Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 169 Celebration and Blessing

Before Aegon the Younger's Golden Army arrived at the Wall to die, Robb also held the first collective celebration of the Empire in Star City.

Celebrations cost a lot of money. Looking at the expenses, even Robb, who has no feeling for money, will feel the pain.

But the celebration is also an important political and economic activity. It is the best time to gather strength and show martial arts, especially the first celebration since the founding of the country, which cannot be saved.

In Star City, Robb sat on the high platform in the huge square.

Sansa, who was watching the army moving below, felt like a moving golden dragon: "In the future, this kind of celebration should be held once every ten years, otherwise it will cost too much."

Arya, who didn't know the cost of firewood, rice, oil and salt, snorted lightly: "Stingy, such an occasion is so interesting!"

Sansa is now mature and doesn't argue with Arya: "You will know later."

Standing on the high platform, in addition to the Stark family, there are also ministers and nobles.

They gathered here to watch the first military square held by Robb.

Outside the square, there were countless residents who had heard the news. They came from all over the world to see this unprecedented grand event in Westeros.

Bran on the side was a professional commentator. Apart from Robb, only his voice could be clearly heard by everyone.

"The first to come to us is the Wolf Riders. They are His Majesty's personal guards and have participated in the Whispering Wood..."

"The next to come to us is the Blood Wolf Army led by Little Jon..."

"The Winter Wolf Army led by Little Crow Patrick..."

"The Third Army led by the Knight of Flowers and the Brave Garlan..."

"The Fourth Army temporarily managed by Earl Blackfish, we sincerely hope that these two armies can achieve outstanding results in future battles and get their own numbers like the previous two armies!"

"Next is the brave and combative navy! First is the army of the Royal Fleet of the Westeros Empire, led by Sir Wendel Manderly of White Harbor!"

"Then is the Redwyne Fleet led by Earl Redwyne!"

"Finally, it is the unique air force!"

Accompanied by Bran's excited voice, five huge dragons flew from the sky in order!

If the previous legions made the people cheer, then the appearance of the dragons undoubtedly brought the entire celebration to a climax.

Bahamut was at the front. He was the strongest and most powerful ancient dragon. He opened his mouth and spit out golden dragon breath. His roar made everyone below feel the destructive and terrible power!

In the middle were three flying dragons. They spewed dragon flames, pushing the atmosphere of the venue to the peak. Finally, there was Tiamat, who was almost the same size as a flying dragon. He was growing very fast and was about to catch up with spring!

Using dragons as part of their own army for military exercises was a unique existence in the entire Westeros continent!

Robb could feel that the magic ring on his arm was getting stronger and stronger, and the power of faith absorbed was getting stronger and stronger.

This was exactly the effect he wanted.

As long as the power of the magic ring could be perfected, it was worth spending any money.

After the military exercise, Robb stood up and began to promote his slogan: "Glory to the Golden Tree."

The ministers around him left their seats and half-knelt in front of Robb: "Long live the Golden Tree, long live His Majesty Robb!"

The voice was like a layer of ripples, gradually spreading from the stands to other places.

The neat army responded loudly: "Long live the golden tree, long live His Majesty Robb!"

The residents outside the square responded: "Long live the golden tree, long live His Majesty Robb!"

From Winterfell in the north to Sunspear in the south, from Lannister Harbor in the west to King's Landing in the east, the mountains are calling, the rivers are running, they are calling Robb's name, crowning the new king and the new god.

All the people in Westeros felt it, they looked at the golden tree in their area, it was blooming with dazzling golden light.

The people in the winter town of the North, the miners working hard in the West, the students studying in the River Reach, the warriors of Sunspear...

In the emotions they themselves did not feel, a golden breath enveloped them.

This is the blessing of the golden tree.

At the same time, their power of faith continued to rise and gather from these blessings, and finally reached the golden tree.

At the moment of this celebration, their power of faith reached its peak!

Robb could feel that the Elden Ring in his hand was almost solid!

"It's still not enough to travel through time and space. It seems that I need some external help. Wait for the cold god to come..."

Robb raised his arm, and a golden light hit the center of the God's Eye Lake directly.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, the huge golden tree, which originally had only one crown exposed above the lake, actually began to grow!

And it grew at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This huge tree began to expand its body wildly. Under the invisible bottom of the lake, its roots twisted and twisted, exploring downwards, and taking root in the deepest depths that humans could not reach.

Its trunk will expand a circle in a while until it exceeds the limit of human imagination.

Its crown covers the sky and the sun, covering the entire God's Eye Lake, blooming with unparalleled vitality!

This is a miracle!

Everyone who saw the wild growth of the golden tree knelt on the ground and praised the magnificence of the golden tree and the greatness of His Majesty Robb.

This is faith!

After the golden tree finished growing, it seemed very happy, and its huge trunk and crown trembled slightly.

Then, golden light spots emerged and flew down from the crown of the golden tree.

Under Robb's deliberate guidance, the great blessings from these golden trees all fell on 1,500 wolf riders or soldiers who had been wolf riders.

Their bodies changed immediately, and the golden light enveloped them. Unlike the blessings of mortals, they received great blessings!

The Valyrian steel armor on them seemed to feel the powerful magical power, so they consciously merged with the blessing of the golden tree.

The original silver armor began to turn golden, revealing a noble atmosphere!

The wolf riders also felt that their bodies had undergone drastic changes. After being transformed by the blessing, their bodies became extremely powerful. At this time, they were even countless times more terrifying than the previous Demon Mountain!

Streams of heat appeared in their bodies, and even the horses under them became strong and weird!

After the wolf riders were completely transformed by the golden tree, they had basically nothing to do with the previous wolf riders. Now they were brand new dragon-clad tree guards!

Even Robb couldn't be indifferent to transforming all 1,500 wolf riders into tree guards in one go.

Gently rubbing his temples, Robb said to the tree guards who were still a little confused: "Don't panic, this is the greatest blessing given to you by the golden tree, and it is a reward for you. Now you don't have to suppress your strength, just show it freely in this square!"

Robb's words seemed to have some kind of magic, so the 1,500 tree guards began to mobilize all their abilities.

They waved their weapons, and the red thunder was summoned by them, appearing on the lances and long swords.

They picked up the horses, and the powerful horses blessed by the golden tree were completely different from before, and they actually spewed out bursts of flames!

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the terrifying strength displayed by the tree guards that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people only showed one thing: Robb is a well-deserved god!

At the same time, the other soldiers showed envious looks.

They are still ordinary people now!

If one day they can also obtain such powerful power, the sword master of the dawn and the kingsguard are not worth mentioning at all!

The desire for power even surpasses the pursuit of power in many people's hearts!

That is the power given by God!

Of course, Robb will not completely block the ascending channel, otherwise the operation of the empire will have problems: "The original wolf cavalry organization will be selected from the four legions, and the best soldiers can become wolf cavalry. Every five years, the empire will hold a celebration. On the day of the celebration, the golden tree will bless, and the recognized wolf cavalry can become the tree guards with supreme power!"

After Robb finished speaking, the army and soldiers below roared.

"Long live!!"

The celebration came to a perfect end.


That night, Little Rose used all her abilities and the lifelong learning of many maids around her to resist Robb's attack with all her strength and fought hard.

"Let my brothers become tree guards too!"

This was the pillow talk from the queen.

Robb stroked Little Rose's back with satisfaction: "Don't worry, I won't let the Tyrell family fall behind. Garlan will become tree guards with another group of people."

Robb was not very good at governing the court. Most of the time, he patched up the original historical experience and combined it with the current actual situation.

Among them, most of the emperors who had a deep influence on Robb taught Robb a very simple truth: the power of his subordinates must be checked and balanced, so as to ensure unity!

So Robb will not favor any one force, nor will he let any one force be too strong or too weak.

For Little Rose's request, Robb will use it if he thinks it is reasonable.

If her request is unreasonable, let alone using all the life's learning, it is impossible to use what she learned in the next life.


Time passed little by little, and Robb was waiting.

Soon, Robb's waiting was finally rewarded.

Lord Wild Crow came to Robb's study with a few letters in his hand: "Your Majesty, this is an urgent report from Winterfell! Something happened at the Great Wall!"

Robb, who was reading, raised his eyebrows. It's finally here!

After reading the intelligence, Robb also had a rough assessment of the strength of the God of Cold.

In general, he is worthy of being the most original binary opposite god in this world.

Dozens of ice dragons and frost giants supporting the Great Wall are all legendary combat forces!

Robb only has five dragons and five direwolves, so he doesn't have any advantage in the number of fantasy creatures.

"But they should be much better than ice dragons in quality. They are at most flying dragons. Because of the binary opposition, ice dragons and the original Drogon should be similar."

"And in the heyday of Valyria, there were more than 300 dragons dancing in the sky. Now it seems that all the assets of the God of Cold added together are not as many as those of the Lord of Light in his heyday. No wonder he has been suppressed outside the Wall."

If there were no golden tree, Robb would probably have to retreat from such a huge force as the God of Cold.

After all, he is not afraid, but his men cannot beat these monsters.

Now Robb has upgraded all his troops. Even if the cold god can do something weird, Robb has the confidence to fight!

Lord Wild Crow reported the battle situation: "Report to Your Majesty, the Night's Watch and the wildling army have evacuated the Great Wall. The three legions have all been stationed near Winterfell. Now the enemy's army is heading to Winterfell at full speed."

Robb had already ordered the construction of three lines of defense between Winterfell and the Great Wall.

These three lines of defense did not appear out of thin air. In order to support the Night's Watch brothers in resisting the White Walkers, the Stark family continued to divide their territory to the Night's Watch.

In the division of territory again and again, the three old buildings were preserved.

Robb made a lot of repairs on this basis, so the three lines of defense were easily built.

Now the wildlings and the Night's Watch are holding on to the first line of defense.

But without Robb's help, the army of the wildlings and the Night's Watch would be destroyed by the army of the God of Cold in just one breath.

They are too weak at the moment.

Robb knows that if he kills the God of Cold, his magic ring will get unprecedented supplies, giving him the power to travel through time and space, which will make this matter very simple.

Just rush up and kill all the enemies!

Robb flashed and disappeared from his study and came to the Dragon Palace.

Bran and Arya are both here.

Now their power has reached a terrifying level, especially Bran. After absorbing the power of the old gods, plus the blessing of the golden tree, even if he really encounters the God of Cold, Bran may not be completely defeated!

Robb lifted his brother and sister up: "It's time to go, this is our last battle!"

Arya was very happy: "Who are we going to fight? I'll go and tell my mother first."

Robb grabbed her and said: "What are you looking for? You can come back soon after the battle. It might be a waste of time to tell her. Bran, let's get started."

Bran nodded, floating in the air, feeling the power of the golden tree.

In this world, there are other branches of the golden tree. As a priest, Bran knows the location and number of these golden trees.

Bran opened his eyes: "I found it, spring, come quickly!"

Arya and the five dragons and five direwolves came together and held Bran's hand.

Then, the sky spun and the space was chaotic.

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