Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 397 The Joe Dane Family

An army snakes its way through the sand.

Various flags fluttered in the wind, the most conspicuous one was the two-headed eagle flag of the Caesar family, followed by the Meteor Sword flag of the Dane family.

At the front of the line, dozens of armored knights surrounded a gorgeous carriage.

In the car, Samwell and Natalie sat opposite each other, telling each other about their respective experiences after two years of separation.

Obviously, Samwell's story is much more exciting, with ups and downs and colorful scenes, and the little girl is fascinated by it.

But when it was her turn to talk, Natalie found that all she could talk about was trivial matters about the development of the territory, which was too boring in comparison.

Fortunately, Samwell seemed very patient, and asked in detail about the situation of Starfall City and High Hidden City, as well as the trade situation between Yingzui Island and Dorne.

"...Most of the farmers in Dainland are now planting grapes." Natalie said, "The purchase price offered by Yingzui Island is very attractive, and they can buy as much as they produce. Farmers don't have to worry about whether the grapes will not be sold. Go out. As for the food, anyway, you can buy the food in Hewan at a low price."

Samwell rubbed his chin and asked:

"What about the other territories?"

"The situation is similar in most of the territories in the west of Dorne. Bremont City, Sandstone City, Tianji City, etc., are almost all helping Yingzui Island to grow grapes."

Having said that, Natalie suddenly asked with some concern:

"Sam, you have been letting Yingzui Islet buy Dorn grapes at a high price, but selling us cheap grain. If this continues, will Yingzui Islet become poorer and poorer?"

Samwell laughed loudly:

"You are a Dorne lord, why do you think about it for the people of Hewan?"

Natalie pouted aggrievedly and said:

"I don't want you to lose too much. Otherwise, you can increase the price of food. Really, there is a general shortage of food in Dorne now, and there is no need to worry about selling food. I know that after many merchants in Starfall City bought the food in the river bend Ship them all to the east of Dorne, and they can be sold at double or triple the price.”

Samwell shook his head and said:

"Don't worry. The trade between Eagle Mouth and Dorne has always been in surplus."


"That is to say, Yingzui Island has always been the side that makes money." Samwell said, "Don't forget, the grapes purchased will be brewed into brandy in Yingzui Island, and then sold to Dorne. The profit is much higher than the difference between the price of grapes and grain.

And the brandy can be sold all over the Seven Kingdoms, so you don't have to worry about me not making any money. "

Brandy is indeed selling better and better now, and Yingzui Island has also faintly replaced Qingting Island as the largest producer of alcoholic beverages in the Seven Kingdoms.

Perhaps this is also the economic factor of the Redwyne family's deep hostility towards Caesar.

With the destruction of the Arbor Island fleet, the weakening of the Redwyne family is a foregone conclusion, and the brewing industry of Eagle Mouth Islet will no longer be rivaled, and will surely become more and more prosperous.

"That's good." Natalie was obviously relieved, as if she would rather lose money than Caesar.

While speaking, the voice of the Dane family knight sounded outside the carriage:

"Your Majesty Caesar, all the adults of the Jordyn family are here to welcome your car."

Samwell lifted the curtain, walked out, and said:

"Okay, we will rest in Thor City tonight."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The knight brought two war horses from the back of the convoy. Samwell helped Natalie onto the saddle first, and then rode on the other horse himself. The two rode forward, followed by the knights of the Dane family.

Across a sand dune, Samwell saw the green quill flag of the Jordyn family.

The Jordain family of Thor City is an ancient Andal family. In history, they once established themselves as kings, and later they were loyal to the Yronwood family. As a vassal of the Yronwood family, he fought against the Martell family, which had greatly increased its strength and intended to unify Dorne.

This time Princess Arianne attacked the Yronwood family, and the Jordain family also stood firmly on the side of the Yronwood family, so now that Samwell led the army to arrive, they also showed enough enthusiasm and loyalty.

"Your Majesty Caesar, welcome to Thor City." A girl in a gorgeous red dress stood in the front row of the welcoming line and bowed in salute.

"You are Miss Miriam, daughter of Lord Jordyn?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Mirui said, "My father is still detained in Sunspear, but even so, our city of Thor has not succumbed to the Martell family."

"Don't worry, your father will be free soon. And the loyalty of the Jordyn family will be rewarded." Samwell promised.

"Thank you for your majesty's grace!" Miri said loudly, "The Jordyn family will be loyal to you forever!"

The hundreds of people behind her seemed to have received the order at the same time, and immediately bowed down and saluted, shouting in unison.

Samwell helped Miss Miri up, then pointed to Natalie and said:

"This is Natalie Dane, Earl of Starfall City. Thanks to her, the western part of Dorne has not fallen into war and chaos."

Mirui was thoughtful when she heard the words, and saluted Natalie.

Natalie returned the gift with a smile, both excited and a little apprehensive.

Natalie was naturally aware of Samwell's intention of recruiting her here this time, but she still subconsciously worried that she would not be able to take on the important task of ruling Dorne.

However, she did not refuse Samwell either.

Back then, this man helped her, who was still a savage girl, to become the Earl of Starfall City, changing her fate. From then on, Natalie knew that she was inseparable from this man in her life.

No matter what request he puts forward, she will go all out to fulfill it.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three of them drove side by side and headed for Thor City.

Hundreds of armored knights lined up behind them, holding cold and shining spears, thundering hoofs, winding like dragons, galloping between the dark yellow sand dunes, moving forward.

The white dragon flying in the sky lowered its height and circled above its master's head. Its huge wings almost enveloped the team. The scorching aura and fearful coercion it exuded caused the members of the Jordyn family to feel awe involuntarily.

Arriving at the west gate of Thor City, Samwell and Miss Miri took the lead through the drawbridge and entered the city.

Both sides of the main road were packed with welcome crowds, who burst into cheers after seeing the huge dragon and the knights in bright armor.

In these chaotic times, strength symbolizes security, symbolizes shelter.

When the prestige of the Martell family fell to the bottom, the Dorne nobles urgently needed a new strongman to fill the vacancy and reintegrate the fragmented Dorne.

The Dornishmen, who have suffered years of war and famine, yearn for stability and peace more than ever.

But now, Caesar and his dragon have become a guarantee of peace.

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