Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 205: Destroying the Ritual

Robb transformed into his true appearance, holding his hand in the air, and a red electric knife made of thunder appeared in Robb's hand, stabbing William fiercely!


An invisible force appeared instantly, and Robb felt that his body was affected by the powerful law force and was blown away instantly.

He was expelled from this space by the power of order.


But soon, Robb's figure appeared behind Prince William again, which was the power of teleportation.

"Damn it, teleportation is prohibited here!"

Prince William knew that Robb was a very difficult opponent, so he did not entangle too much. After prohibiting teleportation, he used the power of exile again to drive Robb out, so that he could delay enough time.


Because it was the second time to use the exile skill, Prince William knew very well that Robb was very likely to have other means to avoid exile, so he directly used the power of the Sequence 2 Balancer to briefly pull himself and Robb to the same level.

But Prince William was surprised to find that he did not become as powerful as Robb, but weakened Robb's power.

Generally speaking, balancers will upgrade themselves to a higher level and then weaken their opponents as much as possible. However, if the gap between the two sides' strength is too large, the current situation will occur, and all of them will upgrade their abilities.

In other words, even if all the order represented by the [Balance] of the Hand of Order is used to upgrade Prince William, it is not enough to pull the two sides to the same level, and there is even a qualitative gap between the two sides!

"This is impossible. Even if it is a god, it is enough for me to entangle with the god for a short time."

Prince William is a very ancient Hand of Order. In the era when gods were not prominent, he was one of the top ten strongest people in the world. Gods may not defeat him in a short time, but on Robb's side, his balance power is the first time that there is such a big gap.

"You talk too much nonsense."

Robb saw that the other party used two abilities, smiled slightly, and his head gradually began to change, slowly turning into the appearance of a giant dragon!

William was startled. He had seen this kind of transformation: "Dreamer?"


Robb's head has completely turned into the appearance of a giant dragon, [Guio's Roar].

A powerful dragon roar came from the illusory dragon head. This is a legendary prayer. Although it does not have a strong damage ability, compared to its damage, the most powerful ability of this prayer is to weaken the opponent's resilience!

A series of sound waves directly shocked Prince William, and countless illusory and sometimes violent feelings impacted Prince William's spirituality again and again.

He was stunned in place, his eyes were blank, his brain turned into chaos, and order was constantly repairing his brain.

But at this tangled time, Robb made another move.

[The Black Flame of Hunting Gods! ]

In Robb's hand, a group of black flames roared out violently, wrapped Robb's whole body, and then flew towards Prince William at full speed, devouring and hurting Prince William's body.


The damage to Prince William was weakened at this moment, and at the same time, his own damage was balanced on Robb!

The black flame on Robb's body began to backfire on Robb, causing huge damage.

"Why is this guy so hard to kill?!"

Robb felt that this thing was still a little too hard to kill. He had already used more than half of the legendary spells and prayers. Even if he was a Sequence 1, this performance was really a bit outrageous.

"Sequence 1 would definitely not last that long in front of the gods. In other words, there is still a little gap between me and the gods of this world, but this is also because my faith is not enough and the power of the ring has not fully recovered."

Robb had a clear understanding of his current strength positioning, that is, he was at the level of the Angel King, but with the recovery of the power of the Elden Ring, he would soon recover to the level of the god.

"I just don't know whether Elden's Ring recovers faster or I grow faster."

Robb gathered all his thoughts and began to concentrate on dealing with Prince William in front of him.


Beside Robb, all the black flames dissipated, replaced by black and red sword energy!

This is a destined death.

After the damage caused by many spells, the violent death of destiny began to show its true power. Prince William's eyes widened and fear began to appear in his eyes.

He could feel the threat of the death of destiny, and even he himself could not resist it.

He wanted to react and get rid of the threat of death.

But he had been shocked by the dragon's roar before, and he had used up all his spiritual power when balancing the black flame before. At this time, he had no extra power to fight against the death of destiny.

Robb's finger passed directly over Prince William and stretched out his hand to touch the top of his head. A stream of black and red sword energy burst out and began to frantically kill all the vitality of Prince William.

"Balance... Balance..."

"Here, death is forbidden..."

Prince William was almost killed, but in his dying moments, he still exerted his last ability, hoping to survive in this way and then escape.

But Robb would not give Him this chance at all. The golden luster burst out from the Elden Ring on his hand, and the Holy Law of Death began to take effect, making all creatures that should have died but did not die completely lose their lives.


Black and red sword energy burst out from Prince William's body, cutting off all his vitality.


Prince William's body exploded, and Robb quickly used his ability to limit the impact of the explosion to this mausoleum, without affecting the outside.

If it was not controlled, this explosion would probably blow up half of the entire Backlund.

But after being controlled within a certain range, the mausoleum of the Black Emperor exploded instantly and was completely destroyed by this powerful force.

A little starlight of extraordinary characteristics was analyzed from the void, and the starlight became more and more, and finally completely concentrated together, turning into a golden cube full of regular inscriptions.

It was like a special Rubik's Cube in the previous life.

Robb looked at this extraordinary characteristic, without any hesitation, and swallowed this extraordinary characteristic directly!

In an instant, Robb felt that his brain was about to explode. Countless huge and surging information torrents began to continuously impact Robb's brain, and his body began to show signs of collapse!

Even though Robb now has the status of a god, and he had the foreshadowing of Sequence 5 before, it is still a relatively risky thing for Robb to directly take the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 without the assistance of potions and rituals.

The reason why Robb dared to make such a risky move is that Robb actually knew the ritual of Sequence 1, which is to establish a set of order of his own in the established country, which is completely different from the previous era!

In the Westeros continent, the feudal system promoted by Robb is completely a subversion of the entire continent, and the Westeros Empire he created is the best anchor.

So even if he skipped a few sequences and took the Sequence 1 potion directly, Robb would not go crazy and lose control on the spot, but maintain his sanity.

As long as he can maintain his sanity, Robb has enough ways to relieve the pressure of the potion.

Flashes of gold, blue, red, and black flashed continuously on Robb's body, and the power of protection appeared one after another, repairing Robb's body crazily.

Especially those negative states, which were basically repaired by the Elden Ring.

This cycle of continuous destruction and repair lasted for more than ten minutes. Robb also spent more than ten minutes in such torment, and finally slowly recovered his mind.

"It's done. I didn't expect that this sequence 1 drug is still quite strong."

Robb is in a good state now. The next step is to find the other sequence 1 potions he needs, which is the main mausoleum where George III is.


In the main mausoleum, George III, who was still being promoted, suddenly felt that one of his mausoleums was destroyed and was shocked. At this time, he was not the Black Emperor. The destruction of the mausoleum meant that his ritual was incomplete.

At this time, a witch exploded.

She was the witch Triss. She was renamed Chick by the witch sect before. In addition, she also had a female body very close to that of a witch, so she briefly withstood the moment of Chick's descent.

As long as this moment, time is enough.

As soon as Chick appeared, he destroyed the main mausoleum directly. Others could not stop him at all. George III, who was affected, completely declared his promotion failure.

At this time, he looked incredible, and he didn't understand at all what caused Chick of the Witch Cult to attack him? !

He used the Sequence 1 of the Red Sacrifice Path to exchange for the help of the Witch Cult, and the other party also needed the Red Sacrifice Path to complete himself.

But why would the other party attack him?

Aren't they a group of people?

George III didn't figure out why he was betrayed until he died.

On his deathbed, he quickly figured out the culprit of all this: the leader of the Twilight Hermits!

George III was originally a member of the Twilight Hermits. In order to start a war, he wanted to kill the Conservative power in his country.

So there was the assassination of Duke Negan by the Admiral of the Sea and the Apostle of Desire.

He issued an announcement through the Twilight Hermits, and at the same time reached a tacit understanding with the leader of the Twilight Hermits that he would start a war and the other party would help him become a god.

The other party even got three Sequence 1s and uniqueness of the Black Emperor Sequence for him, and even helped him conceal the fact that he had become a high-sequence person, so that the church would not find out.

When everything was ready later, even if the church discovered George III's actions, it did not want to stop it, but simply acquiesced.

Because the Black Emperor is not the enemy of all gods, more gods are needed to maintain the barrier now, which is not difficult for the gods to accept.

So George III started the ceremony like this.

Unexpectedly, he was finally tricked by the leader of the Twilight Hermits!

The Witch Cult turned out to be a member of the Twilight Hermits. This completely explains why Chick would attack him.

Robb, who was watching the battle, also saw this scene. After George III failed, his extraordinary characteristics were analyzed and obtained by Robb.

Robb swallowed George III's extraordinary characteristics without hesitation.

The side effects this time were not that strong. He was just a little confused for a while, and then Robb returned to normal. It was still very easy for Robb now to accommodate two Sequence 1s.

At this moment, a church made of bones appeared out of thin air.

In this church, a middle-aged man with long hair walked out. He looked very elegant, with gentle eyes, and seemed calm as if everything was under his control.

Seeing Robb, Adam smiled and said, "It seems that you have got what you want."

Robb was also a very particular person. Knowing that this was the owner of this big deal, he threw the feather pen over.

Adam caught the trembling feather pen with an extremely solemn expression: "Good luck to you, fellow countryman."


In Backlund, the illusory shadow of George III's speech was instantly shattered. Countless people saw the king disappear, shocking the whole world.

Because of the death of George III, the Feysac Empire was very happy and immediately launched a full-scale war. Who told you to lose a sequence 1, and the king has not yet become a god?

For Loen, their strength was greatly weakened.

The short-lived balance between the gods due to the oppression of foreign enemies was also broken. The resentment and anger that had accumulated for who knows how many years erupted at this moment, and a war that swept the entire continent began.

The first thing the gods had to do was to stabilize their anchors, and then the war of gods began.

In such a trend of the times, Adam gathered all the sequence 1 and uniqueness of the audience sequence. Amid the cries and greed of the people, he swallowed the potion and became a god.



Robb now knows everything about the affairs between these gods. The most important thing now is to become a god himself.

For now, the uniqueness of the judge sequence is still unknown, but the other sequence 1 is in the hands of the royal family of another country.

Robb is also ready to participate in this war and get absolute benefits, so that he can help himself become a god like exchanging with Adam.

For now, the gods are very nervous about the potion and uniqueness of sequence 1, because this thing is the key to becoming a god.

"If you want to become an Old One, you also need the uniqueness of the Black Emperor and a Sequence 1, but these things have just been taken away by my fellow countryman Adam. If we don't fight, we can only rely on trading. I don't know what Adam wants, and what I can offer in exchange?"

Robb felt that this matter was still a bit troublesome, but it was not a big deal.

At worst, I can just rob it when the time comes. The biggest advantage I have over these gods is that I am in good condition and don't have to worry about things like anchoring.

And those people always have bad conditions.

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