Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 202 A heavy rain and a dream (recommended must-read)


The familiar soft call reached his ears, and Rega skillfully held her in his arms.

Lowering her head, it was Rhaenyra's panicked face.

Rhaegar breathed heavily: "Why are you here?"

"That's Jenny's room."

Rhaenyra pointed to the door behind him without moving away.

After losing her temper, she regretted her harsh words to Rhaegar.

I want to talk to Rhaegar.

Just in time to see Jenny and Rhaegar walking into the room one after another.

Hearing her question, Rhaegar grinned: "Yes, Jenny's room, I can't believe I actually came out."


"Shh! Look what stupid things I have done for you."

Rhaegar interrupted her and held her close to the door.

Through the wooden door, a suppressed sob could be heard faintly.

Before Rhaenyra could react, Rhaegar gave her a princess hug worthy of her status and said seriously: "You have to make it up to me!"

Saying that, he walked quickly through the corridor.

Rhaenyra's brain shut down and she clenched Rhaegar's sleeves blankly.

late at night.

The Red Fort was brightly lit, a cool breeze blew in the night sky, and it started to rain heavily.

In the pouring rain, many stories happened.

Early in the morning.

Rhaegar sat on the edge of the balcony, looking at the rain in King's Landing through the rain-wet glass windows.


The thunder was like a silver bottle bursting, and the lightning cut through the dark rainy night, illuminating a moment of light.


Breathing gently on the hot tea, Rhaegar took a long sip.

At this moment, he was a little afraid of the thunder outside and felt a chill down his spine.

On the bed not far away, a figure was outlined under the thin quilt.

The man was sleeping soundly, with his silver hair covering his cheeks and his forearms pillowed under his head.

Rhaegar looked out the window, his thoughts drifting away.

Rhaegar at this time has changed a lot from three hours ago.

Although the appearance is the same as before, the temperament exuded by the whole person is completely different.

She has lost her edge and become more tolerant and calm.

He followed his heart, refused Jenny's invitation, and stayed true to his word.

Putting down the teacup, Rhaegar stood up and walked to the bed.

Looking at the sleeping person, he gently lay beside her and lifted the hair covering her face.

Rhaenyra's cheeks were flushed, her eyelashes were moist and shiny, and her breathing was steady.

Rhaegar sat on the edge of the bed, smelling the sweet smell mixed with the fragrance of tea.

It was a very peaceful night, and his mind was empty.

Before he was three years old, he slept all day long.

It was Rhaenyra who sang him a lullaby from time to time.

After the age of three, he was alone.

The only thing he hoped for in his heart was that Rhaenyra would come to him at night to complain when she was in trouble.

Rhaegar felt soft in his heart and whispered: "You are so despicable, I don't want to be separated from you for a moment."

"Don't be greedy, Rhaegar..."

Rhaenyra seemed to hear his words, changed her sleeping position, and whispered softly.

Rhaegar smiled and looked at her sleeping face.

His dragon is called Glutton, which he is not.

Dong dong dong...

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Rhaegar sat up quickly and reached out to cover Rhaenyra's ears.

Rhaenyra's eyelids trembled slightly, but she still woke up.

He opened his eyes drowsily and said in a hoarse voice: "Rega, is there a knock on the door?"

"I know, you don't have to get up."

Rhaegar held her shoulders as she was about to stand up, and pulled up the quilt.

When I walked to the door, I heard Helena's panicked cry.

"Brother, please open the door quickly..."


Rega was startled when he heard the sound, and looked down at his clothes.

Fortunately, I was wearing pajamas.


The door opened a hand wide, and Rhaegar wanted to ask Helena why she was crying.

As soon as the door opened, Helena's little head squeezed in and entered the room like a loach.

"Brother, it's thundering outside, and Dayana is in the banquet hall!"

Before Rhaegar could say anything, Helena hugged him and said a lot with tears.

Rhaegar figured it out.

Dayana is Helena's exclusive maid and was called to the banquet hall by Allison to help.

Helena was afraid of thunder, and Alisson and Dayana were not around, so she ran to him.

Rega sighed, rubbed her little head, and said gently: "Don't be afraid, you will be a dragon knight in the future, how can you be afraid of thunder."

Helena had run into his room to hide from thunderstorms before, knowing that she was just afraid.

Rhaenyra heard the noise and tried to sit up, but her whole body was limp.

Frowning her brows, Rhaenyra gritted her silver teeth secretly and quietly wrapped her body in quilt.

"Rhaegar, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Not only was she uncomfortable, she was also strangely embarrassed.

Helena came at the wrong time.

She was tired and sleepy.

"Ahem, I'll take Helena back."

Rhaegar understood what she meant and responded.

Rhaenyra needed some rest and careful attention.

"I don't want to leave. Mom won't care about me tonight."

Helena burst into tears and choked up: "Brother, I want to sleep with you."

"I will take you to Aemond and Daeron, who will accompany you."

Rhaegar didn't want to embarrass Rhaenyra and suggested other ways.

Helena let Rhaegar pick her up, biting her pink lips and staring at him pitifully.

She is really afraid of thunder and hopes her brother can take her in.

"Don't look at me like that. You are a big girl and you can't sleep with me."

Rhaegar sighed and explained softly.

When they were little, they often slept together.

At that time, Helena always came to his room to play with toys. Sometimes she would play until very late and fall asleep by the fireplace.

I don’t know when Helena stopped playing with toys.

The brother and sister also see each other much less frequently.

Maybe Allison hates him and doesn't want Helena to get too close to him.

Helena curled up in his arms, buried her face in his chest, and muttered aggrievedly: "But my sister is older than me, and she didn't even leave."

"This is different."

"Rhaegar, keep her!"

Rhaenyra's voice came, interrupting his argument.

Rhaegar turned around in surprise, wondering why she changed her mind.

Rhaenyla put on a nightgown, sat on the bedside, and waved: "Allison is busy and has no time to take care of her. Let's take her in for one night."

She couldn't stand Helena's pitiful little appearance.

I don't want her to go out and say anything childlike.

Rhaegar shrugged and said, "You have the final say tonight."

He carried Helena to the bed and put her on the bed.

Helena rolled into Rhaenyra's arms and said gratefully, "Thank you, sister."

She figured out who had more say and tried to please them.

Looking at her cheeks with baby fat, Rhaenyra's eyes were playful and she pinched one side with one hand.

Helena's face turned red from being pinched, and she hesitated and did not dare to say a word.

"Okay, stop bullying her."

Rhaegar retrieved Helena and helped her escape from her clutches.

"Huh, I'll sleep with her in my arms, and you sleep on the floor."

Rhaenyra snatched it back, her eyes full of warning.

Rega smiled helplessly and took out two new quilts.

One was laid out for the sisters on the damp bed, and the other was laid out for myself on the damp floor.

As a coastal city, the climate in King's Landing is always humid.

Helena's big eyes were full of confusion, and she lay in Rhaenyra's arms, hugging her softly and sleeping.

She also likes her sister's big bear.

At the same time, the Stone Steps Islands.

A strong wind blew on the sea, but no heavy rain fell.

Dozens of warships drifted on the sea, hanging canvases painted with three red dragons, seahorses, and mermaids holding spears.

On one of the warships with three red dragon flags hanging, several figures were plotting in the cabin.

Tailan, Cole, Weimond...

And from White Harbor, the heir of the Mandalay family, Will Mandalay.

There was a sand table on the square table between the people. Tailan pointed to one of them and said excitedly:

"According to the spies' report, the pirates from the Three Women's Kingdom are hiding on this deserted island."

"Let's sneak over there while it's dark and catch them off guard."

Will Mandler looked rough and said in a loud voice: "That's right, we will destroy the Three Women's Kingdom in one fell swoop. Don't worry about his tight defense!"

"Will, watch your words!"

Weimond raised his head and warned.

Tight defense was the strategy of his brother Corliss.

"Don't be nervous, he has such a temper, no offense intended."

Tailan tried to persuade him and continued: "Lord Corliss is too cautious and has been standing still. When can we defeat the Three Women Kingdom?"

Weimond snorted coldly and put his hands behind his back.

He respects his brother and will defend him.

But since he appeared on this ship, it proved that he was also opposed to the sea snake's strategy in his heart.

The Velaryon family has sacrificed so much for this war.

The warships were damaged one by one, and sailors and soldiers died in large numbers.

He came here for the future of his family and to gain military exploits, he couldn't just keep doing it.

Seeing this, Tyran puffed up his chest and said confidently: "Sir Weimond, we have some fleets from the King's Landing, White Harbor and Velaryon. We can attack the Three Women Kingdom's garrison at night and we will definitely achieve success in one fell swoop."

Cole was silent, his eyes flashing, and he clenched the hilt of his sword.

He was persuaded by Tailan.

I want to gain military exploits and return to King's Landing with glory.

"My spies also discovered that the three women's kingdoms are gathered here. This plan is feasible."

Weimond said solemnly with a straight face: "With forty-three warships, five thousand soldiers, sufficient arrows and kerosene, we have a good chance of winning."

He followed his brother on several voyages and participated in the last Stepstone Islands.

Proficient in battlefield command and maritime operations.

He considers himself to be as talented as his brother.

Tailan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Then it's settled, we will attack the Three Women's Kingdom camp tonight."

In his opinion, ending the war as soon as possible is the right choice.

With his advice, Weimond knew how to command naval battles, plus dozens of warships.

The winning ticket is guaranteed!

"Haha, eradicate the pirates of the Three Women Country. I can't wait to see my father's shocked expression."

Will Mandler laughed loudly and patted his round belly.

Bloodstone Island.

The messenger called urgently, clamoring to see the sleeping sea snake.

The sea serpent was awakened and summoned him.

The messenger looked panicked and told the information that Tai Lan and others left the island by boat and disappeared.

"Stupid, how dare they disobey military orders and send troops privately!?"

The sea snake's expression changed drastically and he cursed loudly.

He also has his own source of information that Tailan and Weimond can get.

It is very tempting to sneak attack on the pirate settlement of Three Women Country.

But returns and risks are often directly proportional.

The sea snake was furious, its dark face became more gloomy, and shouted: "Prepare the army immediately, war is coming!"

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