Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 55 Robb's Military Principles

"I don't think we should chase. When we were in the grasslands before, we didn't chase the fleeing beasts, because they were always vigilant. If we chased too closely, they would attack us desperately, and they would be more dangerous than usual."

"Maybe it's a good choice not to fight Tywin..."

"We have to attack quickly! Because..."

Seeing that Ed Karstark was not whipped, the other three finally plucked up the courage and began to explain their ideas, and gave reasons.

This made Robb very satisfied.

Willing to use your brain is the beginning of progress.

Robb put the whip on the table: "From today on, all of you have to follow me to learn the theory of war. We will often have such meetings in the future. I only have one request, use your brains!"


The five centurions felt vaguely that Robb's meeting would be of great significance, but they could not perceive it yet.

Just like everyone who passes the crossroads of life thinks that they just turned a very ordinary corner.

Until many years later, they would remember that ordinary afternoon, they turned a corner carelessly, and then entered a new stage of life.

Robb waved his hand to signal everyone to pay attention: "Today I will tell you a simple truth. Think about it carefully after you go back. Write down your thoughts on Tywin's withdrawal from Harrenhal in the evening and give it to me tomorrow."


Although they agreed very happily, the five centurions looked at each other, they were still in a confused state.

Robb cleared his throat: "Remember, in war, even if we are sure of victory, we must try to avoid a decisive battle with the opponent's main force.

Because once a large-scale decisive battle begins, the war will become a massacre game, and whoever kills faster and more will win.

This is also a disaster for our team. After such a battle, just like the Battle of Stonehedge City just now, most soldiers are so tired that they temporarily lose the ability to kill the enemy.

So before fighting, we must think clearly about what our goal is and how to achieve it through various means, instead of just killing blindly, that is stupid."

Seeing that the five centurions were still confused, Robb gave an example.

"If we want to defeat an army, in addition to fighting them head-on, we can also force them to surrender by besieging, harassing, and blocking their water and food sources.

Three hundred years ago, the Stark family besieged the Bolton family in the Dreadfort. The Stark family did not attack head-on. When the Bolton family ran out of food, they would naturally come out to declare their loyalty."

Seeing that the few people had some clues, Robb waved and let them leave. What he figured out himself was more memorable than what others said.


Telling his men to think hard, Robb himself began to review recent events.

Tywin's departure did not surprise Robb.

There are no Tywin's minions in the Riverlands. Here he is blind and deaf, but Robb has a lot of battlefield information.

With Tywin's shrewdness, he would never let himself fall into such a situation.

And Robb did not intend to hunt down Tywin.

On the one hand, it was because there was not enough food and grass to support. There are 20,000 people in the North who are involved in this protracted battle. They do not engage in production, and each action consumes a lot of materials. Now the resources are consumed at an extremely exaggerated amount every day.

Robb now needs to find supplies for the army again.

Now that old Tywin has withdrawn, the lords of the riverlands can return to their own territories to farm and develop.

On the other hand, Robb likes to see the scene when the southern army collides head-on with King's Landing.

This way he will have enough time to reorganize his territory.

In order to quickly send troops to catch the Lannister family off guard, Robb turned a blind eye to the actions of some lords in the North and the riverlands.

Now that Tywin has withdrawn his troops, his reputation has soared through several battles, and the internal and external worries have temporarily disappeared. Robb wants to completely stabilize his rear.

Let's not talk about the old weasel in Luanhe City for now. The two places in the north, the stream bottom and the tombs of the ancestors, only sent a few soldiers to deal with him.

These people have not fulfilled their obligations as vassals at all!

They owed a debt, and now it was time for Robb to come and collect it.

Originally, Robb had two main purposes for leaving Riverrun: one was to train the wolf riders, and the other was to visit Riverrun.

Now it seems that the wolf riders have greatly enhanced their combat capabilities after the battles of capturing the Mountain and many lords under Tywin.

At the same time, he also gained the red monk Thoros, and the wolf riders now have the ability to resurrect.

This means that Robb does not have to worry about the situation where the wolf riders' combat power is greatly reduced after the battle damage and consumption due to the initial joining of the Tyrosh riders.

Now that the training part has been completed, Robb is ready to go directly to Riverrun.

"I still have three armies. One is the more than 10,000 people from Riverrun. They have the strongest fighting power and the highest loyalty. They will go to the west to plunder, recover the losses in the riverlands, and avenge the Lannister family."

"Another is the more than 10,000 people led by Old Flay. They are all traitors. Old Flay, the people from the Tomb of the Ancients and the Streamlands are all in this team. After visiting Luanhe City, I will go to inspect this team."

"Uncle Edmure has recruited 5,000 soldiers in the riverlands, but their fighting power is almost negligible, but they still have members of the Brotherhood Without Banners as a backup. They can be trained a little, and when I send troops to King's Landing, let them be responsible for logistics and transportation."

"It's time to explode gold coins in the Yellow Tomb of the First Men, the Stream Bottom, and the Luanhe City. Their soldiers are the main purpose of my journey this time..."

After reorganizing his plan, Robb did not linger in the gentle countryside of Stonehedge City, and set off with the wolf riders.

Beth and the sisters of the Bracken family, with resentful eyes, went to Riverrun with their brothers to meet their father.

They will not come back until the Lannister army completely withdraws from the riverlands.

This is Robb's order.

A few days later.

When Robb's army crossed the river and saw the Riverrun again, the rest of the world...

Catelin Stark finally arrived at the Stormlands where Renly Baratheon was. Here, Renly and Little Rose's wedding was being held. Catelyn sighed that she was a step late.

Earl Tytos Lakewood rushed back to Riverrun from King's Landing and brought back the Stark family's two-handed giant sword Ice. Ned's ashes and Sansa have been sent to White Harbor in the North. The Manderly family will send them back to Winterfell.

And Robb's sworn brother, Theon Greyjoy, returned to his birthplace, the Iron Islands, after more than ten years of travel.

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