Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 45 Dangerous Demon Mountain

A high hill in the Riverlands, in the woods called Noble Heart.

Two groups gathered at the base of the mountain, one holding high the flag of the direwolf, the other holding the flag of the silver trout leaping on a red and blue striped background.

Robb Stark and his uncle Ser Edmure Tully finally meet again after a period of absence.

"I gathered a lot of refugees and soldiers in the Riverlands. Together, there are more than 5,000 people."

Although this was good news, Edmure still looked gloomy: "The Mountain has caused a bloody storm in the Riverlands, and many civilians have been lost in the wilderness."

"After these people joined my team, not only did they have no fighting ability, but they also dragged down the soldiers who had fought. I doubt that they would have made a great contribution if they could not break up their own formation after going to the battlefield. Moreover, these people also It’s consuming our food.”

If an ordinary farmer goes to the battlefield without training, it will only have side effects. He will not be able to help at all, and his appearance of running away crying will also shake the morale of the army.

Therefore, although Edmure has five thousand men, as long as a hundred enemies have been trained and have been on the battlefield once, they can be chased all the way to the Great Wall of the North.

If they survive.

Robb, sitting at the head of the tent, smiled slightly when he heard his uncle's complaint.

He threw a sealed letter to Edmure. Edmure took it and opened it, and found that it was a map of the Riverlands with some routes marked on it.

Edmure didn't know why and looked at Robb with some confusion.

Robb looked outside the tent: "Tywin's old dog released a lot of puppies. They robbed a lot of supplies and transported them to King's Landing and Harrenhal. These are the supply routes I have reviewed. You can take the people to rob them. That’s it.”

Robb added: "Use the Brotherhood Without Banners men I brought to attack them. The farmers in your hands should be trained first."

The information came easily.

Robb's punishment was unprecedentedly horrific. Whether it was Lannister's men or his own people, they would feel uncomfortable when they saw so many horrific scenes for the first time.

The five or six nobles and their knights who were captured were unable to survive or die, and even wailing became a luxury.

Under such a harsh criminal law, they just said whatever Robb asked. In fact, they were unconscious and only answered questions subconsciously without knowing what they were talking about.

Such a punishment is not something any human being can bear.

After all, it is too exaggerated to say that no matter how much pain you suffer, you cannot faint or die.

"Robb... Your Majesty, would it be better to kill those people outside directly? If you torture the nobles like this, others may..."

Edmure hesitated for a moment, then added the word "Your Majesty."

Now there were only him and his nephew in the tent. He originally wanted to call Robb by his first name to show the closeness between relatives, but the horrific scenes outside made him subconsciously add the word "Your Majesty."

This is an invisible form of authoritative oppression.

Robb shook his head: "It would be too easy for them to kill them directly. Even if the nobles are superior to the common people, they cannot massacre them in such a cruel way."

"Besides, the Riverlands have pledged allegiance to me, and the people of the Riverlands are my people. Since they dare to attack my people, it means they have thought about the consequences."

Robb never minded being a tyrant, and sometimes his tactics were not that complicated. He could just win over a group of people and suppress a group of people.

Robb retains this simple and Machiavellian concept of giving full benefits to his own people and being cruel to his enemies.

Edmure sighed helplessly and prepared to discuss another matter with Robb.

"The Magic Mountain is very active in the Riverlands now, and many nobles' territories have been looted by him, so they hope you can let them go back to their territories and protect their property."

Edmure has been having a hard time these days. Many nobles in the Riverlands can't wait to return to their territories after seeing that the crisis in Riverrun has been resolved.

Although there are some who are eager to attack the Western Territory and regain everything they have lost, the nobles of the Riverlands still prefer to protect themselves.

This is not surprising. If the nobles of the Riverlands were a warlike group as a whole, they would not have been plundered by the Western Region and the Stormlands in turn.

Robb immediately nodded in agreement: "Of course."

Edmure did not react and continued to persuade subconsciously: "They lost a lot when they were in Golden Tooth City. Now... what? You agreed?!"

"Yes, of course they can go back. I still need them to manage their territory well and provide me with supplies. But not now. They can go back after I have cleared up the Lannister minions in the riverlands."

Edmure was startled: "You will have a head-on confrontation with the Mountain. This is too dangerous!"

The current evil reputation of the Magic Mountain can scare every child in the Riverlands to tears, but no adults would make such a joke with children. They all know that this joke will become a reality without knowing when.

Rumor has it that the defenders of the Riverlands will be so frightened that they wet their pants whenever they see the Mountain, and the Mountain will personally tear apart anyone who dares to stand in their way.

It is even said that his horse is not an ordinary beast, but transformed from an evil spirit. Otherwise, there is no way to explain how the horse can carry the two-meter-four-five-meter magic mountain and his heavy armor.

The Mountain's men are as brutal as the Mountain. They like to amputate limbs, and cruelty runs in their blood. Women had better pray that they have the courage to commit suicide before being captured, otherwise they will definitely regret it.

Robb knows that the Mountain is the only card Tywin can use in the current situation. Recently, he has encountered the Lannister army less and less frequently, which means that they are beginning to shrink.

But the Mountain's actions are more and more ostentatious, just like a fat pheasant roasting itself tender and juicy, and the intention of seducing himself is clear.

Robb said to his uncle: "When I catch the Mountain, the old guy Tywin will probably completely retract his balls, and then those nobles who want to go back can go back."

Edmure is still worried: "But, that's the Mountain! You are the King of the North, how can you do such a dangerous thing?"

He knows that Robb is very strong, but anything can happen on the battlefield.

If Robb has an accident...

Edmure dare not think about it any further. At that time, he will not only be unable to face Catelyn, but also dare not imagine what terrible disaster will happen to the Riverlands.

Robb smiled and said, "My dear uncle, the Mountain may be dangerous to you, but to me, there seems to be nothing dangerous in this world."

Thanks to Lady Xu for the reward.

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