Three days later.

King's Landing, Mud Gate.

Several large ships docked at the port, and soldiers carried off wounded soldiers one after another.

Rhaegar stepped off the boat and saw a familiar figure for the first time.


Surrounded by a group of guards, Rhaenyra waved high with a smile on her face.

Lei Jia's clear eyes instantly warmed up and he quickly approached.

Rhaenyra trotted closer.

Through the crowded crowd, the siblings ran in both directions and hugged each other tightly.

Rhaenyra hugged the wasp's waist, looked up at him, and said with joy, "Rhaegar, you are amazing, you won a great victory."

"It's nothing, just fighting and killing."

Rhaegar chuckled lightly, lowered his head and buried his face in Rhaenyra's hair.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, the tense nerves relaxed.

Rhaenyra tilted her head to touch his cheek, with pity in her eyes, and patted her back gently.

After seeing each other for several days, there was not a day when she was not worried.

Obviously before he had time to be gentle, Rhaegar rushed to the battlefield.

No one cared more about Rhaegar's safety than she did.

The two siblings hugged each other lovingly, and the guards walked towards them surrounded by two beautiful figures.

Allison changed into a white dress.

Jane in simple outfit.

Jenny put her hands behind her back and watched this scene with a smile.

No intention to be jealous or intrusive at all.

On the contrary, Allison stared at Rhaegar closely, looking anxious.

After a while, Rega raised his head and looked at the two people watching.

"What's wrong with you?"

His brows were slightly furrowed and his voice was cold.

I can't see anything at all, I can't stop looking at it.

"Congratulations on your triumph, Rhaegar."

Jeyne opened her arms and took Rhaegar into her arms in front of Rhaenyra.

There was helplessness in Rega's eyes.

Rhaenyra was stunned, she didn't expect Jeyne to be so fierce.


Just as Rhaenyra was about to say a few words, Allison spoke first: "Rhaegar, your father has prepared a banquet for you. Go back to the Red Keep first."


Rhaegar squeezed Rhaenyra's little hand to signal her to calm down.

Jenny let go of her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Rhaenyra glared at her and took Rhaegar one step ahead.

They had their carriages ready when they came.

Get on the carriage and rush back to the Red Fort.


A grand banquet was held in the Red Keep to celebrate the victory of the Stepped Islands.

Viserys drank freely at the banquet and praised his eldest son's achievements. He couldn't stop smiling.

Rhaegar ate some hastily and left the party.


Rega soaked in the scalding hot water and enjoyed the massage of a pair of small hands.

He spent several days on the Stepped Stone Islands, making plans all the time.

It would be an understatement to say that I was exhausted both physically and mentally.

After soaking for a while, the tiredness in his brows and eyes eased slightly, Rega said in a bewildered tone: "Alison, please give me a letter?"

"I don't want to distract you."

Rhaenyra sat on the edge of the balcony, her voice a little self-reproaching.

"It doesn't matter. I'm disgusted by the Dornishmen working against others."

After saying that, Rega grabbed the little hand that was rubbing his chest and ordered: "Help me add some hot water, Baolan."

"Okay, Prince."

The little hand broke free, and a heroic girl with long brown curly hair and wheat-colored skin stood up and went to fetch water with a kettle.

Rhaenyra turned around from the balcony and asked, "Is she your spy in Riverrun?"


Lei Jia raised a splash of water and chuckled: "Don't be so jealous. Baolan has been with me since I was 6 years old. You have worked hard and achieved great results."

"Who's jealous?"

Rhaenyra blushed and changed the subject: "Why did you transfer her back?"

"Old Tully's two sons have decided the winner. There is no need to monitor them anymore."

Rega's eyes flickered and he emphasized: "The wind is blowing, I need as many people as possible."

Rhaenyra didn't understand much, but she knew the kingdom was at war.

As the crown prince, Rhaegar made all preparations reasonable.

Just after saying a few words, Baolan came back with a kettle and poured the steaming boiling water into the tub.

As the temperature continued to rise, Rhaegar groaned comfortably and rested his head on the edge of the tub.

"Hmph, you can wash it yourself. I'm going back to the room first."

Hearing Rhaegar's moans, Rhaenyra clasped her legs and fled.

Before leaving, slam the door.

It seems to be venting dissatisfaction.

Watching Rhaenyra leave, Baolan sat back down behind Rhaegar, rubbed his head with both hands, and said with a smile: "The princess is very thin-skinned."

"Yeah, not as thick as you."

Rhaegar leaned back and moved his head from the tub to the soft surface.

Baolan didn't care and said, "I have placed all the subordinates and their families you ordered me to bring back in the dragon's lair."

"Oh, I see."

Rhaegar closed his eyes, feeling sleepy.

Change the position of the little hand that is rubbing the head, shoulders, chest, lower abdomen...

Until the new head.

Rhaegar groaned again, his back straightening.

At night.

Rhaegar woke up from a deep sleep, put on the clothes he had prepared and walked out of the bathroom.

Walking in the corridor, Rhaegar hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he walked towards his bedroom.

After being separated for more than half a year, Bao Lan's craftsmanship is still superb, and he is now completely transparent.

I won’t disturb Rhaenyra’s rest.

Returning to the bedroom door, Rhaegar pushed the door open and entered.

Under the candlelight, the bedroom looked as tidy as ever.

Rhaegar closed the door and was startled when he turned around.

Beside the fireplace with weak firelight, a little girl in a white dress sat squatting.

Rega looked at it and said in surprise: "Helena?"

The little girl raised her head and looked at her with tearful eyes, her fair face stained with tears.

He whispered softly: "Brother~~"

Rhaegar stepped forward and asked, "Who made you cry? Why are you hiding in my room?"

"No one messes with me."

Helena shook her little head, crossed her legs, and curled herself up as much as possible.

Rhaegar sat down next to her, put two more firewood in the fireplace, and said, "What have you heard?"

This little girl is very fragile.

Usually when we cry when we are sad, we usually find a place where no one is around to hide.

This was the first time I went to his room to cry.

Helena nodded her head lightly and said in a weak voice: "I heard my father and mother arguing, and it was very violent."

She had actually heard Viserys and Allison arguing.

Knowing that my brother would be back today, I hid in the room and waited for him.

Rega sighed, rubbed her hair, and said, "Don't be afraid, it's normal for couples to quarrel."

"Will I marry the Prince of Dorne?"

Helena asked timidly, leaning her head against him.

She knows what it means to be married.

And heard of the horrors of the Dornishmen.

This was the source of her fear.

Rhaegar said gently: "No, Targaryen does not need to commit himself to others. My brother will send off the Dornish envoy tomorrow."


Helena's eyes were filled with stars, and she looked at her elder brother with admiration.


Rhaegar held her in his arms, patted her back, and promised: "Brother is a big umbrella, he will protect you from the wind and rain."


Helena was so moved that she grabbed her brother's clothes and buried her head on her chest.

Rhaegar smiled and let the little girl hold him.

After a while, the clothes on his chest got wet.

Rhaegar wanted to comfort her.

Looking down, the little girl fell asleep at some point.

"You can eat and sleep really well, no wonder it smells like meat."

Black lines appeared on Rhaegar's forehead, and he carried Helena to the bed to rest.

Helena's face is somewhat similar to Allison's, with delicate and small features.

But she doesn't have Allison's slender figure.

She looks quite slim on the outside, but her clothes are full of soft flesh.

After settling Helena, Rhaegar shrugged and turned around and left the bedroom.

I still have to find my dear sister to stay overnight.

The next day.

After breakfast, Rhaegar and Rhaenyra walked out of the room hand in hand.

Eric stood guard at the door.

Rhaegar asked: "Has Helena gotten up?"

Eric said respectfully: "The little princess went out early in the morning."

"Going to the dragon's lair?"

In view of the little girl's autistic character, Rhaegar could only think of one place to go.

Ilic went there with his eyes and said he didn't know.

"Let's go too."

Rhaenyra held his hand, her eyebrows arched.

Rhaegar nodded.

His father wanted to discuss marriage with him, and also planned to let him meet the Dornish envoy.

He was really being used like a mill donkey.

Throne Hall.

Viserys sat on the Iron Throne with a smile on his face.

He had a hangover last night and was still energetic when he woke up early in the morning.

In the center of the hall, a group of fancy-dressed jesters were performing.

Two fat men pretended to be pirates from the Kingdom of Three Women, and one skinny man pretended to be a Dornishman.

In front of them were two funny dwarfs.

A dwarf wearing a black dragon-shaped prop was crawling around on the ground.

Mushroom wore a silver wig and held a stubby wooden sword made of forged dragon claws. He rode on the back of another dwarf and shouted: "Glutton, charge!"

The dwarf under him screamed twice and crawled towards the thin jester.

Viserys watched with great interest and said: "Although Mushroom is mentally ill, he can always come up with interesting shows."

"Yes, the jester's job is to make the monarch laugh."

Otto stood under the Iron Throne and smiled in agreement.

"Arrogant Dornish idiot, take my sword."

The dwarf crawled between the three jesters, and the mushroom picked up his wooden sword and struck each of them hard.

The three jesters were beaten so hard that they screamed and fell to the ground, rolling around and crawling around.

"Haha, I, Rhaegar Targaryen, am the strongest dragon knight."

Mushroom raised his wooden sword high and laughed comically.

The three jesters knelt on the ground, kowtowed vigorously, and begged for mercy: "Young Dragon King, have mercy on me..."

"Do you still dare to invade the territory?"

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..."

"Get out of here!"

"Long live the Young Dragon King, long live the Young Dragon King..."

Mushroom rode the dwarf and climbed around in high spirits.

The three jesters were rolling on the ground, shouting "Long live the Young Dragon King."

Listening to their cries, Viserys was unaware at first.

Leng Buding asked: "The Young Dragon King refers to Lei Jia?"

Otto was watching the performance and said casually: "Yes, the prince defeated the Three Women Kingdom. The whole army was convinced, and he won the honorific title of Young Dragon King."

"Young Dragon King..."

Viserys narrowed his eyes, his eyes twinkling.

At this time, the mushroom noticed that the king was no longer laughing, so he quickly got off the dwarf and knelt on the ground.

The other jesters followed suit and knelt in a row.

"Your Majesty, it's just a title, but it also proves the prince's bravery."

Otto waved his hand to disperse Mushroom and the others, trying to persuade them indifferently.

"You're right, it's just a title."

Viserys muttered and smiled again: "Rhaegar is my eldest son, he deserves this title!"

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