Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 64: Stationed at the Relang River

The soldiers in the two places of the Streamland and the Barrows of the First Men add up to more than 3,000 people.

Together with the more than 3,000 soldiers and 500 wolf riders brought by Robb, the Barrows Hall now has a team of more than 7,000 people.

Robb has never directly commanded so many people.

Before, Robb mostly took small-scale cavalry assaults, and large-scale legion operations were commanded by Roose Bolton and Sir Blackfish.

Fortunately, Robb began to consciously train his soldiers very early, and now is the time to use them.

In the meeting room of the Barrows Hall, Robb began to plan and deploy before the battle.

"There are more than 6,000 infantry troops, divided into seven thousand-man regiments. You five wolf rider centurions will be transferred out, and one person from the Barrows of the First Men and the Streamland will become a thousand-man captain."

As for the 500 wolf riders, of course they are still directly under Robb.

"The thousand-man regiment of the Streamland is insufficient, and the combat effectiveness of the people assigned will not be very high. You don't need to go to the battlefield, and you are responsible for logistics and transportation."

Hearing this, the nobles of the Streamland were a little unhappy. He also had his own honor and was eager to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but he was unable to resist Robb's military order.

The five original wolf cavalry centurions all straightened their chests at this time. They were Robb's confidants and were the most loyal to Robb.

Robb also had high expectations for them. These five people will lead an army in the future.

Now is the time for them to try their skills.

Robb pointed to the map and said, "According to the intelligence I got, the enemy will go all the way west along the Fever River and forcefully attack the Bay of Cailin. They have a lot of people, probably twice as many as us."

Little Jon interjected, "And they are all navy, and the people of the Iron Islands are good at sea warfare."

Robb nodded, "Yes, this time my target is their ships. Only with ships can we develop our power on the sea."

Ed Karstark stared at the map and asked in confusion, "Your Majesty, they are moving on the river, and it is difficult for us to stop them. As long as they are on the ship, they can only attack or retreat as they wish."

If you want to capture a ship, you can't use fire attacks or large catapults to destroy the ship.

This is equivalent to cutting off one's own arm.

And most of the soldiers in the North are not good at water, and they don't build large ships at ordinary times.

In this case, the enemy will be able to move freely on the river and the sea, and they can't keep many people even if they want to.

Robb was not too worried about this: "It doesn't matter, they won't be able to escape by then."

The rest of the people looked at each other, wondering what miracles His Majesty would show them. They did not doubt what Robb said, because for so long, what Robb said must have come true, without exception.

Robb continued to plan and deploy: "Now our situation is very clear. We know the enemy's movements, but the enemy does not know our deployment.

So, the six of you will ambush on the hills on both sides of the Fever River. When the people of the Iron Islands begin to besiege the Bay of Cailin, the people on the south will rush out and disrupt their formation.

If the enemy holds on, the people on the north will attack their flanks; if the enemy realizes that there is an ambush and retreats, you will rush directly to the Fever River."

Everyone didn't understand. The Fever River was full of water. How could they rush in with their soldiers?

But His Majesty Robb had said before that there was a way to solve this problem, so everyone stopped asking and just followed the order with peace of mind.

Robb finally gave a warning: "Remember, we are not many in number, and it is difficult to annihilate all the enemies. You should rob as many ships as possible and ignore those who escape."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


Under Robb's mobilization, all soldiers were briefly trained for ten days in the manner of military training.

Although the combat effectiveness was only slightly improved, the military appearance and discipline were completely changed.

From the appearance alone, these troops can definitely be considered elite.

The army quickly set out and stationed 3,000 people on the hills on both sides of the Hot Wave River.

The troops on the north bank were supplied with food by the Barrow Hall, and the troops on the south bank were supplied with food by the Greywater Watch in the swamp.

In this way, the supply troops do not need to cross the Hot Wave River, and the action will be more concealed.

Robb now intends to separate logistics from the military system.

That is, fighting belongs to fighting, and logistics belongs to logistics.

This is a means of controlling the army. The previous system of holding food and grass in one's hands is very harmful. Only by controlling logistics in one's own hands can the army be effectively controlled.

Three days after the army was stationed, Robb received a letter from a raven.

Asha of the Iron Islands had already captured Deepwood Motte in the north, and Theon Greyjoy was also looting the Stone Coast.

Robb knew that these were all feints.

Soon, the main force of the Iron Islands would land on the Fever River and prepare to attack Moat Cailin.

"The people of Deepwood Motte and the Stone Coast have been evacuated. They should be able to sense that something is wrong, but in this era without telephones, they will definitely not receive any news from their main force."

Robb brought 500 wolf riders to the north bank of the Fever River and ordered the army to immediately prepare for war.

Stevron Frey, who was stationed in Moat Cailin, led 3,000 people to build fortifications day and night, and the three centurions in the south were eager to try.

The day after receiving news from other places, the spies discovered the situation.

"Your Majesty, there are many ships in the Fever River! There are about 70 or 80 ships!"

Looking from the hill to the west of the Fever River, one after another, ships like ants appeared on the river surface.

There were various flags hanging on the ships. These flags were the flags of the various island owners of the Iron Islands. The most eye-catching and the most numerous one was the flag embroidered with a huge sea monster.

That was the flag of the Greyjoy family.

They were heroic and proud, and soon appeared at the starting point of the Fever River.

The people on the boats began to get off the boats one after another, densely packed, and soon the beach was full.

Robb and his men were all stationed on the back of the hills on both sides of the Fever River, and the people of the Iron Islands did not have this kind of land reconnaissance awareness.

They thought that there was no main force in Cailin Bay, and the riots caused by Asha and Theon also attracted all the attention of the North.

What they had to face now was only a Cailin Bay guarded by a very small number of people.

They were noisy, no different from ordinary robbers and pirates. The people of the Iron Islands were originally doing the work of pirates.

As they were assembling, Robb's spies were lying on the hill, counting the size of the group from a high position.

"Five thousand... ten thousand... fifteen thousand... seventeen thousand people..."

"They have all the siege equipment. These pirates are quite professional at robbing."

"It's still ten miles from here to the Bay of Cailin. They're about to set off."

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