Bran, who was standing next to Robb, was startled. He didn't know how this strange shadow-like thing appeared next to his brother.

The shadow was covered with black lines. From the surface, a lot of black mist was spreading, and it held a long sword in its hand.

The cold breath instantly spread throughout the room, like a cold current blowing into the house.

Bran reacted quickly and immediately used [Gravity Ball] to suck the black shadow towards himself and make it lose balance.

The shadow obviously staggered, but it was essentially invisible, so it would not be affected too much.

The sinister and cold shadow blade still stabbed towards Robb's body, and it was about to penetrate Robb's body.

Bran's heart tightened, but Robb's gentle voice sounded, instantly comforting him.

"Well done, Bran. You now look a little like a magician."

After praising Bran, Robb didn't even look at the shadow behind him. He snorted coldly, and golden light burst out from his hand. A sacred and great breath instantly spread throughout his body.

"The power of shadows, I haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect to see this kind of monster here again."

When Robb explored the border before, he had encountered some monsters covered in shadows, and ordinary attacks could not hurt them at all.

But as long as they show their true bodies, it will be fine.

Golden lines and light spots filled Robb's surroundings, and the sacred triangular rune appeared in front of Robb's chest. Robb clasped his hands together and then suddenly opened them.

[The Holy Law of Death]

A circular arc of golden lines appeared under Robb's feet, and all the creatures around Robb were judged with a holy and sacred breath.

This is one of the prayers of the Golden Tree Law, which is specifically used to deal with the shadow spirits summoned by the undead and the shadow binders.

As soon as the shadow spirit came into contact with the sacred law of the golden tree, it instantly let out a terrifying scream, just like a human being immersed in sulfuric acid.

The golden luster continued to fade away the shadow disguise on its body, just like ice in summer, without much effort, in the blink of an eye, the shadow spirit melted away.

"This... This is impossible! What is this?!"

The Tyrosh king standing by was dumbfounded. With his limited knowledge, he didn't realize what was happening.

He only knew that Shadowbinders were very powerful and mysterious, although they were not very active because they had to pay a huge price to attack once.

But in the continent of Essos, no one didn't know how powerful Shadowbinders were!

But in front of Robb, it didn't even have a chance to attack!

At the same time, Lord Tyroshi was also very upset. He stammered to explain to Robb: "Great Emperor of Westeros, this is really a misunderstanding! I swear to the three gods, I originally wanted to submit to you!

This shadowbinder is really a fool! A pig with a corrupt brain!

Why can't you see the situation on the field? I didn't think so!

Please, please have mercy and forgive me."

Robb smiled and asked: "Do you admit that you arranged this shadowbinder?"

"No... yes, but... I..."

Lord Tyroshi was frightened by Robb's words and couldn't speak.

Robb was too lazy to continue talking to such a stupid person: "Knock him out, don't kill him first, find the people of the skinning family in the army and do it according to the usual practice."

Lord Tyroshi also heard a little about the skinning family in the north. When he heard his fate, his mind went blank and his eyes were dull for three seconds before he remembered to beg for mercy.

"No... No, Your Majesty, please don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want! Wealth, gold, or the city of Tyrosh, I can give you all of them, please don't kill me!"

Robb scolded: "Are you confused! If I kill you, won't these things still be mine?"


The Lord of Tyrosh was speechless for a moment, with only countless regrets in his heart.

If time could go back, what he wanted to go back to most now was the afternoon when he had just met the members of the Manderly family.

If at that time, he had sincerely cooperated with the Emperor of Westeros, would the current situation be completely different?

Why did he want to provoke such a big man?

Robb clapped his hands and said to the guards and relatives around the Lord of Tyrosh: "Go and call all the free people in Tyrosh who can speak, I want to have a good talk with them."

The Lord of Tyrosh is an electoral system. In theory, every free man has the opportunity to become a Lord.

But in fact, the election process is full of bribery and conspiracy.

This is a very normal thing for the people of Tyroshi. If you don't bribe, it means you have no ability, so how can you become the Lord?

Robb wants to meet these "capable people".


The free people of Tyroshi who received Robb's order were happy and sad.

Needless to say, the sad ones didn't know what kind of ruler Robb was, whether he was a tyrant. Maybe the meeting was just a cover, and he actually wanted to kill them all?

"If we go and get killed by that majesty, then we're all done! But if we don't go, we'll be held accountable later, and it will give the other party a handle to hold on!"

To go or not is a problem for these people.

The happy people said: "The King of Westeros must need someone to rule our Tyroshi. We, the local rich freemen, are his best tools for ruling! A new era is coming. If we go there to express our loyalty, we may become the new king!"

The others asked curiously: "How do you know that King Robb will not do anything to you?"

"Oh, my nephew is Greenbeard, an officer of the Blood Wolf Regiment of King Robb's First Legion. We have already agreed. Of course, we are not afraid."

"My grandson is King Robb's personal guard! What is called the Wolf Rider? He is here this time. I am just about to open the city gate to welcome my grandson!"

"What a coincidence! My third aunt's son-in-law's brother is here too. I am also going to pick him up!"

The crowd of onlookers realized that this group of people had already had a connection with the King of Westeros. I am afraid that they had sold the information in Tyroshi long ago.

Inside Tyroshi, a group supporting Robb has long been formed.

For this behavior, of course, they despised it in their hearts.

But they showed envy on their faces: "It turns out that you big brothers have already had a way, take us with you!"

They were originally businessmen, and everything else was empty except making money.

The uncle with green beard waved his hand: "What's so difficult about this? Everyone, bring your slaves and soldiers, go to the city gate together, and welcome the army of the King of Westeros to Tyrosh!

I will see your performance at that time. If you are good, you can go to the Lord's Hall with me to see His Majesty Robb. This is your last chance!"

The Lord is gone, and the free people in the city know that at this time, asking mercenaries to protect themselves, and then joining those who have surrendered to Robb is the best way out.

This chain reaction soon spread to the entire city of Tyrosh.

By the time they reacted, almost the entire city had become "their own people".

Robb met with several important free people in the Lord's Hall of Tyrosh, and then derived a network of relationships from those free people to form a new ruling power.

Looking at these people, Robb made a clear statement: "I don't want to rule Tyrosh, it's too far away, and I don't want to interfere with your system and culture, which have nothing to do with me.

I just want to ensure that our trade can proceed unimpeded, and I will not be stingy in sharing the profits from the trade with you."

Robb had already drawn up the rules and the proportion of the division with the free people who had surrendered, and the people present were divided into 30% and 70%.

Of course, 70% belonged to Robb.

Even so, those free people still had to look at Robb's face, otherwise Robb would have come here in vain, wouldn't it?

"Anyway, Tyrosh is the first city to establish diplomatic relations with my Westeros Empire. In order to highlight this honor, I will personally give you a gift."

Robb glanced at Bahamut, and the dragon understood, and with a claw, all the weapons collected by all the guards were gathered together.

Then a golden dragon flame spurted out, melting the weapons into a small golden chair.

Robb's move was to imitate what Aegon did back then, but this chair is much smaller than the Iron Throne and does not look so domineering.

Robb said lightly: "This golden chair is a symbol of friendship between the Westeros Empire and Tyroshi. I think no one should refuse it."

The free people below saw the dragon showing its might, and the scorching dragon breath frightened them. Naturally, they all obeyed what Robb said.

"You all go down, do a good job, and don't let me down."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


The reason why Robb chose the city of Tyroshi as his first step to the continent of Essos was, on the one hand, because many of his wolf riders were Tyroshis, and on the other hand, because this was an island city suitable for trade.

With convenient transportation, population mobility will be dense.

As the first city to surrender, Robb attached great importance to the development of Tyroshi.

In order to plunder enough resources to supply the continent of Westeros, Robb had to buy low and sell high.

How to sell at a high price? The simplest way is to use a brand premium, just like what I discussed with Lord Redwyne before.

However, if you want the people of Essos to accept the concept of brand premium subconsciously from top to bottom, in addition to Robb's own strong military guarantee, you also need to make the people of Essos aware that:

The products produced in Westeros are better than those in Essos!

What craftsmanship, a century-old family handmade heritage, the geographical location of Qingting Island is unparalleled in the world, so the wine produced is also unparalleled in the world!

Once this illusion is created, it can continue even without military guarantee.

How to cultivate this illusion?

Of course, it starts with the banquets of the nobles.

The middle freemen imitate the upper freemen, so the popular things in the upper banquets will soon become popular in the entire circle of middle freemen.

The upper freemen do not want to be caught up by the middle freemen, so Robb will introduce the concept of limited edition to ensure their superiority.

The people below want to get rid of the status quo as much as possible, so they can only work hard.

Of course, the banquet cannot be held in just Tyrosh, so people from other cities need to come together.

At this time, Tyrosh's superior geographical location showed its advantages.

After Robb's army entered Tyrosh, it quickly dealt with all the opposing forces, and Robb's empire began to gradually improve.

In the study, Robb finished writing the template and handed it to Wendel beside him:

"Sir Wendel Manderly, write to the owners of the other eight free trade federal cities and tell them that I will hold a grand banquet in Tyrosh in three months. I hope they can come to visit."

Sir Wendel was a little worried: "Will someone be unwilling to come?"

"Of course, it is their freedom to come or not, and we have no right to interfere. But I hope they can understand that this is an invitation from the Emperor of Westeros. If they can't come, I will give them a reason they can't refuse."

Robb's attitude is very clear, that is, to force these people to recognize their status.

If they don't recognize it, then fight.

Since the magic power has become more and more active, Robb's strength has been getting closer and closer to his peak period.

In addition, Robb is not afraid of multi-threaded wars now that his four generals (Grey Wind, Bran, Arya and Bahamut) have grown up.

Seeing Robb so confident, Wendel couldn't help but feel a heroic spirit in his heart: "Okay! My Westeros Empire is no longer the same as before. These cities of the Free Alliance are really insignificant in front of us. Why do they dare to reject themselves?"

As a minister of the Westeros Empire, Wendel felt that he had to show this momentum, so as not to shame the Westeros Empire and His Majesty Robb!

The raven flew away. There might be many people at the banquet three months later, or maybe only a few people would come to perfunctory Robb.

However, everyone who makes a decision will pay the corresponding price for his actions.

Wendel is very sure of this.


In the next three months, Robb's main thoughts and energy were on cultivating his dragons and younger brothers and sisters.

In a short period of time, their strength was further improved.

Little Rose was also taken over. Just like in Oldtown, Robb was going to hold a banquet. The presence of the emperor and queen at the same time was more symbolic.

Earl Redwyne, Catelyn and Wendel Manderly were responsible for handling all matters in Tyrosh.

With Robb and a dragon hovering here, the whole city was extremely quiet and well-behaved, not to mention that there were tens of thousands of fleets escorting at the port, and the city's public security even reached the best level in history.

In Westeros, battlefield intelligence and wolf guard intelligence from Earl Blackfish and Earl Lakewood were continuously delivered to Robb.

Robb still maintained absolute control over Westeros.

Soon, the day of the grand banquet arrived.

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