Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 138 Exploring the Secret

The sea monster and the Son of the Sun have both appeared, so what about the so-called lion?

Who could it be?

And the Hightower family, the prophecy does not seem to mention that this family will come, so why are they here?

Daenerys was a little puzzled.

According to Old Bar, the lion of Westeros is the Lannister family, but now hasn't the Lannister family been defeated by the Stark of the dire wolf family?

Will someone among them come to me?

Damn Lannister family!

Daenerys gritted her teeth when she thought of Tywin's betrayal. Back then, Tywin entered King's Landing under the banner of serving the king.

The Mad King had long been at odds with Tywin and had not trusted Tywin for a long time, but this time, the Mad King chose to believe in his old friend.

It's a pity that it's not fun for a mad man to suddenly choose to believe in his own rationality.

Tywin, who entered King's Landing, did not hesitate at all and immediately began his massacre.

The betrayer is far more hateful than the enemy!

"If someone from the Lannister family comes to surrender to me, I will first chop off his head and let them see the ugly face of their family."

Daenerys's mind was a little empty.

Below, Prince Quentyn from Dorne and Euron Greyjoy from the Iron Islands were still waiting for her reply and choice.

Time passed by, Prince Quentyn and Earl Hightower were still calm, but Euron was a little impatient, and his expression gradually became irritable.

After careful consideration, Daenerys finally spoke:

"I will not marry you. I need to rule Meereen. Although you have power, one of you is too far away from me and can't help me. Now, I need strength.

The other one just lost the battle, and I can't trust you completely.

So, I won't agree to your request.

But you can stay by my side and use time and the blood of the enemy to prove your loyalty. At that time, I will make a choice."

There is nothing wrong with what Daenerys said. Euron was a little unhappy, but Earl Hightower held him back.

Earl Hightower signaled with his eyes: I haven't seen the dragon yet...

Although Euron was very unhappy, he knew that the overall situation should be given priority at this time, so he kept silent.

Prince Quentin was appointed Prime Minister as Daenerys' trust and favor for Dorne.

Daenerys continued, "Now the city is full of Sons of the Harpy. They have committed countless horrific murders and attacks. I need you to help me deal with them."

Earl Hightower and Euron smiled slightly: "Please leave it to us, Your Majesty the Great Queen."

They all knew that this was a task and test given by Daenerys. As long as they could pass it, they would be able to improve their status in Daenerys's mind.

Prince Quentyn, the Prime Minister, was still a little confused. He was just a child. Although he had great courage to come here across the ocean, he didn't expect that he would become the Prime Minister in an instant and help the Dragon Mother handle government affairs!

He still has a long time to learn.

Daenerys looked at these people and thought silently in her heart: If they can't deal with the Sons of the Harpy, I will marry Hizda.

Hizda is a local noble in Meereen. Marrying Hizda can help stabilize the situation.

Although Daenerys felt that Hizda was not a good person, he was one of the backup plans.


After leaving the royal meeting, Lord Hightower and Euron came to the brothel in Meereen. After enjoying the service, they began to discuss countermeasures.

Lord Hightower sighed: "This mistress is a little stronger than we thought. I thought a girl under 20 could be easily caught by us."

Daenerys' experience far exceeded Lord Hightower's imagination, so he always thought that Daenerys was just a little girl.

Euron said disdainfully: "She is just a woman. If she is a woman, she needs a man!"

Euron is very confident that he will take down Daenerys sooner or later.

Lord Hightower glanced at Euron and felt that he was not as good as Dario, the guard beside the queen.

So he changed the subject: "Let's deal with the matter of the harpy first. You come to deal with this matter. I will communicate with the nobles in the city and obtain intelligence."

"It's just a small organization. I will kill them."

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Euron's mouth.

In his opinion, the threat he posed to Daenerys was much greater than this broken organization.

Using lions to drive away wolves, how would this poor girl deal with it when the wolves retreated?

Lord Hightower was also very excited: "Once we gain Daenerys' trust, we can see the legendary dragons!"

The purpose of their trip was to get the three dragons in Daenerys' hands.

We must get them at all costs, and then return to Westeros to attack Robb and take back everything we have!

Euron had a plan: "First cut off this woman's arms, so that she can only rely on us. When the people she trusts leave or die, she will be a puppet for us to control!"

Lord Hightower nodded: "Then let's start with our fellow countryman, Prince Quentyn who came out of nowhere."



After Robb held a grand banquet, he conveyed an important message to everyone: the nine free federation trading cities are already Robb's vassals.

Trade can be started with the White Harbor of the Manderly family and the Lannister Port, which Robb actually controls.

Robb has a large amount of gold produced in the Westerlands, which is the most suitable to exchange for the supplies here.

Then use the heavily overpriced goods like those of Earl Redwyne to exchange the gold back, and the invisible plunder will be completed.

After Robb sent away the archons, he looked at the map of Essos and prepared to make the next plan.

"Next, I want to go to the legendary Valyria ruins to see."

Although he didn't know what terrible things were inside, Robb was fearless now.

It would be even better if he could get weapons and armor that he could use.

The Valyria ruins are not within the scope of the nine free federation trading cities, and you still need to cross the mountains to the central part of Essos.

But for Robb, who has a dragon, these are not a problem at all.

"We also need to pay attention to the Dragon Mother's affairs. We need to send someone to check the situation. After all, there are three dragons."

Robb's territory is now very large. If a rebellion occurs somewhere by accident, he can't split himself to quell the rebellion.

That's why he trained Arya and Bran to be his helpers.

And dragons, as a good means of transportation, are naturally Robb's favorite.

If the female dragon among the three dragons can be used to breed with Bahamut, the glory of the Valyria period can be reproduced.

With Bahamut's current strength, it should not be a problem...

Robb knows that the more powerful the creature, the lower its reproductive ability.

But Bahamut is not the ordinary flying dragons in the hands of the Dragon Mother.

As a higher-level ancient dragon, even if it is not as powerful as the dragon king Robb encountered, it has surpassed the species boundary of the flying dragon.

The pregnancy rate after breeding should be much higher.

"Wendel, go and gather the armies of the nine free federation cities, gather tens of thousands of people, and take the soldiers to Meereen and Yunkai."

Robb was not very worried that Longma would use dragons to burn his army. Her subordinates were not Bahamut, and he had Bran on his side.

Sir Wendel Manderly said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty. Are we going to conquer the central part of Essos?"

"Of course, the closer the area is to Westeros, the more noble it is. We must always instill this concept."

As a person with advanced ideas, Robb deeply realized that he couldn't always catch a wool to pull, but had to give some benefits appropriately.

The western part of Essos controlled by the nine free federation cities transfused blood for themselves, so the central part of Essos naturally had to transfuse blood for the western region.

In this way, the flood would flow for a long time, and he could grab more benefits from it.

Of course, just like conquering the west, he still had to rely on fighting to continuously expand his territory.

In the central part of Essos, to the south is the Slave Bay, a rich land, and also the area where Longma is located.

This is where Robb sent his troops.

To the north of the center is the territory of Dragon Mother's ex-husband, the Dothraki grassland.

Most of the people living there are nomads, and they occasionally crossed the mountains between the west and the center of Essos to plunder the cities of the Free Federation.

But now that Robb has arrived here, the offensive and defensive situation has changed.

"Send troops to attack the Slave Bay from both land and sea. Logistics and other things will be dispatched from the Free Federation cities first. After eating, go to the enemy's territory to rob.

Don't worry too much. We don't rule there, and we don't need it to become our blood transfusion place. Tell the mercenaries and soldiers of the Free Federation to be casual."

Robb ordered. As an emperor, his orders became more and more ruthless and completely reality-oriented.

Most things have been alienated into a number in his eyes, and there is no other value.

But this is the only way for civilization to progress. No place has not come this way.

"Bran will lead the army on land, and Lord Redwyne will still lead the navy."

After several training sessions, Bran has completely adapted to the rhythm of the battlefield, and Robb can rest assured to hand over the command to his younger brother.

It doesn't matter if they lose, it's the loss of the Nine Free Federations anyway.

You need bullets to train a sharpshooter.

Of course, you need countless real swords and guns to train a good general.

In Tyrosh, Robb still arranged for Little Rose and Catelyn to handle government affairs.

With Brienne and the transferred Wolf Guards, basic life safety can be guaranteed.

After arranging everything properly, Robb prepared to take Bahamut and Grey Wind to the ruins of Valyria.

Robb is still very much looking forward to the ruins of Valyria.

Maybe he can find a way to further improve Bahamut and Grey Wind, and gain a lot of strange treasures from ancient times.

After all, Valyria is the world center during the heyday of magic in this world, even compared with the border, it is only slightly inferior.

After all, at that time, there was magic that could destroy the continental shelf and dragons that covered the sky and the earth. It could be considered an era of high magic.

Arriving at the residence where Bahamut and Grey Wind were kept, Robb clapped his hands to signal the two beasts to get up.

"We are going to Valyria today, don't sleep."

These two beasts are much smarter than ordinary people, and now they can understand what Robb said.

This is a great progress, because wild beasts such as tamed dogs only react to human expressions and tones.

But they don't understand the meaning of the words at all.

For example, if you scold it with a smiling tone, it will think you are playing with it intimately.

On the contrary, if you praise it with an angry tone, it will tremble with fear.

Bahamut and Grey Wind are very different from those beasts. They can understand the meaning of Robb's words a little bit, which is a historic progress.

When he heard the name "Valyria", Bahamut trembled slightly for no reason.

It can feel that this name seems to have a strange attraction to it, an attraction from the depths of its genes and soul.

It's as if there is something there that tempts it to go over.


Bahamut was impatient. If he couldn't beat Robb, he would have left the man and the wolf behind and gone to explore on his own.

Robb patted Bahamut's head with his thunder gun to comfort him: "Why are you so impatient? Even if it's an ancient relic, there's no need to be so excited... By the way, none of Dragon Mother's pets are as impatient as you."

In another timeline, Dragon Mother's three dragons never showed interest in the Valyrian ruins.

Maybe their bloodline is too thin to feel it?

Robb could only guess.

Grey Wind also jumped up and came to Robb with his tongue out.

Grey Wind was very different from an ordinary dire wolf at this time. First of all, his body had become extremely large.

Under Robb's various training and influence, Grey Wind's shoulder height was more than one meter.

This was the shoulder height of tigers and lions.

Grey Wind's body had also become as large as that of large carnivorous cats, and it seemed that he had not stopped growing. Both he and Bahamut were growing.

"Good boy..."

Robb scratched Grey Wind's chin, and Bahamut, who was touched on the head by the thunder spear, felt a little wronged.

"You should become the red wolf of Radagon or Sif of A-level in the future."

"By then, you will be a real magical creature."

Robb immediately became worried again: "But you are so old, it will be troublesome to find a wife in the future, so you should find a wife while you are still young to raise the next generation."


Grey Wind howled like an underage giant wolf.

Bringing Grey Wind to Bahamut's back, Robb patted Bahamut's head gently: "Let's go, let's go to the ruins of Valyria!"

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