Although Old Bear couldn't refute Robb's words in person, it was too idealistic to expect the Night's Watch to simply turn to Robb.

Robb knew that it would take some time to completely take back the power of the Night's Watch.

But this would not prevent him from getting what he wanted in advance.

Robb knocked on the table: "I know that the oath of the Night's Watch has been passed down for thousands of years. I respect you. I won't interfere with your affairs for the time being.

But in order to better deal with the White Walkers, I need someone to help me protect Winterfell and allocate resources from the North and the Wall. So, Jon Snow must go back with me."

Old Bear subconsciously refused: "But he made the oath of the Night's Watch..."

Robb said lightly: "I am his king and the current head of the Stark family. I have the right to cancel his oath. But I won't make it difficult for you. Let him keep the title of the Night's Watch and return to the rear to handle logistical resources."

Robb didn't care whether Jon Snow was a Night's Watcher or something else, as long as he could fulfill his responsibility to protect Winterfell.

And it is also a good thing that Jon Snow keeps his status as a Night's Watchman. In the election for the next commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow will definitely be elected under Robb's manipulation.

In this way, the Night's Watch will be more closely connected with the Starks.

Old Bear opened his mouth, but this time he said nothing.

He knew that the King of the North in front of him did not seem to inherit his father's kind character, but was full of arrogance and decisiveness like the previous generations of Starks.

And Starks with this kind of character can be more supported by the people of the North.

The North is such a cold and hard race. They would rather have a tyrant who leads them to destruction than a weak monarch who leads them to live in shame.

More importantly, the Night's Watch cannot and will not lose the support of the North.

Being in the North, all their logistics and supplies need to pass through the North to reach the castles of the Great Wall.

So facing the request of the King of the North, he could not easily refuse.

"Okay, I agree."

In the end, Old Bear nodded and agreed to this matter.

He secretly regretted that he had originally trained Jon Snow as his successor.

Now he had to find a new candidate.


Robb got what he wanted and also tested the attitude of the Night's Watch, and left the reception room contentedly.

After leaving the warm room, the cold wind outside instantly sobered Robb up a lot.

In the martial arts field inside the Black Castle, several rangers who were not afraid of the severe cold were training.

It looked like they were training a fat Night's Watch.

The fat man's movements were a bit funny, but from his expression, it could be seen that he was doing it very seriously.

There was a man in the team, he was strong and had superb swordsmanship, and the most eye-catching thing was that he was followed by a huge white dire wolf.

Robb recognized the white dire wolf at a glance, Bai Ling.


Grey Wind beside Robb jumped out directly from Robb's feet like the wind and pounced on the white dire wolf.


Grey Wind is the largest and strongest of all the direwolves adopted by the Stark family.

Even though the white direwolf looks more graceful and agile, it has to bow its head in front of Grey Wind.

Seeing the strong Grey Wind, everyone in the martial arts field was surprised and stopped.

They had never seen such a huge and bloody direwolf!

Grey Wind has fought in many battlefields and killed no fewer enemies than some soldiers, so he looks more fierce and brutal.

"Robb... No, Your Majesty!"

When Jon Snow saw Grey Wind, he instantly realized that his brother had come. His face was happy and he looked around for Robb's location.

Robb smiled and waved: "Come and walk with me on the Great Wall."

Jon Snow couldn't wait to leave here with Robb, walking and chatting on the Great Wall.

Jon has learned about his father's death, and what he cares about most now is his two sisters: "Robb... Um, Your Majesty, are Sansa and Arya okay?"

"There are no outsiders here, and it's not a formal occasion. You can just call me Robb as before." Robb paused and told his sisters about their recent situation: "Sansa is already in Winterfell, and Arya ran away from King's Landing. I don't know where she is wandering now."

Jon's heart tightened. Among the Stark family, only Arya was closest to him. They didn't treat him as a bastard, but Arya's whereabouts were unknown.

Jon was a little embarrassed and said, "I... I wanted to help you, but I'm already a Night's Watch..."

He ran out of the Wall twice before, wanting to support Robb, but the oath bound him.

Robb waved his hand: "Family members should understand each other."

Jon was stunned. Family members...

Robb continued: "I came here to get you out of the Wall. I have to go south to fight. You have to protect Winterfell and take care of Bran and Rickon."

Jon was puzzled: "Why do we have to fight? My father's body has been sent back, and my two sisters are out of their control. Why do we have to fight and increase innocent casualties?"

Robb looked outside the Wall: "You are right, but you only think about our Stark family. Have you ever thought about the people in the North?"

Jon was stunned: "Huh?"

Robb asked back: "War is the continuation of political goals. For our father and sister, I have fought so many battles, and the food in the North has been almost squandered. If I stop now, what will the people in the North do this winter?"

Jon was speechless. The people in the North rely on the protection of the Stark family in winter.

If the Stark family uses up all the food for their families, then what will happen to those who are loyal to the Stark family and rely on the Stark family to survive the winter?

"War is a greedy beast. Once it starts, it is not us who drive it, but it oppresses us."

Robb looked at the flying snowflakes and said with emotion: "Highgarden has food, but why should it give it to a Northern King who retreated to the North?

Why should the Westerlands and the Iron Islands let it send food to us?

Only war can allow the people of the North to survive.

Besides, I have heard about Uncle Benjen. The North alone cannot resist the White Walkers going south. Only by using the entire Westeros continent can we fight against the White Walkers."

Jon was persuaded by Robb. He is also a Northerner and knows the cruelty of winter.

"I am willing to help you, but what about the oath I made to the Night's Watch?"

Robb glanced at him: "Although I won't make it difficult for you, Old Bear and I will jointly order you to do logistics work in Winterfell.

But I hope you remember one thing: do the right thing, not those superficial things."

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