The God of Cold was shocked to see Robb suddenly come in front of him, but he didn't notice it at all. He knew that the other party was definitely not a monster that could be easily defeated, so he held his breath and focused all his attention on Robb.

The battle between gods is different from that between ordinary people. There is not much nonsense, and they start fighting directly.

This is a struggle between faith and power, a life-and-death duel.

Robb floated in the air, and the sky around him became dim. Countless gray storms appeared around him. He held a huge dragon hunting spear in his hand, which was filled with golden thunder power.

At this time, Robb stood straight, showing a king's demeanor. He just stood there, and no one could ignore his existence!

Robb raised his spear high, and instantly felt the connection between heaven and man. The dark sky instantly burst into a violent breath, and countless golden thunders fell like raindrops, slashing at the God of Cold who occupied the body of little Aegon.

The God of Cold saw such a devastating scene, but he was not too panicked. This damage was not enough to pose a fatal threat to a god.

So a cold breath rose from the ground, and a cold armor appeared on the God of Cold to help him resist the thunder.

He stood in the thunder, motionless!

"Foreign god, I don't know where you came from, but in this world, I am the master."

The tone of the God of Cold was very confident. What he said was actually right. This world was born because of him. He is the foundation of this world. In this world, he has an absolute advantage!

In the hands of the God of Cold, a spear condensed from ice appeared, aimed at Robb, and then shot out!

"Welcome your death!"

This ice spear was full of dark breath. In addition to coldness, there was also the smell of death!

Robb saw the spear flying towards him, frowned, and thought to himself: This God of Cold is really different from the gods he killed before. He couldn't avoid this ice spear!

The "no way to dodge" here refers to the dodge at the rule level, that is, no matter how Robb moves his body, this spear will still come to Robb!

This is a spear that is sure to hit!

Humph, it's quite fancy.

Robb snorted in his heart. Since there is no way to dodge, then don't dodge!

Can't we just destroy this spear?

Robb picked up the Dragon Hunting Spear, and the whole person rushed directly towards the ice spear full of death like a meteor!


Both of them made a dull sound, and then, holy light began to burst out from Robb's body, and the power of the law was displayed one after another, with the power of light, all the death breath on the ice spear was eliminated into nothingness!

The moment this spear just touched Robb, it broke by itself!

The face of the God of Cold changed a little, but it was not time to despair, and He still had many back-up plans that had not been used.

He spread his hands, and a long sword made of ice appeared in his palms. He jumped up and killed Robb in the air!


The God of Ice was surprised to see Robb suddenly disappear from the spot, wondering where he was.



The sky in the distance was still dark before dawn, but a ball of red light pierced everything, carrying violent power and thunder, rushing towards the God of Cold!

Thundercloud incarnation.

At this time, Robb had completely become a part of thunder and lightning, turning into the violent thunder of the ancient dragon, his body elementalized, carrying the power of nature and magic, and killing the God of Cold at an incredible speed.


No matter how fast the God of Cold reacted, he was not as fast as the thundercloud.

From seeing the thundercloud incarnation to being hit by the thundercloud incarnation, it only took a thought, and the violent thunder instantly hit the body of the God of Cold.

This is the center of the thundercloud, the birthplace of red thunder!

It was far from the strength that could be matched by the Sunlight Spear just now.

The ice armor on the body of the God of Cold was peeled off piece by piece, and under such a powerful force, he even felt fear!

What kind of powerful force was this?

Before the God of Cold could escape from the thundercloud area, Robb's true body appeared, and he had already grasped the Dragon Hunting Spear in his hand, which exuded a terrifying aura that the God of Cold had never seen before!

Those were black and red sword auras, winding back and forth on the surface of the spear.

That was the breath of death, that was the prophecy of eternal sleep!

Destined death!

The meaning of the Law of Death means that there will be the fall of gods!

In the Elden Ring, there was originally the concept of death, and the domain in charge of death was called Death Rune, and the embodiment of Death Rune was these black and red sword auras representing the destined death!

In Robb's hand, the Elden Ring began to shine, and he said loudly: "Under the witness of the Golden Law, I sentence you to death."

The God of Cold seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world: "Sentence me to death? After all, you are an alien god, and you don't understand the basic laws of the world. I am the cornerstone of this world. As long as this world is not destroyed, I will never die!"

Robb shook his head: "You are too confident. It is not your consciousness that created this world, but the power you represent that created this world. Power is the reason for becoming a god. What I cannot destroy is the cold, not you, the God of Cold."

For Robb, he had no intention of completely expelling the power of cold from this world. He wanted to devour the power of cold!

Use the power of cold to perfect and repair his Elden Ring, so as to gain the power to travel through time and space.

But Robb was not going to explain these to the God of Cold. In Robb's eyes, He no longer existed.

It is useless to say more. Only by letting Him feel his own power can He understand everything.

Robb held up the Dragon Hunting Spear, and countless black and red sword auras burst out of his body. They were like dancing elves, dancing wantonly beside Robb and on the body of the Dragon Hunting Spear, quickly cutting all the surrounding space!

At this time, Robb was more powerful than when he killed the Drowned God before!

Because this is the destined death shown by the Elden Ring himself!

Although the momentum was not as great as before, the power and threat were more terrifying than ever before!

In the eyes of the God of Cold who couldn't believe it, Robb directly abandoned all the fancy tricks, rushed to him at a speed that he couldn't react, and stabbed the tip of the dragon hunting spear into the body of the God of Cold.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

The world was in the end.

This was the first time that the cold power representing the foundation of the world suffered a major blow. The entire Westeros continent, and even the life of the entire world, felt a palpitation.

The God of Cold was a god. His thoughts turned countless reincarnations at this moment, and he began to think about how to break through this dilemma.

But he thought of tens of thousands of coping plans, but no plan could help him get rid of the current dilemma.

He sadly discovered that he still had thousands of means that he had not used, but at this moment he was eaten by Robb!

Although the God of Cold had thought of tens of thousands of plans, in the real world, after Robb stabbed into the body of the God of Cold for a unit of time, the destined death began to show a violent breath.

Time paused for a moment, but the brief calm was a more violent explosion!


Countless black and red sword qi exploded instantly, madly cutting everything they encountered with Robb and the God of Cold as the center.

The God of Cold wanted to leave the body of Little Aegon, but his consciousness and his divinity, as long as he left this body slightly, would be instantly annihilated by the surrounding destined death sword qi!

The sword qi seemed chaotic, but in fact it was impenetrable and there was nowhere to drill!

Just like his name, destined death!

Inside the body of Little Aegon, countless black and red sword qi continued to strangle everything of the god in the physical and spiritual fields, bringing him endless terror!

Whether inside or outside the body, the fate of death did not let the cold god go. Even if he still had many means to use, after being sentenced by the fate of death, his road came to an end.


Accompanied by the last silent roar and wailing of the cold god, the consciousness representing cold began to gradually dissipate in this world.

It took Robb less than five minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle.

But in such a short time, one of the most basic forces in this world was destroyed by Robb!

Consciousness disappeared, representing the power of cold instantly became ownerless!

The Elden Ring in Robb's hand began to burst into luster, it was already very hungry.

All along, the Elden Ring has been incomplete and incomplete. Now there is such a tonic in front of it, and it can finally be restored to the most complete and peak state. There is no reason to give up!

It is going to devour!


In Robb's army, the army of the cold god has completely fallen into defeat at this time.

Because the corpse ghosts created by the God of Cold completely lost their power support at this time, they all turned into ice water and melted between heaven and earth.

The frost giants and frost dragons are the manifestation of cold power, and they do not rely on the consciousness of the God of Cold to exist. Although they still exist at this moment, they have already felt the collapse of the original power. For a time, there is no way to continue fighting, and they are defeated.

Robb's army was in high spirits and began to hunt down the remnants.

The red-robed monk Thoros, who had been in the formation, saw this scene and smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the darkness before dawn finally passed, and the first ray of sunlight pierced through the endless darkness and sprinkled on this land.

The red-robed monk Thoros was the first to feel the existence of this ray of sunlight. The smile on his face became more and more stiff, and finally disappeared completely.

The time has come!

The red-robed monk Thoros's eyes turned white again, and the aura of the whole person became weird and indescribable.


At the same time, in the shadow land - Asshai, the place where the dragon was born, a group of monks in red robes felt the divine revelation, lit the torches in their hands, and threw them on a pile of firewood.

These firewoods were densely packed with crosses, and on the crosses, all were people of different races!

This was the sacrificial ceremony of the King of Light. They sacrificed human blood to the King of Light, so that the King of Light could gain more powerful power!


The state of the red-robed monk Soros changed completely.

At this time, the power of coldness has suffered the most powerful blow since its birth. As the source of duality, the power of the King of Light is unprecedentedly powerful!

Coupled with the blood sacrifice of a group of people from the birthplace of the King of Light, the power of the King of Light has been raised to a higher level!

It was dawn again, the light of the darkest time.

If darkness is the most prosperous before dawn, then now is the time when light is most powerful!

At this moment, the King of Light feels stronger than ever before in tens of thousands of years!

However, this is not enough, you must be stronger!

"God part!"

Soros, the red-robed monk, silently recited a sentence. This sentence is a divine revelation and will surely become a reality.


All the red-robed witches and red-robed monks in the world suddenly felt their bodies becoming hot at this moment. This was because the power given to them by the Lord of Light began to stir!

The red-robed witch Melisandre suddenly found that her original beauty began to return to her original appearance, that old and ugly old woman!

Then her belly started to get really, really hot.

It's so hot it's almost burning.

No, it has already started to burn!


Amidst the screams of the red-robed witch, a nameless karma fire appeared on her body and swallowed it all up in the blink of an eye!

The same goes for other red-robed monks and red-robed witches in the world.

There is also the power of shadow, which represents the dark side of the Lord of Light, and the Shadowbinders who have been blessed also begin to collapse.

Their bodies seemed to flow like streams of black pus, melting into liquid and falling to the ground, merging with the nearest shadow.

Because of the King of Light's words of farewell, all the blessings from the gods on all the followers of the King of Light left them.

They themselves also died as a result, and the power of the King of Light that they had accumulated over the years was taken away.

This is enough!

The stiff face of the red-robed monk Soros finally showed a smile.

This kind of power is countless times more powerful than the King of Light ever before!

Even the Lord of Light during the Valyrian period was far inferior to the current Lord of Light!

The Lord of Light looked into the distance, where was the battlefield between Robb and the God of Cold.

He has worked hard for so long and finally made things develop according to His expectations. Now is the time for Him to reap the benefits!

Now He is just one step away from reaching perfection!

Take back the power of coldness, unify duality, and become the true ruler of this world, the true one!

At that time, He will be one and ten thousand.

He is the whole world!

The body of the red-robed monk Thoros suddenly burned, and then he turned into a ball of fireballs and flew towards the final battle between Robb and the God of Cold!

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