After Asha leaves, Robb continues to think about the attack on the Iron Islands in his study.

"I planted scarlet corruption on Asha. Now her life is in my own hands, and I can't make any mistakes. But I can't just think that she will do her best for me. I still need to observe more."

"Crag City in the West and Seaside City in the Riverlands, these two places surround the Iron Islands and can be used as temporary naval bases. It happens that Asha and the Mandalay family are responsible for one base."

"Fifty-three longships were captured in the Battle of the Relang River. Including the ships that later captured Asha and Xion, there are more than 80 longships."

"There seems to be some deviation from my memory about Euron of the Iron Islands coming back to usurp the throne. Has the butterfly effect started to work?"

After sorting out his thoughts, Robb looked at the map again and prepared to place the main force in Cliff City.

Most of Robb's fleet and navy will be assembled here, and some small forces will also be placed in Seaside City to be responsible for coordinating and encircling scattered enemies.

This is done for many reasons.

Now the Ironborn captives are mining for Robb in the gold mines in the West. Robb is considering recruiting some people to help train the navy. They will definitely go to the nearby Cliff City.

Therefore, Asha cannot go to Cliff City for training, otherwise the captured soldiers will get mixed up with the leader and there is a risk of rebellion.

The Mandalay family is his subordinate, and the navy they train is the absolute main force. They train in Cliff City, and Cliff City naturally becomes the main point of attack.


After selecting the naval base, Robb began to think about an important reform: the establishment of the kingdom's legions.

It's a bit incredible to say that Robb, the guardian of the North, actually doesn't have many troops.

On the surface, Robb has tens of thousands of troops under his command, has won consecutive battles, and has a great reputation.

But in fact, those soldiers and horses are not Robb's, they are all Robb's men!

If one day all his men are gone, Robb will become a polished commander in an instant.

For example, in the original plot, after the Karstark family left, their soldiers were also taken away together.

After all, King's Landing still has troops like the Golden Robes who only obey the king's orders, but our majestic King in the North, Robb, only has five hundred wolf cavalry and more than a thousand soldiers recruited from Winterfell.

That is to say, the appeal of the Stark family in the North is too strong, and almost all the younger brothers follow their eldest brother. If it were placed in other duchies, the Stark family would have been suppressed long ago.

For example, in the previous Lannister family in the West, Tywin's father was often bullied by his younger brother because he was too cowardly. This was when the Lannister family was at its peak.

With Robb's current reputation and power, of course he cannot allow this situation to continue.

"It's time to consider the organization of the legion."

"Five centurions of the Wolf Cavalry have followed me through large and small battles and learned a lot of military theory from me. They are enough to hold important positions in the legion."

When Robb founded the Wolf Cavalry team, he had already planned the future of the Wolf Cavalry.

The Wolf Riders have high loyalty and brilliant records. They have the highest reputation and the best treatment among all Robb's armies.

It can be said that all soldiers aspire to become Robb's personal wolf cavalry.

This has met the standards Robb needs, and then the next step is to send the soldiers who graduated from the Wolf Cavalry to hold important positions in the legion.

In Robb's vision, the status of the Wolf Cavalry should be the same as that of the Whampoa Military Academy.

This will not only improve the legion's combat effectiveness, but also strengthen your control over the legion!

Thinking of this, Robb said to the guards beside him: "Go and call the two recruiting ministers."

After waiting for a while, the two Earls Greatjon and Rickard Karstark hurried over.

Their bodies smelled faintly of perfume, and their faces were a little flushed.

Robb saw it and chuckled: "Going to have fun?"

"Your Majesty... we..."

The two of them looked even more embarrassed. Although they were recruiting ministers, Robb's recent work center was in the navy. They were good recruiters, but they really knew nothing about the navy.

These things were all done by the Mandalay family, so they were free.

In addition, Robb had given them a lot of rewards, so they naturally went to whoring when they had money and leisure.

Seeing this, Robb pondered for a moment: He had forgotten about the industry. This kind of industry should be run by his subordinates. To make money, no...

Robb, who was almost led astray by the two men, reacted and quickly corrected the topic: "I called you here to discuss one thing. I want to form a legion. The soldiers of this legion no longer belong to any lord. They are directly responsible to me. "

The two looked at each other and felt that there was nothing wrong with this: "Your Majesty should indeed have an army. In ancient times, there were seven kingdoms. Your Majesty is about to rule the two kingdoms of the North and Iron Group-Hejian. The royal family needs an army. "

Previously, the Iron Islands and the Riverlands together were one of the Seven Kingdoms.

So even if some people don't understand Robb's true intention of attacking the Iron Islands, they don't think there is anything wrong with Robb's actions.

Robb thought for a while and decided to test the waters first: "This army needs ten thousand people. What is the name of the army? Let's call it the Blood Wolf Army. You have been recruiting in various camps recently. What I want is an elite army. , be strict when selecting people.”

Robb's troops are scattered in many places, including Riverrun, Harrenhal, Moat Cailin, as well as the streamlands and the Tombs of the First Men.

There are more than 35,000 people in total, plus the river dwellers who were sent back to farm, so it is relatively easy to select 10,000 people.

Even if the recruitment is directly from those lords, Robb is not as immature as when he first asked Lord Severn for people.

I will take everyone to eat meat, you can't just not do anything, right?

Great Jon and Lord Karstark looked at each other and felt that this task was a bit difficult, especially when communicating with the lords.

But this is the order of His Majesty, and they can only bite the bullet and do it.

At this time, Robb took a sip of wine and said faintly: "I think it is better to give young people a chance to appoint the commander and deputy commander. I have five centurions under my command, and I want to pick a few to serve."

As soon as Robb said this, the eyes of the two earls lit up instantly.

What does His Majesty mean by this?

This is to give his son a chance!

Especially Earl Bigjon, his favorite son is Littlejon who looks most like him. When Robb said he wanted to reward his son, Bigjon declined and exchanged all the rewards for resources to pave the way for Littlejon.

Now Robb has thrown out the position of the legion leader, isn't this a vivid hint!

Earl Karstark was also very tempted. He put his favorite eldest son by his side, but Eddard Karstark was also his favorite. Eddard's status has been greatly improved after being awarded the title and territory. If he can serve as the legion leader, the reputation of their Karstark family will be further improved.

At this time, Robb is already the king, but he has only one duke, Duke Tully.

More duke titles will definitely be awarded in the future. If the Karstark family becomes stronger, it is unknown whether it can become the second duke!

The two of them immediately changed their previous embarrassment and became high-spirited in an instant.

Great Jon spoke first: "Your Majesty, don't worry. This is the first legion of the kingdom. We will definitely select them carefully and ensure that they are all the best soldiers! I will see who dares to fool around. I will take out a hundred elite cavalry from my own home first!"

Earl Karstark also spoke anxiously: "Your Majesty, I am willing to take out two hundred cavalry, three horses each!"

"I will take out three hundred!"

Both of them knew that the competition might not be fierce this time. After all, the green beard of Tyrosh would definitely not be the legion commander.

The remaining four centurions will be selected as the legion commander and several deputy legion commanders. The pressure will not be too great, but they also know that the difference between the legion commander and the deputy legion commander is a world of difference!

Robb interrupted the comparison between the two: "Okay, what do I need so many elite cavalry for? I can't afford to support them. You mainly recruit infantry, and two thousand lightly equipped cavalry will be enough."

Before the support of Highgarden, Robb really couldn't afford to support too many elite heavy cavalry, and the five hundred wolf cavalry under his command were just right.

Robb will consider expanding the size of the wolf cavalry to 1,000 only when the supplies from Highgarden arrive.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will definitely get this done!"

"Your Majesty, just look at my performance!"

The two earls left with their beards glaring at each other.

The servants outside who didn't know what was going on were a little strange. Just now, the two earls were good brothers who had fun together. Why are they like enemies now?


After the two left, Robb looked at the deployment of the troops and sighed: "Alas, spending money is like running water."

The army does not engage in production. Just being stationed and not moving costs money for food, drink, and defecation.

Now Robb has to train a new navy, form a blood wolf army, and secretly cultivate wolf guards, which has increased the expenditure a lot.

Now we have to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and we should increase revenue first.

"Trade in Riverrun is booming now. All kinds of slave traders and war merchants know that I have gold mines and supplies, so they all come to join in the fun. It's a good opportunity to develop it."

Robb thought about it and soon found a candidate for business: "The matter of doing industry should be handed over to Uncle Edmure, the Minister of Logistics. I remember that he also likes to have fun and is very familiar with this industry. This is exactly what he wants."

Although Uncle Edmure is not good at fighting, he is kind and has good relationships with the lords in the river area. It is perfect for him to be in charge of logistics and business.

So it's the same saying. Everyone has their own strengths. As long as they are placed in the right position, they can play their advantages.

Although it costs a lot of money, Robb does not feel anxious.

He can clearly feel that his framework is constantly improving, and the initial investment will be recovered in the near future.

"Go to Sansa first to see how much money you have. You will go to the expedition in a month, and you must prepare all the supplies."

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