Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 351 Controlling the Dragon

"Your Majesty, how much your people love you!"

On the highest step, Hizdahr shouted with an exaggerated expression.

At the same time he held out a hand, beckoning Daenerys to come up and take it.

Daenerys stayed where she was and didn't move, just looked at him quietly, with a cold look in her violet eyes.

This look made Hizdahr's heart tighten, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

He shouted again, but saw that the queen still did not move.

The green saintess also realized that something was wrong, she exchanged glances with a saintess in a red robe next to her, and then the two stepped down the steps at the same time, ready to meet the queen.

At the bottom of the steps, Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah looked at each other and climbed up at the same time.

Hizdahr said something again, but it was lost in the cheers of the crowd.

The Unsullied started to move, countless blue and black helmets were approaching the steps, and the spikes on them shone chillingly in the scorching sun.

The green maiden's complexion changed drastically, and she let out a roar.

The nobles of Meereen on the steps began to stir.

Hizdahr turned his head sharply and was about to speak.

A shadow passed over his face.

The commotion and shouting ceased, and all voices fell silent.

Everyone's eyes are looking at the sky almost at the same time.

Daenerys also raised her head, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, why is it not a white dragon but a black dragon?

But the next moment, her heart was filled with joy.

It's Drogon!

it's back!

The black dragon hovered over the temple, it was covered in black scales, only its eyes, horns and back were blood red.

Of Daenerys's three dragons, it was already the largest, but its recent life in the wild had made it even more imposing, with jet-like wings that spread thirty feet.

The green maiden froze in place, her heart pounding. Before she could decide whether to continue with her original assassination plan, another bigger shadow shrouded it, almost covering the entire temple.


And his white dragon!

If the appearance of Drogon caused commotion, then the appearance of Cleopatra caused panic.

The white dragon arrived first and flew over the crowd quickly, the sound of flapping its wings was like thunder.

The scorching warm wind blows people to and fro.

Hizdahr scrambled and scrambled back to hide, and the Meereen nobles around him scattered away, revealing soldiers holding spears, armor and wearing harpy masks hidden behind.

Seeing them, Daenerys immediately realized that the Meereen nobles were planning to kill her at the wedding too!

But in front of the giant dragon, such a small number of soldiers can't make any waves at all.

Sure enough, as a flame mixed with black and red spewed out from Cleopatra's mouth, a line of fire was drawn in the air, instantly devouring the nobles of Meereen at the top of the steps and the soldiers behind them.

The screams and shouts rang out.

Daenerys, feeling the raging heat wave across the three wide steps, looked at Hizdahr who had turned into a fiery man, the slave master who was about to marry her, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Gods!" The green maiden collapsed on the steps, wailing, "Save your people!"

She shouted loudly in the direction of the Temple of Grace, as if there really was a god inside.

The nobles ran frantically down, screaming and shoving, trying to escape the hellish flames, many tripping over their cumbersome tokar robes.

Those who are smarter also know how to take off the toka robe, lose their dignity and aristocratic demeanor, just to stay away from the white god of death that descended from the sky.

The crowd outside the temple also began to boil, screaming, cheering, and cursing mixed together.

The Unsullied surrounded the temple with spears and shields in their hands, and when they saw the nobles running down the steps, they began to slaughter mercilessly.

The white dragon landed heavily on the top of the steps, its huge body shook the entire temple, cracks covered the surface of the stone steps, and the foundation of the temple seemed to be crumbling.

The black dragon also landed, but it seemed to be hungry, and actually stretched its claws into the charred corpses and began to eat.

"No!" Daenerys snapped angrily.

"Gods!" The green maiden spat out, "It's eating people!"

The screams all around suddenly became high-pitched.

A soldier wearing a harpy mask rushed out of the flames, spear in hand, and rushed madly at the black dragon Drogon.

Perhaps he had heard the name of the girl who died under the flames of the dragon, perhaps he had realized that it would be difficult for him to escape from the Temple of the Holy Grace, so he wanted to fight before he died. If he succeeded in slaying the dragon, he would be named Stay forever.

Compared with the huge and formidable white dragon, the black dragon seems to be easier to kill...

I saw the Meereen soldier raised the red gauze at his feet, and rushed towards Drogon at a very fast speed.

What greeted him was a blazing black and red flame.

But his actions seemed to resonate, and three or four soldiers rushed up with spears, trying to fight to the death.

Drogon flapped two of them with his wings, and knocked down one with his tail, but the fourth man took the opportunity to climb up the dragon's spine and stab the iron spear point into the back of the dragon's neck.

Daenerys and Drogon screamed simultaneously.

Fortunately, the scales protected the spear from being stuck and did not penetrate deep into the flesh, but Drogon still arched his body and roared angrily.

Its long neck bent back and bit the Meereen warrior on its back.

"No—" the dragon slayer only had time to roar, before Drogon twisted off the upper half of his body and threw it away like a mouse.

"Kill it! Kill it!" The green maiden screamed frantically.

The white dragon Cleopatra had already turned her head, spewing raging flames, drowning the few fish that escaped the net.

The black dragon Drogon became more and more manic, with its huge wings fully unfolded, flapping its fans continuously, raising waves of smoke and dust.

Daenerys felt its pain and was about to rush over.

But Ser Jorah, who came over, grabbed her arm tightly: "Don't go! Your Majesty!"

Ser Barristan also stood in front of Daenerys: "Your Majesty, this dragon is too dangerous!"

Daenerys subconsciously looks at Samwell.

The man stood proudly on the back of the white dragon, and just turned his head.

Looking at each other, Samwell shouted:

"Don't be afraid of Dany! You are of the blood of a true dragon, a born dragon knight! Show your courage and conquer this dragon!"

Upon hearing that, Daenerys immediately broke free from Ser Jorah's hand, pushed away Ser Barristan who was standing in front of her, and strode towards the black dragon.

Flames streamed down the steps, burning off her sandals.

But Daenerys didn't stop, but ran even faster.

The flames licked the soles of her pink feet, and also ignited the courage in her heart.

The world in front of me seemed to slow down suddenly.

The spear of the dragon slayer just now was still on Drogon's back, shaking with the flapping of the dragon's wings, and hot smoke rose from the wound.

"Drogon!" Daenerys yelled, "Drogon! Look at me!"

It turned its head, smoke lingered between its teeth, and a scarlet flame was brewing deep in its throat, as if it was about to burst out.

"No!" Daenerys stumbled to Drogon, but her petite body seemed to contain enormous energy, "Don't you know me?"

The black dragon lowered its head, its huge mouth almost touching Daenerys' head.

Hot breath blew the red veil off her face, and Daenerys could see her own reflection in Drogon's lava eyes.

So small, so fragile, so frightening...

No! I can't let it see my fear!

Daenerys looked directly into the black dragon's eyes, and angrily said:

"Drogon, get down!"

The black dragon roared again, and the fiery air almost knocked Daenerys away.

Samwell frowned, and was about to go to help, but Daenerys reached out and patted the dragon's belly.

"No!" she snapped. "Drogon! Get down!"

The black dragon's wings flapped again, once, twice...then they folded and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Daenerys's heartbeat finally eased a little, she jumped on the dragon's back, grabbed the spear and pulled it out.

The tip of the spear had melted, glowing red hot.

A few drops of black blood flowed from the wound, falling on the stone steps and turning into smoke.

Dragons are flesh and blood made of fire, Daenerys suddenly remembered this sentence.

me too. She raised her head and looked at Samwell, who gave her a thumbs up and gave her an appreciative smile.

Daenerys laughed too.

Drogon flapped his black wings, and the colored stone steps were thrown suddenly under his feet.

Daenerys only felt dizzy for a while, she couldn't help closing her eyes, and hugged the dragon's neck tightly.

When she opened her eyes again and looked down through the smoke, she saw that the Holy Grace Temple had become a sea of ​​flames.

The nobles of Meereen were either consumed by the flames, or died by the swords of the Unsullied who stood ready.

Countless free folk of Meereen scattered around like ants.

The sea of ​​flames was still spreading, orange red and scorched black were intertwined, a huge white figure suddenly soared into the sky, and soon came to Drogon's side, keeping pace with it.

Samwell sat on the back of the white dragon and shouted at her:

"How does it feel to ride a dragon?"

"Brilliant!" Daenerys responded with a big laugh. "It's like walking the world under my feet!"

As she spoke, she untied the Tokar robe on her body and threw it into the air.

The strong wind in the sky pressed the thin gauze tightly to her body, revealing her exquisite curves.

Her long silver-gold hair was raised back, and the whole world seemed to be reflected in her violet eyes.

Samwell looked at the flame-elf-like beautiful girl in front of him, and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a hurried horn sound.

He immediately looked down, and saw a dense army appearing outside the four gates of Meereen at the same time.

"The Yunkai'i are attacking!" Daenerys exclaimed.

"Don't panic..." Samwell had just finished speaking halfway, when another low-pitched horn sounded.

This horn was completely different from the previous ones. It seemed to come from the abyss of hell. The terrifying sound pierced into people's ears, as if it was going to ignite the flesh and blood.

Moreover, after hearing the horn, the white dragon and the black dragon suddenly became restless.

Samwell was startled suddenly, and suddenly turned his head to look west.

A fleet appeared on the white wax-like sea.

A banner emblazoned with golden sea monsters flaps its teeth and claws in the wind.

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