Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 207: Ceremony of Deification

Robb saw that there was something wrong with Mr. Azik's soul. Because of his ability as a balancer, Robb was very sensitive to the balance of order, so he could tell at a glance that Azik's soul was very 'unbalanced'.

The main reason is that his soul has a strong sense of stitching, and he has a feeling that he doesn't like very much, just like the dead.

So he took action directly, using the ability of the Hand of Order to imprison Azik's soul in a certain area, and then continuously used the balancing ability to help Azik's soul and the degree of weakness maintain a certain balance.

This will ensure that Azik will not lose control instantly because his soul does not match.

The pain of having his soul torn apart is unbearable. This is not even the first time that Azik's soul has been torn apart, so the pain is even more intense. He can't help but scream. This time, the surrounding environment is affected. , the black breath of death continues to spread. At this time, if there are members of the leadership group around, they will turn into undead creatures under such influence.

In this violent aura, Robb stood still, and the golden aura continued to emit, weakening Azik's negative emotions.

At the same time, the blessings of the golden tree continued to be instilled in Azik, helping him stabilize his emotions.

So through brute force and massive treatments, Robb successfully separated Azik's soul from the uniqueness of the path to death.

After the uniqueness was separated, it melted into dots of golden starlight. After gathering together, it gradually condensed into a golden phoenix-like ornament.

After getting this uniqueness, Robb could feel the aura of eternity and eternal sleep exuding from this uniqueness. If death and undead creatures saw this magical item, their instinct would directly make them kneel down and worship.

"It turns out that this thing is what makes you continue to lose your memory and die. Although you were Sequence 2 before, you lost most of your extraordinary abilities because your soul was torn apart. You only have Sequence 3, but because of your uniqueness, you don't have enough strength. Tolerance can only be on the verge of half-madness.

Now that you have been torn apart again, you will only have Sequence 4, but you can continue to develop in the southern continent. There are still many followers and remnants of the Death God here, and you can recover to your peak here. "

Azik looked very weak and his head was completely confused, but he was recovering quickly and soon returned to his normal state.

After losing his uniqueness, although Azik's strength was greatly reduced, his memory has been completely restored, with a painful look on his face: "I... I don't want to become what I was before, that... is too cruel. Already..."

When Azik was the Archon of Death before, because his divinity was greater than his humanity, and the path of the God of Death was very special, the upper ones had a very powerful influence on the lower ones, so the dark and cold God of Death also shaped Azik's behavior. Character traits during the Death Archon period.

Robb comforted: "If you don't want to do it, just do it. You have the right to choose."

Robb didn't want to force Azik to do anything, he just needed him to transform the Spiritual Order into the Golden Tree Church he needed.


Because of the death of George III, a group of forces led by the Loen Kingdom and a group of forces led by Fusac started a war.

In the boundless Kingdom of God on earth, it is a dark night, and it is covered with flowers that emit a faint halo.

It seemed that this place would never fall into disputes and riots, but with the advent of war, the tranquility here had a breakthrough.

A beam of light symbolizing dusk spilled into this boundless kingdom of God. The huge dusk giant held a giant sword and stepped into this eternal tranquility.

The God of War officially invaded the earthly kingdom of the Night Goddess, and with him came his mother, the Mother Earth.

These two people are not only mother and son, but also sequence pathers with no competitive relationship. Therefore, even in the entire God Realm, they have the strongest and strongest joint relationship. There is no need to worry about the other party cheating you.

Because we can no longer find such a firm ally, it would be foolish to sever the alliance because of some small interests.

The two of them join forces to directly confront the goddess of the night, and the chance of winning is 10%.

The God of War took the lead and rushed directly towards the goddess of the night, leaving his mother completely behind, but there was no sign of defense.

The God of War and the Goddess of the Night have similar paths, and the two have a competitive relationship. The previous discord between Rune and Feysac was also due to the bad relationship between the two.

So when the war started, the God of War went directly to his mother to fight against the Goddess of Night. As long as one of the gods fell, the war would be over.

Because it is impossible for the other gods to watch more than one god die, in which case it would be difficult for them to defend the outer gods together.

So as long as one god falls, this war will end, regardless of whether others want it or not.

Therefore, from the perspective of the God of War, he only needs to defeat the goddess of the night completely with more and less, then this war will be over, and he will be able to obtain the greatest benefits.

But just as he was charging, behind him, his mother finally took action, but the target was not the goddess of the night who was assassinated at the beginning, but his own 'son'.

what's the situation?

Under the siege of the two gods, the God of War died suddenly, and the unique giant sword in his hand was also pocketed by the goddess of the night.

The God of War looked in disbelief as he saw his mother transform into Lilith.

Lilith was originally the ancestor of the blood race and was originally on the moon path, but now the moon is in the starry sky, and it is basically hopeless for her to become the moon god, and the uniqueness of the moon path is not in her hands.

So with the help of the goddess of night, she used the hidden authority and the wrong authority held by "God" to directly replace the position of the mother goddess of the earth and became the new mother goddess, and also took in a cheap son.

Finally, it came in handy here.

After the war, the goddess of night gave the red moon held in her six palms to Lilith. This was the agreed reward, and both sides got what they wanted.


After the war of gods ended, the goddess of night had no time to feel the joy of victory, and came directly to the southern continent to meet Azik and Robb.

An endless darkness enveloped the area, everything was hidden, and no one and nothing could peek into everything here.

Robb could feel that something extraordinary seemed to be happening in the northern continent. A feeling of power collapse appeared, which seemed to be related to the fall of the gods. At this time, he met the goddess of night, and Robb didn't know what she wanted to do.

The goddess of night didn't expect to see Azik here.

During the Pale Disaster, she knew that Azik was the Archon of Death, but she didn't expect that the god of death would put all his back-up plans for death on his son. After that, the goddess of night could no longer find the uniqueness of the death path and Azik.

Now that the uniqueness of death has appeared, the goddess of night has the uniqueness of the God of War's path. She is the largest aggregate. She felt the emergence of the uniqueness of death at the first time and came to Robb.

The goddess of night stretched out her furry arm, and a brass book flashed on it.

Robb's brows relaxed instantly: "The uniqueness of the Judge's path?"

The uniqueness of the Judge was not in the hands of the goddess of night before, but in the Church of the God of War. Now that the God of War has been defeated, the goddess of night will of course easily take over the greatest legacy of the Church of the God of War, which includes the uniqueness of the Judge's path.

Now Robb has the uniqueness of the Death Path, and the Night Goddess has the uniqueness of the Judge that Robb needs to become a god.

Then things are very simple, everyone gets what they need.

Robb didn't say anything, and directly threw the Phoenix gold ornament in his hand.

The Night Goddess also threw the brass book over: "Three grams of oil."

Robb also replied in English: "You're welcome."

Other than that, there was no communication, this is the tacit understanding between the time travelers.


Now Robb is still missing a sequence 1 of the Judge Path.

The previous Judge Night Emperor died in the Four Emperors War, and the biggest beneficiary of the Four Emperors War was the Death God. As the son of the Death God, Azik is also very clear about that history.

Now that he had all his memories, Azik briefly recounted what happened that year: "The uniqueness of the Judge's Path was taken away by the people of the Church of the God of War. The three extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 are basically in the hands of the royal families of the Kingdom of Loen and the Kingdom of Feynet, which means that the final Sequence 1 will definitely be in the Kingdom of Feynet."

According to Robb's memory, the current Kingdom of Feynet believes in the Mother Earth, but the current Mother Earth is not the same as before, but Lilith, who is still preparing to digest the Moon Path.

Now that the war is still going on, Robb is not going to talk too much and is ready to take this opportunity to go directly to the royal family of Feynet.

Robb directly used the ability of teleportation to come to the capital of the Kingdom of Feynet, and regardless of other things, he went directly to find the most luxurious palace building, anyway, there must be people from the royal family there.

The moment Robb appeared, the entire Feynet royal family and the people of the Church of the Mother Earth came out. They looked at Robb who suddenly appeared, and they were all very nervous.

That is, when Robb appeared, the gods actually knew the news of Robb's appearance.

But just like George III wanted to become the Black Emperor, Robb wanted to become a god who posed no threat to the gods and was in an absolutely neutral position.

Moreover, Robb was very powerful and could directly cross the barrier. If he became enemies with Robb for a Sequence 1, then this deal would be too unprofitable. It would be a losing deal.

Even the Earth Mother, the leader of the Orthodox Church of the Kingdom of Fibonacci, did not show up to stop Robb. Moreover, He was just thinking of taking this opportunity to purge the Earth Mother's faith, to restore himself, and to restore the faith of the moon.

So Robb's robbery went very smoothly this time.

"Give me a Sequence 1, and I can promise to do something for you. It's a fair exchange. If you are worried that there will be no other Sequence 1 to maintain the interests of the royal family, I can also help you grow a brand new Sequence 1."

Robb's words were sincere, but his words were no different from farting.

It's like someone came up to you and said: Give me your house first, and I will buy you another one later. You will have to stay in a hotel or sleep under the overpass for the next few days.

Isn't this pure bullshit?

If someone says something like this to you, regardless of whether you believe it or not, you will not be able to talk to them in a good way. Basically, you will tell them to get out of here. If they have a bad temper, they will just start a fight.

Of course, the Fenetroth family would not surrender, but their most powerful force was a prince of Sequence 1, who was no match for Robb.

There were not many other members of the Earth Mother Church of Sequence 2, and even if they held the seal, they could not stop Robb.

In this way, Robb took away the Sequence 1 materials of the Fenetroth family in full view of the public.

Although the Fenetroth family regarded Robb as an enemy, Robb was still calm: "Anyway, this is a little thing I owe you. If you encounter any problems, recite my name, and I can do something equivalent to Sequence 1 for you."

As for whether Fenetroth was willing to ask Robb for help, or even whether he was willing to ask Robb, that was another matter.

After Robb got all the materials to become a god, he did not return to the residence arranged by the Church of the Night, but went directly to his nest in the southern continent, ready to complete the ceremony of becoming a god here.


"The initiation ceremonies of the Judge and the Black Emperor are similar. They are mainly based on establishing one's own kingdom. It may be related to the name of the source substance, 'The Kingdom of Disorder'. If you want to be at the top of this sequence, you must have your own empire."

"The Judge is a god with rules as the main logic. He can modify the underlying logic of this world. In other words, he can modify and improve the rules of this world to change the form of this world into what he likes."

"The meaning of judgment also means punishment for those who violate the rules."

"The way to become a god is to completely change the underlying logic of a world and make the base of that world different from before. For example, the world that was on the magic side has now changed to the technology side."

"Of course, such a change is very big, and it has a very good effect on the initiation ceremony. If the world on the weak magic side is transformed into the strong magic side, or the technology tree is directly changed, for example, the technology tree was changed by boiling water before, and now the technology tree is changed by adding cold water, this also counts."

This is considered an advanced version of the Hand of Order. The Hand of Order needs to change the basic framework of the political system, while the Judge changes the underlying logic of the world.

There is still a big difference between the two.

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