"Stop, what are you trying to do?!"

Greenbeard was startled. They were now in Robb's camp, with tens of thousands of troops waiting outside. If there was any trouble, they would definitely suffer.

But his voice was too small and his prestige was insufficient, so he could only watch the Tyrosh mercenaries getting more and more angry.

Someone had already used his chest to collide with Little Jon's chest maliciously, provoking the other party.

Robb watched the farce in front of him with interest, knowing that Little Jon was considering his orders and did not fight with these mercenaries.

After thinking about it, Robb came to a stand and sat down leisurely: "Interesting, take off the armor."

Even when Little Jon was in conflict with the other party, a large part of his attention was on Robb. When he heard Robb's words, he immediately shouted: "Take off the armor!"

"Take off the armor!"

"Take off the armor!"

Several wolf riders who were born nobles like Little Jon shouted one by one, and all the wolf riders heard Robb's order.

Without any hesitation, they took off their leather armor.

The armor worn in wartime is very heavy, and they usually wear leather armor during training.

Seeing the opponent's almost uniform movements, the Tyroshi mercenaries who were still cursing were a little at a loss, not knowing what the opponent was doing.

Obviously, none of them heard Robb's order.

There was a brief silence in the camp.

When the wolf riders took off their leather armor and put away their weapons, the Tyroshi mercenaries were still in an inexplicable state, still holding weapons in their hands, looking around, no one spoke, and Greenbeard was frightened.

Seeing that the other party was still indifferent, Little Jon took the lead and said: "Take off the armor!"

More than 200 people behind him roared together: "Take off the armor!"

The sound resounded through the sky, and many mercenaries were even scared to drop their weapons on the ground.

Greenbeard looked at Robb sitting in the upper seat, he still had that unpredictable smile, and he couldn't help but panic in his heart.

The lives of himself and these mercenaries are in the hands of this teenager. If the other party is willing, there will be 300 more corpses in the moat of Riverrun the next day.

Greenbeard was quite quick-witted and understood Robb's meaning before the situation got out of control.

He immediately ran around the mercenary phalanx, shouting as he ran: "Take off the leather armor and put down the weapons. His Majesty ordered us to fight them bare-handed!"

Greenbeard was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, fearing that someone didn't hear his voice.

The mercenaries heard Greenbeard's voice, and most of them looked at the wolf cavalry in front of them. A lot of anger had accumulated in their hearts. Now that they heard that they could fight with the other party, they also took off their leather armor quickly.

But some mercenaries were used to being unruly and complained over there.

"Your Majesty, you are just a brat."

"Only idiots who are hated by the Seven Gods will fight with bare hands. I am a knight, and I will never take off my weapons and leather armor!"

"Draw your sword! Let those wolf cubs see who is the real battlefield!"

"I am a mercenary from Tyroshi. Even if he gives me a golden dragon, so what? I am uncomfortable staying here. What can he do if I ride away? Who cares about this little brat!"


Just as those mercenaries wearing leather armor and shouting loudly continued to talk nonsense, suddenly there was a sound of thunder in the sky.


A golden thunder suddenly descended from the sky and struck a Tyroshi mercenary's head fiercely. This thunder appeared without any signs. At this time, the sky was clear and no one reacted.

The mercenary fell straight to the ground without even a scream.

[Precision Thunder Strike]

[Rains fall on the target's head, which can be released continuously. 】




Robb sat on a chair, looking expressionlessly at all the mercenaries who had not taken off their leather armor, with golden light flashing on his hands.

Thunderbolts appeared out of nowhere in the air, hitting all the mercenaries who had not obeyed the military order again and again.

Robb did not hold back, their bodies were instantly charred black, their hair all stood up, and they fell to the ground without any life.

After more than a dozen mercenaries fell in succession, the Tyroshis finally discovered the source of the thunder and the target of the thunder.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

"The wolf king of the north is angry, and he sent down thunder to punish those who disobey!"

"Take off your armor quickly!"

Greenbeard saw his men and friends fall one after another, anxious and screaming.

After more than 20 mercenaries fell in succession, Robb finally stopped.

At this time, the mercenaries who had not yet taken off their leather armor finally felt the feeling of surviving a disaster. They cursed that the armor was difficult to take off and pulled it frantically.

"I have no mental strength, otherwise these people should have been hacked to death."

Robb sat on the chair, holding his chin with the hand that had just released the prayer spell, looking bored.

His indifference made Greenbeard below feel terrified.

This majesty is really a bit scary. With a wave of his hand, he easily took more than 20 lives, and he still had such an indifferent expression. Greenbeard thought that his future life would be to serve this king, and he couldn't help feeling sad.


Robb spit out a word.

The moment they received the order, the previously silent wolf riders suddenly exploded. Before the Tyroshi mercenaries could react, they pounced on them like wolves.

The wolf riders were originally strong soldiers selected by Robb from various armies in the North. There were also many noble heirs who had been trained in various battlefield combat since childhood.

In addition to the baptism of two peerless battles, they had already completed their transformation.

They were silent, looking at the enemy with firm eyes.

All they had in their minds were the scenes when Robb trained them. In such encounters, the team with better teamwork could win the final victory.

They spontaneously formed small teams, sometimes dispersed to block, sometimes merged together to bully the few, and concentrated to knock down a small number of mercenaries to the ground. In the end, no one on their side was even seriously injured.

In less than 20 minutes, all the Tyroshi mercenaries were knocked to the ground, their faces were covered with blood, and they fell to the ground groaning.

The wolf riders stood in the camp, looking down at the opponents they had knocked down.

If there were mercenaries who were knocked down and still cursed, someone would immediately surround them and beat them until they shut up or were beaten to the point where they had no ability to speak.

"Your Majesty, please forgive them..." Greenbeard looked at Robb nervously, "If they continue to fight, one of them will die."

Robb glanced at Greenbeard, and his eyes clearly did not contain any emotion, but it made Greenbeard feel cold all over and he dared not continue to speak.

Then, he heard another faint sentence, which made his hands and feet even colder.

"If I remember correctly, your identity is a surrendered soldier. Do you come and go as you please here?"

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