Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 181 Informant and Investigation Mission

"Uh, don't kill me!"

When Forsi saw the miraculous scene in front of him, and then saw the look in Robb's eyes towards him, he was so frightened that he immediately began to beg for mercy.

And it was a very humble begging for mercy. He only said one sentence, and then looked at Robb with pleading eyes, as if he didn't want to continue to say the rest.

Being lazy to this extent can be regarded as a unique existence.

Robb smiled slightly and looked at Viscount Grayling and Audrey: "If possible, I would like to talk to this lady alone."

Viscount Grayling was very sensible and took Audrey out of the study.

Audrey felt close to Robb and was not worried that Robb would do anything drastic, so she followed Viscount Grayling out of the room.

Walking out of the study, Viscount Gretlin breathed a sigh of relief: "Audrey, don't make a deal with that Mr. Robb, I'm worried..."

Although he is already a believer of Robb, he is still very wary of this kind of belief outside the Seven Gods, and does not want Audrey to be involved in danger.

This is not a simple sequence path, but a brand new belief!

If an uncontrollable accident occurs, Earl Hall's anger will be beyond what a little viscount like him can bear.

Audrey smiled slightly, shining like a pearl at night: "Don't worry, I will look for other methods again."

Viscount Grayling also promised: "After I enter the world of extraordinary beings, I will be exposed to more things in this area, and I will also help you pay attention."

No need to pay attention, I am already a transcendent...

Audrey said something in her heart, but still expressed her gratitude gracefully.


In the study, Forsi sat on the sofa and shivered.

At this time, she can open the doors on the surrounding walls at any time and leave here quickly. As an apprentice, it is difficult to be caught at a low sequence.

But the impression the man in front of her gave her was so terrifying that she didn't dare to act rashly, fearing that she would be killed on the spot before she could escape.

Robb looked at Forsi and began to introduce himself: "As you can see, I am the Red Glove of the Church of Night. Your extraordinary power is on the verge of losing control. I have the power to take you to the church for trial. "

Forsi's focus was strange: "Red gloves?"

This is a name she has never heard of. Aren't the people of the Church of the Night called Nighthawks?

"You are a high-level Nighthawk. Your sequence is too low, and you probably haven't come into contact with us law enforcers."

Forsi was completely helpless. The other party was an official and sounded very high-end!

She would rather quarrel with some powerful wild extraordinary beings than offend official extraordinary beings. Behind these people, they often represent a huge organization and endless power. Once targeted, few extraordinary beings can resist them. live.

They are paid, they can hunt them all day long, and they also get subsidies!

This is the benefit of having an official background!

Forsi knew that he was in trouble this time, and began to consider whether to use the extraordinary items on his wrists to escape.

But she also knew very well that since the last time she used it, she would hear that strange murmur every time during the full moon, which was also the fundamental reason why she was on the verge of collapse and losing control.

If she uses this extraordinary item again, she may lose control on the spot!

Recalling the rumors about those extraordinary beings who lost control, Forsi felt that even if he died, it would be much better than losing control.

Thinking of this, Forsi looked helpless: "You... what do you want to do to me?"

The other party has seen through the fact that he is out of control, and his strength far exceeds his own, but he still hasn't arrested him, so he must have other ideas.

Although Forsi is a fisherman, she still takes important matters like her own life very seriously, and she will never let go of the chance to survive.


Since the other party can see that he is about to lose control, will he be able to help him solve the problem of losing control?

Then I won’t have to hear those strange murmurs during the full moon, sleep well, eat good desserts, drink good tea...

Forsi began to fantasize.

Robb looked at Forsi, whose eyes were gradually blurring, and spoke to bring her back to reality: "Of course you must first explain your crime. If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict. Based on your attitude, I will decide how to convict you. "

Forsi hurriedly said: "I am just an ordinary person. I have never committed any crime. Even if I have extraordinary powers, I have never done anything like stealing desserts! And I am also a writer with a regular occupation. Oh Miss Delly also likes to read my books."

Robb could see that Forsi was not lying. In this case, this woman was worthy of development.

"So you are still a good citizen, but ordinary low-sequence extraordinary beings will not lose control easily, especially if you are so weak. What is going on?"

Forsi hesitated for a moment, as this matter involved high-level extraordinary items, but she quickly recognized the reality.

Now is not the time for equal communication. Your life is still in the hands of the other party, let alone high-level extraordinary items. The thing that kills you also belongs to the other party.

Forsi took out a silver bracelet from the ruffles of his cuffs. There were three rough dark blue stones on it. They looked like they had burnt marks and were uneven. There was no beauty at all.

Forsi explained: "This bracelet allows me to travel in the spirit world, and then anchor a point in reality to do something similar to teleportation. However, these stones seem a bit weird. After I use them once, they will appear every time." When the moon is full, I hear crazy murmurs.

I really didn't do anything bad. It was all those gibberings that made me lose control. Please, please forgive me. "

Robb took the bracelets and checked them with his mental power, and found that indeed, as Forsi said, these bracelets had the function of teleportation.

Robb is very familiar with teleportation. He can teleport to any location with the help of the golden tree's blessing point, but that requires arrangements in advance.

But this bracelet seems to be less troublesome and can be transmitted directly.

Robb thought of the path introduction he had seen in the Church of Night before: "Apprentice Sequence Five, Traveler's Ability."

Forsi still looked confused: "What?"

Robb explained: "This is the apprentice path sequence five. The traveler's ability and extraordinary power are condensed on this stone. It was originally supposed to be a good extraordinary item, but it was contaminated. As long as the person who uses this bracelet It will be contaminated with misfortune.”


Is this the name of sequence five of my path?

It sounds pretty good. Teleportation is the ability of Sequence Five?

So powerful!

I hope to become a Sequence Five quickly, so that I can travel around the world to collect writing materials without having to spend travel expenses. This is really great!

Forsi began to fantasize again.

Robb put away the bracelet directly: "This thing is very dangerous, I will confiscate it directly, I can't let it continue to harm people!"

Forsi had a look of pain on his face: "Mr. Robb's attempt to prevent others from being harmed is really touching."

Robb thought it was a little funny, but he didn't expect this woman to be quite sensible: "I won't take your things for nothing, and I will help you solve your gibbering problem."

Forsi was overjoyed when he heard this: "Really? You can help me?!"

Robb had many ways to help Forsi get rid of the trouble of mumbling, he only needed to use some protective measures.

Moreover, he has no foundation in this world yet. It just so happens that Forsi and Viscount Gretlin are extraordinary beings with a certain status. Recruiting these people can also help him expand his power.

"Of course, but you have to pay a price."

Forsi immediately began to think wildly. She had nothing now, and the most valuable thing was confiscated by Robb. He must not be thinking about bad things.

So he said pitifully: "I...I really have nothing left."

Robb asked strangely: "How come there is nothing? Don't you still have yourself?"


Forsi had an expression on his face that I had known for a long time.

She began to become very confused. Should she sell her body in order to lift the curse?

But this is too insulting. What if the other person is greedy? I won’t become his slave!

The more Forsi thought about it, the scarier it became, and he almost frightened himself.

Robb said: "From now on, you will be my informant and a non-staff member of the Church of the Night. I will be responsible for your personal safety, but you must do your best to serve me in the future. I will not treat you badly."



It turns out it’s not what I thought!

Forsi breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, feeling that he had really met a great savior.

But she felt a little lost for no reason.

Why is this man in front of me not interested in me at all?

When we first met, I frowned and wrinkled my nose at myself, although it might be because I smelled the out-of-control smell on myself.

But this is an excellent opportunity, and I don't make any evil demands.

This makes you seem unattractive!

Forsi was imagining and bursting into tears with gratitude. Her chattering was almost driving her crazy. If Robb could save her from suffering, becoming an informant would be completely acceptable.

Moreover, Robb's status is very high. When working for him, he can also enjoy the benefits of half an official. It is really a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!

I just don't know if what Robb said about helping him is true.

Forsi began to worry about gains and losses again, fearing that Robb would only talk about it but not actually do it.

Robb didn't care about her thoughts: "When the moon is full, you can come to my house during the day. I will help you resist the full moon's whispers at night. Don't worry, my house is quite big."

After telling Forsi his address, Robb began to introduce to Forsi the obligations she should fulfill: "What you have to do is the same as Viscount Gretlin, find some people who are suitable to become extraordinary people, but have no connections. I usually leave some work to you."

Forsi was very grateful, but she did not forget the main purpose of attending the banquet tonight, so she said cautiously: "Mr. Robb, a friend of mine has been locked up due to a misunderstanding. Can you take her out? I promise you She is a grateful person.”

In Forsi's view, Robb's status was much higher than that of ordinary Nighthawks, and it should be easy to fish out Xio.

Robb did not agree rashly, but asked Forsi to briefly talk about his friend.

After hearing that Xio was a transcendent in the Arbiter path, Robb also took this transcendent under his command. After all, the Arbiter was the transcendent path that Robb most wanted to be now.

Having a subordinate who is an arbitrator can make many things much easier.

"No problem, come to the headquarters of the Church of Night to find me tomorrow."

Fors was startled. She was a wild transcendent. Seeing the Church of Night was like a criminal seeing a police station. She was naturally afraid.

Robb looked at her lazy look and reminded her, "You are my informant. Is there anyone who will catch you? Just come to me boldly."

Fors thought about it and felt that it made a lot of sense. She straightened her back and felt that she had become a very strong salted fish.

Well, there are still many benefits to following Mr. Robb. I just don't know if the other party will plot against me. Just like what Emperor Roselle said, the other party is playing the long game to catch big fish.

But Mr. Robb is very young and looks good. He is not an old man. If he really touches me, it doesn't seem so difficult to accept...

Robb ignored Fors who was still thinking about it, and agreed with her to meet at the next full moon, and then walked out of the room.

Viscount Greteling was relieved to see that Fors was safe and sound and Mr. Robb had no intention of pursuing the matter.

It would be the best if the banquet he hosted could go smoothly.

The banquet ended successfully and most people present were very happy.

Audrey returned to her luxurious villa with her maid. She was now more curious about Mr. Robb Stark.

Mr. Emperor, a mysterious and powerful person who could give others extraordinary powers, a high-ranking official of the Church of the Night...

None of these identities were mysterious or special when viewed individually, but when they were all put together, it was really confusing.

Audrey was full of curiosity about this mysterious man. She sat in a four-wheeled carriage, holding her chin with her hand and looking at the scenery outside the window, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

I don't know when I can see Mr. Robb again. Will I know Mr. Robb more deeply by then...


The next day, Robb went to work late again and came to the office of the Sword of the Goddess, Crestai.

Krestel had gotten used to Robb's laziness, and announced an important thing to Robb: "Hey, we have a mission tomorrow."


"Yes, I received a request from the upper level. A night watcher from Tingen discovered the acting method and accumulated merits. I want to go and inspect him in person. If he can successfully pass the assessment, I will give him the formula for the potion of Sequence 8."

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