Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 76 Meeting the Queen of Thorns

When Catelyn led her people into the camp of the Knights of Flowers, she also found an unexpected person.

Littlefinger Petyr.

Petyr used to be a thin boy, and now he has grown into a thin man, one or two inches shorter than Catelyn, but slender and agile, with a face as sharp as she remembered, and a pair of gray-green eyes full of smiles.

"Why are you here too?" Catelyn asked directly.

Petyr showed a mischievous smile, exactly the same as when he was a child: "Of course it's the same as your purpose, Catelyn."

Catelyn ignored her deliberate intimacy, and it was not surprising that he could guess her purpose. He showed a unique cunning since he was a child.

Petyr was sent to Riverrun to be trained since he was a child, and lived with Catelyn and Lysa.

Whenever he made a mistake, he would show a harmless look of admitting his mistakes.

Until he took Lysa's virginity, he finally angered Lord Tully and drove him back.

Now he is the finance minister of the kingdom. He came to the army of Highgarden in this chaotic time. He must have one and only one purpose.

"Let's go." Catelyn didn't want to say more to him, so as not to be tricked by him.

Petyr looked at Catelyn with some surprise. He also knew that Catelyn appeared in Renly's army, but after what happened last night, he thought Catelyn would leave immediately.

Unexpectedly, she was able to come here to get the support of Highgarden like himself.

Petyr looked at the figure he had dreamed of: "It seems that time has changed people. However, I like changes..."

Catelyn was the first to be received by the Knight of Flowers, because it was rumored that Catelyn was the only one present after Renly's death.

What the Knight of Flowers wanted to know most at this time was the truth of Renly's death.

Catelyn took Brienne into the tent, which was full of vigilant guards, and the two children of the Rose family sat at the top.

The Knight of Flowers and his sister Little Rose.

Seeing Catelyn coming in, the Knight of Flowers was instantly furious: "Murderer, you dare to come back, I should immediately ask someone to catch you and make you pay with your lives!"

Catelin was fearless: "Since we dare to come, it means we are not the murderer, and we are sure to prove that we are not."

"Oh? How to prove it? To be honest, you should really thank Sir Robert. He let you go. I killed him first. Now you are much calmer, and you can stand and talk to me."

The Knight of Flowers was Renly's lover and the captain of his Rainbow Knights. Sir Robert was a member of the Rainbow Knights. Because he did not fulfill his duties, the Knight of Flowers was furious at the time, so he was killed directly.

All the Rainbow Knights on duty that night also suffered together.

Catelin silently mourned for the familiar Sir Robert in her heart. He died because of her, and she would compensate his family in the future.

"It was not us who killed Renly, but Stannis..."

Catelin told everything that happened that night in detail.

The Knight of Flowers said, "Do you think I will believe such a bizarre thing?" But in his heart, he believed it.

Because this matter was indeed too bizarre, and there was no flaw in what Catelyn said.

It was so fake that it didn't seem fake.

Catelyn didn't explain too much. She said in a calm and steady tone, "I hope to resolve this misunderstanding with High Court and meet the Queen of Thorns."

Everyone knew that the person in charge of High Court was not the current Duke, but Lady Olenna, the Queen of Thorns, who was famous for her iron blood and calmness.

The Knight of Flowers sneered, "Do you think I will let you see my grandmother and let you murder her again?"

At this time, Catelyn knew that her life was safe, because although the Knight of Flowers was furious, he never called his men to kill him, but kept threatening him.

He would not behave like this when he wanted to kill someone.

Sure enough, Little Rose, who had been watching from the sidelines, came down at this time. She comforted her brother: "Lady Catelyn wants to see grandma, so let's let them meet. I believe grandma will have her own judgment."

Catelin glanced at Little Rose, secretly sighed at her beauty, and felt that it was good to be young.

After the meeting, Catelyn left the tent and returned to Highgarden with the army here.

She saw Petyr also walked into the tent of the siblings, but Catelyn was not nervous.

No matter how eloquent Petyr was, the Queen of Thorns would not marry her granddaughter to the Lannister family.


When the army returned to Highgarden, Catelyn was settled.

As far as she knew, the Queen of Thorns first met Petyr Littlefinger, and after a few days, she sent someone to find her.

This shows that the Queen of Thorns at this time still belonged to King's Landing.

Walking into the castle, it was all built with white marble. The interior was like a green paradise, with flowers blooming everywhere, and gardens, pools, and artificial waterfalls dotted the entire castle.

The castle was full of stone carvings, fountains and marble columns. Grapes and roses decorated the walls and sculptures, and the ancient buildings were covered with vines.

When Catelyn passed the tower, she could see all the manors and fields within a few leagues, and the fields were full of flowers and golden roses.

This is Highgarden, this is the Reach.

The most beautiful castle and the richest region in the entire Westeros continent.

Catelyn had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. She followed the instructions of her entourage and came to a magnificent reception room.

Unlike the reception rooms in other places, the reception room in Highgarden is an open-air bed, with a fountain and potted plants in the middle, the eaves on both sides cast shadows, and the golden gauze curtains like curtains block the sunlight outside.

The Queen of Thorns sat curled up on a chair, waiting for guests.

Catelyn couldn't believe that the thin woman in front of her with shining eyes was older than her father.

Seeing Catelyn coming, the Queen of Thorns smiled: "Lady Wolf, you are a rare guest."

Highgarden and Winterfell have little communication, and the two sides are far apart, so the members of both sides usually meet in King's Landing.

Catelyn saluted gracefully: "Lady Olenna Rayder, I greet you on behalf of Robb, the King of the North."

The Queen of Thorns sneered: "Oh, the King of the North, what an old name. Now there are more kings on the continent, and this title seems to be worthless."

Catelin was not to be outdone: "But it is still rare to have a king who has 30,000 elite soldiers, controls half of the continent's territory, and repelled the invasion of Lannister and the Iron Islands, isn't it, ma'am?"

"Yes, I know. Your son killed the Mountain, and we owe him a favor."

The Mountain did a lot of bad things under Tywin's orders. As long as you take his head off, you can be treated well in most of the lords' homes in Westeros, because his head is the best gift.

The Queen of Thorns changed the subject: "But King's Landing has as much power and army as you do. They have a nominal advantage, and most importantly, it is very close to us."

Catelin knew that she would not be a match for the old woman, the Queen of Thorns, in terms of cunning and rhetoric, so she simply said directly: "I know Petyr has also come to you to seek marriage, but I think there are some things you should know..."

Catelin told Joffrey all about his absurdity and cruelty, and the core was only one meaning:

If you marry your granddaughter, you will also be subjected to unexpected humiliation.

The Queen of Thorns did not take Catelyn's words to heart at first, but the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. Although her face was expressionless, she was already murmuring in her heart.

How could there be such a stupid and bad person?

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