly not to be so restrained.

"It was also because I didn't think it through. I originally thought that sending a fleet would make Tyroshi surrender, and then use Tyroshi as a springboard to first control the nine free federation cities."

Earl Manderly and Sir Wendel Manderly looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that His Majesty Robb's ambition was so great!

But on second thought, it seemed reasonable.

Wendel Manderly was a warrior who had participated in the Battle of the Iron Islands with Robb, and he had also witnessed the tremendous power displayed by Robb.

It would be unreasonable for such an emperor to have no ambition!

Robb asked, "You are my messenger, doing business under my banner. Who hurt you?"

Wendel reported everything that happened in Tyrosh to Robb in detail, and some details that could not be expressed in letters were also explained clearly.

Robb compared Wendel's words with the information provided by the Wolf Guards beside him, and found nothing wrong, indicating that both groups were telling the truth.

"Lord... I know, gather the ships, and as soon as Lord Redwyne's fleet arrives, we will set off for Tyrosh!"


Departing from the port of Stormlands, Euron and Lord Hightower, each with their own plans, prepared to go along the southern coast to the southern part of the continent of Essos, to a city called Yunkai.

Lord Hightower looked at the intelligence: "This Targaryen woman is amazing. She can even gain the loyalty of several cities!"

"Of course, she has three dragons!"

Euron Greyjoy said greedily: "She already has a husband, Drogo in the north of Essos, but that husband is dead.

I think I will be a qualified husband. After all, she is still a naive little girl and needs mature adults to help her master this power."

Lord Hightower corrected: "Two mature adults."

Euron looked at Lord Hightower with a smile: "Of course, how could I forget your help?"

Euron also has a treasure in his hand-the Dragon Horn.

It is said that this thing can control dragons. Euron has tried to blow it, but this thing is very strange. Just making a little sound, Euron feels that his lungs are almost burned out.

He didn't dare to take risks anymore, so he found a man to experiment.

But just a moment after blowing it, the man died, as if he was tortured to death by the Dragon Horn.

This gave Euron a headache.

However, after meeting Earl Hightower, the other party said that he could help him solve this problem, so the two formed an alliance.

Euron was also skeptical about Earl Hightower's words, but when he thought about the fact that the other party had studied magic for most of his life in that towering tower, he might really have two brushes!

In addition, Earl Hightower's remaining military power was also very important.

"This little girl is quite ambitious and wants to abolish slavery, but she doesn't understand people's hearts. Her rule will sooner or later have problems."

Continuing to look at the information from the Dragon Mother, the cunning Earl Hightower soon discovered the hidden dangers of the Dragon Mother.

The abolition of slavery sounds like a progressive move, but everything has its own strong inertia.

Not only will the slave owners oppose it, but even many slaves will oppose it.

Without slave owners, what will we eat?

It's not that they don't understand, but there is no way.

They have been slaves all their lives, and the slave owners have taken everything from them, but gave them food.

Once they lose their jobs, they have no savings and cannot find a way to make a living in the first place, so they can only starve to death!

Therefore, if you want to abolish slavery, you must think of a way out for the slaves.

For example, you need slaves to work in factories and continue to create wealth.

But it is obvious that the little girl from the Targaryen family did not think so much, and the result is that the vested interests and many slaves will oppose her.

Euron laughed: "This is actually a good thing for us! If her rule can no longer be shaken by anyone, is there any need for us to help?"

Seeing that he was laughing very sinisterly, Earl Hightower also nodded in appreciation.

Euron turned his head and restrained the smile on his face: When the time comes, you will use you, the old man, and your men to sacrifice to help the Drowned God recover a little strength. With three dragons, I don’t believe that Robb can still turn the tables!

In addition, I heard that there is a very famous assassin group in Essos, who believes in the Thousand-Faced God, called the Faceless Man, and you can also ask them to come out and assassinate!

There are also shadowbinders from Asshai, who can also be invited...

Euron's plan is perfect. With the Drowned God and three dragons, Robb can't win no matter how powerful he is!

Moreover, he also knows black magic, so he can catch him off guard!

Add two waves of assassins and directly assassinate him during the battle. Even if Robb has three heads and six arms, he is definitely not his opponent!

By then, the entire Westeros continent will still be mine!

Euron thought confidently.


Nine Free Federation Cities, Tyrosh.

The heartbreaking voices of the servants rang out:

"Your Majesty! Oh no, according to the information sent back by the mercenaries across the strait, the Mandalay family that we drove away called our Lord and is gathering troops to fight towards us!

And according to the intelligence, the King of the North of Westeros still has a giant dragon in his hand that he can control. We are definitely no match, Your Majesty! "


The Lord of Tyrosh was startled and looked a little panicked.

He originally thought that Westeros was deep in war and there would be no problem if he refused the Manderly family's request.

Maybe this family will be wiped out by the enemy soon, this is also impossible to say!

But I didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless and actually called a fleet over.

Tyrosh is a city that values ​​commerce, where merchants have a higher status than warriors.

Many outstanding warriors have left their homeland and become wandering mercenaries.

Naturally, the city's military strength weakened.

This is also the reason why the Tyrosh king chose to use money to solve the problem after the conflict with Reese.

"This is how to do?"

The Tyrosh king was sweating anxiously. Suddenly, his forehead stretched a little, as if he thought of something interesting.

"I remember... these bumpkins from Westeros have a tradition called guest rights. It's stupid anyway, and these guys are stupid enough to believe in it and practice it."

"When the time comes, I just need to invite these people to my living room and pretend to repent, and then I can deal with these country bumpkins!"

The more the Lord of Tyrosh thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible!

"Not only will this troublesome problem be solved, but a giant dragon will also be harvested!"

"This is a huge profit!"

To be on the safe side, the Lord of Tyrosh summoned his cronies: "Go to Lys and ask the Governor of Lys about the way to find the Shadowbinder."

It's a pity that the Faceless Man of the Thousand-Faced God suddenly closed for business for some reason, otherwise the Lord of Tyrosh would have been prepared to ask about the price.

Now only Asshai's Shadowbinders continue to work.

The great king of Tyrosh was immersed in beautiful fantasies, having his halls cleaned and fine food purchased.

And let people let out the words: just say that they are aware of the disrespect for the Mandalay family, and hope to have a chance to treat the Mandalay family members sincerely. As long as the Mandalay family fleet comes to Tyrosh, You will open the door to welcome them!

The idea is stuck, only a short wave (-ω-`)

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