Robb's progress was very smooth.

After the Winter made a circle near Pike, several ravens soon flew south from Pike.

Robb immediately ordered the fleet to turn around and head for Fairy Island.

Longships are very light ships. Unlike large merchant ships, turning around does not require slowly turning the ship, but only requires the rowers to change the direction of their force.

Moving at full speed, Robb's fleet soon saw Fairy Island.

The defenders in Fairy City had no time to react. When they saw Robb's army, it was too late to mobilize their defense forces.

The ships parked in the port had no time to sail and could only be left there.

Robb easily seized these sailboats.

Then the army landed, and 10,000 people surrounded Fairy City and soon took it down.

Sir Wendel Manderly was very excited. At Robb's signal, he gathered the noble captives in the Fairy City and came to the hall to ask for credit: "Your Majesty, I brought them all here!"

Robb had a bad taste and asked the red monk Thoros beside him: "They are the children of the Farman family, right?"

The red monk Thoros was thinking about how to treat the wounded in the battle. When Robb called him, he subconsciously replied: "Yes, Your Majesty..."

"The Highgarden where my fiancée is located is a region that likes music and art. I will bless them here. Thoros, play them a song "The Rainy Season of Castamere."

Hearing Robb's words, the captured Farman family members showed sad expressions on their faces.

"The Rainy Season of Castamere" is a song made by Duke Tywin to promote himself and erase the achievements of a family.

The Farman family once had a rebellious heart towards the Lannister family. Duke Tywin sent people to play this song in this hall to shock the Farman family.

Now that Robb has conquered Fairy City, letting this song play again in this castle is also an official announcement:

From today on, the object of Fairy City's submission has become the Stark family.

And the members of the Farman family also realized that in this chaotic era, weakness is the original sin.

In this way, Robb conquered the fourth city in the Westerly and took one-third of the Westerly into his pocket.

After conquering Fairy City, Robb was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to wait for news from Highgarden.

So he took his men to patrol Fairy Island to let ordinary people and merchants know that it had been occupied by the Stark family.

At the same time, Robb also sent ten longships to travel between Fairy Island and Rock City, transporting all the seized materials back to the North for blood transfusion.

But Robb waited and waited, and after a few days, what he waited for was not the good news from Highgarden, but a sad news that no one expected.

"Your Majesty, there is news!"

"That Euron Greyjoy is so brave. He did not go along the Mander River to plunder near Highgarden, but went directly south to fight with Lord Redwyne's fleet!"

"I don't know how the battle was fought, but Lord Redwyne's fleet on the Arbor was surrounded and annihilated by the Ironmen! Half of their ships were sunk, and the rest were captured by the Ironmen, and half escaped and are still missing!"

After receiving the intelligence sent back by the spies, Robb's first reaction was that it was unlikely.

But Robb soon regained his composure.

'According to common sense, Euron is indeed unlikely to win, but if the power of the mysterious side is added, it's hard to say. '

'The Lord of Light descended, and Euron Greyjoy personally returned to the Iron Islands to kill King Balon. These are all things that have changed. '

'All signs indicate that the magical elements are reviving, so it is not impossible for the Drowned God believed in by the Iron Islands to appear. '

Robb became alert and knew that he could no longer march and fight according to common sense. The world has changed, and he must adapt to it.

Now that this unexpected situation has occurred, Robb immediately changed his previous strategy and began to rethink how to deal with it.

"Euron should go to plunder the Arbor. The most important thing now is to find the remnants of the Redwyne fleet. Only after joining forces with them can we be on par with the Iron Fleet on paper."

"If the Drowned God really resurrects, how should I deal with it?"

This question is a bit difficult for Robb.

He is confident that he can kill another god, but the problem is that this god is in the sea.

He is not good at naval battles, no, he has never fought a naval battle at all, and he doesn't know how to operate!

"I have to think of a way to kill creatures in the sea even if I don't enter the sea."

"Dragon flames and dragon roars should not have much effect on creatures in the sea. It just needs to dive into the sea. Moreover, dragon prayer consumes a lot of energy. I can't keep praying dragons all the time. If the opponent occasionally sneaks up to attack, I will have no problem, but what about my fleet?"

Robbs thought about it and began to check the spells and prayers he mastered. He had to take into account both consumption and high damage to deal with things in the sea.

Thoughts surged, Robb suddenly thought of the Valyrian steel weapon that the Manderly family gave him to please him.

"Call the blacksmiths from Fair Island. I want them to help me make something."


The Arbor.

Euron Greyjoy landed on the coast with his captains.

There were still some ships in the port of Qingting Island, but no one expected that the Ironmen would attack. The main force of the Redwyne Fleet was killed by the Iron Fleet!

So when the first Iron Fleet appeared on the sea surface, the people on the remaining ships were still cheering.

They thought it was the Ironmen longship captured by the Redwyne Fleet.

But when dozens of longships appeared, the cheers and smiles on their faces froze.

Euron and his men seized a batch of ships and landed smoothly on Qingting Island.

At this time, every Ironman had an expression of ecstasy and greed on his face. The Ironmen were originally pirates, and now a whole rich island was waiting for them to rob. This long-lost sense of pleasure made them tremble all over.

However, no captain dared to rush out with his men first. They all looked at Euron who was slowly coming ashore, waiting for the order of the Lord of the Iron Islands.

Euron's one eye scanned the area viciously, and seeing that his men were all well behaved, he said with satisfaction: "Wait here, I want to be baptized first."

After that, Euron took his brother to the sea.

His brother is also a member of the Greyjoy family, but he does not serve as a captain, but a priest of the Drowned God.

After the priest finished the prayer, he put his hand on Euron's head and pressed it into the sea.

Euron waited until he could not hold his breath anymore and grabbed the priest's hand.

The priest understood and forcibly held Euron for another ten seconds before letting him come out of the water to breathe.

This went back and forth three times, and the baptism ceremony was over.

Euron laughed: "Huh, every time I receive baptism, it seems like I have been reborn. I can feel that the Drowned God has given me strength again, and I have become stronger again!"

He came to the captains and changed his pious attitude just now: "Go rob, remember, hand in 80% of all the things you rob, this is our tribute to the Drowned God."

Faced with such harsh requirements, no one on the ship dared to show an indignant look.

They all bowed their heads respectfully, thanking Euron for his reward and the blessing of the Drowned God.

"King Euron, we will definitely give the plunder to the Drowned God."

"May the Drowned God bless us..."

No one will forget the terrifying scene when the Iron Fleet and the Redwyne Fleet met not long ago:

On the sea, golden tentacles protruded from the bottom of the sea.

The originally huge ships of the Redwyne Fleet now looked insignificant and tiny. The tentacles were mixed with the waves. With just a light tap, those ships were overturned and smashed.

It took less than ten minutes for the Redwyne Fleet, the strongest fleet on the Westeros continent, to be completely destroyed.

The tentacles seemed unsatisfied and turned around and rushed towards the Iron Fleet violently, and everyone was terrified.

At this time, Euron didn't know what method he used, kneeling on the ground and reciting something, and then he calmed the anger of the tentacles.

Euron was very satisfied with their performance: "It's good that you still remember your faith. Go, go plunder, for the Drowned God, for me, plunder the wealth of the Reach!"

After the captains left with their men, Euron returned to his Serenity.

He came to his bedroom and carefully took out two treasures from the dark box.

One was a dragon egg.

The other was a huge horn.

These were the treasures he got in Valyria. Euron picked up the dragon egg, rubbed it carefully, and felt the texture on the surface of the dragon egg.

Euron's face was full of obsession: "It hasn't hatched yet, but I can feel that it's ready to move."

Euron looked at the horn again: "Hatch it quickly, then I will be the new Targaryen!"

The horn is the dragon horn. It is said that in ancient times, even if there was no warlock who controlled the blood of the dragon, he could ride a dragon in the sky.

It depends on this dragon horn and black magic.

Dreaming of unifying the continent, the fanatical expression on Euron's face disappeared after a while.

His face showed doubts, recalling that when he was baptized just now, the Drowned God seemed to emit a little will.

"Don't go north, continue to go east..."

Euron was a little puzzled. Why did the Drowned God give him such guidance?

Going east can understand. On the continent of Essos, the descendants of the Targaryen family hatched three dragons. He can use the dragon horn in his hand to snatch these three dragons and bring them under his command.

He can also marry the woman of the Targaryen family and rebuild the Dragon Family!

However, this time the Dragon Family will be named Greyjoy!

What is in the north?

His own Iron Islands?

And... the King of the North who tried to attack the Iron Islands?

He is just a little kid!

In Euron's view, Robb is similar to himself.

He doesn't know where he learned the black magic, and he won a few battles, so he dared to attack his own Iron Islands?

What a fool who doesn't know the vastness of the sea!

Euron murmured to himself: "Although dragons are the main thing, we must also teach that brat a lesson so that he will not dare to covet the Iron Islands anymore."

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