Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 52: One meal for two guests

Blessed by black flames, blessed by a steel body, blessed by a golden tree...

Many defensive spells have long been blessed on Robb's body.

Robb's body was now indestructible, and his strength and other physical attributes had also been greatly improved.

Facing the sword struck by the Mountain with all his strength, Robb remained motionless and just stretched out his right hand faintly.


Magic Mountain's two-handed giant sword was like hitting a diamond, making a dull sound and then stopped.

Robb gently grasped the Mountain's two-handed greatsword in his palm.

He was standing in front of the magic mountain, facing the giant sword that was thicker than himself. Robb just used a few fingers to hold it.

Mo Shan's pupils swelled rapidly, and before his brain had time to process the situation, his body instinctively began to withdraw his sword.

But the giant sword in both hands seemed to be inserted into the stone. No matter how hard the magic mountain tried, the sword would not move at all.

Magic Mountain made an incredible sound: "This... this is impossible!"

"Don't be so surprised. As a king, it is natural to have this power."

Robb smiled slightly and relaxed his hands.

Due to the effect of inertia, the magic mountain instantly lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Robb stepped forward and stamped on the Mountain's chest.

Moshan suddenly felt like a hill was pressing down on him. He couldn't breathe, his face instantly turned red, and he started coughing violently.

Then Robb raised his right hand slightly, and a golden thunder spear appeared in his hand.

Mo Shan lay on the ground in disbelief, wondering how the man in front of him could perform such a real miracle.

"It would be too easy for you to die like this. Even if you cut down the Wolf Forest and make paper out of the crimes you committed, you still won't be able to write them down completely."

"In the name of the King of the North, I hereby declare that you will not die an untimely death. You will endure all pain for the rest of your life until the end of your life."

"And what I say is reality."

After Robb finished speaking, he pressed the thunder gun in his hand directly against the Mountain's body.

Powerful electric current instantly traveled through the entire body of the Demon Mountain along with the thick steel armor.

Mo Shan's body began to tremble violently. He wanted to struggle and curse everything in the world.

But the paralysis effect brought by the thunder prevented him from doing anything.

Magic Mountain lay on the battlefield. Although he was not dead, he could no longer move and take other people's lives at will.

"Winter has arrived!"

The Wolf Cavalry, who had been silent all this time, finally issued the slogan they would only shout in a decisive victory.

"Long live the King in the North, long live His Majesty Robb!"

"Long live the King in the North, long live His Majesty Robb!"

"Long live the King in the North, long live His Majesty Robb!"

On the battlefield, the soldiers of Shili City shouted three times, and their morale reached an unprecedented height.

Many of them wanted to kneel down and kiss the ground where Robb walked.

The women of the Bracken family also regained their spirits. They shouted Robb's name like crazy, wanting to rush to his side and fight for him.

Everything that happened today was too exciting. Hope and despair appeared twice in a short period of time. It was good that their spirits did not collapse.

The Mountain fell like a spark next to a barrel of dynamite.

Everyone's emotions were released at this moment.

They shouted Robb's name and began to slaughter the enemies in front of them.

Under the leadership of the Wolf Cavalry, although their numbers do not hold an advantage, the situation on the battlefield is no longer determined by their numerical advantage.

All of Magic Mountain's men were stunned. They couldn't believe their commander, the man they respected and feared the most.

It was actually completely solved by Robb with just one move!

Notepad and Sweet-tongued Rafe were still cheering for Magic Mountain at first.

The next second, both of them fell into a daze.

Then he was knocked unconscious by the crazy Bracken family guards and lay straight on the ground.

The rest of the battle was a one-sided massacre, and Robb took a brief look at it before losing interest.

This is just a small battle, and what determines the outcome is the momentum of the soldiers.

Now that our own momentum has reached its peak, there is no need for command.

The red-robed monk Thoros quickly came to Robb: "Your Majesty, you defeated the Magic Mountain! That was a thug famous on the Lannister continent! At least one-fifth of the families on the continent would like to thank you for your feat."

As the most loyal dog of Lannister, the Mountain has done evil on the continent and made enemies with many nobles. Among them, the biggest enemy is the Martell, the guardian family of Dorne.

He once killed the daughter of the Martell family.

Robb waved his hand: "The Mountain is just a small role, and the old lion Tywin is the big fish. This is not an honor worth bragging about. Get ready and hold a ceremony for my wolf riders."

Since the King of Light wants to show his kindness and throws this red-robed monk beside him, he definitely can't make a living here.

The red-robed monk Thoros was a little flattered: " want me to perform the ceremony of the King of Light for them? But...but I still don't understand what this power is..."

Robb interrupted: "You don't need to understand, just do it."

On the battlefield, the commotion quickly calmed down.

If Robb hadn't asked his men to capture as many people alive as possible, Stonehedge would have been able to restore peace long ago.

The red monk Thoros went to arrange the ceremony, and the members of the Bracken family were brought to Robb.

Hendry Bracken said with gratitude and admiration: "Your Majesty, thank you for your help! If you hadn't come, I couldn't believe what terrible things would have happened!"

Robb's face was expressionless: "If I remember correctly, my raven should have arrived at Stonehedge City a long time ago, and you should be in Riverrun City now."

Hendry Bracken stammered and couldn't speak. For the first time, Harry Rivers was grateful for his illegitimate status. He was not qualified to face Robb directly.

"Your Majesty, we..." Hendry wanted to explain and muddle through.

"I warn you, never lie to your majesty, think carefully before you speak."

Sir Stevron Frey, who was standing aside, had some friendship with Stonehedge City. Before Hendry spoke, he interrupted him in advance.

Hendry looked at Stevron, who didn't look at him at all.

"Ah! Yes, we dare not hide it from your Majesty!"

Hendry suddenly recalled Robb's horror on the battlefield just now. He dared not think about how to deceive, but told Earl Bracken everything.

Robb glanced at Stevron and said nothing.

Robb said lightly: "It seems that the lords of the riverland still don't trust me."

The people of the Bracken family broke out in a cold sweat instantly. Hendry wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a scout.

"Your Majesty! There is an army moving towards us. It is estimated that the number of people is five times ours. It will reach Stonehedge City in about an hour."

Robb sneered: "There are two guests at this table in Stonehedge City."

In the past two days, some readers said that I was watery. In response to this problem, the author reflected:

Because the author feels that the climax without foreplay is boring, there may be some redundant descriptions in the foreplay part, which makes some readers feel that it is watery.

The reader's feedback is the author's gain. The author will adjust this degree and reduce this part of the content appropriately in the future.

ps: Finally, please give me a monthly ticket~

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