"What? Urik lost?"

"Yes, it is……"

"Is that possible? How did you lose?"

"Fire! They use fire... fire everywhere! Our brothers... woo... all burned to death..."

"There is also a warhammer... a flaming warhammer... that lord of the River Bend wielded a flaming warhammer... smashing people into countless sparks at once..."

"It's terrible...they are demons from hell! It's terrible!"


In the castle hall of the Dane family, several soldiers who managed to escape from Eagle Mouth Island spoke incoherently about their defeat.

Castle Master Alf listened with a gloomy face, trying to restore the truth from the chaotic and exaggerated narration of several deserters.

But the truth made him really unbelievable.

The battle that was thought to be foolproof has actually failed.

The elite army of the Dane family was actually defeated by a pioneer knight who didn't even build a castle?

Although Urik did not mobilize all the troops of the Dane family due to insufficient prestige, but even so, Alf never thought that they would be defeated in a place like Yingzui Island.

Seven Gods above, this world is too crazy.

The deserters were still gesticulating and yelling, telling about all the terrible things they had experienced in Yingzui Island.

But Alf was in no mood to listen.

He just thinks about how to end it now.

Urik Sand is dead when a bastard dies, but Starfall can no longer be leaderless.

It is necessary to determine an heir to the title, otherwise people's hearts will be scattered, and it is very likely that the enemy will take advantage of it.


Alf stood up abruptly, and he immediately ordered the guards beside him:

"Immediately mobilize people to the pier to prevent the people from Hewan from attacking..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a servant trotting in and reported:

"Master Alf, Princess, Your Royal Highness is coming!"

"Princess?" Alf was stunned for a moment, "Which princess?"

"Princess Arianne."

How did she come to Starfall City?

Alf didn't have time to think about it, so he ran out to greet him.

When they came to the gate of the castle, they saw that the princess and her party had already entered the iron gate, drinking water and washing their faces under the service of servants.

Alf hurried forward to salute: "His Royal Highness, welcome to Starfall City."

Arianne was returning the silk scarf after wiping her face to the maid, when she heard this she smiled and said:

"I came in a hurry and didn't inform you in advance. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not, Your Highness. The gate of Starfall City is always open for you."

"Where is Ser Uric?"

Alf's face suddenly changed slightly, with an unspeakable look.

Seeing this, Damon Shad frowned: "Could it be that he has already gone to attack Yingzui Island?"

"Lord Urik has indeed gone..." Alf felt extremely embarrassed.

"When did you go?" Damon asked unwillingly.

"I went there early yesterday morning..."

"Then he may not have captured Yingzui Island." Damon said anxiously, "Maybe we can rush over there in time."

Alf coughed twice, and finally decided to tell the truth: "Your Royal Highness, Sir Damon, Lord Urik has been defeated."

"We won so quickly..." Damon was halfway through speaking before suddenly reacting, and suddenly turned his head to look at Manager Alf, "What did you say? Urik lost?"

Arianne also stared back at Alf, her obsidian eyes unblinking.

"Yes, Your Highness, how dare I deceive you. Soldiers have already escaped from Yingzui Island. They are in the hall. You can interrogate them yourself."

"Urik is a disgrace to the Dornish people!" Damon cursed viciously.

Arianne's expression remained unchanged. She took off the turban that protected her from the wind and sand, let her silky hair hang down naturally, and said calmly, "I want to personally interrogate those deserters. Chief Alf, please lead the way."

"Your Highness, this way please."

A group of people came to the castle hall, and Arianne interrogated the deserters who had become delirious.

In the end, only one unbelievable fact can be drawn-Urik really lost.

And it was a big defeat!

"Does that Riverbend Knight know fire magic?" Damon felt that there was only one explanation.

And in words, the illegitimate son of God's Grace City could hardly conceal his fear.

Arianne was still calm. She asked Alf to take all the deserters down, and then said:

"Don't trust the words of the deserters. They will always deliberately exaggerate the strength of the enemy in order to avoid punishment or to make themselves appear less incompetent."

Damon nodded, but still reminded: "Your Highness, but Urik should indeed be defeated."

"I know." Arianne took out a pomegranate from the plate on the table, peeled it and said, "Master Alf, how many soldiers did Urik bring to attack Yingzui Island?"

"About two thousand people." Alf replied respectfully.

"Where's the knight?"

"Twelve knights went out with the army."

Arianne put a few pomegranate seeds into her mouth, and asked again: "There are far more vassal knights in the Dane family, right?"

Alf glanced at the princess carefully, and said, "Yes, Your Highness. Counting the branches of Gaoyin City, there are thirty-five knights in the Dane family."

Less than half, it seems that the illegitimate child's appeal is very limited.

However, even if the Dane family didn't do their best, it still feels unbelievable to lose to a pioneer knight who didn't even build a castle.

Arianne thought about it, so she told the housekeeper:

"Please send someone to notify all the knights of the Dane family who have not set out, tell them that I have arrived in Starfall City, and let them come to pay a visit immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness." Alf hesitated, and then asked, "Your Highness, do you want to tell them the news of Urik's defeat?"

"Tell them."


After the steward left, Damon couldn't help but asked, "Your Highness, why are you summoning the knights of the Dane family? Are you planning to attack Yingzui Island again?"

"That's right."


"Are you scared?" Arianne interrupted with a raised brow.

Facing the gaze cast by the beautiful Dorne princess, Daemon immediately puffed up his chest and said loudly:

"Of course not!"


"There's really nothing to be afraid of."

Samwell helped Natalie jump off the boat, and said with a smile, "With me here, no one in Starfall City will dare to bully you!"

"Yeah." Natalie nodded, but her little hand was holding on to Samwell's sleeve tightly and refused to let go.

The Dornishmen on the pier looked at this group of riverbenders and savages who suddenly appeared with curious and vigilant eyes.

Fortunately, there are familiar faces like Hughes Dane, otherwise, even if there were no conflicts at the pier, some people would probably report to Starfall City.

Samwell waved for Hughes and ordered:

"You take some people to Starfall City first, tell the Dane family that Miss Natalie has returned, and ask them to come to the pier to welcome them.

Remember, if they are unwilling, you will immediately control the gate of the castle and send someone back to inform me, understand? "

"Yes, my lord."

After Hughes left with his men, Samwell continued to stay on the pier, waiting for his soldiers to land one after another.

Although Natalie is now the first heir of the Dane family, Samwell is not so foolish as to think that he can conquer Starfall City with such a little girl.

No matter when, strength is always the support of everything.

If the Dane family refused to give in, he was ready to fight another battle.

After the previous defeat, the Dane family must not be able to organize too many troops to resist.

What's more, in such a short period of time, they have no time to mobilize the army.

After waiting for about half an hour, Hughes finally returned, but his face was a little weird.

"Lord Caesar, Miss Natalie, and Princess Arianne are in Starfall City right now."

"Who?" Samwell froze for a moment.

"Princess Arianne Martell." Hughes gave Samwell a careful look, and continued, "His Royal Highness wants you and Miss Natalie to pay a visit."

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