When Catelyn came back from Highgarden, she was surprised to find that everything in Riverrun seemed so orderly.

Large quantities of supplies attracted desperate merchants from Westeros.

The nobles of the riverlands worked hard with their subjects.

The soldiers of the North dominated Robb's army, and they gained a lot of military merit points in the war of looting the Westerlands.

Although everyone wanted to become a noble, not everyone could control their desires. Many people couldn't help looking at the wine, slaves, and women that could be exchanged.

Some soldiers with family backgrounds began to pay for those military merit points, and those who got the money began to squander.

With consumption behavior, money began to flow like water.

Once money began to flow, it began to increase like a cornucopia.

Riverrun is now unprecedentedly prosperous.

Seeing these scenes, Catelyn felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"My son Robb has grown up and can do something without the help of his parents."

"No, he is his majesty now. His vassals admire him. I can't treat him as a child anymore. This will affect his dignity."

"Look at these people, with smiles on their faces. Who would have thought that a few months ago, Riverrun was almost burned to charcoal by the Lannisters?"

Catelin was filled with emotion. While looking at the newly renovated Riverrun, she entered the castle under the escort of Ser Wendel Manderly.

Under the guidance of the servants, Catelyn came to the study. She saw Robb talking to Lord Jason Mallister and did not rush in.

Robb was instructing his propaganda minister: "Don't train those soldiers who have been knighted yet, take them to various camps for a tour! The soldiers in Harrenhal, Moat Cailin, and the Streamlands don't know our policies yet!"

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

After the Battle of the Golden Tooth, the propaganda minister, Lord Mallister, completely understood how important this position Robb appointed him to was.

Look at those crazy soldiers.

Lord Mallister estimated that even if the legendary strongest golden group was in front of them, those soldiers would not hesitate to rush to fight.

Robb gave another order: "The ships I seized will be transferred to your territory, Seafront City, and you should communicate with the people there."

Lord Mallister kept Robb's arrangements in mind and took out a pen and paper to write them down.

Seeing that Robb had finished talking with the propaganda minister, Catelyn knocked on the study door.

Robb looked up and saw that it was Catelyn who came back. His mood improved: "Thank you for your hard work during this period."

"I am the foreign minister appointed by you. Of course, I have to do what you ordered." Catelyn looked at her grown-up children, with a sad tone: "I don't want to be a queen mother or a minister... I just want to be a good mother and see my children safe and sound, no matter what the cost."

Robb wanted to comfort her, but Catelyn was already talking to herself: "After Renly's death, I also figured it out. If I don't do a good job as a minister, you won't be safe."

Robb was very happy that Catelyn could figure this out. It seemed that his successive victories and the results of governing Riverrun made her change her previous ideas.

"Father's ashes have been sent back to Winterfell. You can go back and see it."

Catelin wanted to go back and see Ned, but she couldn't leave yet: "I have a few things to tell you."

Catelin told the inside story of Renly's death and her negotiation with the Queen of Thorns.

Catelyn didn't write back these, fearing that the ravens or spies would be caught and leak the news.

Robb heard her concerns and comforted her: "That was the dark magic performed by the followers of the Lord of Light. We now have similar warlocks in our team. Don't worry."

"As for Highgarden's concerns, I will send someone to reply to them. Tell them that future communication will not be a problem. I will take out one of the islands in the Iron Islands as a betrothal gift for our marriage."

Catelyn's heart tightened again when she learned that her son was going to fight.

But she knew that this son was going to do the right thing.

Robb eased the atmosphere and said: "Sir Wendel Manderly came back with you, right? Now that you have the loyalty of the Knight Brienne, I called Sir Wendel back."

"Are you going to let him train the navy for you?" Catelyn quickly guessed Robb's idea.

"Yes, but not just them."

The Manderly family is loyal to the King of the North. Although the White Harbor they control is the smallest city among the major ports in Westeros, it is much better at naval warfare than other landlubbers in the North.

Currently, among Robb's men, only a few nobles in the riverlands understand naval warfare.

With the soldiers sent by the Manderly family, they can only barely train a decent navy.

But it is still unrealistic to rely on these people to attack the Iron Islands.

Robb still needs more professional pirates.

Robb explained: "You should know the news of Theon's rebellion."

"That child..." Catelyn sighed, "To be honest, I am not surprised. He always makes me feel uncomfortable, but your father and you have always trusted him."

"That's in the past. He attacked Winterfell and was captured. I used him as bait to attract his sister Asha to rescue him. Now both the brother and sister are in my hands."

Catelin couldn't help but admire her son's means and asked, "There are only Bran and Rickon in Winterfell now, how did they do it?"

Robb was a little embarrassed: "I called Jon Snow back."

A trace of anger flashed across Catelyn's face, and then immediately turned into sadness.

She still thought Jon was Ned's illegitimate son and had never liked him.

But now Ned is dead, and everything about him makes Catelyn miss him, and she has also let go of the illegitimate child.

"It's good this way, he can take care of your two brothers." Catelyn asked, "That Asha, is she willing to help you train the navy?"

"I threatened her with Theon's life."

Catelin didn't know Asha's character, but she was a little uncertain: "Although she is willing to save her brother, she may not be willing to help you fight her father."

Robb nodded in agreement: "She shouldn't help me fight her father, but her father is dead, and she should help me fight the enemy who killed her father now."

Catelin was surprised: King Balon is dead? !


After the Battle of the Fever River, Iron Islands, Seastone Throne.

A servant came to report: "King Balon, your brother is back!"

The master of the Iron Islands, King Balon, who once again declared himself king, was livid, and threw the cup in his hand, spilling the inferior wine all over the floor: "Damn bastard! He still has the nerve to see me?! Why doesn't he sink into the sea like those ships?!"

In the Battle of the Fever River, Balon ordered his brother to lead the attack, but was defeated by Robb and lost dozens of ships. When the battle report came back from the front, Balon was so angry that his heart was bleeding.

The servant saw Balon's angry look and knew that he was angry. His voice suddenly became much softer and he said timidly: "King Balon, it's not the lord who went to the war, but another lord who came back. He is also your brother."

"Euron?" King Balon instantly remembered his disgusting brother, and then he was furious: "How dare he come back! I made him swear that unless I died, he would never return to the Iron Islands again. He dared to break his oath!"

The servant whispered: "Lord Euron... brought back a lot of ships, and most of them were warships, about 20 to 30."

Balon calmed down immediately. He was a madman, but he also knew the importance of warships to him.

If he tricked this brother in, then...

King Balon waved his hand: "Call him in, I want to ask this beast what he has been doing all these years!"

Euron Greyjoy's fleet stayed outside the Iron Islands, and he came to his brother King Balon's residence alone.

Although Euron was handsome, he was blind in one eye, which was covered with an eye patch. The other blue eye revealed cunning and cruelty.

He was wearing strange armor, and everyone could see that the armor was extraordinary. All the weapons were taken away by King Balon.

When he saw King Balon, he greeted him warmly: "Long time no see, my dear brother!"

King Balon looked at him with disgust: "Don't put on such an ugly face, it really makes me sick!"

"It's just a salt concubine, brother, you are really magnanimous, how can you be the lord of the Iron Islands like this?"

Balon was instantly furious: "I said, you are never allowed to come back!"

Euron corrected: "Before you die."

King Balon looked at his men, they were ready to take action.

Balon didn't want to talk to this madman at all, he just wanted to kill him now and take over the warship he brought back.

Euron's warship seems to be called Serenity?

Because he cut off the tongues of all the crew members, he got the name, but it doesn't matter, they will all be his soon.

These ships are enough to make up for his losses in the Hot Wave River.

"Brother, you are still so anxious." There was no panic on Euron's face. He patted his armor: "Do you know what this armor is made of?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Balon said in a rough voice.

"Made of Valyrian steel." After Euron said this, Balon's face instantly showed a greedy look.

Euron didn't seem to see Balon's eyes: "You know, after being expelled by you, I traveled around the world. In another continent, I found the ruins of Valyria. My dear brother, you can never imagine what's there!"

Balon said anxiously: "Valyria? What are you talking about? All those who have been there have never come back. You said you have been there, you are talking nonsense! What's there? Tell me!"

Euron laughed: "It doesn't matter if I tell you. I found a dragon egg there. My dear brother, you have heard that in another continent, the remnants of the Targaryen family have hatched dragons, and they are coming back soon!"

"Dragon... dragon egg!"

Balon was already a little confused at this time, and his eyes were blinded by interests.

Because of the Targaryen family's rule for more than 300 years, the continent of Westeros has an extraordinary worship of dragons.

Hearing about dragon eggs and hatching dragons, Balon instantly dreamed of the scene of becoming the king of the seven kingdoms.

Euron laughed: "Brother, I was going to give the dragon egg to the Faceless Man and come back after killing you, but now, I am so lucky, guess what I encountered?"

Baron's face suddenly turned cold: "You want to kill me? Why the Faceless Man?"

King Balon no longer wanted to talk nonsense with this disgusting brother, especially since he said he wanted to kill him in public. If he didn't kill him, what prestige would he still have in the hearts of the Ironborn?

As for whether what Euron said is true, after he kills him, he can find all the answers from his men.

Dragon egg?

That thing can only be mine!

The guards on the side stepped forward, trying to catch Euron.

At this time, Euron laughed loudly: "I forgot to tell you that I learned some black magic before, which was taught to me by some disgusting wizards."

Balon said disdainfully: "What kind of black magic? Pretending to be a ghost!"

But he was soon speechless. He saw black energy coming out of Euron's body. The black energy turned into human hands and grew on Euron's body!

Euron turns into a monster with ten black arms!

As soon as those arms touched the guards, the guards covered their necks, their faces turned red, as if they were being strangled by the throat, their eyes stared out, and they soon met death.

"What the hell!"

Balon was frightened by the scene before him. He stood up suddenly and wanted to run away.

Euron blocked the entrance to the hall, so he could only leave from the back and ran towards the study.

Euron followed Balon unhurriedly, and the black arms on his body disappeared: "My stupid brother, I will not kill you. After all, you are my flesh and blood, how could I treat you like this?

You are, precious. Therefore, you should devote yourself to that Lord. "

Balon escaped to the drawbridge, through which he could reach his study.

He was ready to run to the other side. If Euron dared to catch up, he would cut down the suspension bridge and let Euron fall to his death in the sea.

Euron watched Balon escape to the suspension bridge and couldn't help laughing: "You haven't understood yet, brother, times have changed!

The wolf in the north, the dragon from another continent, the King of Light, the Faceless Man, and the old gods you don't know... The power of magic has awakened, but you are still sleeping in a dream. "

"You crazy person!"

Although King Balon was running away, he did not forget to curse.

There was a pitiful look on Euron's face: "Then, farewell, my disgusting brother."


Before King Balon finished speaking, suddenly, there was a sound of waves breaking through the air from under the suspension bridge!


The water splashes and the waves roll!

A huge tentacle stretched out and swept towards King Balon. Its whole body was golden, like...

The same banner as House Greyjoy.

On the other side, Euron had knelt on the ground devoutly, muttering something.

Thanks to [Mo Zi] for the reward.

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