The impact of the Reach's sudden declaration of war on the Stormlands was huge, and it also pushed the situation of the Seven Kingdoms into a more complicated, treacherous and unpredictable situation.

However, Hewan's approach is not too unexpected.

The smart nobles of the Seven Kingdoms have spied the ambitions of the Tyrell family and Viscount Caesar from this move.

For the Lannister family, although the choice of the Reach is bad, it is not the worst -

At least the army of the Reach isn't aiming for King's Landing.

If the army of the Reach chooses to attack King's Landing, then they are really facing the enemy, and there is almost no hope of winning.

Of course, the choice of the Reach has also caused great trouble for the Lannister family.

"Uncle Kaifeng, are you sure you can pull this kind of army out to fight?"

At the head of King's Landing, the Minister of Finance "Little Devil" Tyrion Lannister looked at the army below, frowning.

This was probably the worst army he had ever seen, if it could be called an army.

The team couldn't stand upright, and some people even sat on the ground. The weapons were basically wooden spears, simple round shields, and even hoes. Only a small number of people had real steel swords.

As for the armor, there are even fewer. Most of the soldiers even have tattered clothes, no different from a group of refugees fleeing famine.

"No way." Kevan Lannister was also a little helpless, "These are all urgently recruited from King's Landing, and there will definitely be quality problems."

"I suggest that you can recruit less, 50,000 is too much, pick out the elite and reduce it to 8,000 or 10,000, so that the supply of weapons and equipment can barely keep up, and the combat effectiveness may be improved Promote." Tyrion suggested, "And the current army... I suspect that most of them will run away when the war starts."

"It doesn't matter. I will try to avoid fighting with the people of the Reach in the wild. It should be okay to use these soldiers to defend the castle."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the castle in the Stormlands with them."

Kefeng sighed, and finally told the truth:

"You don't understand the real reason I did this. King's Landing... there are too many people."

Tyrion froze for a moment, finally understood, and his tone became low:

"And there is too little food..."

"Yes." Kevan nodded and lowered his voice, "The huge population of the city of King's Landing relies on the transportation of food from the Riverlands and the Reach, and now the Riverlands have followed Ed Shi Tucker has reversed, and River Bend...has also blocked the Rose Road, prohibiting food from being transported to King's Landing.

If this continues, it will be a matter of time before King's Landing will run out of food, and once there is a shortage of food, riots will easily break out in the city. "

"That's why you recruited so many young men to the battlefield."

"Yes. Since riots are inevitable, we must suppress them within a controllable range. I must take these 50,000 young men to the battlefield. I don't expect them to cause much trouble to the river bend. At least, don't stay in King's Landing Make us mess up."

Tyrion felt nothing but a chill in his heart.

He knew that these people were sent to the stormy land as cannon fodder.

And without these young adults, even if there is a riot in King's Landing in the future, the remaining old and weak women and children will be relatively easier to suppress.

He really wanted to speak out against this cruel decision, but he couldn't come up with better suggestions.

If these 50,000 young adults stay in King's Landing, it will definitely be a huge hidden danger.

"After I left, the sale of food in King's Landing was prohibited, and all of them were confiscated for unified management. Remember to give priority to supplying the army, and then the civilians. Once someone instigates a riot, you must be ruthless and nip it in the bud!"

"Okay..." Tyrion's tone was difficult, as if a big stone was blocked in his heart.

Just then, a sharp voice came from behind:

"Why did you take my daughter! Why did you take my daughter!"

Tyrion turned his head to see his sister Cersei running towards him.

"Good morning, dear sister," Tyrion greeted.

It's a pity that my dear sister ignored him, and rushed to Kai Feng, asking:

"Why send Myrcella away!"

Kefeng responded flatly:

"This is our agreement with Dorne. Myrcella must marry Trystane Martell."

"But she's only ten years old! She's only ten years old! How can she get married at the age of ten?"

"Of course not immediately." Kevan explained, "but we must send her to Sunspear to prevent the Martell family from going back on their marriage. Do you know that Prince Doran just went to Starfall to meet Samwell? Caesar? At this critical moment, we cannot bear Dorne's repetition."

"So you sold my daughter!" Cersei screamed, "just as you sold me to Robert like a mare!"

"How can there be such a beautiful mare as you, my dear old lady." Tyrion tried to soften Cersei's attitude with compliments.

Too bad Cersei didn't appreciate it at all.

"Damn dwarf!" Cersei gritted her teeth and looked at her younger brother. "If you dare to say one more word with that stinky mouth, I'll slash it with a knife!"

When Cersei said this, her fierce eyes were fixed on Tyrion's throat.

That's what she really wants to scratch. day in the future, when you are drowned in tears, your brother will strangle your pale neck and take your life...

Toad Wuji's vicious prophecy echoed in his ears again.

Cersei regretted that she hadn't strangled her dwarf brother to death in the cradle.

"There's no need to get so excited, Cersei," said Uncle Kevan kindly. "Myrcella will be treated with respect and kindness in Sunspear, as Prince Doran has assured us. Trystane is a fine boy, too, Myrcella." Ra will be happy marrying him."

"No! She won't!" Cersei screamed.

she will die! will have three children. They will be crowned with gold and shrouded in gold...

Cersei seemed to be able to see the ugly face of Toad Witch in front of her eyes.

Kefeng couldn't understand his niece's hysteria at all, and could only think that the mother was too sad to part with her daughter, but at this moment, he didn't have the time to care about it.

So, he called two guards and forcibly took the entangled Cersei down.

"I will have revenge! I will have revenge!" Cersei was yelling persistently, "You took Little Jo, and you will take Myrcella! I will never forget! One day, I, too, will destroy Something you hold dear! I swear!"

Kevan shook his head and sighed, "How did Cersei become like this?"

Tyrion shrugged: "Maybe brother James is not here, she is not in a good mood. I also want to comfort my sister, but unfortunately, I don't have my brother's pretty face."

"Seldom say such things in public." Kaifeng glared at his nephew, "Your big mouth will get you into trouble sooner or later."

"Understood." Tyrion pursed his lips tightly, and stretched out his hand to tug at his lips.

Kefeng also knew his nephew's temper, so he didn't say much, but instead said: "Speaking of James, do you know where he is now?"

"I only know that the people of the Tyrell family should have chosen to take the sea route. This is a smart choice. We have no power at sea, and we can't intercept it at all." Tyrion curled his lips, "It seems that father wants to find My beloved son can only find a way to go to the Great Wall."

Kaifeng frowned, shook his head after a while, and said:

"Forget it, let's talk about that later. We have enough troubles for now."

"Yes. And how do you plan to send Myrcella to Dorne? It's definitely not possible on land, I'm afraid you will run into the army of the river bend, as for the sea..."

"We can only go by sea." Kevan obviously already had a plan, "We will send her to Braavos first, and the Dornish people will pick her up there, and we won't care about it later."

"That's a good idea. Stannis wouldn't have imagined that we'd be sending men to Braavos. If he only intercepted merchant ships heading south, he'd miss Myrcella."

"That's the only way to go." Seeing that the army gathering place below was almost there, Kaifeng took the helmet from his attendants and prepared to go out.

Before leaving, he finally told his nephew:

"Ed Stark has been stopped by your father in the north, and the people of the River Bend in the south will not attack for the time being. Therefore, the only thing that can threaten King's Landing is Stannis' fleet at sea. Therefore, You must keep an eye on Blackwater Bay, and if Stannis' fleet comes to attack, you must hold the city with all your strength."

"I didn't expect that I would be a general one day." Tyrion whistled, but then he might feel that he was too frivolous, and quickly said seriously, "Before I fall, Stannis can't even step into King's Landing! "

Kefeng patted his short nephew's shoulder heavily, and said solemnly:

"Tyrion, although they don't like you, in my eyes, you are the most outstanding person in the younger generation of the Lannister family. Keep the city well and don't let me down."

There seemed to be sparkles in Tyrion's eyes. He took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent emotions, and said:

"Uncle, you should really tell my father more about these words."

Kefeng laughed loudly: "Your father will realize your excellence sooner or later."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Tyrion looked at his uncle's back, and whispered to himself:

"No. He won't. My father would rather have a son who kills the king, cuts off his hand, incest, and even has sworn not to be a prince, and would not look at me more..."

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