"elder brother."

As soon as the words were spoken, Helena pursed her lips and looked at Rhaegar's aggrieved call.

"What's going on? Come on."

Looking at Helena with a little painted face, Rhaegar waved quickly.

Helena broke free from her grandfather Otto's hand and ran into her brother's arms.

Rhaegar glanced at the Four Storms, caressed Helena's face, and frowned: "How did you do it?"

"There was a fight."

Helena raised her little face, sniffed pitifully, and felt aggrieved: "Aegon beat Cassandra, they went to beat Aegon, and I was involved in the fight with Aemond."

She was only 13 years old, and Eamond was two years younger than her, so she suffered a little disadvantage.

Hearing this, Rhaegar slapped his forehead and said speechlessly: "Seven levels of hell!"

Love is a child's farce.

After a while, Viserys also reacted and asked Rhaenys what happened.

Rhaenys is worthy of being the uncrowned queen. She does not take sides and speaks clearly and clearly.


Viserys slammed the wine cup and said angrily: "Damn it, you beat a woman and you dare to run away!"

Of course he was talking about Aegon.

Aegon beat someone, fearing punishment and not wanting to marry, so he grabbed a horse at the stable and ran out of the camp.

Bolos's face turned red, he hugged his second daughter Marissa, gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, it was you who expressed your request for marriage in your letter, so I came here with my four daughters. Prince Aegon's move is too arrogant."

He had just been reprimanded by the king and forced to behead five loyal vassals.

I thought the matter would be settled, but I didn't want my daughter to be beaten up by a Targaryen boy.

Lest the king take advantage of the situation, he found his cousin Rhaenys to make the decision.

Viserys frowned deeply and said in a deep voice: "Boros, this matter was definitely not my fault. I will find Aegon and give you an explanation."

It is indeed unseemly to beat the person you are choosing to marry.

Bolos gritted his teeth and wanted to say a few words to seek justice, but the words were choked back in his throat.

Rhaenys looked around at the nobles enjoying themselves and said in a low voice: "Viserys, Aegon must apologize to the Four Storms. The Baratheon family also needs face."

"No problem, I will never cover him up."

Viserys was so angry that he forced a smile to look at the Four Storms and said in a gentle tone: "There are also beautiful ladies. Aegon doesn't know how to praise. I will choose new children to entertain you."

At this time, he still did not give up the plan of marriage.

Without a layer of shackles, he really didn't want to trust the Stormlands under Boros' rule.

Kassandra's eyes lit up, she glanced at Rhaegar with the bruised corners of her eyes, and asked expectantly: "Who will entertain us?"

The so-called entertainment is naturally the object of marriage.

Viserys saw through her little thoughts at a glance and smiled sweetly: "I will choose between my two younger sons."

He waved to Rhaegar and ordered: "The soldiers' patrol is not going well, you lead the team to find Aegon."

The eldest son is already engaged and must not agree to the daughter of the Baratheon family.

Rhaegar understood the meaning, patted Helena on the back and said, "Father, Helena and Aemond have also been wronged. Don't forget to comfort them."

Helena wrinkled her little face and walked towards her father aggrievedly.

Si Feng was not only beaten, but she was also pushed several times.

Leaving Viserys with a troubled look on his face, Rhaegar glanced at Otto, who was silent, and walked out of the camp.

As soon as he went out, he collided head-on with Allison who came after hearing the news.

Allison had no time to worry about trivial matters. He rushed into the camp worriedly and shouted: "Where is Aegon? How did Helena and Aemond do this?"

Rhaegar listened to her voice, shrugged and continued walking.

With Alison here, Helena and Emond will definitely not be wronged.

At night, stars hang in the night sky, and dark clouds block the bright moonlight.

A winding path in the royal forest, more than ten miles away from the camp.


A white horse galloped, with Rhaegar on its back and Aegon chasing behind him, suspended by a rope.

"Rhaega, stop, I can't run anymore!"

Aegon was so tired that he felt dizzy and his steps were limp and weak, almost being dragged along the ground.

Rhaegar turned a deaf ear and whipped the horse's butt, which only accelerated the speed of the white horse.

"Hey! Did you listen to me? I really can't do it anymore."

Aegon panted violently, his legs stumbling as he chased after him, wanting to cry without tears.

After about a mile of horse racing, Aegon could no longer hold on. He fell down with a wailing sound and was dragged a long distance on his back.


Regal called for a halt, threw down his whip and got off his horse.

Aegon collapsed on the ground, and the clothes on his back were torn, revealing his bruised and swollen back.

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Seeing Rhaegar walking step by step, Aegon was shocked. He kicked his legs and tried to run, regardless of his bound hands.

Rhaegar grabbed his collar and said funnyly: "Why didn't you ride on the dragon?"

Aegon looked mournful, too frightened to move, and said angrily: "Your glutton is searching for Yang Yan, and Yang Yan is hiding and afraid to see me."

He also wanted to ride a dragon and run far away, but reality gave him a painful blow.

Rhaegar laughed completely and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"What?" Aegon asked tremblingly, rubbing his head backwards.

Rega suppressed his smile and said coldly: "You're in bad luck."

After that, he picked up Aegon who was dodging and slapped him across the face.

When the slap hurts, I hit him with my fist, and when I got tired, I kicked him with my feet.

Rega taught him a lesson while beating him: "You are still not a man! Forget it if you hit a woman, why are you running away? Will my father chop you up?"

After leading the team to chase for a long time, they finally caught the drunk Aegon by a creek.

But he had to let his anger out first.

"Stop fighting, I was wrong..."

Aegon couldn't dodge, he held his head and hunched over, shouting: "I really don't like those people, why do I have to marry them!"

"That's a family marriage. Do you think you can do whatever you want?"

Rhaegar was furious, grabbed the trembling Aegon, and asked: "You don't want to marry a daughter of the Baratheon family, but you want to be engaged to Helena?"

"No! That idiot might as well be Four Storms."

Aegon shook his head repeatedly, twitching the corners of his bleeding mouth, and begged: "I want to marry a great beauty, even if the status is low. Leave the Four Storms to Aemond and Daeron."

Rega was very angry and said: "How could a fool like you blind your grandpa's plan in vain?"

When he was tired from the beating, he untied the rope Aegon tied to his horse's tail, carried him and threw him on the horse's back.

Riding on the white horse again, Rhaegar rode back to the camp without caring whether Aegon was lying still.

In less than half an hour, the camp gate was within easy reach.

Enter the camp and take Aegon to the main tent to be punished by his father.


Allison was also in the camp. Seeing Aegon's miserable condition with a bruised nose and swollen face, he exclaimed in distress.

"Allison, please step back first."

Viserys scowled, not wanting to see his wife shielding his second son.

Allison glared back unwillingly, and said sadly: "What's wrong with Aegon? Please call the Grand Maester to treat him."

The former sentence was to her husband, and the latter sentence was to the Kingsguard Alec who was guarding the tent door.

Viserys waved his hand dejectedly and said, "Go out, Aegon apologizes to the Four Storms, and you will be punished fairly."

"Don't forget, Aegon is also your son."

Allison looked sad, but she did not dare to go against her husband's decision and walked out angrily.

When passing by Rega, anger appeared in his eyes for a moment, but he hid it well.

She knew that Rhaegar must have inflicted Aegon's injury.

Rega's eyes were calm and he ignored it.

Aegon was spoiled and had no sense of responsibility at all, only caring about his own pleasure.

For Rhaegar, it was not a bad thing that his half-father Aegon had accomplished nothing.

But you can't cause him trouble and act recklessly based on your royal status.

If he had to resist something as ordinary as marriage, what else could he be expected to do?

After Allison left, the atmosphere in the camp relaxed slightly.

With no outsiders present, Viserys forced Aegon to apologize to the beaten Cassandra, and then to each of the other three sisters.

With Rhaenys as a guarantee, Bolos did not dare to pursue the blame. Instead, he ordered his four daughters to apologize to Helena and Aemond.

The siblings were really wronged and got involved in the fight.

Finally, Viserys put on the air of a king and smiled kindly: "Boros, the marriage is subject to discussion. We can let the children communicate more in private."

Bolos' face was ugly, and his eyes looked past the dissatisfied Aegon and looked at the ordinary Aemond.

The third son of the king, a prince with little knowledge in literature and martial arts, and not much attention in the court.

The most important thing is, there are no dragons!

After much thought and fear that the king would cause trouble, Bolos agreed with a stiff neck: "The daughter of the Baratheon family never holds grudges, and both parties will get along harmoniously."

Aemond drooped his head, not knowing that he had become Aegon's replacement.

In his mind, he was still recalling the dispute during the day.

I pondered over and over again, if I had a dragon of my own, would I be able to kill the Four Storms with a single burst of dragon flame.

As I thought about it, I clenched my fists unconsciously.

In the camp, the nobles held a bonfire party.

Some people saw the scene of Rhaegar dragging Aegon on horseback, and others saw the conflict between Aegon and the Four Storms in the afternoon.

There were whispers in secret about the strained relationship between the royal family and House Baratheon.

Allison walked out of the tent angrily, and the cool night breeze blew against her face, awakening her remaining sanity.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Suddenly, a low voice filled with emotion came from not far away.

Allison turned his head and raised his head proudly, his green skirt fluttering in the wind.

As far as the eye could see, there was a corner far away from the bonfire.

Laris was holding his scepter, sitting alone on a round wooden stool, looking at her with a shy smile.

Feeling Allison's sharp gaze, Laris was a little uncomfortable and lowered his head covertly.

His eyes were fixed on the ground, not daring to look at others, as if he was afraid of others seeing through his inner self-consciousness and inferiority.

"looking for me?"

Allison looked around and walked towards the corner.

The light was dim in the corner, and there was a table full of leftovers. No one paid attention to it.

It fits Larisse's dark and shady character.

Laris smiled: "Queen, you seem to need a reliable ally."

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