Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 167 There are still many good people in the world

After the unification, Robb's work focuses on only two things.

One is to rebuild the political, economic and cultural development of Westeros, and the other is to prepare for the arrival of the Long Night.

"Four legions, one legion is stationed in the unstable Dorne all year round, and the other three legions are all headed to Winterfell, so that the White Walkers can be blocked between the Great Wall and Winterfell to prevent other areas from being harmed."

But in this way, both Winterfell and Winterhaven have to be expanded, otherwise they can't carry so many people.

And those wildlings who entered the pass, Robb plans to use them as the vanguard, as long as they can survive in the battle, they will be accepted as Westeros people.

Robb's deployment of the army is more casual. Now he is not afraid of the White Walkers at all, and it is relatively easy for the power of the entire continent to fight against the White Walkers.

In terms of culture and belief, the belief in the Seven Gods and the Old Gods is basically bankrupt, and now the Golden Tree has taken root in every important city.

Bran has lived in the Dragon Palace for a long time. After the last fish beam wood was transformed into a golden tree, the Old Gods were also completely eliminated and finally disappeared in the long river of history.

Bran has now become the high priest of the Golden Tree. Robb plans to wait until the cathedral near the God's Eye Lake is repaired, and then let Bran become the first bishop. This child has the potential to become a priest since he was a child.

This morning was still an ordinary morning.

Robb's royal meeting began as usual.

"When I ruled the entire continent, many families were wiped out, such as the Hightower family, the Greyjoy family, etc."

The ministers in the audience were a little solemn. To be honest, these families are all famous and powerful families. In terms of power and strength, they are stronger than most families here.

But in front of Robb's powerful strength, they are still powerless to resist, and they basically break at the touch.

"Long live His Majesty!"

The ministers shouted from the bottom of their hearts. Anyone who has followed Robb is basically convinced by Robb's strength.

Robb nodded: "I think this system of great nobles is really dangerous and is not conducive to the future rule of Star City over the entire continent, so I thought of a way to solve this problem."

Robb's words made the great nobles in the audience shudder.

What does your majesty mean?

The prey has been hunted, and you are starting to pack up the hounds?

Except for a few ministers who had received the news long ago, many ministers were a little frightened.

"Don't be nervous, it's not a big deal."

Robb smiled and comforted his ministers: "Before, the nobles in our Westeros continent all gave their titles and territories to their eldest sons, but doing so can only make other children neglected."

"So I hereby announce a new decree. Every noble boy has the right of inheritance. As a father, you should share your territory and title with your children!"

The detailed explanation of the decree was announced by Sansa on the side.

In short, if a duke has three children, then his main heir is still the duke, and the other children can get titles between baron and earl, which depends entirely on the generosity and mood of the duke.

Of course, the size of the territory divided can also depend on your mood.

By analogy, for an earl, your main heir is of course still the earl, but the other heirs are titles between baron and marquis.

When you become a baron, except for the main heir, your other children can only be knights.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this measure, Robb will set up a noble registry, and every child with the right of inheritance will be registered from birth, and the lords will allocate a piece of territory to the newly born children.

You can come to the Star City at any time to change the size of the territory in the future. The Empire welcomes you to give a larger piece of land to your secondary heirs.

Yes, Robb imitated the famous ancient conspiracy, the Enfeoffment Order.

The reason why this thing is an open conspiracy is that before you promote it, it is best to give others an irresistible reason.

Otherwise, the other party is not a fool, how could he weaken the power of his family for no reason?

If it weren't for being unable to beat Robb, someone would have jumped out to oppose it.

If this goes on for generations, either only one child will be born, or the power of one's family will be weakened, and everyone may start family planning.

But there is a problem with having only one child. What if this is a useless account?

What if this account has good qualifications, but dies before being trained, and you also lose your fertility?

This is a very critical question.

No matter what, these lords are in a dilemma.

As soon as Robb announced his decree, a great noble jumped out.

Great Jon has always been Robb's diehard fan: "Your Majesty's idea is really great. My other children are not as promising as Little Jon. I was worried about how to arrange them. Now I don't have to worry about it anymore, hahahaha!"

Most people present had the same idea: Bah! How much benefit did you receive from His Majesty behind your back!

The great nobles in the North and the Riverlands jumped out one after another to voice their support for Robb's decree.

They all ate a lot of meat after following Robb in the wars. Many territories in the Stormlands and the West were divided up by them, and they were the biggest beneficiaries.

Their thinking was also very clear: Now His Majesty Robb is in the heyday, and we are the first batch of heroes who followed His Majesty Robb. So what if the territory is weakened?

We have eaten so much territory, and no matter how weak we are, we still weaken slower than the lords in other places!

Then in Star City, they can still maintain a greater say.

This is why when you encounter danger, you just need to run faster than others.

Moreover, these nobles, their children or family members all have a very important position in Robb's administrative system.

For example, Little Jon, Daisy Mormont, Eddard Karstark and other children of the North are all officers of Robb's first legion, the Blood Wolves, and are direct descendants of Robb. Far more powerful than anyone else!

Most of the aristocratic children of the Riverlands are officers of the second legion, the Winter Wolves, and are basically direct descendants of the Wolf Cavalry. They have a very close relationship with Robb!

Of course, they don't have to worry that this push order will weaken their influence. On the contrary, because of Robb's reforms, their influence can even radiate to the entire continent!

So as long as Robb does it, they will definitely support it!

Because for what Robb wants to do, he must use these direct descendants!

As long as you use them, they won't weaken!

The people in the Reach have similar ideas to them. The main reason is that Little Rose is now the Queen. Their influence is already very high. As long as they don't commit suicide, follow Robb, and maintain the marriage relationship in the future, they can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. .

Those who are really in trouble are actually the nobles in the West, Stormlands, Valley and Dorne regions.

It is an inevitable fact that as the influence of the nobles of the North and the Riverlands increases, they will weaken.

But they were the party conquered by Robb and had no right to speak.

Either the leader is still ignorant and is firmly controlled by Robb, or he is still worried whether Robb is dissatisfied with his suppressive actions, or he has simply disappeared.

How can a scattered little noble fight against Robb?

Therefore, Robb's decree to weaken the nobles of the world was quickly implemented, and everyone left the Royal Council with their own thoughts.

Robb looked at the ministers leaving, but he was thinking about something else.

"Many nobles' territories are now ownerless. In addition to the rewards given to their subordinates, there are still many castles and territories left without anyone to take care of them. Alas, I have no choice but to take care of them myself..."


Dragon Palace.

Daenerys was extremely excited: "Good news, Nymeria gave birth to a dragon egg!"

She told Robb excitedly about the stories that had happened in the past few days, mainly about Bahamut's "reluctance" at the beginning and his "really fragrant" later on. Then one morning, Daenerys discovered The dragon egg under Nymeria’s butt!

Robb's focus was completely different from hers: "It's strange, it's only been a month, why did the dragon eggs come out so quickly? Shouldn't the pregnancy last ten months?"

But soon Robb patted himself on the head. Why did he always use human thinking to think about fantasy creatures?

Robb thought about it carefully and thought it might be because the birth of the dragon was entirely due to the element of fire magic, which was completely different from the way human eggs were fertilized.

Therefore, as long as the magic element is sufficient, the dragon will give birth to life very quickly.

If the magic power weakens, then the dragons will lay fewer or even no eggs. This may be the fundamental reason why the Targaryens lost all their dragons when the magic tide ebbs.

Now because of the appearance of the red comet, the magic tide in Westeros is rising, so Robb's dragons will reproduce at a very fast rate.

"Well, whether that's the case or not, let's just pretend that's the case for now."

Robb felt that his speculation made sense.

Arriving in front of the dragon egg, Robb carefully observed the dragon egg and felt that it should be the best dragon egg he had obtained so far.

Although the two giant dragons Bahamut and Tiamat are stronger than Drogon's flying dragons, that is because of his 'careful care'. They are essentially blood dragon eggs born from flying dragons, but they have been transformed by himself. .

The dragon egg in my hand now was born with the blood of an ancient dragon.

It can also continue to receive the blessings of the golden tree and the baptism of the dragon palace lava during the incubation stage. Its future achievements may be even more powerful than its father!

"If we continue to refine it from generation to generation like this, we don't know when we will be able to return to the Dragon King level."

Robb threw the dragon egg into the lava, and now all he had to do was wait for it to hatch.

Daenerys is now a full-time keeper of the Dragon Palace. Here, she is away from crowds and struggles, and gets along with the unruly dragons day and night, which can be regarded as playing her own role.

Robb picked him up and said, "The dragon eggs have been laid, so the dragon knights must hurry up."


Lord Hightower and the red witch Melisandre also received news of Robb's unification of the entire Westeros continent.

There was an expression of reluctance on Earl Hightower's face. Everything Robb enjoyed now should have been his!

Why can that little kid who is decades younger than me get all this!

Sir Clinton looked at Earl Hightower: "That's it. Do you want to cooperate with us?"

Ser Connington, now the leader of the Golden Company, formerly had a crush on Prince Rhaegar and was the last Hand of the King under the Mad King.

Because he lost the battle and was knocked down by Robert with a hammer, he could only take Prince Rhaegar's child Aegon to the continent of Essos and join the Golden Company.

The Golden Company is a powerful team established by the illegitimate son of the Targaryen family. After they made a plan, they secretly supported the young Aegon as the new king and prepared to return to Westeros to regain their own glory!

But unfortunately, before they started to exert their strength, their opponents fell one after another.

What's more regrettable is that the opponents were not defeated by them.

This is embarrassing. When they came to their senses, the current Westeros and Essos continents were controlled by a behemoth, and their economic sources and food consumption were basically blocked.

If it weren't for a small number of fearless smugglers who dared to sell them food, they would have starved to death.

Earl Hightower looked at the people of the Golden Company with his eyes shining: "I'm waiting for you to say this! Let's go to the outside of the wall to find the Horn of Winter and summon dragons and giants. Robb is not our opponent at all!"

Ever since Earl Hightower froze Stannis into an ice sculpture, he found that the number of blood sacrifices was not enough, so he looked around for objects to continue sacrificing.

I was originally going to spend some time trying to seduce the Golden Group, but I didn't expect the other party to cooperate so much. They just thought the same thing as me and were anxious to die!

The Golden Group was desperate at this time. If they didn't go to war with Robb, they would either surrender or starve to death. There was no other way.

The two sides hit it off, and after countless battles and discussions, they finally decided that after defeating Robb, the territory would be divided 50-50, with one side occupying half, and then began to fantasize about the good life in the future.

Lord Hightower seemed obedient, but in fact he was thinking about how to sacrifice the entire Golden Group to the God of Cold.

He died countless times when sacrificing Stannis and his army before. If it weren't for the Red Witch's help in resurrection, he would not have been able to do it.

Now his strength has been slightly enhanced by the sacrifice, but he still needs to be prepared in advance to make sure it is foolproof!


If Robb knew Lord Hightower's plan, he probably wouldn't want to kill Lord Hightower.

If it weren't for Lord Hightower, Robb would have to spend a lot of effort along the way!

Euron, Stannis, and now little Aegon.

If it weren't for Lord Hightower bringing these people here one by one to be killed, Robb really had to find them one by one. How long would it take to find them?

So, if we really appreciate it, Robb must give Lord Hightower a wreath!

There are still more good people in the world!

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