Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 209 Ending: Supreme Will

"The name of the leader of the Twilight Hermits is Adam. According to my observation, this old boy is also from our era, but he seems to be different from us. He did not travel through time, but has lived from ancient times to the present..."

Russell talked non-stop. He finally met a newcomer, who was still a fellow countryman, so he didn’t listen at all when he spoke, and he didn’t have any conservative ideas. Now he has become like this, and basically has nothing worth coveting. .

"Ahem, I didn't come through time either..."

Russell was shocked: "What? You have lived from modern society to now, so you should have left your name in the first era, Elf King? He thrived on blood, could it be you?"

Robb chuckled: "Actually, I traveled to other planets, and then saw our hometown while traveling through the starry sky, and then came over to have a look."

"What, you are polluted by the starry sky?!" Russell was shocked again, and then looked down at himself, "Oh, it turns out that I am also polluted, then it will be fine."

"I am not contaminated..."

Robb and Russell had a long talk. Both sides got what they needed, and basically understood the information they wanted.

Robb also learned about the Origin Treasure from the mouth of Emperor Russell, and learned that it was with the power of the Origin Treasure that Klein was able to pull him into that fantasy space.

"Now that my kingdom of order is in the Eastern Continent, I either rely on God or the Lord of Mysteries. No wonder the goddess of the night asked me to take care of the leader of the mysterious organization. It seems that she has saved a hand for herself."

Now Robb basically has a comprehensive understanding of the world, and all the relationships that need to be sorted out are clear.


Allies are very important existences in this world, because after becoming a god, your enemies are very certain, and those gods who are not in a similar sequence to you are the ones you need to win over.

The other person also needs your help.

Now Robb still doesn't have a true ally. Although he doesn't have many enemies, he still needs to be cautious.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let you burp your ass directly. Once I accommodate the Black Emperor's uniqueness and a Sequence 1, I will still leave you a Sequence 1."

Russell shrugged his shoulders: "I think you'd better fight all those bastard gods, especially the steam god. Just beat him to death and I'll go back to the steam sequence. That's normal."

Robb knew that the other party was joking, so he stood up and prepared to leave, and agreed with Russell that he would come and see him next time he passed by.

Just as Robb was about to leave, the entire mausoleum suddenly rippled like water waves.

Then, bones appeared one by one, built to look like a church. Adam, who looked like a foreigner, was wearing a white robe, blond hair shawl, barefoot, and looked like God. He slowly walked up to Robb and Russell.

Russell knew that he had sensed the kid's name when she just said it, so he reminded Robb: "Adam..."

"I know, we've met before."

Adam smiled slightly and said concisely: "I hope to form an alliance with you. If you are willing, I can hand over the Black Emperor's uniqueness and Sequence 1 to you now."

When Adam helped George III become a god, he held the uniqueness of the Black Emperor and three Sequence 1s in his hand.

These extraordinary characteristics were all obtained from the God of Death. In the Battle of the Four Emperors, the God of Death obtained the greatest benefits. As the boss behind Witch Chike, Adam also obtained enough benefits, and the Black Emperor's materials were among them. one.

Later, He gave it to Russell first and then to George III, which was more than one fish.

Now I want to give it to Robb again, which can be regarded as maximizing the benefits.

Robb felt that this guy was a very wretched person, and making a deal with such a person was like dancing with wolves, so he was very wary, with a look of distrust on his face: "What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, just be my ally."

Adam no longer has to play any conspiracy. Now he has gone to the land abandoned by the gods and merged with his dark side, the Hanged Man. He is a god with dual sequences of dreamer and hanged man.

Just by relying on his own abilities, he can temporarily become half of his old self and directly suppress the three rebellious brothers.

In addition, Chike is his hidden helper, and Adam's power at this time is still very powerful.

In addition, Amon and Orochi are also masters at the level of the King of Angels.

It can be said that Adam at this time is the strongest single force!

But it's a pity that because he has three enemies, the hostile force he faces is still very large. If he jumps out to fight now, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

If he could use his relationship with Robb to form an alliance here, it would be very useful to Adam.

"This is the deposit."

Adam was also very generous now and directly threw a Sequence 1 of the Black Emperor to Robb.

Russell looked at the Black Emperor's materials and was still very envious, but he still held back.

In fact, He can summon all the extraordinary materials now and become the Black Emperor again. However, once He, who is polluted by the starry sky, returns, he will immediately become a traitor to the outer gods to break through the barrier, causing the whole world to fall into madness.

Although Russell was very unconventional, he still had an extremely passionate heart for his own planet, so he let it go.


Soon, Robb waited for the opportunity Adam mentioned, Mr. Men was coming back.

After thousands of years of waiting, the Outer Gods finally won.

Mr. Men was trapped on the moon and sealed by the gods. He could only wake up a little bit every full moon and call all his family members to death to ensure that he would not return to the earth.

But under the influence of the Outer Gods and many forces, Mr. Men is about to leave the moon and return to the world.

At the same time, Mr. Men's god-making ceremony is to escape from a place that is impossible to escape, which means that once Mr. Men can return, he will become a god!

This is the same as Emperor Roselle. If there is a god polluted by the Outer Gods as an insider, then the barrier can't stop those Outer Gods at all.


In the manor, Robb was sitting and drinking black tea, and suddenly found that the door of his room opened automatically.

Not only Robb's manor, but all the concrete things related to doors in the world were opened at this moment.

Many thieves who were stealing were extremely happy because the safes they stole were all opened at this moment, and all the things were taken away directly. Thanks to Mr. Men's return, the whole world fell into chaos for a short time.

Robb knew that it was time for him to take action.

Amon also took action in time and found Mr. Men directly, turning his clones into petite things and attaching them to Mr. Men.

"If you return, the world will fall into disaster, but if you are willing to let me replace your god-making ceremony, then I will help your family members return to normal and help your family revive."

Amon knew that Mr. Men was a man of great righteousness, so he persuaded him with emotion and reason. He himself was a mythical creature and basically had no human emotions, so he just used these things as bargaining chips and simply made a deal with Mr. Men.

Mr. Men finally let Amon succeed.

Amon's god-making ceremony was to replace the god-making ceremony of others. It was not very difficult, but it still required a little luck, so after waiting for so long, he was finally able to become a god in a practical sense.

But at this time, many other forces also began to take action.

Those gods who were hostile to Adam also knew the relationship between Amon and Adam, so they were not willing to let Amon become a god smoothly. If Amon was also a dual-sequence god, then basically the other gods were basically no match for Adam's forces.

So all the things like Thunder and Sun Sense in this world became manic, began to find Amon's position, and began to launch a fierce attack.

Seeing this, Adam directly transformed into half of the Old Sun, using the dreamer's thoughts as the basis, plus the almighty authority of the Hanged Man, temporarily becoming half of the Old Sun level, and even more powerful, half of the pillar!

The other three gods instantly fell into a disadvantage and were almost beaten to death by Adam.

Of course, if there were no other people to help, Adam would not be able to really kill them. Once Adam's fantasy ability reached the limit, he would not be the opponent of the three gods together, and could only flee.

But at this time, even if he could delay for a while and let Amon become a god, it would basically be a sure win.

So, a war of gods began.

But except for Amon who was being promoted and the three gods who would lose everything if they failed, the rest of the gods were basically watching, and did not kill them, but simply waited and watched.

Especially the goddess of night, it didn't matter who she helped.

The goddess of night was good at dancing, and had close ties with the seven gods. She was also a fellow countryman with Adam. More importantly, she had no competitive relationship with these people, so no matter which side could win, for those who had collected the uniqueness of the three sequences of the Black Death War and sequence 1, and had the tributaries of the River of Everlasting Darkness in hand, it was no different from half of the Old Day.

Now, what the goddess of night wanted most was for a god or the Lord of Mystery to appear quickly, open the seal of the East Continent, help herself obtain the complete River of Everlasting Darkness, and become a brand new Old Day.

But the goddess of night was still a little entangled.

If the god really won, then the mystery would also be his son, and the two pillars would be in the same camp, and then the two gods would be invincible in the world.

Kill whoever you want to kill, kill whoever you want to kill.

Although the Goddess of Night is a centrist, she doesn't want a dictator to appear above her, a dictator who can control her life and death at will, so she still prefers the three gods.

In addition, she has invested in Klein, and it is very distressing for the gods to lose so much investment.

So the Goddess of Night still took action and stopped the witch Chick who was waiting for an opportunity to take action.

In this way, the power of the three gods is temporarily stronger, and some gods have begun to stop Amon from attacking Mr. Men's godhood ceremony.

When Robb saw this scene, he was not in a hurry to take action and just stood there.

Adam saw Robb's performance and knew that the other party was raising the price, so he directly threw the uniqueness of the Black Emperor to Robb.

Robb took action at this time, allowing Amon to successfully become the dual-sequence path of Error and Door.

Seeing this, the other three gods immediately moistened, they didn't want to face two dual-sequence gods.


Robb has the uniqueness of the Black Emperor and Sequence 1, plus his own Judge path, so he is a complete dual-sequence god. What he needs now is the Disordered Kingdom sealed in the East Continent. By completely integrating the two sequences, he can become a brand new Old Day.

With the Old Day and the Elden Ring in its heyday, Robb will not be afraid of fighting against the Pillar-level.

But now if he wants to obtain the Disordered Kingdom, he needs a brand new God and the Lord of Mysteries.

"Adam is definitely not to be counted on. There is only a transaction with him, and he may not give me such a big benefit for the Disordered Kingdom.

I don't have much friendship with Amon, so I can only rely on Klein."

Although Klein is still a very weak little brother now, it is because he is very weak and still a little brother that he helps him become the Lord of Mysteries from the hands of Amon, a second-sequence god, and this favor is enough for his own Disordered Kingdom.

Robb and the Goddess of Night have the same idea on this point.

Coupled with the power of the three gods, the camp has changed again.

"Life is so unpredictable."


Under the protection of Robb and the Goddess of Night, Klein soon became the Fool, contained the Source Treasure, and became a brand new half of the Mystery.

Even though Amon is a dual-sequence god, the effect of the Source Treasure is still too powerful. The single-sequence god plus a Source Treasure directly suppressed Amon.

Adam's forces wanted to take action, but with the help of Robb, a situation different from the original timeline appeared.

Klein's side was a crushing force.

So this time Klein did not lose much, and directly became the Lord of Mystery, but in order to suppress his predecessor, he still had to sleep for a while.

Because there was not much loss, Klein directly strengthened the barrier, opened the seal of the East Continent, took out the Kingdom of Disorder and the River of Everlasting Darkness, and gave them to Robb and the Goddess of Night as a reward and gift.

After getting the Source, Robb became a brand new Old Day very smoothly.

The two Sequence 1 Black Emperors in Adam's hand returned to Robb's hands due to the attraction of the essence. Robb fulfilled his promise and directly handed a Sequence 1 to Roselle, allowing him to return to the world as a Sequence 1.

"With a complete Old One, plus the power of the Ring, I can change my previous name.

Why not, call it the Supreme Will.

This Old One needs more power to cultivate countless Elden seeds and meteors to plant in the starry sky. By then, my power will become stronger and stronger, and it is unknown whether I can become the Old One."

Robb was satisfied.

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