The dark clouds in the sky come and go quickly.

The sun shone unbridled on the sea, dispersing the thick fog. Robb stood on the huge god's body, feeling a little hot and humid, and very uncomfortable.

Streams of fire appeared around Robb, driving away the cold air and keeping Robb extra dry.

It’s great to have unlimited spiritual power!

Looking at the body of the Drowned God at his feet, Robb thought to himself: If the ninety-eight ones are like this, then the two hundred and ninety-eight ones are not allowed to take off? !

Hunting gods and becoming a king have always been engraved deep in the heart of the Faded One. Robb was not a good man or woman to begin with, but now that he saw the benefits of hunting gods, a desire arose in his heart.

Looking at the mark of the ring on his wrist, Robb thought to himself: "Maybe the gods who hunt this world can repair my ring to perfection."

"With the help of the power of the complete magic circle, maybe I can travel back and forth in various worlds, and then I can go back to see my wife."

"However, even if the complete magic ring is repaired, more people will need to believe in it to make the power of the magic ring continue to grow."

I think back then, the Golden Tree was also one of the many forces that invaded the border area. It was just a sapling during the Forge of Life, but the forces behind it continued to fight. In the end, the Beast of Elden successfully obtained the power of the Ring.

Under the influence of the power of the magic ring, the golden tree continued to grow and grow, and eventually became a towering giant tree.

The golden tree that absorbed the power of faith in the border area and grew into a towering tree must be much stronger than the sapling back then, and it would also be able to feed back stronger power to the Elden Ring.

If the Abandoned Son of the Stars or Queen Malika's force had gained the power of the Ring, the junction might have looked completely different.

The same is true for Robb. To show the power of the magic ring, it does not have to be the physical appearance of the magic ring as a golden tree. It can also be first fire, blood or other things.

But Robb thought about it, and whether it was his familiarity or the good foundation this world had laid for him, it seemed that the Golden Tree was a good choice.

Because in this world, there is an old god who became a god based on trees!

Why don't you just steal its foundation?

Isn’t this something ready-made?

There is no need to replant saplings yourself.

Robb felt that the old gods should be grateful to him. After all, when other gods encountered him, they would directly greet him with destined death and directly seize power.

But just because of the nature of the old god himself as a tree god, he is willing to let it become his will of the golden tree, and he can directly avoid death and become his subordinate.

Compared with the Seven Drowned Gods and the Storm Gods, this thing immediately wins at the starting line!

"Fortunately, we did not directly attack the continent of Westeros, but conquered it slowly. Otherwise, it would be difficult to absorb the power of faith."

"Using the old gods as a carrier to allow the continent of Westeros to believe in the old gods again is also a good buffer. In fact, the old gods have been occupied by me, so that the magic ring can absorb more power of faith. ”

Plans emerge in Robb's mind one after another. Now there are two things he wants to do. One is to return to Westeros and complete the unification; the other is to help the Ring absorb the power of faith until it can restore its heyday and help himself. Gain the ability to travel through time and space and go back to see your wife.

However, these two things were actually carried out at the same time, just like the Golden Tree clan's massive conquest of the border area.

If you don't convince the other party, why should they believe in you?

With a new plan in mind, Robb started to act directly without any ink: "Bahamut, come pick me up. Let's go to Slaver's Bay first!"

Bahamut roared and flew to Robb's side.

Robb got up and flew on Bahamut's back, first finding the fleet where Bran and Arya were.

When the crew members on the fleet saw Robb approaching the dragon, they immediately fell to their knees.

"Your Majesty Robb, please look after me!"

"Your Majesty, my true God, I confess everything to you..."

Their faces were extremely pious, because in their eyes, Robb was no different from the true god.

In this superstitious era, many people already regard Robb as their spiritual support and have become fanatical believers. Even if Robb wants them to commit suicide now, they will not hesitate at all. Instead, they are very pleased and even a little impatient.

This is a direct order from the true God!

After you die, you will definitely be able to enter the supreme divine kingdom of the gods and become a master who serves the gods for life!

Arya saw Robb coming back and was very excited: "Brother! You are so powerful now. We are no match for this sea monster, but you killed it in one go!"

Bran was still a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm still too useless. I'm no match for that sea monster."

Robb laughed, touched Arya's head, and then encouraged Bran: "You don't have to be so sad, kid. The Drowned God only lived more than 10,000 years longer than you. Your magical talent is definitely One of the strongest in this world.

Practice well and become the Three-Eyed Raven as soon as possible and control the weirwood trees in Westeros. When the time comes, my brother will still have an important position for you to fill! "

In Robb's arrangement, he will definitely not be fixed in one place. It is normal for him to travel around, so the golden tree still needs a leader to preside over it.

The old gods can only be the will of the assistants. Only relatives like Bran who are related by blood can be trusted.

Bran's position is to be a priest or prophet of a country.

Bran nodded. The elder brother is like a father. For him, Robb is more like a father. He is just a child. Of course, he is very happy to be praised by his father.

Arya snorted twice: "What about me?"

"Haha, Arya, just be a free knight. I promise you will become the strongest knight in the world!"


Just when the three brothers and sisters were talking happily, a roar of a giant dragon came.

Not far away, Daenerys flew over on Drogon. Drogon's body still looked very oppressive.

Bran and Arya changed their faces instantly and became alert. They didn't know whether Daenerys was an enemy or a friend.

Robb patted their heads to let them relax.

Daenerys asked Drogon to put her down, and came to the bow alone, looking at Robb: "I'm back to fulfill my promise."

Robb nodded: "This is a wise choice."

After seeing the battle between Robb and the Drowned God, Daenerys's worldview was overturned, and naturally she would not run away.

Robb smiled and introduced his younger brother and sister and Sir Wendel: "This is Daenerys Targaryen. She will live with us in Star City in the future."

Sir Wendel Manderly had heard of Daenerys's name for a long time. After seeing Daenerys riding a dragon, he did not doubt her identity.

In addition to Robb, only people from the Targaryen family can ride a dragon!

Sir Wendel's admiration for Robb became stronger. He could feel that His Majesty Robb was getting closer and closer to the legend, and the miracles he performed were getting bigger and bigger.

This time he even killed a god directly!

What a terrifying power!

The Greyjoy family has been passed down in Westeros for thousands of years, and the Drowned God they believe in is also very famous on the continent.

But today, Sir Wendel found himself witnessing history with his own eyes!

The Greyjoy family was completely annihilated in history, and the legendary god, the Drowned God, also completely dissipated. He had no believers and was killed. He had completely lost the concept of "existence".

Now, His Majesty Robb has recruited the princess of the previous dynasty, and the last Targaryen in the open is also controlled by Robb.

Robb's reputation will surely reach a peak again!

Sir Wendel suppressed his excitement: "Yes, Your Majesty. Your majesty will soon spread to the entire Essos continent, and the entire Slaver's Bay will submit to you!"

Daenerys looked at Robb with mixed feelings.

The group came to the Slaver's Bay, first to the city of Yunkai.

Effortlessly, the soldiers from the nine free federation trading cities under Robb seized control of the city, and they did not stop for a moment, quickly spreading around and occupying other cities that had fallen into chaos.

This place had just been looted by Euron, and basically everyone was very afraid of the army soldiers, and they had nothing worth Robb to loot.

Most of the slave owners were beheaded by Euron and hung on the top of the city. Until Robb moved in, no one had cleaned up.

This place is almost the same as the legendary purgatory on earth.

Robb sighed: "It's really tragic, Euron is really cruel."

Sir Wendel was very happy: "Your Majesty, this is actually a good thing for us. The people of the nine free federations can take over here quickly. After a year or two, this place will resume prosperity, but Your Majesty has completely controlled this place."

Robb sighed: "The essence of war is cruel. What I can do is to speed up this process and end it all as soon as possible."

After a few days, under the new rules formulated by Robb and Wendel, the city of Yunkai gradually returned to peace.

When the people of the nine free federations heard that the great King Robb had controlled a large area again, they instantly changed from being conquered by Robb to conquerors, and sent a large amount of manpower and material resources to control this new area.

This Slave Bay is a huge piece of cake!

And Robb made it clear that it was all handed over to them to manage!

Their attitude towards Robb also changed from awe to awe and love.

No matter who rules them, as long as they can help them make money, they are the best and most outstanding rulers in history!

The local people in Slave Bay have a more worshipful attitude towards Robb.

Under Euron's looting, they lived in dire straits almost every day. They dared not sleep, for fear that they would lose their lives in their sleep. Everyone basically lost all their reason and dignity for a bite of food.

In a chaotic society, the lives of the lower class are not even as good as a cockroach.

Fortunately, this chaotic day did not last long, and Robb's arrival ended it all.

People from the nine free federation cities brought food, new rulers, and a new order.

The people of Slaver's Bay felt the warmth of civilization again. Although they were still ruled, at least they didn't have to worry about being killed for no reason on the road, nor did they have to worry about others eating them because they had no food to eat.

For all regions, this was a progress.


That day, Daenerys suddenly found Robb: "Your Majesty..."

When she said these two words, Daenerys felt a little uncomfortable and a little ashamed. After all, she used to be called Your Majesty. Now she needs to call someone else. It will take some time to get used to it.

Robb was dealing with some directional government affairs, and he didn't even raise his head: "What's wrong?"

Daenerys was a little embarrassed: "The army that was loyal to me before found me. I hope you can make a reasonable arrangement for them."

Daenerys was talking about the army of the Unsullied. Grey Worm was one of the few guards who survived under Daenerys. He took the Unsullied to avoid Euron's surveillance and hid in the wilderness.

He didn't show up until he heard the news that Euron was defeated and killed. He robbed all the way and finally found Daenerys's trace.

But they didn't expect that Daenerys had become Robb's subordinate.

The change of the situation was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Robb thought: "There are still two thousand Unsullied warriors left, which can be used. After all, if there is only one force in an area, it is easy to cause problems."

The combat effectiveness of the Unsullied is unquestionable, but compared with Robb's current men, it is a bit not good enough.

So Robb is not going to take them back to Westeros.

Robb said lightly: "How about this, you take them to see Sir Wendel, set up a guard post here in Slave Bay, let them serve as patrol soldiers, maintain public security and other tasks, and be responsible to me."

The current Slave Bay has just been rebuilt, and it does require a lot of power to maintain it.

The appearance of the Unsullied can help ease the pressure of public security.

But this will also increase the pressure on the nine free federations' trading cities.

On the one hand, they need to transfuse blood to Westeros, and on the other hand, the reconstruction of Slave Bay also requires a lot of resources. It is still in the investment stage and needs the nine free federations to spend money.

It will take at least a few years for Slave Bay to make them profitable.

Transfusing blood from both ends, even if the nine free federations are good at finance, they can't afford such a huge expenditure.

But Robb naturally has a way to solve this problem.

Isn't there another neighbor next door?

The Dothraki occupy the north of Essos, raising 100,000 war horses and hundreds of thousands of tribal people, which is also a good resource location!

Let the people of the nine free federations rob them and that's it.

War can also relieve internal pressure and get blood transfusions, killing two birds with one stone.

As for whether they can win.

Robb said they can win, and they can win even if they can't win!

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