Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 178 Meeting is in session Meeting is in session

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the badge of the goddess of night on Robb's body exuded a secret luster. Robb felt his whole body lighten, and then fell into a deep sleep, and came to the gray fog.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and then fell like a meteor.

In the magnificent temple, Robb appeared in his seat and saw the other members of this organization for the first time. They were also shrouded in a layer of gray fog, blurry, and could only see their general appearance.

Sitting at the top was the leader of this mysterious organization: Mr. Fool, the person he promised the goddess to take care of.

Sitting opposite was a girl with golden hair. It can be seen that she was tall and straight, but the whole person showed a panic and anxiety. It seems that she was frightened and suffered a huge shock in her heart.

This girl looks a little familiar...

Robb felt that he seemed to have seen this girl somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, because the meeting with Audrey in the bookstore was just an episode.

Although Audrey was beautiful, what scene had Robb not seen?

In addition to the girl, there was a man with slightly messy hair next to her. He was very cautious and his background was hard to tell.

Klein felt a little frustrated when he saw that Audrey didn't take the initiative to greet him. He felt that he had lost face in front of Mr. Emperor. He, the leader of a secret organization, had failed a little...

But he didn't show it. The thick fog on his body was still extremely thick. He pressed his right hand into the air, attracting everyone's attention, and then said slowly: "This is our new member, Mr. Emperor."

Audrey only then reacted from the shock just now. For the first time, she looked at the gentleman who had just joined the Tarot Club in front of her and was very curious.

Great, our Tarot Club has grown again!

I just don't know what kind of knowledge and ability this Mr. Emperor has, and this gentleman's personality seems to be very arrogant. He actually chose the card [Emperor]. Is he confident enough in his own strength, or is he simply ignorant?

Audrey habitually used the ability of the audience to examine Robb and found that this gentleman's sitting posture was very dignified. He was indeed the kind of person who had been in a high position for a long time and often ordered others around. He felt like a father meeting guests.


There is also a feeling that the young man I met in the bookstore that day gave me, which is similar.

Audrey suppressed the excitement brought by the real world and greeted the new member with a clear and pleasant voice: "Hello, Mr. Emperor."

Robb felt that this title was a bit strange and wanted to ask her to change it to "Your Majesty", but now the times have changed.

So Robb just nodded slightly as a return greeting: "Hello..."

"Justice, my code name is Justice."

"Hello, Miss Justice."

Robb commented in his heart: What a childish code name, this girl is not a silly and innocent, a primary version of Sansa?

But when Audrey heard Robb speak, she was stunned.

This voice!

It was the young man in the bookstore!

She would never hear it wrong!

Audrey is an audience, and she has a clearer impression of everyone she meets, especially Robb's impression on her that day.

The kind of unquestionable demeanor that makes people involuntarily listen to the other party's words, the mellow and magnetic voice, and the action of this gentleman choosing the Emperor card, Audrey can be 100% sure that the Emperor in front of her is the young man she met in the bookstore last week!

The person she met in the Tarot Club has also met in the real world!

And the other party doesn't know his existence!

Audrey was a little happy and a little flustered for a while, afraid that her identity would be exposed, because this gentleman lived not far from her!

He even lived next door to her!

She had heard from the servants before that a new owner moved into the villa next door and gave gifts to many nobles nearby, including the Hall family.

But Audrey didn't expect that her second meeting with the other party was not at the banquet, but at the Tarot Club!

There are surprises everywhere in life.

Mr. Fool also discovered the abnormality of Miss Justice, and his heart moved: Could it be that Miss Justice knows the emperor?

Maybe in the future, he can use Miss Justice to understand the true identity of this fellow in this world!

After Robb greeted the Hanged Man, his first meeting with everyone was completed.

The Hanged Man was also surprised by Robb's appearance, but he didn't say much. He was ready to observe Robb's subsequent actions before making a judgment.

After the short session ended, Audrey sat up straight, thinking quickly, and prepared to ask everyone in the Tarot Club a question.

"Respected Mr. Fool, Mr. Hanged Man who always helps me, and Mr. Emperor, I have a friend who wants to ask a question..."

"What can a pet with extraordinary abilities help its owner do? What is its role?"

As soon as the voice fell, the Fool and the Hanged Man fell silent.

They guessed that Audrey had prepared the extra potion, and then it was eaten by her pet. She is indeed a rich person!

She can still waste potions like this!

Especially Klein, he is always in a state of lack of money. Now he finds that someone can sprinkle potions everywhere, and this person is a member of his organization. He feels mixed feelings.

Robb is very knowledgeable about this, so he took the initiative to say: "It depends on what extraordinary abilities your pet has. I have also raised some pets with extraordinary powers before, and they can help you fight in most cases.

Many times, if you are too lazy to do it, your pet can also help you solve the enemy. The pet is equivalent to your supplement and your second clone. Many things that you are not convenient to do by yourself can be completed with the help of pets."

You have also raised one?

And some? !

As soon as Robb finished speaking, the Tarot Club became even more silent than Audrey's words.

Who is this emperor?

The tone of his speech is so loud that it is even a little scary!

Is it true?

If Mr. Emperor really raised extraordinary creatures, even some, then what sequence is he now, and how strong is he?

This question came to everyone's mind.

The Hanged Man Alger was silent for a minute, and decided to answer Audrey's question first: "What Mr. Emperor said makes sense. For example, the pets in the 'audience' channel can observe and listen on your behalf in certain important occasions. You know, few people will pay attention to whether the pets next to them are eavesdropping."

Makes sense! Susie can listen to the conversations between her father and other guests, and she will not be driven out! And the private conversations between the ladies and young ladies will not drive Susie away.

But, I said it's my friend!

Why did Mr. Hanged Man directly use the 'audience' as an example?

Audrey felt guilty, as if she had been guessed, so she changed the subject: "Mr. Fool, I found another diary of Emperor Roselle."

Klein was in a good mood: "Very good, your debt is paid off."

Emperor Roselle, the diary of a fellow villager?

Robb also became interested: "Can I see this diary? If so, what can I use to exchange with you?"


Audrey and Klein were not surprised by this, but Alger was really surprised.

This person can also read the diary of Emperor Roselle?

The mysterious existence in the world is indeed far beyond his imagination!

Alger began to believe what Robb said just now that he had raised some extraordinary creatures. This emperor is indeed mysterious and powerful!

Audrey felt that she had already sacrificed this knowledge to Mr. Fool, so she couldn't trade it with Mr. Emperor alone. Moreover, she knew very well that Mr. Emperor had already read the diary in her hand, and it was worthless to him.

So she kindly hinted: "We will collect the diary of Emperor Roselle for Mr. Fool regularly, and you can exchange it with Mr. Fool."

At this time, Klein was a little embarrassed. Many times, he pretended to be cool in front of the members of the Tarot Club because he was learning and using the diary of Emperor Roselle to show off.

But if Robb also read the diary, wouldn't his own status drop?

But soon, Klein thought of a good way to have the best of both worlds.

So Klein knocked on the bronze table gently: "You can get the diary, but you have to pay the corresponding price."

"Okay, equal exchange, I like it very much."

"I have some diaries here, you can pick one of the pages yourself."

It's not randomly selected!

Klein was very proud. No matter what diary Robb chose, he must have carefully selected it.

These contents must contain very important content, but they will never be content that he has just seen recently, so it won't affect his pretense!

But Robb always surprises: "I want them all! What price do I need to pay?"

Audrey and Alger sighed in their hearts: This new member is so powerful, he asked for all the diaries!

Klein froze for a moment.

Why don't you play by the rules!

But Klein's reaction was also very quick: "You can't do this. The resources of the organization can't be monopolized by one person at once."

In order to maintain the prestige of a god, Klein did not add any additional explanation, but everyone understood what he meant.

For an organization, some resources must be enjoyed by a few people. A member who has just joined the organization can exchange a large amount of resources at once, which is very detrimental to the development of the organization.

When the Tarot Club grows stronger in the future, we can have some hierarchy system, such as tarot cards are divided into big and small cards, only big cards can enjoy certain resources, small cards can only have money, but cannot exchange certain resources if the level and contribution value are not enough.

Robb has also been involved in the organization, and he understands this approach: "How much can I exchange at most at one time?"

"Two pages."

"Okay, I am willing to pay the corresponding price and exchange two pages of Emperor Roselle's diary every week."

Klein is also very generous: "I won't enjoy it alone, give me one part of your price and give one part to the member who offers the diary."

As the boss of the god and the organization, he still has to take care of the emotions of the people below, otherwise everyone will find that trading with Robb is more direct and cost-effective in the future, and it is inevitable that they will have some bad thoughts about themselves.

So he took the initiative to give up the profit. Anyway, these diaries need to be materialized by Klein himself, and no matter how the transaction is done, it must go through Klein's hands. He is a business with no capital and huge profits.

Others may make a small profit, but he will never lose.

Klein nodded, and two pages of diary appeared in front of him: "These two are Miss Justice's previous diaries. Miss Justice, you can make a request."

Miss Justice was very surprised. She didn't expect to have an unexpected gain, so she asked a question she had asked before: "I hope to find the Psychological Alchemy Society."

Robb had never heard of this name, but it should not be a big problem. He was backed by the Church of the Night, one of the seven gods in the world. It should not be difficult to find an underground organization.

"Is this an organization? What do you want to find them for?"

Audrey was a little surprised: "Don't you know the Psychological Alchemy Society?"

Alger was also very surprised. For the Beyonder's "insiders", this organization is not a secret organization, and it is even quite famous.

Because in this era where people can get out of control at any time, the Psychological Alchemy Society that can soothe oneself is like a famous local tertiary hospital. Even if you haven't been there, you should know about it.

Now think about it, Mr. Emperor often shows his extraordinary qualities inadvertently, but he lacks common sense about the extraordinary forces on the mainland. Maybe he can use his lack of common sense to trade with him...

Robb replied: "I don't know, but I will help you find the members of this organization. I will tell you their whereabouts when I hold the Tarot Club next time."

Faced with Mr. Emperor's confident tone, everyone present inexplicably trusted what he said, even Alger, who was suspicious by nature.

This is the aura that Robb exudes.

Audrey was very happy: "Thank you very much, Mr. Emperor, so I don't have to worry about the subsequent potion problem."

Robb thought: "Subsequent potions, you are a Beyonder in the audience sequence, right?"


"Then I can give you the subsequent potion formula, what sequence do you want?"

Robb had already seen the path before the demigod of the twenty-two paths. If he had known that Audrey wanted the potion formula, there would be no need to find the Psychological Alchemy Society, just go straight to it!

The other three: ah?

They were not shocked that Robb could come up with the subsequent potion formula of the audience sequence, but mainly because Robb's words were too easy and simple.

'What sequence do you want? '

This is just like selling cabbage in the vegetable market!

And from what he said, he can come up with potion formulas of any sequence. How deep is his strength?

For a moment, Klein couldn't help but want to grab his fellow villager's neck and yell: Hand over all the subsequent potion formulas and sequence names of the fortune teller!

But in order to maintain the prestige of the Fool, Klein still forced himself to resist the impulse.

Audrey was overjoyed: "Mr. Emperor, do you have the potion formula of the audience sequence eight?!"

"Of course, I also have the sequence five."

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