Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 190 Don’t Go Gentle Into That Good Night

After a long while, Krestai finally spoke: "This is the style of the Blood Worship Cult and the Rose School. I think we can start with some underground organizations to see if we can find any clues."

Robb thought of his two subordinates, Fors and Hugh. They were originally wild supernaturals and should have contacted some underground supernatural organizations. It was a good opportunity to let them go and see the situation.

What was the name of the organization they had contacted before, the Aurora Society?


The case was still under investigation, and Robb had nothing to do for a while. Just as he was about to summon his two younger brothers, he heard the butler's voice: "Mr. Robb, a writer named Ms. Fors outside wants to see you."

Speak of the devil and he will appear?

Robb felt a little surprised and asked the butler to invite Fors and Hugh, who was following behind, into the study.

Fors was still wearing a slender and gorgeous robe, and Hugh was still dressed in the apprentice knight's costume, like a combination of a princess and a little knight.

Robb asked the servant to serve a cup of tea to the two of them: "I was just about to call you over, but I didn't expect you to come and visit me on your own initiative."

Fors felt that Mr. Robb seemed to be a little different from before, becoming more majestic. Unlike the natural aura of a superior before, this time his majesty seemed to be more vigorous, making people have to lower their heads at all times before they dared to talk to him.

Xiu felt particularly strong. She was originally a sequence 9 of the arbitrator sequence. Facing a higher sequence than herself, she almost instinctively wanted to surrender.

After taking a deep breath, Fors mustered up the courage: "I didn't expect Mr. Robb to still remember that I'm ready."

As she said this, she closed her eyes, looking righteous.

Robb was a little confused for a while: "What are you ready for?"

Fors opened her eyes and said curiously: "Hey, isn't there a full moon tonight? Mr. Robb, you said..."

Robb then remembered that he had said before that he would protect Fors. He forgot the time, but he didn't expect it to be today. It was just a coincidence.

"You guys stay in the study tonight. When the whispers appear, just tell me and I'll try to get rid of them."

Speaking of the whispers during the full moon, Robb suddenly thought that all this was because of the bracelet that Fors gave him. He had used up the bracelet and just returned it to Fors.


Fors saw the stone on the bracelet that had completely lost its spirituality and opened her mouth for a moment without knowing what to say.

It's not that she felt sorry for the teleportation ability brought by the stone, but it was really dangerous to do so. It might cause Robb to hear the whispers too!

If Robb also collapsed, who would he go to for treatment for his own loss of control?

No, if Mr. Robb couldn't protect himself, let alone protect me.

Robb drank tea and chatted with the two of them, mainly explaining his mission: "It's like this, first I need to find a Sequence 5 traveler, or a higher sequence is fine, but it must be an apprentice path to a supernatural being above Sequence 5."

Fors and Xiu didn't know what Robb wanted to do, and this Sequence 5 supernatural being was too high-end for them.

This reminded them that when they faced the Sequence 6 supernatural being Qilingos, the two were almost killed instantly!

Now they have to look for a Sequence 5 supernatural being again, this thing is really too dangerous!

Why are they all such difficult tasks? People will die!

"Of course," Robb added, "I'm not looking for people of this sequence to treat them to a meal. If it's your relatives and friends, don't tell me. Find some evil people and I'm going to kill them."

Fors and Xiu looked at each other. Robb said that killing a Sequence 5 was as easy as killing a chicken. This kind of strength and confidence was a bit too outrageous.

What exactly is Mr. Robb's strength?

Moreover, listening to what Mr. Robb said just now, it seems that even a demigod-level superhuman can be killed with confidence!

The more Fors thought about it, the more he felt that Mr. Robb was very terrifying. He was definitely the strongest superhuman in her cognition, no one else!

Fors and Xiu said tremblingly: "Don't worry, if there is any news, we will inform you as soon as possible."

Robb continued to instruct the second thing: "There is one more thing. Didn't you join an organization called Aurora before? Help me ask in that organization if there are any clues about the recent serial murder case."

The recent news of the death of women has been on the front page of the news, and even a salted fish like Fors has heard the news.

As a woman, she is still quite indignant about this behavior. The weak are shrouded in great fear, and this feeling is lingering, so I don't know how many times she has complained to Xiu about the police officers and superhumans in charge of the case.

But now seeing that Robb seems to be taking over this case, she instantly suppressed all her dissatisfaction and dared not show any dissatisfaction.

At the same time, Fors also felt quite lucky. If a powerful transcendent like Mr. Robb intervened, this matter should be resolved quickly.

The three chatted while waiting for the full moon to come, and time soon came to late at night.

Fors soon developed symptoms of delirium, as if there was one and countless strange and mysterious beings whispering in her ears, no, not just whispering, even angry roars!

She was enduring a horror from an unknown realm!

Her mind went blank, and she almost lost all ability to think, but she couldn't fall asleep immediately, so she could only endure the endless pain silently.

Xio who was on the side almost burst into tears when she saw her friend in such miserable condition.

According to Forsi, her symptoms had been going on for a while, but Xio never noticed it, which made her feel a little guilty.

But it was useless for her to know. She could only watch her friend fall into great pain but could do nothing.

When Robb saw this, the Ring of Elden in his hand began to glow.

Blessings and favors landed directly on Forsi one after another: [Magic Protection], [Golden Tree Favor], etc., as well as magic that can help people hide and avoid interference from the outside world: [Shrouded in Darkness]...

Under the influence of many spells and prayers that either resisted or escaped, Forsi slowly lowered her hand holding her head, because she was surprised to find that the murmurs that appeared directly in her mind actually disappeared!

And not only did the gibbering disappear, Forsi felt that his condition was also better than ever. His body seemed to be developed to the limit, and he could easily do things that he could not do in the past.

Forsi even had the feeling that even if she made a cut on her body, the wound would heal quickly!

This feeling is unparalleled and can only be felt by those who have truly experienced it!

"Praise be to you, Lord Robb. Your power is beyond that of the gods!"

After recovering, Forsi was respectful to Robb. After experiencing this kind of pain, Forsi could truly understand how precious a healthy and complete body is!

Every ordinary thing is a miracle!

Robb didn't care much about Forsi's gratitude. Now Robb had a more important thing, which was how to digest his potion.

The serial murderer has not been arrested yet, so it is impossible for him to wait foolishly for clues to appear before finding him, then catching him, and slowly digesting the potion. This is too stupid.

This person has not been found yet, so you can look for someone else!

So Robb looked at the two of them and asked seriously: "In Backlund, is there someone who everyone knows that he is doing some unknown things behind the scenes, but because he is involved in many interests, he has been The kind of person who hasn’t been troubled by the authorities since?”

This kind of thing should be very common, especially because the world has just entered the era of the industrial revolution due to fellow villagers. It is easy for evil to breed, and collusion between government and businessmen should be commonplace.

For the people at the lowest level, the names of those big figures may not be very clear.

But Xio and Forsi should know.

Robb's guess was correct. Although Fors didn't react for a moment, a name popped up in Xio's head in an instant: Kapin!

And Xio blurted out this name, which frightened Forsi and almost wanted to cover Xio's mouth.

But after thinking about it, Capping didn't seem to be a big shot compared to Mr. Robb, and he felt relieved immediately.

"Tell me about this man named Capin."

Xio also gritted his teeth about Kaping: "Kaping was originally a gangster, he was a rich man, and there were forces behind him to support him. Although there is no evidence, everyone knows that the case of the disappearance of the Backlund girl is related to him!

Because these missing girls will definitely appear in brothels, and the person behind those brothels is Kapin!

Although there is no news from the outside world, I feel that Kaping is not only doing these evil things in Backlund, because he is very powerful and his tentacles extend to incredible places. Just one Backlund will never satisfy his appetite!

Because of his gang background and the fact that no one has been able to catch him with evidence, his opponents were either bribed or killed, so this scumbag is still alive and well until now! "

To put it simply, he is a human trafficker.

After listening to Xio's description, Robb also had a simple understanding of Kapin, but there seemed to be nothing strange about Kapin. He was just an ordinary gang leader who was changing careers to clear his name.

As for the power behind him, which gangster has no power behind him?

These days, even a dog needs to find the right backer.

Robb felt that this person was quite typical. He could just operate on this person and digest his potion.

"If that's the case, let's go visit this gentleman."


"I...we? Now?"

Forsi and Xio both looked incredulous, unable to keep up with Robb's jumping thoughts.

You hear about a bad guy who is full of evildoers, and you immediately want to visit him?

Shouldn't this kind of thing be planned carefully, complete an impeccable disguise, and finally act quietly on a dark and windy night?

Moreover, it’s okay for you to go alone, why do you want to drag the two of us along?

Forsi and Xiu wanted to cry without tears. They were only Sequence 9. If you think about it with your buttocks, you would know that with Kapin's status and the power behind him, it was definitely not something that the two Sequence 9s could resist.

If a war broke out and the two of us were affected, where would we be able to reason with?

Seeing the two people in trouble, Robb comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm a well-educated person and I will never use violence when doing business."

According to Robb's idea, he is the judge and the prisoner is Kapin, but there must be plaintiffs, lawyers and spectators!

Otherwise, how can this be considered a perfect trial?

However, Robb can't find a lawyer and a supernatural person for the audience (Robb doesn't know Audrey is an audience yet), so he can only use apprentices and arbitrators to make up the number. Anyway, it's almost the same. The most important thing is the criminal.

After saying that, Robb stood up and put on the creeping hunger.

In an instant, Robb's figure and appearance changed dramatically. The tumor grew out of Robb's skin, and then changed on Robb's surface, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man.

This is the ability brought by the soul of the 'Faceless Man'.

As for why he turned into a middle-aged man, on the one hand, Robb felt that this was more like a judge, and on the other hand, he had to pay attention to the impact and not be too ostentatious.

Hugh and Fors looked confused: Boss, you are disguised, what about us?

Finally, Hugh and Fors each put on a fox mask, like Robb's left and right guards, and the three of them left the manor at night and walked towards Kapin's residential area.


Soon, the three of them came to Iris Street in the Cherwood District.

The full moon at this time was a bright red blood moon, which seemed to reveal an ominous atmosphere, and the street looked extremely strange.

The yellow gas street lights flickered, and seemed to be frightened by today's weirdness.

At the corner, in a place that was always in a dark shadow, three people were discussing how to enter the brightly lit villa.

Hugh was still a little worried: "If we just break in like this, we will definitely be discovered and then fight!"

Fors also agreed with Hugh's opinion: "Mr. Robb, should we try a more stable way to get in?"

Robb looked at the blood moon in the sky, and suddenly felt something in his heart, thinking of a sentence from his previous life that someone didn't know who said it: "Don't walk into that good night gently."

Fors and Hugh looked at each other, and this sentence didn't seem to be said by Emperor Roselle.

Obviously, for someone like Emperor Roselle, reading literature and poetry is still a bit difficult, so not all patents have been said by Emperor Roselle.

Robb said directly: "Since we are here, there is a good moon tonight, it is a good time to kill people, why are you sneaking around, follow me."

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