Luanhe City.

Robb has been quite relaxed these days. There is no war and no need to march these days, which gives him time to think about the current situation.

"Counting the days, Theon should have arrived in the Iron Islands. There has not been a letter yet..."

Robb sighed, knowing that Theon finally chose the Iron Islands.

His character determines his life path. Robb gave him the opportunity to train in the wolf cavalry and cultivate honor, but it still did not change his life trajectory.

"The army of the Iron Islands should have been almost assembled when Theon arrived, and then marched for half a month and finally launched a general attack."

"Well, they probably don't know that Tywin has retreated yet. When the news reaches Balon, his team has already started the attack, and it is too late for him to let the team retreat."

After winning the hearts of the people in the North and the Riverlands, Robb's main goal now is the Iron Islands.

The instinct to be king is engraved in the soul of Afa, and Robb still regards the unification of Westeros as his goal.

However, it is meaningless to be king like the Targaryen family. Reproducing the achievements of the predecessors will only make oneself live in the shadow forever.

If Robb wants to be a great emperor, he must be the first emperor!

There are already too many kings. If he wants to be a king, he must be the first emperor!

Therefore, the handling of the Iron Islands is crucial.

In the history of Westeros, the Iron Islands is a very special existence. Although it belongs to one of the seven kingdoms in ancient times, its customs are incompatible with those on the mainland.

They neither believe in the original gods of this continent nor the seven gods that are most widely spread now.

They believe in a sea monster: the Drowned God.

Then there are their living habits. They like to rob, and the things they rob are called: iron money.

Originally, the previous owner of the Iron Islands wanted to change all this and actively integrate into the life circle of Westeros, but the current King Balon did not think this was a good choice.

He hopes to restore the ancient customs, start robbing again, and demand payment of iron money.

Balon rebelled several times, but was eventually defeated by former King Robert and Ned Stark, who killed his two sons, leaving only Theon, who was sent to Winterfell as a hostage.

Because of the differences in beliefs and living habits of the Iron Islands, Robb decided to start with the Iron Islands first, so as not to cause a strong backlash from other forces on the Westeros continent.


Beep beep.

At this time, there was a knock on the window, and a raven stood in front of Robb's window.

Robb opened the letter, which was the information delivered by Sir Blackfish.

"The three main war nobles in Riverrun are a little impatient. Great Jon, Rickard Karstark and Jason Mallister of Seamarsh frequently request to invade the Westerlands."

"Although the army of the Westerlands was reassembled by Tywin's cousin, its combat effectiveness is very low, and they have not been fully trained. I think it's time to attack."

After reading the letter from the Minister of Intelligence Sir Blackfish, Robb thought about it and felt that it was time to attack now.

Tywin has withdrawn his troops, his sister is on the way back to Winterfell, and most of the nobles in the riverlands have returned to their fiefdoms to farm.

The overall situation has stabilized, and what Robb needs to do next is to stockpile more supplies to prepare for the subsequent war.

But the best way to stockpile supplies is not to farm, but to rob.

As the saying goes, if my neighbor has food, I have guns, and my neighbor is my granary.

From a strategic perspective, Riverrun monopolizes the road between the Westerlands and King's Landing, and Roose Bolton has also recaptured Harrenhal and is resting inside.

It is almost impossible for Tywin to rescue the Westerlands now, because there are two kings in the south who are eyeing them covetously.

This is the best time to send troops.

Robb thought about it, picked up his pen and wrote a reply to Sir Blackfish, asking him to temporarily serve as the commander-in-chief of the three armies and plunder the Westerlands.

Of course, Robb knew that Sir Blackfish's prestige was not enough for him to fully command the three armies, but at least it could play a role in restraining them.

Greatjon and Rickard Karstark are both brave but not wise. They are best suited to be pioneers, but not suitable for command.

After writing the reply, Robb's door was knocked again.

Stevron Frey's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, I'm here to report to you about the situation in Luanhe City."

"Come in."

Stevron pushed the door open and walked in. He has been very busy in recent days. With the support of Robb, he quickly united his son and close brother to take control of all the affairs of Luanhe City.

At this time, it depends entirely on the team situation, not personal ability.

So Stevron's orders can be quickly implemented.

"Your Majesty, there are 4,000 soldiers in Luanhe City, almost all of them are spearmen and archers, and now all of them are obeying your orders. The supplies in Luanhe City have also been counted, and this is the list."

Robb took the list: "You keep half for yourself, and the rest, half will be shipped to Harrenhal, and half will be used as logistics for 4,000 people. We will set off in two days."

Stefan Frey asked: "Your Majesty, are we going to rob the Westerly Territory?"

"No, we are going to rob the Northerly Territory."

"Ah?" Stefan thought he had heard it wrong.

Your Majesty, is he going to rob himself?

Rebellion against himself?

Robb chuckled twice: "The nobles in the two places of Tomb of the First Men and Streamland did not want to contribute when I summoned my vassals, nor did they want to anger me, so they only sent some people to perfunctorily deal with me. They don't respect me.

Although the Manderly family of White Harbor did not send out all their soldiers, they gave 1,500 cavalry, which is not a small number. They only had a few pitiful infantry.

When Tywin attacked, if they could send out all their men, Roose Bolton would not have been beaten so badly.

I once told all the nobles in Winterfell that if anyone dared to escape in the face of battle, I would pull them out of the castle when I defeated Tywin.

Now is the time for me to fulfill my promise. Your father is an example, and they will be an example too. I want to let the people of Westeros know that the North will never forget. "

In general, Robb won the battle, and now it's time to divide the cake.

According to the performance of his subordinates before, those who deserve rewards will be rewarded, such as the three nobles who were sent to the Westerly to rob and the soldiers of Bear Island.

Those who need to be liquidated will be liquidated, such as the nobles of Luan River City, Streamland and Tomb of the First Men.

Those who need to be investigated will be investigated, such as Roose Bolton and the Manderly family of White Harbor. They are fulfilling their promises as vassals normally, and their performance on the battlefield is neither good nor bad. Robb will let them drink some soup.

Only by clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments can we convince the people.

Of course, Robb has other plans.

That is, these two places can still pull out a team of several thousand people, plus the four thousand people in Luan River City, the two thousand people stationed in Bay Cailin, and the one thousand people who have not been dispatched in the swamp.

These people together can make up an army of 10,000 people!

But no one can realize this now.

Especially, King Balon of the Iron Islands.

These ten thousand people are Robb's trump card to clear the invading army of the Iron Islands.

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