Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 27: Surprise Attack on Riverrun

Balls of flames ejected by the dragon swept across the Lannister positions on the north bank.

The fences originally used to defend against cavalry charges were vulnerable to the powerful flames and were burned to charcoal in just a moment.

Some archers hiding behind the fortifications were burned by the dragon flames and screamed in pain.

The Lannister soldiers behind were terrified when they saw this scene, but they were no longer afraid soon.

Because the cavalrymen who followed closely covered the horses' eyes with blindfolds, and then directly broke through the burned fences, and with a stab of the spear, they ended the lives of those soldiers.


"Stop them, spearmen! Quickly form a formation!"

The Lannister officers were still commanding the battle, but they were soon spotted by Robb.


A broken stone suddenly appeared in Robb's hand, and then shot out at a very fast speed, smashing the helmet of the officer who was still commanding. The strong impact directly made his mind shake and fainted on the ground.

[Beast Stone]

[It can release sharp stone flakes quickly and can be used in succession. It is said that before the Golden Tree Age, stones were the first weapons of the beasts that gained wisdom. ]

This is one of the beast prayers. Although it is not as powerful as the Thunder Gun and the Dragon Prayer, it is quick to use and the pre-swing action is almost negligible. It is a very practical prayer.

When an officer fell, another officer took over the command.

"Quickly call the lazy pigs behind, pick up your spears, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a dull sound above his head, and then he fell to the ground.

One after another, someone soon found that if he dared to give a command, he would fall. For a while, all the noble officers were silent.

Robb glanced at the battlefield. The camp in front was directly dispersed by his men, and the camp behind seemed to have just realized that a night attack had occurred and was waking up.

We must kill them before they react. We must not let these people form a spear formation, otherwise our cavalry will not be able to take advantage.

"Follow me!"

Robb roared, leading more than 400 cavalrymen to set fire and charge towards the camp that had not yet reacted.

The further they went inside, the more war fortifications were built.

Those were all in preparation for attacking Riverrun.

Robb directly transformed into a dragon's head, and sprayed flames whenever he saw a siege building, but the time for each spray of flames was very short, and he stopped as soon as he saw it on fire.

Because releasing dragon flames would constantly consume mental power, Robb was not yet able to support the long-term use of such a powerful dragon prayer.

"Is that a dragon?!"

"I'm still sleeping? I seem to see a dragon's head spraying flames?!"

The Lannister soldier who had just come out of the camp thought he was too strong and had hallucinations.

If he didn't sleep, would he have traveled back to more than 300 years ago when the Targaryen family rode a dragon to conquer the continent?

Before they could react, the cavalrymen who rushed in with torches took their lives.


"Help, run!"

"Seven Gods, save us!"

When the other Lannister soldiers saw the scene in front of them, how could they still have the will to fight?

Some of them came out to fight without even wearing their armor, and when they saw the horrifying scene, they lost all their will to fight.

Robb burned most of the siege equipment, and his mental strength was exhausted. He was no longer able to cast prayer spells, and could only wait for his mental strength to recover slowly.

So Robb drew two long swords from his back and started to fight with the Lannister defenders.

"Surrender and no killing!!"

"Surrender and no killing!!"

Robb galloped on his horse, followed by more than 200 wolf riders behind him, slashing any obstructing soldiers along the way, and galloping back and forth in the camp on the north bank.

Shouting the slogan of surrender and no killing to disintegrate the enemy's will to fight, the camp of thousands of people suddenly fell into complete chaos, with fire everywhere and people running everywhere.

"Damn it, there's a problem on the north bank!"

The Lannister officer on the west bank, Earl Andros Brax, saw the flames on the north bank, screams, and the roar of the strange beast from time to time, and his heart suddenly sank.

Jaime led 3,000 cavalry to fight, and has been missing for a few days. Many cavalry who escaped back said that Jaime was captured alive by Robb.

The nobles were already panicked because of this incident, and now they saw the north bank being attacked, and they were immediately in a mess.

"Come with me to support the north bank, they are not many in number, and we can win by defending the fortifications on the north bank!"

Earl Andros immediately gathered his men and horses and took 2,000 people across the river.

In the dark night, the river was turbulent. When Andros was halfway through the journey, he regretted it a little. He seemed to be too aggressive.

Then he washed his face with river water to sober himself up.

Regardless of whether they were reckless or not, they had to support the North Bank. Otherwise, if the North Bank was breached, their troops and those on the East Bank would be torn apart, and it would be easy for the enemy to breach them.


Squeak, squeak.


At this moment, on the walls of Riverrun, the originally quiet night suddenly became noisy.

Hundreds of torches lit up at the same time, and the creaking catapults had already been loaded.

Accompanied by the shouts of the Riverrun defenders, huge stones were thrown at the Lannister army that was still crossing the river.

They fell into a trap!

Earl Andros felt cold in his heart.

But this was not the worst news, because he heard another burst of shouting and killing.

"Follow me! Surround them with three missing one, don't surround them too tightly! Let them run, kill them!!"

"For the young wolf!"

"For Lord Ned!"

"For Riverrun!"

On the west bank, Earl Jason Mallister, who had been lying in ambush for a long time, saw that everything was going according to plan, so he rushed up with his two thousand men and launched a fierce attack on the Lannister army on the west bank!

Creak, clang!

The gate on the west side of Riverrun opened, and the suspension bridge that had been hanging for many days was finally lowered. The excited river army, led by Earl Lakewood, also rushed out.

The two teams formed a double-teaming situation to encircle and suppress the Lannister army on the west bank, and the shouting was loud!

It's over!

It's all over!

Count Andros saw that the army left behind on the west bank was in disarray, and countless soldiers laid down their weapons and surrendered before the battle even started. Several ships on his side were also smashed by stones from catapults.

Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about these trivial matters soon.

Because he saw a huge stone flying towards him.

His ship was going to capsize.

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